miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012
Material witness – the clever components transforming UAVS
Material witness – the clever components transforming UAVS: Research into new materials could result in super-light unmanned aircraft that can heal damage on the wing, charge batteries from exhaust heat or use a completely clear wood derivative through which sensors can work. Berenice Baker investigates the i…
Debuta en Zhuhai el helicóptero chino WZ-10
Debuta en Zhuhai el helicóptero chino WZ-10:

El WZ-10 es un helicóptero con misiles antitanques con capacidad para ataques aire-aire. El helicóptero ha sido desarrollado y producido por la empresa Industria Aeroespacial de Changhe, en la provincia de Jiangxi, filial de la Corporación para la Industria de la Aviación de China. El programa fue ejecutado conjuntamente por más de 40 institutos de investigación de todo el país.
El WZ-10 es un helicóptero con misiles antitanques con capacidad para ataques aire-aire. El helicóptero ha sido desarrollado y producido por la empresa Industria Aeroespacial de Changhe, en la provincia de Jiangxi, filial de la Corporación para la Industria de la Aviación de China. El programa fue ejecutado conjuntamente por más de 40 institutos de investigación de todo el país.
Tarmac Aragón, lista para despegar en Teruel
Tarmac Aragón, lista para despegar en Teruel:
Teruel.- La empresa francesa con sede en Tarbes Tarmac Aerosave está lista para iniciar sus operaciones de Estacionamiento, Mantenimiento y Reciclado de aviones en el aeropuerto de Teruel, una vez que el aeropuerto esté oficialmente inaugurado a finales de este año 2012.
Teruel.- La empresa francesa con sede en Tarbes Tarmac Aerosave está lista para iniciar sus operaciones de Estacionamiento, Mantenimiento y Reciclado de aviones en el aeropuerto de Teruel, una vez que el aeropuerto esté oficialmente inaugurado a finales de este año 2012.
La ETSI Aeronáuticos acoge la nueva Cátedra Aernnova
La ETSI Aeronáuticos acoge la nueva Cátedra Aernnova:
La actividad de la nueva Cátedra se centrará en las estructuras aeroespaciales, concretamente en el desarrollo, diseño, industrialización, validación y verificación de sus componentes. Su objetivo primordial será potenciar la enseñanza impartida en la ETSI Aeronáuticos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) en dicho ámbito.
La actividad de la nueva Cátedra se centrará en las estructuras aeroespaciales, concretamente en el desarrollo, diseño, industrialización, validación y verificación de sus componentes. Su objetivo primordial será potenciar la enseñanza impartida en la ETSI Aeronáuticos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) en dicho ámbito.
Riesgos y retos del programa del primer avión de entrenamiento primario-básico de la UNASUR
Riesgos y retos del programa del primer avión de entrenamiento primario-básico de la UNASUR:
Argentina ha ofrecido, como punto de partida, el denominado Proyecto IA-73, una aeronave básica que podría sustituir a los ancianos T-34 MENTOR, que tan buenos servicios dieron a las fuerzas aéreas latinoamericanas.
Estreno en la ETSI Aeronáuticos del film 'Y el mundo cambió'
Estreno en la ETSI Aeronáuticos del film 'Y el mundo cambió':
Madrid.- Mañana, Discovery MAX presenta en la ETSI Aeronáuticos de la UPM una serie documental sobre los inventos del siglo XX que han cambiado nuestro mundo, presentada por Àngels Barceló. El primer episodio: los aviones.
Madrid.- Mañana, Discovery MAX presenta en la ETSI Aeronáuticos de la UPM una serie documental sobre los inventos del siglo XX que han cambiado nuestro mundo, presentada por Àngels Barceló. El primer episodio: los aviones.
La SAE contada a los niños: "Las autopistas del cielo. ¿Magia?, ¿cómo se controlan los aviones?"
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China welcomes EU move to suspend aviation’s inclusion in ETS
“EU’s ETS development showed that it started to move from unilateral action to a global solution through ICAO’s multilateral negotiations. China will take an active part in ICAO’s negotiations to address the aviation carbon emission issue and, hopefully, ICAO can develop a global system to tackle airlines’ carbon emissions [by its next general assembly in September 2013],” Chai said.
