RFP Kicks Off USAF Combat Rescue Helo:
CSAR-X is dead, long live CSAR-X – only please call it Combat Rescue Helicopter, or CRH. In the latest attempt to replace its aging Sikorsky HH-60G Pave Hawk combat search-and-rescue helicopters, the U.S. Air Force has released the request for proposals for CRH, providing insight into the changes made in a bid to make the program affordable and avoid a repeat of the CSAR-X debacle.
martes, 23 de octubre de 2012
First #A321 with Sharklets flies for the first time in Hamburg joining the on-going certification flight test campaign
Airbus: First #A321 with Sharklets flies for the first time in Hamburg joining the on-going certification flight test campaign http://t.co/3Qj2G691
Original Tweet: http://twitter.com/Airbus/status/260747658572992512
Sent via TweetDeck (www.tweetdeck.com)
Iraqi Air Force signs contract for second batch of F-16 fighters
Iraqi Air Force signs contract for second batch of F-16 fighters: The Iraqi Government has signed a contract with the US for the acquisition of a second batch of 18 F-16 C/D Block 52 Fighting Falcon multi-role fighter jets, the country's acting defence minister Sadoun al-Dulaimi has revealed.
US AFRL scraps Reusable Booster System programme
US AFRL scraps Reusable Booster System programme: The US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has cancelled the Reusable Booster System (RBS) programme, designed to enhance the country's space launch capability, due to budgetary constraints.
Air Force Releases RFP For Next Search And Rescue Helicopter
Air Force Releases RFP For Next Search And Rescue Helicopter: Program Will Replace HH-60G Pave Hawk Aircraft The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition has posted the Combat Rescue Helicopter (CRH) Request for Proposal (RFP) to the Federal Business Opportunities website, signaling the official launch of this high priority Air Force acquisition program.
Airbus reassures customers and suppliers that the A350XWB remains on track for first flight in the summer of 2013
AvWeekRupa: @Airbus reassures customers and suppliers that the A350XWB remains on track for first flight in the summer of 2013 http://t.co/EsKZq9K7
Original Tweet: http://twitter.com/AvWeekRupa/status/260709506697265152
Sent via TweetDeck (www.tweetdeck.com)
234 medios aéreos han luchado contra el fuego en una de las peores campañas de los últimos años
La temporada de Incendios se cierra en España, con un importante aumento del número de siniestros y superficie quemada, debido a la grave sequia y a la previsión de incendios que azotan España en la precampaña.
Madrid, 23 de octubre de 2012. La patronal que engloba a las compañías aéreas de extinción de incendios ha hecho balance de la campaña 2012, poniendo de manifiesto los resultados de una de las peores campañas de los últimos años y con un considerable aumento de su actividad aérea en todas las zonas geográficas de nuestro país.
Según datos oficiales del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (MAGRAMA), 2012 será recordado como un año nefasto en cuanto a la lucha contraincendios. La escasez de lluvia, la falta de limpieza en los montes, las actuaciones negligentes y la mano del hombre unida a la menor eficacia de los planes de incendios de las CCAA debido a los ajustes, sobretodo en la precampaña, ha provocado que este verano haya sido uno de los peores. La campaña de este verano se ha convertido en el peor resultado de todos los registrados hasta ahora, por el importante incremento de superficie arrasada, con casi 200.000 Ha, un 1 % de la superficie forestal nacional. A esto sumamos que desde enero a junio de 2012 se calcinaron un total de 132.299 hectáreas, lo que supone el triple de superficie con respecto al mismo periodo del año anterior.
Según Dámaso Castejón, Secretario General de AECA & Helicópteros, que engloba a todas las compañías que operan en campaña, «entre los meses de enero a mayo, se ha dado un importante número de siniestros y por tanto un aumento en las horas de vuelo, por lo que es recomendable un aumento de número de unidades para aumentar la efectividad. En Marzo presentamos un informe sobre los presupuestos para la precampaña que constataban la reducción de hasta un 11 por ciento, lo que impide atajar con mayor firmeza la oleada de incendios que tuvimos en la primera mitad del año». Este resultado sumado a la gran sequia que han tenido los montes españoles, ha supuesto un aumento del número de incendios, del 12 por ciento con respecto al año anterior.
