For the last few years, Puzzlebox has been publishing open source software and hacking guides that walk makers through the modification of RC helicopters so that they can be flown and controlled using just the power of the mind. Full systems have also been custom built to introduce youngsters to brain-computer interfaces and neuroscience. The group is about to take the project to the next stage by making a Puzzlebox Orbit brain-controlled helicopter available to the public, while encouraging user experimentation by making all the code, schematics, 3D models, build guides and other documentation freely available under an open-source license.
jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012
Puzzlebox Orbit brain-controlled helicopter is flying into production
For the last few years, Puzzlebox has been publishing open source software and hacking guides that walk makers through the modification of RC helicopters so that they can be flown and controlled using just the power of the mind. Full systems have also been custom built to introduce youngsters to brain-computer interfaces and neuroscience. The group is about to take the project to the next stage by making a Puzzlebox Orbit brain-controlled helicopter available to the public, while encouraging user experimentation by making all the code, schematics, 3D models, build guides and other documentation freely available under an open-source license.
Aena recorta el 50 % de la plantilla en 17 aeropuertos
Aena recorta el 50 % de la plantilla en 17 aeropuertos: Aena reducirá el personal en 17 de sus aeropuertos menos rentables
Aena ha decidido reducir el personal en 17 de sus aeropuertos y dos helipuertos, como parte de su Plan de Eficiencia Aeroportuaria para adecuar a la demanda real la oferta de servicios y reducir gastos. Ha optado por 19 infraestructuras deficitarias, según especificó, que le permitirá mejorar sus números.
Sin embargo, a nive
Aena ha decidido reducir el personal en 17 de sus aeropuertos y dos helipuertos, como parte de su Plan de Eficiencia Aeroportuaria para adecuar a la demanda real la oferta de servicios y reducir gastos. Ha optado por 19 infraestructuras deficitarias, según especificó, que le permitirá mejorar sus números.
Sin embargo, a nive
Production of Amphibian Aircrafts
Production of Amphibian Aircrafts:
Samara has many industrial companies and objects. One of them is “AeroVolga” where amphibian aircrafts are made. This company was founded in 2002 by enthusiasts. They produce amphibians in six modifications. In Russia this company has no competitors. They make … Read more...

OPVs: Inside Firebird
Inside Firebird:
The whole concept of an optionally piloted vehicle (OPV) poses interesting questions about how to design the cockpit displays. For a single-seat OPV, when the pilot is simply flying the UAV from one place to another, then a baseline general aviation type configuration is probably adequate. However for the more ambitious two-seat OPV which puts a sensor/weapons systems operator in the right seat, then it is a whole different story.
The whole concept of an optionally piloted vehicle (OPV) poses interesting questions about how to design the cockpit displays. For a single-seat OPV, when the pilot is simply flying the UAV from one place to another, then a baseline general aviation type configuration is probably adequate. However for the more ambitious two-seat OPV which puts a sensor/weapons systems operator in the right seat, then it is a whole different story.
La Fuerza Aérea de Perú abre una licitación internacional para la inspección mayor de su flota de Su-25
La Fuerza Aérea de Perú abre una licitación internacional para la inspección mayor de su flota de Su-25:
El paquete comprendería además la adquisición de un importante número de repuestos – que garanticen la operatividad por al menos dos años – y diversos componentes y manuales técnicos.
USAF receives first QF-16 target for developmental testing
USAF receives first QF-16 target for developmental testing: Boeing has handed over the first QF-16 full scale aerial target (FSAT) drone to the US Air Force's (USAF) 53rd Weapons Evaluation Group (WEG) for developmental testing at Tyndall Air Force Base (AFB) in Florida, US.
Los Chinos Se Quedan Con Glasair
Los Chinos Se Quedan Con Glasair: La empresa china Zhuhai Hanxing General Aviation Co. Ltd. anunció en el 9no China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition que ha adquirido el 100% de la conocida empresa estadounidense fabricante de kit de aviones experimentales Glasair Aviation. La fábrica en Estados Unidos permanecería sin cambios pero los chinos adquirirían la tecnología para fabricar el Sportsman, modelo biplaza d
La cumbre ministerial de la ESA decide invertir 10.000 millones de euros en futuros programas
La cumbre ministerial de la ESA decide invertir 10.000 millones de euros en futuros programas:
Nápoles.- La Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) concluyó ayer en Nápoles la reunión del Consejo a Nivel Ministerial. Los ministros de los 20 países miembros, además de Canadá han asignado 10.000 millones de euros para las actividades espaciales de la ESA y sus futuros programas.
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