Saudis Request Package with 20 C-130Js, 5 KC-130J Tankers
Saudis Request Package with 20 C-130Js, 5 KC-130J Tankers: The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress Nov. 8 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for 20 C-130J-30 Aircraft and 5 KC-130J Air Refueling Aircraft, as well as associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $6.7...
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[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
EU suspends aviation inclusion in ETS for international flights
EU suspends aviation inclusion in ETS for international flights:
The aviation industry has welcomed the European Commission’s decision to suspend its Emissions Trading System (ETS) for flights into and out of Europe for a period of one year to allow time for ICAO to finalize a global scheme.
The aviation industry has welcomed the European Commission’s decision to suspend its Emissions Trading System (ETS) for flights into and out of Europe for a period of one year to allow time for ICAO to finalize a global scheme.
Huelga general del 14 de noviembre. Servicios mínimos del transporte aéreo
Huelga general del 14 de noviembre. Servicios mínimos del transporte aéreo:
Ante la huelga general convocada para el 14 de noviembre el Ministerio de Fomentoha dictado como siempre unos servicios mínimos para las aerolíneas.
Ante la huelga general convocada para el 14 de noviembre el Ministerio de Fomentoha dictado como siempre unos servicios mínimos para las aerolíneas.
COMAC wins 50 new orders for C919
COMAC wins 50 new orders for C919:
The Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China (COMAC) has won 50 orders for the 150-seat C919 at the Zhuhai Air Show.
The Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China (COMAC) has won 50 orders for the 150-seat C919 at the Zhuhai Air Show.
Unión Europea frena el cobro por las emisiones a las aerolíneas
Nadie estaba de acuerdo con la forma en que los políticos europeos querían cobrar a las aerolineas por sus emisiones contaminantes ya que el modo no se veía justo para las aerolíneas europeas frente a las de otros países, porque se quería cobrar por emisiones realizadas fuera del espacio aéreo europeo, y sobre todo por el hecho de que ese dinero recaudado no se iba a invertir en programas medioambientales que de verdad compensansen las emisiones de óxidos de carbono por parte de los motores de los aviones. Varios países habían llegado incluso a prohibir por ley a sus aerolíneas pagar la tasa europea. Leer noticia entera aqui: Unión Europea frena el cobro por las emisiones a las aerolíneas:
Chinese customer orders Airbus ACJ319
Reinforces Airbus corporate jet presence in China
Blagnac, 14 November 2012
An Airbus ACJ319 with the fuel-saving Sharklet option has been ordered by a Chinese customer, in the first deal for this version from the country. The order builds on the strong Airbus corporate jet presence in greater China, where there are around 25 orders to date.
Airbus corporate jets such as the ACJ318 and ACJ319 are already in widespread service in China, with operators such as BAA Jet Management, Beijing Airlines, China Eastern Executive Aviation, Comlux Asia, Deer Jet, Hong Kong Jet and TAG Aviation.
“China is a relatively new market for corporate jets, as well as having one of the highest economic growth rates, making it a bright spot in today’s business jet market, especially at the top end where Airbus corporate jets serve with distinction,” points out Airbus Chief Operating Officer, Customers, John Leahy. “The Chinese business jet market also favours the ability to carry larger groups, for which Airbus corporate jets are especially well suited.”
Airbus’ ACJ318, ACJ319, ACJ320 and ACJ321 share a similar length and wingspan with competing large business jets, but have the widest and tallest cabin, delivering unequalled comfort, space and freedom of movement.
The wider cabin of Airbus corporate jets allows unique features such as a large circular table that converts to a square one, which is popular in cultures such as China’s because it allows the ideal arrangements for both socialising and playing games such as Mah Jong.
Airbus corporate jets also come from a good family – the world’s most modern – which means that they deliver inherently good value, with many standard features that are lacking in other business jets. These include pilot and mechanic friendly common cockpits, fly by wire controls and centralised maintenance. Other features include a richer baseline specification, extensive use of weight-saving materials such as carbonfibre, and new range-extending engine options.
More than 490 Airbus customers and operators benefit for a worldwide network of technical support and training and support centres, which includes services tailored to corporate jet users, including staff based in China.
Airbus corporate jets now also has commercial offices in both Beijing and Hong Kong.