Para este año 2012 se ha contado con un total de 238 medios aéreos, aportados por MAGRAMA y CC.AA. La mayoría de las CCAA y el Ministerio han mantenido el mismo esfuerzo inversor que años anteriores en la época de mayor riesgo y otras han realizado un ajuste que ha supuesto una atención más tardía a diversas zonas del país. Este ajuste ha sido muy considerable en precampaña y ha provocado un mayor trabajo de los escasos recursos con los que se contaban.
Hasta la fecha, y desde los inicios de la precampaña, las aeronaves han tenido un aumento considerable de su actividad llegando incluso a cifras sin precedentes, con más de 22.000 horas de vuelo realizadas. Los graves incendios de Valencia, Castilla y León, Canarias, Castilla y La Mancha, Andalucía y Cataluña acaparan más de 12.000 horas de vuelo.
Dada la singular orografía de montes y bosques del país, es necesario reforzar la flota de medios aéreos en cada región. Además, cabe destacar la labor de los helicópteros pesados tipo Kamov que este año han incrementado su actividad aérea en más de un 45 %. La actuación del medio aéreo es imprescindible y muy necesaria pues permite llegar con rapidez al incendio y transportar a las brigadas forestales. Pero la eficacia de este dispositivo radica en un reparto equidistante de los medios que permita cubrir las zonas en un espacio inferior a 30 minutos.
Además, hay que resaltar que la flota de helicópteros y aviones de España que operan en los incendios forestales es eficaz y moderna, y los profesionales son pilotos con una importante experiencia en este tipo de trabajos. En 2011, las compañías del sector invirtieron más de 55 millones de euros en la adquisición de flota, mantenimiento y la formación, en un sector que emplea a más de 3.000 profesionales al año.
Sobre AECA & Helicópteros
AECA Helicópteros, es miembro de la Asociación Española de Compañías Aéreas (AECA), una entidad sin ánimo de lucro que tiene como misión el fomento y la defensa de los intereses de las operadoras de helicópteros y empresas de trabajos aéreos, además de difundir la vocación de servicio público de sus operaciones aéreas ligadas a situaciones de emergencias. Representa al 90 por ciento del sector por número de aeronaves, facturación y empleados.
AECA Helicópteros basa su actividad en desarrollar de manera constante el sector, ser el punto de referencia sobre el mundo del helicóptero y los trabajos aéreos, potenciar canales de comunicación, favorecer el intercambio de experiencias, colaborar estrechamente con las administraciones aéreas y fomentar la formación continuada del personal.
Madrid, 23 de octubre de 2012. La patronal que engloba a las compañías aéreas de extinción de incendios ha hecho balance de la campaña 2012, poniendo de manifiesto los resultados de una de las peores campañas de los últimos años y con un considerable aumento de su actividad aérea en todas las zonas geográficas de nuestro país.
Según datos oficiales del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (MAGRAMA), 2012 será recordado como un año nefasto en cuanto a la lucha contraincendios. La escasez de lluvia, la falta de limpieza en los montes, las actuaciones negligentes y la mano del hombre unida a la menor eficacia de los planes de incendios de las CCAA debido a los ajustes, sobretodo en la precampaña, ha provocado que este verano haya sido uno de los peores. La campaña de este verano se ha convertido en el peor resultado de todos los registrados hasta ahora, por el importante incremento de superficie arrasada, con casi 200.000 Ha, un 1 % de la superficie forestal nacional. A esto sumamos que desde enero a junio de 2012 se calcinaron un total de 132.299 hectáreas, lo que supone el triple de superficie con respecto al mismo periodo del año anterior.
Según Dámaso Castejón, Secretario General de AECA & Helicópteros, que engloba a todas las compañías que operan en campaña, «entre los meses de enero a mayo, se ha dado un importante número de siniestros y por tanto un aumento en las horas de vuelo, por lo que es recomendable un aumento de número de unidades para aumentar la efectividad. En Marzo presentamos un informe sobre los presupuestos para la precampaña que constataban la reducción de hasta un 11 por ciento, lo que impide atajar con mayor firmeza la oleada de incendios que tuvimos en la primera mitad del año». Este resultado sumado a la gran sequia que han tenido los montes españoles, ha supuesto un aumento del número de incendios, del 12 por ciento con respecto al año anterior.
