Se trata de una conferencia del seminario que organiza el Servicio Histórico y Cultural del Ejército del Aire y que también se computa como créditos de libre elección para los alumnos de segundo ciclo que se inscriban y asistan a las mismas.
El acceso es libre hasta que se complete el aforo, las conferencias tendrán lugar en el salón de actos de la ETSIA que se encuentra en la Ciudad Universitaria, Plaza del Cardenal Cisneros nº3 de Madrid. El salón de actos está en el edificio número 2, justo detrás del edificio principal.
lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012
La investigación histórica de la Aeronáutica Española; Ciclo de conferencias 30 y 31 de Octubre 2012 en Madrid
NAVAL AIR: J-15 Arrives
NAVAL AIR: J-15 ArrivesOctober 29, 2012: The Chinese carrier fighter, the J-15, appears ready for production. One was recently seen making touch and go landings on the new carrier Liaoning. Several J-15s have been seen at navy air bases painted as combat, not development, aircraft. About twenty J-15s have been built so far for use in testing.
For most of the last decade China has been developing the J-15, which is a carrier version of the Russian Su-27. There is already a Russian version of this, called the Su-33. Russia refused to sell Su-33s to China, when it was noted that China was making illegal copies of the Su-27 (as the J-11), and did not want to place a big order for Su-33s, but only wanted two, for "evaluation." China eventually got a Su-33 from Ukraine in 2001, which inherited some when the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991.
SpaceX Dragon returns from first commercial mission
SpaceX Dragon returns from first commercial mission:

History’s first commercial space mission ended today as SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft returned to Earth. The 21-day flight to the International Space Station (ISS) ended when the unmanned cargo ship splashed down in the Pacific Ocean at 12:22 p.m. PDT. The mission, designated CRS-1, is the first of twelve SpaceX is sending to the ISS as part of NASA’s plan to replace the retired Space Shuttle with privately built and operated spacecraft that will one day carry both cargo and crew... Continue Reading SpaceX Dragon returns from first commercial mission

History’s first commercial space mission ended today as SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft returned to Earth. The 21-day flight to the International Space Station (ISS) ended when the unmanned cargo ship splashed down in the Pacific Ocean at 12:22 p.m. PDT. The mission, designated CRS-1, is the first of twelve SpaceX is sending to the ISS as part of NASA’s plan to replace the retired Space Shuttle with privately built and operated spacecraft that will one day carry both cargo and crew... Continue Reading SpaceX Dragon returns from first commercial mission
Aplazada la aplicación de la norma europea sobre ciertas operaciones de transporte aéreo
Aplazada la aplicación de la norma europea sobre ciertas operaciones de transporte aéreo:
Madrid.- Por una Resolución de Aviación Civil publicada el pasado sábado en el BOE se aplaza hasta por dos años la aplicación de la normativa de la UE sobre “operaciones de transporte aéreo comercial con aviones y helicópteros, incluidas inspecciones en pista de las aeronaves de operadores bajo la supervisión de otro Estado”.
Madrid.- Por una Resolución de Aviación Civil publicada el pasado sábado en el BOE se aplaza hasta por dos años la aplicación de la normativa de la UE sobre “operaciones de transporte aéreo comercial con aviones y helicópteros, incluidas inspecciones en pista de las aeronaves de operadores bajo la supervisión de otro Estado”.
'El control aéreo debe modernizarse y convertirse cuanto antes en espacio único'
Luxemburgo.- El sistema de control del tráfico aéreo europeo debe modernizarse cuanto antes y debería convertirse en un espacio aéreo único; de esta manera, se reduciría la congestión, el retraso de los vuelos y las emisiones contaminantes, ha dicho el Parlamento Europeo en su resolución adoptada el pasado martes, según la ponente Jacqueline Foster.