Airbus corporate jets have won more than 170 orders to date, from companies, individuals and governments, and are flying on every continent, including Antarctica.
“Join the Spirit” for a clean Environment
- EADS Innovation Works, Airbus and ENN invite Chinese research teams to join a competition for new sustainable energies in aviation
- Innovative teams in China are asked to tackle a global problemsolving challenge from EADS Innovation Works, Airbus & ENN
- Five prizes will be awarded
- Prizes range from 1000 RMB to 20 000 RMB.
- The Champion team will also be rewarded with a research contract worth up to 400,000RMB by EADS Innovation Works
A national research competition dedicated to new sustainable energies in the aviation sector in China was launched at the 9th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition (Zhuhai Airshow). The sponsors of this competition are EADS Innovation Works, the EADS group’s corporate research and technology network, Airbus, a leading aircraft manufacturer within the EADS Group, and ENN, a leading clean energy company based in China. Teams from research institutions all across the country are invited to participate in this nationwide competition.
Named “Join the Spirit,” this competition presents a challenge for Chinese research teams to come up with innovative concepts linked to new sustainable energies for the aviation sector in various different domains (Algae bio-fuel for aviation, Solar energy for aerospace, Energy storage for aerospace, Smart energy network, Optimization, improvement of energy efficiency etc.). Participants are given five months to work on their selected themes after which the reports can be submitted on a dedicated website: http://jointhespirit.eads.com.
A list of 5 finalists will then be selected and invited for the “grand finale” at the Airbus final assembly line factory in Tianjin and the teams will be awarded the following prizes:
- The Champions: Prize worth up to 20,000 RMB (approximately 3200 USD) plus an opportunity for project collaboration with funding up to 400,000 RMB (app. 64,000 USD)
- 1st Runner-up: a prize worth up to 10,000 RMB (approximately 1600 USD)
- 2nd Runner-up: a prize worth up to 5,000 RMB (approximately 800 USD)
- Most marketable/viable idea: a prize worth up to 1,000 RMB (approximately 160 USD)
- Most creative idea: a prize worth up to 1,000 RMB
“There is always a huge gap between the classroom and the real world. With this competition, Chinese students will have the opportunity to put into practice what they’ve learnt in their textbooks through working with a real-world challenge in new energies for the aviation market. They will thus have the chance to enhance their academic knowledge in the frame of a stimulating teamwork environment,” explains Jean Botti Chief Technical Officer of EADS.
“Airbus will provide strong support to this contest,” says Laurence Barron, President of Airbus China. “Airbus shares the vision of EADS and the industry for a greener aviation industry and we believe the contest will inspire more Chinese young people to devote themselves to making the earth a better place to live on.”
"ENN has always devoted itself to the innovation and implementation of clean energy technologies. We have also placed much emphasis on the development of young talents in the global energy and technology arena", says Dr Zhong Xue Gan, the Chief Technology Officer of the ENN Group.
This competition will start on 13 November 2012, and end on 31 March 2013. The list of the finalists will be published in May 2013 on the “Join the Spirit” website and the final results will be announced during the Grand Finale at the Airbus final assembly line factory in Tianjin.
EADS Innovation Works is a global network of seven trans-national Technical Capability Centres that have the mission to identify new value-creating technologies and to develop technological skills and resources. The organisation also operates EADS’s corporate research and technology laboratories that promote the group’s technical innovation potential with a focus on the long-term.
About Airbus
Airbus is the leading aircraft manufacturer offering the most modern and efficient passenger aircraft family on the more than 100-seat market. Its military division, Airbus Military, is the global leader for military transport, tanker and surveillance airlifters ranging from three to 45 tonnes of payload. Airbus is an EADS company.
About EADS
EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2011, the Group – comprising Airbus, Astrium, Cassidian and Eurocopter – generated revenues of € 49.1 billion and employed a workforce of over 133,000.
About ENN
ENN, a leading clean energy company founded in 1989, aiming at the harmonious development between energy and environment, is committed to developing and utilizing clean energy technologies. Its business includes energy distribution, Solar energy, Energy chemicals, Intelligent energy, Culture & travel. ENN has employed more than 27,000 people in over 100 subsidiaries around the world, and in more than 100 cities throughout China.