Para este año 2012 se ha contado con un total de 238 medios aéreos, aportados por MAGRAMA y CC.AA. La mayoría de las CCAA y el Ministerio han mantenido el mismo esfuerzo inversor que años anteriores en la época de mayor riesgo y otras han realizado un ajuste que ha supuesto una atención más tardía a diversas zonas del país. Este ajuste ha sido muy considerable en precampaña y ha provocado un mayor trabajo de los escasos recursos con los que se contaban.
Hasta la fecha, y desde los inicios de la precampaña, las aeronaves han tenido un aumento considerable de su actividad llegando incluso a cifras sin precedentes, con más de 22.000 horas de vuelo realizadas. Los graves incendios de Valencia, Castilla y León, Canarias, Castilla y La Mancha, Andalucía y Cataluña acaparan más de 12.000 horas de vuelo.
Dada la singular orografía de montes y bosques del país, es necesario reforzar la flota de medios aéreos en cada región. Además, cabe destacar la labor de los helicópteros pesados tipo Kamov que este año han incrementado su actividad aérea en más de un 45 %. La actuación del medio aéreo es imprescindible y muy necesaria pues permite llegar con rapidez al incendio y transportar a las brigadas forestales. Pero la eficacia de este dispositivo radica en un reparto equidistante de los medios que permita cubrir las zonas en un espacio inferior a 30 minutos.
Además, hay que resaltar que la flota de helicópteros y aviones de España que operan en los incendios forestales es eficaz y moderna, y los profesionales son pilotos con una importante experiencia en este tipo de trabajos. En 2011, las compañías del sector invirtieron más de 55 millones de euros en la adquisición de flota, mantenimiento y la formación, en un sector que emplea a más de 3.000 profesionales al año.
Sobre AECA & Helicópteros
AECA Helicópteros, es miembro de la Asociación Española de Compañías Aéreas (AECA), una entidad sin ánimo de lucro que tiene como misión el fomento y la defensa de los intereses de las operadoras de helicópteros y empresas de trabajos aéreos, además de difundir la vocación de servicio público de sus operaciones aéreas ligadas a situaciones de emergencias. Representa al 90 por ciento del sector por número de aeronaves, facturación y empleados.
AECA Helicópteros basa su actividad en desarrollar de manera constante el sector, ser el punto de referencia sobre el mundo del helicóptero y los trabajos aéreos, potenciar canales de comunicación, favorecer el intercambio de experiencias, colaborar estrechamente con las administraciones aéreas y fomentar la formación continuada del personal.
Eurocopter's Naval and Maritime Helicopters to be showcased at the 2012 Euronaval Exhibition
Eurocopter's participation in this biennial event, to be held October 22-26 at Le Bourget Exhibition Centre near Paris, will underscore the decades of experience the company has acquired in naval and maritime helicopters. With a diversified product line tailored to numerous operational requirements, Eurocopter helicopters are counted on for such missions as antisubmarine and anti-surface warfare, anti-piracy and anti-smuggling missions as well as coastal or deep-sea maritime search and rescue operations.
Built by NHIndustries, a consortium formed by Eurocopter, AgustaWestland and Fokker, the NH90 is just one of the models on show. To date 122 NH90s have been delivered to customers, 18 of them the NFH naval version. The fleet has now clocked up a total of 30,000 flight hours, mainly in SAR missions performed in especially demanding environments and also in the Afghan theater of operations. Compatible with 80 types of NATO frigates, the naval version of the NH90 has fully demonstrated its capabilities in a wide range of missions, from reconnaissance, ship identification and tracking to rescue and transportation of passengers and troops.
"With more than 30,000 flight hours already behind it, the land and naval versions of the NH90 have shown their highly extensive operational capabilities in the most taxing conditions," said Dominique Maudet, Eurocopter Group Executive Officer for France. "We pay very close attention to the feedback we receive from the armed forces, which have been very positive," he added. "Italian forces have been particularly impressed by the NH90 TTH they have deployed in Afghanistan, while the NFH, which is set to receive its final qualification in the very near future, has already carried out a number of sea rescue missions, notably in France, in extreme flight conditions - saving many lives in the process."