Leer la entrevista aqui: 'El control aéreo debe modernizarse y convertirse cuanto antes en espacio único'
La gran carrera espacial militar China
El crecimiento político, económico y militar que, de forma paulatina, ha tenido China durante los diez últimos años, ha puesto nerviosos a países de la órbita occidental. Particularmente en el área espacial, China está volcando un gran esfuerzo económico que da como resultado importantes avances tecnológicos. Este artículo pretende discutir sobre las difusas intenciones del Gobierno chino respecto a su veloz carrera espacial, relacionada con su actual escuela de pensamiento militar, con la influencia que la política de su Comité ejerce y las amenazas que implica sobre las principales potencias occidentales y asiáticas: La gran carrera espacial militar China
USAF's Youngest B-52 Now 50 Years Old
USAF's Youngest B-52 Now 50 Years Old:
The US Air Force's fleet of B-52 bombers soldiers on, showing no signs of retiring in the near future. The youngest aircraft, the last to leave the production line, tail# 61-0040, is now 50 years old, and based at Minot AFB, North Dakota. Of 744 B-52's built, around 75 'H' models remain in service, with some expected to last until 2040, when they will be an incredible 80 years old !
The US Air Force's fleet of B-52 bombers soldiers on, showing no signs of retiring in the near future. The youngest aircraft, the last to leave the production line, tail# 61-0040, is now 50 years old, and based at Minot AFB, North Dakota. Of 744 B-52's built, around 75 'H' models remain in service, with some expected to last until 2040, when they will be an incredible 80 years old !
Changing Weather, UAV Integration Will Require Increased Industry Collaboration
Changing Weather, UAV Integration Will Require Increased Industry Collaboration: ATC Global Demonstrated Possible Scenarios At Recent Virtual Event The weather is changing and - as over 200 air traffic management (ATM) professionals from around the world learned as part of the ATC Global virtual event held October 17 - air navigation service providers (ANSPs), airports and aircraft operators will have to work increasingly closely to prepare for and mitigate extreme weather conditions, from the sub-Saharan Africa to the northern Europe and the United States.
Apollo 11 Has Landed ... Again (Virtually)
The Eagle Has Landed ... Again (Virtually): Website Allows Visitors To Experience The Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Minute-by-Minute An educational interactive website featuring the first lunar landing as experienced minute-by-minute by the crew of Apollo 11 and Mission Control has been launched by website and software audio-visual synchronization company Thamtech.
Lufthansa signs biofuels production agreement with Algae Tec
Lufthansa signs biofuels production agreement with Algae Tec:
Lufthansa (LH) and Australia-based Algae Tec have signed a collaborative agreement to build facility that would produce algae on a large scale and convert it to aviation biofuels.
The site will be in Europe and located adjacent to an industrial CO2 source, the companies said in a statement.
LH will arrange 100% funding for the project while Algae Tec will manage it and receive license fees and profits.
Lufthansa (LH) and Australia-based Algae Tec have signed a collaborative agreement to build facility that would produce algae on a large scale and convert it to aviation biofuels.
The site will be in Europe and located adjacent to an industrial CO2 source, the companies said in a statement.
LH will arrange 100% funding for the project while Algae Tec will manage it and receive license fees and profits.
PurePower PW1100G-JM readies for tests
PurePower PW1100G-JM readies for tests:
Pratt & Whitney has completed assembling its first PurePower PW1100G-JM test engine.
Pratt & Whitney has completed assembling its first PurePower PW1100G-JM test engine.
EC to cap food-based biofuel contribution to renewable energy transport targets
EC to cap food-based biofuel contribution to renewable energy transport targets:
The European Commission (EC) has published proposals to limit the amount of food-based (so-called “first generation”) biofuels that can be counted towards the renewable energy targets set for the European transport sector, including aviation.
The EC plans to cap the percentage of first generation biofuels and bioliquids that can be counted towards the overall 10% target it set for the transport sector in 2009 at the current consumption level of 5% until 2020.
The European Commission (EC) has published proposals to limit the amount of food-based (so-called “first generation”) biofuels that can be counted towards the renewable energy targets set for the European transport sector, including aviation.
The EC plans to cap the percentage of first generation biofuels and bioliquids that can be counted towards the overall 10% target it set for the transport sector in 2009 at the current consumption level of 5% until 2020.
Swedish airports reach carbon-neutral status
Swedish airports reach carbon-neutral status:
A combination of active reduction measures and a milder winter saw Swedish airport owner-operator Swedavia attained carbon-neutral status in 2011.