Interjet signs purchase agreement for 40 A320neo
Mexican low-cost carrier and all-Airbus operator Interjet signed a purchase agreement for 40 A320neo aircraft. Interjet will announce the aircraft’s engine selection at a later date. The A320neo has over 95 percent airframe commonality making it an easy fit for Interjet’s fleet of 36 A320s. Later this month, Interjet will receive an additional A320 aircraft.
In only seven years of operations, Interjet has become a leading domestic airline in Mexico, having quickly expanded their network throughout the country and into the United States, Central America and the Caribbean. The new A320neo will support their continued network expansion and fleet renewal plans. Interjet has a backlog of 45 A320 Family aircraft, including today’s order.
“Adding the newest aircraft technology to our already young and efficient A320 fleet will allow us to operate some of the most cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly equipment available in aviation,” said Interjet Chairman Miguel Aleman Velasco.
“The A320neo will help Interjet maintain our leading position in Mexico’s airline business,” said Interjet President Miguel Alemán Magnani.
“This order solidifies an already strong partnership with one of Mexico’s leading airlines. It also reinforces Latin America’s growing trend of operating some of the world’s youngest and most efficient aircraft,” said John Leahy, Chief Operating Officer, Customers. “Interjet will be one of the first airlines in the region to operate the A320neo and to benefit from the 15 percent reduction in fuel burn it delivers.”
To date, more than 8,600 Airbus A320 Family aircraft have been sold and more than 5,300 delivered to more than 350 customers and operators worldwide, making it the world’s best selling commercial jetliner ever. With proven reliability and extended servicing periods, the A320 Family has the lowest operating costs of any single-aisle aircraft. The A320neo, with almost 1,500 firm orders from more than 30 customers since its launch, is the fastest selling commercial aircraft ever and is on track to enter service from 2015.
With more than 700 aircraft sold and a backlog of almost 350, over 450 Airbus aircraft operate throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. In the last 10 years, Airbus has tripled its in-service fleet, while delivering more than 60 percent of all aircraft operating in the region.
Airbus is the world’s leading aircraft manufacturer with design and manufacturing facilities in France, Germany, the UK, and Spain as well as subsidiaries in the US, China, Japan and in the Middle East. Headquartered in Toulouse, France, Airbus is an EADS company.
F-22, F-35 costs and delays threaten readiness
F-22, F-35 costs and delays threaten readiness: The Air Force’s push to field F-22 and F-35 fifth-generation fighters — and the delays that have plagued both programs — is putting the service at risk of not having enough fighters for future missions, a former F-22 squadron commander warned in a journal article published by Air University.
5 Uses For Drones That Don't Involve Fighting Terrorists - The Epoch Times
5 Uses For Drones That Don't Involve Fighting Terrorists - The Epoch Times:
![]() The Epoch Times | 5 Uses For Drones That Don't Involve Fighting Terrorists The Epoch Times ... the resulting humanitarian crises showed the need to supply relief quickly, and in large quantities to impassable or remote areas. In response, researcher at the University of Tennessee developed the Humanitarian Response Unmanned Aircraft System. |
Iran tests missile systems during major air defense exercise - Tehran Times
Iran tests missile systems during major air defense exercise - Tehran Times:
![]() Fars News Agency | Iran tests missile systems during major air defense exercise Tehran Times ... Tuesday, air defense units of the Armed Forces and the IRGC repelled an attack by fighter jets and unmanned aerial vehicles of the hypothetical enemy against the country's sensitive areas, using medium-range and low-altitude missile and artillery ... Iran to Unveil New Missile Systems in Air Defense DrillsFars News Agency Iran unveils new missile systemsThe Nation Iran Hovercraft Reveals Air Defense System That Launches Missiles And Drones ...The Inquisitr Business Insider -UPI.com -U.S. News & World Report los 515 artículos informativos » |
Sukhoi to Build Strike, Recon Unmanned Planes - RIA Novosti
Sukhoi to Build Strike, Recon Unmanned Planes - RIA Novosti:
Sukhoi to Build Strike, Recon Unmanned Planes RIA Novosti ZHUHAI, November 13 (RIA Novosti) - Russian aircraft maker Sukhoi is to focus on creating reconnaissance and strike unmanned air vehicles (UAV) in the near future, United Aircraft Corporation President Mikhail Pogosyan said at the Zhuhai Airshow China ... y más » |