Eurocopter will also be displaying models of its other naval and maritime helicopters, among them the AS565 MB Panther and the AS365 N3 Dauphin. A militarized version of Eurocopter's twin-engine Dauphin helicopter, the Panther is a multi-purpose, medium-weight aircraft designed for applications such as anti-submarine and anti-surface missions, SAR, surveillance and monitoring patrols in Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ), maritime counter-terrorism, casualty and medical evacuation, and troop and cargo transport. The N3+ version of the AS365 was recently fitted with a four-axis autopilot system; when used in SAR modes, this gives it the same mission capability as the civil version of the Panther.
Vueling unirá Barcelona con un centenar de destinos el año próximo
Vueling unirá Barcelona con un centenar de destinos el año próximo:
Vueling quiere hacer de Barcelona El Prat uno de los hubs más importantes de Europa
Las aerolíneas siguen presentando sus novedades para el próximo año: así, Vueling ha informado recientemente que apostará por Barcelona, ya que unirá el aeropuerto de El Prat -donde se pueden ver ofertas de vuelos Madrid-Barcelona- con cerca de cien destinos directos para lo que será la temporada
Vueling quiere hacer de Barcelona El Prat uno de los hubs más importantes de Europa
Las aerolíneas siguen presentando sus novedades para el próximo año: así, Vueling ha informado recientemente que apostará por Barcelona, ya que unirá el aeropuerto de El Prat -donde se pueden ver ofertas de vuelos Madrid-Barcelona- con cerca de cien destinos directos para lo que será la temporada
Air Force Releases RFP For Next Search And Rescue Helicopter
Air Force Releases RFP For Next Search And Rescue Helicopter: Program Will Replace HH-60G Pave Hawk Aircraft The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition has posted the Combat Rescue Helicopter (CRH) Request for Proposal (RFP) to the Federal Business Opportunities website, signaling the official launch of this high priority Air Force acquisition program.
Photo: Edwards F-35A Completes First AIM-120 AMRAAM Internal Weapons Release
EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif., Oct 22, 2012 – An F-35A test aircraft, flown by U.S. Air Force Maj. Matthew Phillips, completed the first aerial weapons release of an AIM-120 AMRAAM (Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile) from a conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) aircraft, Oct. 19. The aircraft, known as AF-1, jettisoned the instrumented AIM-120 over the China Lake test range from an internal weapons bay. This was the second in-flight weapons release in three days for AF-1 as it completed the release of a 2,000 pound GBU-31 BLU-109 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) Oct. 16. The F-35A 5th Generation fighter is designed to carry a payload of up to 18,000 pounds using 10 weapon stations. The F-35A features four internal weapon stations located in two weapon bays to maximum stealth capability. The CTOL aircraft can also utilize an additional three weapon stations per wing if required.
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 120,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation's net sales for 2011 were $46.5 billion.
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 120,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation's net sales for 2011 were $46.5 billion.
EMARSS: Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft cleared to enter FAA certification program
FAIRFAX, Va., Oct. 22, 2012 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] completed the first flight of the Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System (EMARSS) Risk Reduction Prototype (ERRP) aircraft on Saturday, Oct. 6, a critical step required to support a comprehensive U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) flight test program.
The aircraft, a Hawker Beechcraft King Air 350ER, has been modified to replicate the design of the EMARSS aircraft's external fuselage. The Boeing team conducted return-to-flight maintenance checks during the 70-minute flight over Middletown, Del.
"First flight is a huge accomplishment, and I'm particularly grateful to Summit Aviation for their hard work in modifying the aircraft," said Randy Price, EMARSS program manager for Boeing. "As we analyze what we learned, we'll continue lowering risk and improving performance, which ultimately will benefit U.S. Army warfighters who will use EMARSS' near real-time intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities."
The FAA flight test program will validate the modified King Air prototype's flight and handling qualities. Following the FAA flight tests, the program will apply for FAA Supplemental Type Certification.
"That FAA certification supports the airworthiness release to be issued by the Army Engineering Directorate for EMARSS," Price said. "We can focus subsequent testing of the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) aircraft on the mission systems capabilities and operational aspects and qualification of the platform."