The state-owned organization, which oversees 11 airports in the Scandinavian nation, has a target of zero CO2 emissions by 2020.
Last year’s output of 4,600 tonnes of CO2 was a drop of 44% over 2010, achieved by substituting renewable fuel sources for fuel oil for heating, the organization said. A relatively mild winter also saw lower use of snow removal and ice-clearing airport vehicles.
A combination of active reduction measures and a milder winter saw Swedish airport owner-operator Swedavia attained carbon-neutral status in 2011.
The state-owned organization, which oversees 11 airports in the Scandinavian nation, has a target of zero CO2 emissions by 2020.
Last year’s output of 4,600 tonnes of CO2 was a drop of 44% over 2010, achieved by substituting renewable fuel sources for fuel oil for heating, the organization said. A relatively mild winter also saw lower use of snow removal and ice-clearing airport vehicles.
NASA DC-8 Airborne Science Laboratory Aided By Universal Avionics
NASA DC-8 Airborne Science Laboratory Aided By Universal Avionics: Latest Datalink Assist In Scientific Research NASA’s DC-8-72 jetliner, modified to support the agency’s Airborne Science mission, was recently equipped with Universal Avionics’ latest airborne datalink, UniLink UL-801 Communications Management Unit (CMU) and UNS-1Fw WAAS/SBAS-Flight Management Systems (FMS).
Emissions Trading Scheme, simply a revenue stream?
Emissions Trading Scheme, simply a revenue stream?: Despite airline emissions continuing to spiral, the EU's best laid plans for reductions have come under vehement attack. Liam Stoker investigates the Emissions Trading Scheme, its various detractors and a possible alternative.
El drone iraní derribado captó imágenes de objetivos militares ... - Europa Press
El drone iraní derribado captó imágenes de objetivos militares ... - Europa Press:
El drone iraní derribado captó imágenes de objetivos militares ... Europa Press El presidente de la Comisión de Defensa del Parlamento iraní, Esmail Kowsari, ha asegurado este lunes que el vehículo aéreo no tripulado (UAV) que fue derribado este mes cuando sobrevolaba territorio israelí consiguió tomar imágenes de bases y ... y más » |
Sikorsky to Build Superfast, Military-Grade Helo - Popular Mechanics (blog)
Sikorsky to Build Superfast, Military-Grade Helo - Popular Mechanics (blog):
![]() Popular Mechanics (blog) | Sikorsky to Build Superfast, Military-Grade Helo Popular Mechanics (blog) In 2009 Sikorsky Aircraft built the world's fastest helicopter, the X2, which clocked in at nearly 287 miles per hour and earned a PM Breakthrough Award to boot. Since then, the company has been incorporating the technology into designs for a new helo ... |
Lockheed, Northrop and Boeing beat forecasts, GD misses - Reuters UK
Lockheed, Northrop and Boeing beat forecasts, GD misses - Reuters UK:
Lockheed, Northrop and Boeing beat forecasts, GD misses Reuters UK N) defence division and Northrop Grumman Corp (NOC.N) reported higher earnings and solid margins despite weakening sales. General Dynamics Corp (GD.N) missed Wall Street earnings forecasts, mainly due to a $25 million charge to revalue its inventory ... |
Northrop Grumman plans cuts of up to 350 jobs - Baltimore Sun
Northrop Grumman plans cuts of up to 350 jobs - Baltimore Sun:
![]() CBS Local | Northrop Grumman plans cuts of up to 350 jobs Baltimore Sun The cuts are the latest round for Northrop Grumman, which said it needs to manage costs to "remain competitive in the defense marketplace." Defense contractors are trying to respond to an unknown level of budget cuts — either sharp, automatic ... Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop Top In Q3, Lift ForecastsInvestor's Business Daily Northrop Grumman unveils proposal for next US Special Ops vehicleFox News Defense contractors report mixed results as they gird for 'fiscal cliff'Washington Post -CBS Local los 128 artículos informativos » |
El grupo español Aritex, elegido para ensamblar el fuselaje central del C919
El grupo español Aritex, elegido para ensamblar el fuselaje central ... - Yahoo! Finanzas:
El grupo español Aritex, elegido para ensamblar el fuselaje central ... Yahoo! Finanzas El C919, cuya versión de base está prevista para una capacidad de 168 pasajeros, tendrá autonomía de vuelo de hasta 5.555 kilómetros, según el portal de internet de la empresa que lo construye, Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC). |
Rockwell Collins in China joint venture for new COMAC jet - The Gazette: Eastern Iowa Breaking News and Headlines (blog)
Rockwell Collins in China joint venture for new COMAC jet - The Gazette: Eastern Iowa Breaking News and Headlines (blog):
Rockwell Collins in China joint venture for new COMAC jet The Gazette: Eastern Iowa Breaking News and Headlines (blog) COMAC, headquartered in Shanghai, is a state-owned aircraft company formed in 2008. Rockwell Collins earlier announced a joint venture with China Leihua Electronic Technology Research Institute to supply surveillance products to the C919. Tweet ... |
En la modernización de Ural Boeing Manufacturing invertirá 10 millones de dólares
En la modernización de Ural Boeing Manufacturing invertirá 10 ... - RusBusinessNews:
![]() RusBusinessNews | En la modernización de Ural Boeing Manufacturing invertirá 10 ... RusBusinessNews En el desarrollo de la empresa conjunta de Boeing y la "Corporación VSMPO-AVISMA" S.A.A., Ural Boeing Manufacturing, tienen previsto invertir 10 millones de dólares. Los fondos serán utilizados para comprar unidades de transformación de los productos ... |
El presidente de Airbus, "decepcionado" por el abandono de la fusión BAE-EADS
El presidente de Airbus, "decepcionado" por el abandono de la ... -
![]() | El presidente de Airbus, "decepcionado" por el abandono de la ... El presidente de Airbus, Fabrice Brégier, se ha mostrado este martes "decepcionado" ante el abandono del proyecto de fusión entre el grupo y BAE Systems, apuntando que aunque la unión no hubiera afectado directamente a la parte operacional de la ... |
Potencial en mantenimiento y reparación de aeronaves - ecodiario
Potencial en MRO de aeronaves - ecodiario:
Potencial en MRO de aeronaves ecodiario Hay por lo visto más negocio en las tareas de mantenimiento, revisión y reparaciones (MRO en inglés) que en la fabricación de los aviones. Son trabajos para especialistas, actividades profesionales reguladas por ley que sólo las pueden realizar el personal que cuenta con una certificación llamada EASA PARTE 66. Para formar a este personal, las escuelas deben así mismo disponer de otra certificación llamada esta vez 147. En Andalucía solo conocemos a una organización que se dedique a esta formación: Caena, dentro de las instalaciones que la firma Faasa tiene en Palma del Río, y lo hace con la ayuda de la Junta de Andalucía, mira, una cosa bien hecha, hay que reconocerlo. Hay escasez de estos profesionales tanto en España como en Europa. y más » |
Defensa identifica a siete empresas para reconvertirse a la aeronáutica
Defensa identifica a siete empresas para reconvertirse a la ... - La Tribuna de Albacete:
Defensa identifica a siete empresas para reconvertirse a la ... La Tribuna de Albacete El Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Albacete (CEEI) ha impulsado el proyecto Resacam, en el que se ha trabajado a lo largo de un año y a través del que se han identificado a nueve empresas de Castilla-La Mancha, siete de ellas de Albacete (las otras dos de Toledo) como potenciales empresas que se dedican a otros sectores y pueden reconvertirse al aeronáutico, según destacó ayer el concejal de Empleo y presidente del Consejo de Administración del CEEI, Juan Marcos Molina. El objetivo fundamental «es potenciar el sector aeronáutico en Castilla-La Mancha y particularmente en la ciudad de Albacete», donde hay, resaltó, una «gran tradición aeronáutica» y, por ello, hizo hincapié en que «al reconvertirse al sector aeronáutico como proveedoras o auxiliares, estas empresas cuentan con la premisa de que las empresas tractoras van a utilizarlas y les van a encargar en determinadas actividades» Empresas albaceteñas se postulan para proveer al sector aeronáuticoLa Verdad (Albacete) los 15 artículos informativos » |
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