China showcases weapon systems at airshow - China.org.cn
China showcases weapon systems at airshow - China.org.cn:
![]() China.org.cn | China showcases weapon systems at airshow China.org.cn And in the unmanned combat system area, we displayed six types of unmanned aircraft, from WJ-600 to some unmanned aerial vehicles." Meanwhile, attack weapons, air defense networks and defense confrontation systems are also displayed at the airshow ... China Airshow: Drone And Fighter Jet UnveiledSky News Latest China military hardware displayed at airshowSpace Daily los 115 artículos informativos » |
Productor chino de misiles presenta marca de aviones no tripulados - Radio Internacional de China
Productor chino de misiles presenta marca de aviones no tripulados - Radio Internacional de China:
Productor chino de misiles presenta marca de aviones no tripulados Radio Internacional de China CASIC, que ya posee una cartera de productos de vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV, por siglas en inglés), está luchando por convertir a "HIWING" en un sistema general de UAV con varios tipos de productos y servicios. La compañía hará ahora ... y más » |
Comienza Irán ejercicio conjunto de defensa aérea a gran escala - Pueblo en linea
Comienza Irán ejercicio conjunto de defensa aérea a gran escala - Pueblo en linea:
![]() eldiario.es | Comienza Irán ejercicio conjunto de defensa aérea a gran escala Pueblo en linea También participarán varios tipos de cazas, incluidos los F-4, F-5, F-7, F-14, Mirage y Sukhoi, además de aviones de reabastecimiento. El domingo, el comandante de la base aérea Khatam al-Anbia, general Shahrokh Shahram, aseguró que en los ejercicios ... Irán inicia maniobras militares de gran envergadura contra "posibles ...Europa Press los 105 artículos informativos » |
Sukhoi planes may be altered for business - UPI.com
Sukhoi planes may be altered for business - UPI.com:
Sukhoi planes may be altered for business UPI.com Speaking to reporters in Jakarta, Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Vice President Igor Syrtsov said the planes already delivered could be turned into business jets and sold to other customers. The Superjet 100 can carry up to 100 passengers for 2,800 miles. Aeroflot May Convert Superjets into Business JetsJournal of Turkish Weekly los 3 artículos informativos » |
Sukhoi Company displays its military and civil products at the Indodefence-2012 air show
Sukhoi Company displays its military and civil products at the international exhibition of defense technology Indodefence-2012 that was opened today in Jakarta (Indonesia). Professionals and visitors to the exhibition will be able to learn the specifications and combat capabilities of the latest super-maneuverable Su-35 fighter and two-seat Su-30MK2 fighter. Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional airliner will also be present аt the exposition of JSC „United Aircraft Corporation” (UAC) at the air show.
Indonesia is an important partner for Russia in the sphere of military-technical cooperation. At present the Indonesian Air Force has 10 „Su” — family fighters in service: five Su-27SKM and five Su-30MK2. In late 2010 a new contract was signed for the supply to Indonesia of six Su-30MK2 multi-role fighters.
Su-27SKM is a single-seat multi-role fighter. It is designed to destroy air targets in free space and on the background of the land, as well as for operations on land and sea targets with the use of guided and unguided air weapons by day and night, and in adverse weather conditions.
Su-30MK2 is a two-seat multi-role fighter. Aircraft weapon control system of the aircraft provides detection, tracking and destruction by aerial weapons of air, land and sea targets in all weather conditions, day and night. The fighter can also be used to train pilots in piloting technique and the use of aerial weapons. Presence of a second crew member reduces the load on the pilot in combat missions with the use of long-range guided weapons, night operations, and in long flights with air refueling.
The Russian-Indonesian cooperation develops also in the field of civil aviation. Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company and Indonesian Sky Aviation regional carrier signed a contract in June last year for the supply of 12 Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft in a basic configuration.
At the present time the process of validation of the type certificate of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (model RRJ-95B) aircraft is going on. It permits SSJ100 exports to Indonesia and its operation by the airlines of the country without restrictions.