The aircraft, a Hawker Beechcraft King Air 350ER, has been modified to replicate the design of the EMARSS aircraft's external fuselage. The Boeing team conducted return-to-flight maintenance checks during the 70-minute flight over Middletown, Del.
"First flight is a huge accomplishment, and I'm particularly grateful to Summit Aviation for their hard work in modifying the aircraft," said Randy Price, EMARSS program manager for Boeing. "As we analyze what we learned, we'll continue lowering risk and improving performance, which ultimately will benefit U.S. Army warfighters who will use EMARSS' near real-time intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities."
The FAA flight test program will validate the modified King Air prototype's flight and handling qualities. Following the FAA flight tests, the program will apply for FAA Supplemental Type Certification.
"That FAA certification supports the airworthiness release to be issued by the Army Engineering Directorate for EMARSS," Price said. "We can focus subsequent testing of the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) aircraft on the mission systems capabilities and operational aspects and qualification of the platform."
Boeing, Samsung announced that they will explore working together to improve in-flight entertainment and communications
Initial focus will be on aircraft in-flight entertainment and communications, and factory productivity improvement
SEATTLE, Oct. 22, 2012 – Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., [OTN: SSNLF] announced today that they will explore working together to research and develop technologies that improve in-flight entertainment and communications, as well as enhance factory productivity.
A signed memorandum of understanding between the world's largest aerospace company and the global leader in digital media and digital convergence technologies will help broaden and deepen the Korean industrial ties to Boeing aircraft production.
Boeing and Samsung Electronics will initially start the development of advanced display and wireless networking technologies that offer more capabilities for passenger entertainment and ground-to-air communications, but are lighter and require less power. Additionally, the companies will explore opportunities to collaborate on projects involving productivity and enterprise mobility using Samsung's current and future devices and solutions in hand-held mobile devices and other IT products.
"Onboard communications and networking are key elements to the passenger in-flight experience, and connecting the airplane with ground crews during flight is vital to airline operational efficiency," said Larry Schneider, Boeing Commercial Airplanes vice president of Product Development. "The collaboration between Boeing and Samsung Electronics will explore the use of innovative technologies to advance the science in these areas."
Samsung Electronics said the new research-and-development relationship with Boeing demonstrates its continued commitment to cement its leadership in enterprise information technology through superior products, software solutions and services, and building relationships with valued partners.
"The aviation industry is one of the most complex and sophisticated landscapes in business, with millions of passengers and employees passing safely through aviation systems every day," said Bumcoo Cho, Samsung Electronics senior vice president of the Enterprise Business Team. "I am delighted that Samsung will work with Boeing to satisfy the fast growing demand of airline customers around the world. We will bring our expertise in multimedia and information technology to the forefront of aviation for a richer and more fulfilling connected experience while traveling."
Boeing Research & Technology, the company's advanced, central research and technology organization, will oversee the collaborative relationship for Boeing. The organization is focused on developing future aerospace solutions and improving the cycle time, cost, quality and performance of current aerospace systems.
About Boeing
Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training. For more information about Boeing, please visit www.boeing.com.
About Samsung Electronics
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., is a global leader in semiconductor, telecommunication, digital media and digital convergence technologies with 2011 consolidated sales of US$143.1 billion. Employing approximately 206,000 people in 197 offices across 72 countries, the company operates two separate organizations to coordinate its nine independent business units: Digital Media & Communications, comprising Visual Display, Mobile Communications, Telecommunications Systems, Digital Appliances, IT Solutions, and Digital Imaging; and Device Solutions, consisting of Memory, System LSI and LED. Recognized for its industry-leading performance across a range of economic, environmental and social criteria, Samsung Electronics was named the world's most sustainable technology company in the 2011 Dow Jones Sustainability Index. For more information, please visitwww.samsung.com.
A signed memorandum of understanding between the world's largest aerospace company and the global leader in digital media and digital convergence technologies will help broaden and deepen the Korean industrial ties to Boeing aircraft production.
Boeing and Samsung Electronics will initially start the development of advanced display and wireless networking technologies that offer more capabilities for passenger entertainment and ground-to-air communications, but are lighter and require less power. Additionally, the companies will explore opportunities to collaborate on projects involving productivity and enterprise mobility using Samsung's current and future devices and solutions in hand-held mobile devices and other IT products.
