miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

Los jets prevén "plantar" a Aena por las condiciones del traslado a Barajas

Las "draconianas" condiciones impuestas por Aena para ceder el antiguo pabellón de Estado a las compañías de jets privados para completar su traslado al aeropuerto de Barajas han puesto a las aerolíneas de lujo en pie de guerra. Así, la aviación ejecutiva estudia dejar desierto el concurso convocado por el operador aeroportuario, que obliga a los adjudicatarios a asumir el coste del cambio y la renovación de las infraestructuras

Curiosity streams a human voice and new telephoto images from Mars

Curiosity streams a human voice and new telephoto images from Mars:
A chapter of the layered geological history of Mars is laid bare in this postcard from NAS...
For the very first time in human history, a human voice was streamed from the surface of another planet and traveled some 168 million miles (267 million km) into space before it was heard on Earth. The audio was a pre-recorded message from NASA administrator Charles Bolden, who sent a congratulatory message to the engineers involved in the US$2.5 billion mission to safely land the Mars Science Laboratory – better known as the Curiosity rover – on the surface of Mars... Continue Reading Curiosity streams a human voice and new telephoto images from Mars

UK parliamentary group calls for urgent Heathrow expansion

UK parliamentary group calls for urgent Heathrow expansion: The UK's All Party Parliamentary Group on Aviation has released a statement recommending that all efforts should be made "to ensure the UK retains and grows...