Sukhoi displays Superjet 100, Su-35 and Su-32 at the air show in China
Sukhoi Company will present its combat aircraft — Su-35 multifunctional fighter and Su-32 (Su-34 export version) at the Airshow China-2012 international exhibition that opens on November 13 in the Chinese city of Zhuhai. Specialists and visitors of the exhibition will be able to learn the specifications and combat capabilities of the aircraft at the corporate stand of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) in the Russian exposition.
The civic project of Sukhoi — the Sukhoi Superjet 100 medium-range airliner will be presented at the air show for the fist time. The aircraft will be displayed in Yakutia Airlines livery on a static display for the general public and representatives of the regional airlines.
Cooperation with China in the field of military aviation develops successfully. The implementation of the program of Su-type licensed aircraft production is going on, as well as the delivery of spare parts for previously delivered aircraft. The framework established on the basis of long-term cooperation provides for the transition in the near future to a new level of cooperation on major projects.
En Querétaro, centro de reparación Interjet - El Economista
En Querétaro, centro de reparación Interjet - El Economista:
![]() Aeronoticias | En Querétaro, centro de reparación Interjet El Economista “Estaría ubicado en la zona del área espacial y serían refacciones de ciertas piezas de diferentes tipos de aeronaves, específicamente para Airbus y Sukhoi que son los que estaría utilizando Intejert, así como el mantenimiento de aerolíneas en general ... Interjet, en busca de socio estratégicoCNNExpansión.com Interjet abrirá nueva línea aérea Querétaro-San AntonioRotativo de Querétaro Interjet compra 40 aviones AirbusEconomia.terra El Financiero -Expansión.com -El Universal los 99 artículos informativos » |
Los ingenieros son cruciales en los países en vías de desarrollo
Los ingenieros son cruciales en los países en vías de desarrollo: El Instituto de la Ingeniería de España cerró el ciclo de 11 jornadas sobre el papel de la ingeniería en la sociedad, con la participación del secretario de Estado de Industria, Luis Valero, que subrayó la importancia de esta profesión en la salida de la crisis.
Nota: pues para ser tan cruciales en la salida de la crisis... no se nos cuida nada a los ingenieros españoles y se nos facilita en exceso la salida del país para trabajar fuera...
Nota: pues para ser tan cruciales en la salida de la crisis... no se nos cuida nada a los ingenieros españoles y se nos facilita en exceso la salida del país para trabajar fuera...
#empleo: Empresas alemanas ofrecen trabajo a ingenieros madrileños
Empresas alemanas ofrecen trabajo a ingenieros madrileños: Empresas del Estado de Hesse (Alemania) ofrecen en un foro inaugurado hoy en Madrid oportunidades de empleo, perspectivas de futuro y buenas condiciones de trabajo a titulados españoles formados en carreras técnicas, por el "entusiasmo" y "buena formación" que manifiestan en el desempeño de su función.
#EMPLEO: Nissan contratará a 100 ingenieros para sus plantas en España
Nissan contratará a 100 ingenieros para sus plantas en España:
El consejero director general de Nissan España, Frank Torres, anunció ayer que la compañía contratará a 100 ingenieros hasta marzo de 2013 para incorporarlos en las plantas y los centros de diseño de la marca en España, informa Europa Press.
La UPM participa en el desarrollo del autobús europeo del futuro
La UPM participa en el desarrollo del autobús europeo del futuro: Diseñar una nueva generación de autobuses prácticamente inteligentes que hará más eficaz el transporte en las ciudades europeas es el objetivo del proyecto Sistema de Autobuses Europeos del Futuro. En él participa la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Técnicas Reunidas destaca la calidad de los ingenieros españoles
Técnicas Reunidas destaca la calidad de los ingenieros españoles: El vicepresidente de la ingeniería Técnicas Reunidas, Juan Lladó, ha defendido hoy que las universidades españolas son de gran calidad y ha destacado que los ingenieros españoles son "francamente buenos", durante la inauguración del II Congreso Nacional de Directivos de la Asociación para el Progreso de la Dirección.