"Onboard communications and networking are key elements to the passenger in-flight experience, and connecting the airplane with ground crews during flight is vital to airline operational efficiency," said Larry Schneider, Boeing Commercial Airplanes vice president of Product Development. "The collaboration between Boeing and Samsung Electronics will explore the use of innovative technologies to advance the science in these areas."
Samsung Electronics said the new research-and-development relationship with Boeing demonstrates its continued commitment to cement its leadership in enterprise information technology through superior products, software solutions and services, and building relationships with valued partners.
"The aviation industry is one of the most complex and sophisticated landscapes in business, with millions of passengers and employees passing safely through aviation systems every day," said Bumcoo Cho, Samsung Electronics senior vice president of the Enterprise Business Team. "I am delighted that Samsung will work with Boeing to satisfy the fast growing demand of airline customers around the world. We will bring our expertise in multimedia and information technology to the forefront of aviation for a richer and more fulfilling connected experience while traveling."
Boeing Research & Technology, the company's advanced, central research and technology organization, will oversee the collaborative relationship for Boeing. The organization is focused on developing future aerospace solutions and improving the cycle time, cost, quality and performance of current aerospace systems.
About Boeing
Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training. For more information about Boeing, please visit www.boeing.com.
About Samsung Electronics
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., is a global leader in semiconductor, telecommunication, digital media and digital convergence technologies with 2011 consolidated sales of US$143.1 billion. Employing approximately 206,000 people in 197 offices across 72 countries, the company operates two separate organizations to coordinate its nine independent business units: Digital Media & Communications, comprising Visual Display, Mobile Communications, Telecommunications Systems, Digital Appliances, IT Solutions, and Digital Imaging; and Device Solutions, consisting of Memory, System LSI and LED. Recognized for its industry-leading performance across a range of economic, environmental and social criteria, Samsung Electronics was named the world's most sustainable technology company in the 2011 Dow Jones Sustainability Index. For more information, please visitwww.samsung.com.
New Missile Records 1st Operational Test Flight: CHAMP high-powered microwaves degrade or destroy electronic targets without collateral damage
HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah, Oct. 22, 2012 -- A recent weapons flight test in the Utah desert may change future warfare after the missile successfully defeated electronic targets with little to no collateral damage.
Boeing [NYSE: BA] and the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Directed Energy Directorate, Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M., successfully tested the Counter-electronics High-powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP) during a flight over the Utah Test and Training Range that was monitored from Hill Air Force Base.
CHAMP, which renders electronic targets useless, is a non-kinetic alternative to traditional explosive weapons that use the energy of motion to defeat a target.
During the test, the CHAMP missile navigated a pre-programmed flight plan and emitted bursts of high-powered energy, effectively knocking out the target's data and electronic subsystems. CHAMP allows for selective high-frequency radio wave strikes against numerous targets during a single mission.
"This technology marks a new era in modern-day warfare," said Keith Coleman, CHAMP program manager for Boeing Phantom Works. "In the near future, this technology may be used to render an enemy's electronic and data systems useless even before the first troops or aircraft arrive."
CHAMP is a multiyear, joint capability technology demonstration that includes ground and flight tests.
Boeing [NYSE: BA] and the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Directed Energy Directorate, Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M., successfully tested the Counter-electronics High-powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP) during a flight over the Utah Test and Training Range that was monitored from Hill Air Force Base.
CHAMP, which renders electronic targets useless, is a non-kinetic alternative to traditional explosive weapons that use the energy of motion to defeat a target.
During the test, the CHAMP missile navigated a pre-programmed flight plan and emitted bursts of high-powered energy, effectively knocking out the target's data and electronic subsystems. CHAMP allows for selective high-frequency radio wave strikes against numerous targets during a single mission.
"This technology marks a new era in modern-day warfare," said Keith Coleman, CHAMP program manager for Boeing Phantom Works. "In the near future, this technology may be used to render an enemy's electronic and data systems useless even before the first troops or aircraft arrive."
CHAMP is a multiyear, joint capability technology demonstration that includes ground and flight tests.
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