AMPLIACION: China demandará 4.273 grandes aviones - Centro de Información por Internet de China
AMPLIACION: China demandará 4.273 grandes aviones de ... - Centro de Información por Internet de China:
![]() Aeronoticias | AMPLIACION: China demandará 4.273 grandes aviones de ... Centro de Información por Internet de China En la exhibición, el fabricante de aviones brasileño Embraer también expresó su plena confianza en el mercado chino, previendo que el mercado de aviación regional chino representará el 15 por ciento de las entregas de aviones de entre 61 y 120 asientos ... Nueva era del transporte aéreo privadoPueblo en linea los 30 artículos informativos » |
Boeing sube en bolsa tras la reestructuración de su división de Defensa - Diario Vasco
Boeing sube en bolsa tras la reestructuración de su división de ... - Diario Vasco:
![]() Aeronoticias | Boeing sube en bolsa tras la reestructuración de su división de ... Diario Vasco Nueva York, 8 nov (EFE).- Las acciones del gigante aeronáutico estadounidense Boeing subían hoy el 1,4 % en la bolsa de Nueva York tras anunciar la reestructuración de su división de defensa, que supondrá el recorte del 10 % de sus directivos este año ... Boeing anuncia fuerte reestructuración en su división de defensaReuters América Latina los 28 artículos informativos » |
Boeing duplica su tasa de producción del 787 - T21 Noticias de Transporte y Logística
Boeing duplica su tasa de producción del 787 - T21 Noticias de Transporte y Logística:
Boeing duplica su tasa de producción del 787 T21 Noticias de Transporte y Logística El fabricante de aeronaves Boeing completó la semana pasada el primer 787 Dreamliner fabricado a la nueva tasa de producción de cinco aviones al mes, un registro que duplica la registrada hace un año. Esta unidad es el 787 número 83 en fabricarse. Qatar Airways recibe su primer Boeing 787 DreamlinerFly-News QATAR - QATAR AIRWAYS Recibe su primer Boeing 787 DreamlinerTravel Update El indispensableMENTE lujoso y caro avión presidencialSopitas.com los 5 artículos informativos » |
Airbus entregará hasta 120 aviones a China este año - Centro de Información por Internet de China
Airbus entregará hasta 120 aviones a China este año - Centro de Información por Internet de China:
Airbus entregará hasta 120 aviones a China este año Centro de Información por Internet de China El número de nuevos aviones que Airbus entregará a las aerolíneas chinas llegará este año a las 120 unidades, anunció hoy lunes Airbus China. Un total de 105 aviones fueron entregados desde las líneas de montaje de Airbus en Toulouse (Francia), ... y más » |
Airbus vende 460 aviones en ene-oct, menos de la mitad que Boeing - Reuters América Latina
Airbus vende 460 aviones en ene-oct, menos de la mitad que Boeing - Reuters América Latina:
![]() AFP | Airbus vende 460 aviones en ene-oct, menos de la mitad que Boeing Reuters América Latina PARIS, 12 nov - El fabricante europeo de aviones Airbus recibió 460 pedidos en los primeros 10 meses del año, menos de la mitad de lo que logró Boeing, que continuaba beneficiándose de un alza de la demanda por su nuevo modelo de bajo consumo de ... Airbus anuncia 403 encargos para finales de octubre, la mitad que ...AFP Airbus sigue atrás de BoeingEl Semanario Sin Limites los 13 artículos informativos » |
Lagardere dice que podría vender participación en EADS en 2013 - Terra Perú
Lagardere dice que podría vender participación en EADS en 2013 - Terra Perú:
Lagardere dice que podría vender participación en EADS en 2013 Terra Perú Comentar. El grupo francés Lagardere dijo el martes que podría vender su participación del 7,5 por ciento en el socio de Airbus EADS para fines del año que viene. Arnaud Lagardere, presidente ejecutivo de Lagardere y también de EADS, dijo que usaría ... y más » |
Directivos del sector aeroespacial piden un refuerzo financiero en la cadena de suministro para hacer frente a proyectos
Más de 120 profesionales, tanto directivos y responsables de áreas de negocio del sector han participado en el III Seminario de Negocio Aeronáutico, organizado por el Clúster Aeroespacial Andaluz Hélice y el Instituto Internacional San Telmo, en el que han analizado los retos y dificultades que presenta la financiación económica en la industria aeronáutica para lograr un crecimiento sostenible, dentro de un contexto aeronáutico internacional favorable y con expectativas de crecimiento para los próximos años.
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