lunes, 13 de agosto de 2012
NGRAIN's 3D tracking solution to enhance USAF F-22 maintenance
NGRAIN's 3D tracking solution to enhance USAF F-22 maintenance: Lockheed Martin has taken delivery of Virtual Damage Repair and Tracking software from NGRAIN, for integration into the US Air Force's (USAF) fleet of F-22 Raptor fighter jets.
F-35 Testing Aircraft Comes Full Circle
F-35 Testing Aircraft Comes Full Circle: Aircraft Used In Static Test Program Returned To LMC In Fort Worth After successfully completing the static test program on the F-35 (known as AG-1) BAE systems says it has returned the aircraft back to Lockheed Martin. BAE says the static test program broke all records for the speed of testing, having applied more than 150 different loading configurations in just over nine months.
Detenidos los tres islamistas que ensayaban con UAV para realizar un atentado
El Ministerio del Interior ha difundido documentación gráfica que
desvela que los yihadistas Eldar Magomedov, Muhamed Adamov y Cegiz
Yalzin habían ensayado con un avión teledirigido para cometer atentados.En
concreto, se trata de un vídeo, con muy baja resolución, en el que se
observa cómo despega uno de estos aviones y del que posteriormente se
desprende una bolsa de plástico que desciende lentamente mediante un
pequeño paracaidas. A continuación se ve al turco Cegiz Yalzin que
comprueba que el ensayo ha teniodo resultados satisfactorios.
video y noticia completa:
El MIT desarrolla un UAV de ala fija capaz de sortear cualquier obstáculo
El Robust Robotics Group del afamado Instituto Tecnológico de
Massachusetts está trabajando en vehículos aéreos no tripulados capaces
de orientarse en interiores sin necesidad de
datos de cartografía preexistentes ni sistemas de posicionamiento vía
satélite (GPS); utilizando simplemente medidores de distancia láser
(entre otros sensores) y un cerebro Intel Atom para procesar las rutinas
de inteligencia artificial.
Vídeos y Fotos: Primer vuelo del LEMV, del X-48C, video del X-47B y primera suelta de bombas desde un F-35
Este verano, lejos de estar de vacaciones, está siendo espectacular en cuanto a presentaciones se refiere. Por un lado el estreno de la aeronave híbrida LEMV*. Por otro lado el vuelo del UCAV X-47B, el uso de alas volantes como aviones no tripulados de combate. Y una vez más, al que me recuerde que es como los aviones de los Horten, ¡habrá que recordarle que también es como los aviones de Northrop! Y es que el mismo sueño se perseguía en ambos lados del atlántico. Similar a esta aeronave es el X-48C, aunque en este caso no se trata de un ala volante, si no de un BWB, Blended Wing Body, un avión en el que fuselaje y ala están totalmente integrados. En teoría se espera que los aviones que sustituyan a los actuales aviones de pasajeros tipo "fuselaje de tubo y alas" sean como éste. Respecto al último vídeo, se describe por si solo, se trata de la primera suelta de bombas realizadas desde el F-35B.
NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity getting "brain transplant"
NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity getting "brain transplant":

NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity is changing its mind – or rather, NASA is changing Curiosity’s mind for it. The 4X4-sized robot explorer is spending its first weekend on the Red Planet installing a major software update that NASA calls a “brain transplant.” This new software replaces that which Curiosity ran while in transit from Earth and will prepare the rover for exploring the Martian surface... Continue Reading NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity getting "brain transplant"

NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity is changing its mind – or rather, NASA is changing Curiosity’s mind for it. The 4X4-sized robot explorer is spending its first weekend on the Red Planet installing a major software update that NASA calls a “brain transplant.” This new software replaces that which Curiosity ran while in transit from Earth and will prepare the rover for exploring the Martian surface... Continue Reading NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity getting "brain transplant"
Gamera II human-powered helicopter flight record confirmed by NAA
Gamera II human-powered helicopter flight record confirmed by NAA:

The unofficial human-powered helicopter flight record set by Kyle Gluesenkamp from the A. James Clark School of Engineering's Gamera II team on June 21 2012 has just been ratified by the National Aeronautic Association (NAA). The new national record has now been submitted to the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale for approval as a new world record... Continue Reading Gamera II human-powered helicopter flight record confirmed by NAA

The unofficial human-powered helicopter flight record set by Kyle Gluesenkamp from the A. James Clark School of Engineering's Gamera II team on June 21 2012 has just been ratified by the National Aeronautic Association (NAA). The new national record has now been submitted to the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale for approval as a new world record... Continue Reading Gamera II human-powered helicopter flight record confirmed by NAA
NASA's Morpheus lander crashes, burns, explodes, burns some more
NASA's Morpheus lander crashes, burns, explodes, burns some more:

A free test flight of NASA's prototype Morpheus lander ended prematurely, spectacularly and in flames on Thursday when the vehicle lost stability directly after take off, crashed upside down into the dirt, before experiencing a number of explosions that left the lander in flames and apparently completely destroyed. Thankfully, no one was hurt in the incident... Continue Reading NASA's Morpheus lander crashes, burns, explodes, burns some more

A free test flight of NASA's prototype Morpheus lander ended prematurely, spectacularly and in flames on Thursday when the vehicle lost stability directly after take off, crashed upside down into the dirt, before experiencing a number of explosions that left the lander in flames and apparently completely destroyed. Thankfully, no one was hurt in the incident... Continue Reading NASA's Morpheus lander crashes, burns, explodes, burns some more
Cuarta edición del Máster en Global Supply Chain&Aeronautical Industry Operations
Cuarta edición del Máster en Global Supply Chain&Aeronautical Industry Operations: Se abre el plazo de inscripción para la 4ª edición del Máster enGlobal Supply Chain& Aeronautical Industry Operationsorganizado por laEscuela Superior de Ingenierosde laUniversidad de Sevillacon la colaboración deEADS.El máster, que este año estrena nueva web y nueva imagen, incluyecomo en convocatorias anterioresprácticas remuneradas en centros deEADSen Sevilla.En esta
The Cost Of Buying An Airliner Just Went Up
The Cost Of Buying An Airliner Just Went Up: Boeing Announces A 5.5 Percent Price Hike If you were thinking about buying an airliner from Boeing, the base price for their airplanes just went up by 5.5 percent. Boeing said in announcing the price hike that it was necessary to cover higher costs for wages, goods, and services.
Sukhoi evaluates radar system of Russian T-50 fighters
Sukhoi evaluates radar system of Russian T-50 fighters: Sukhoi is conducting test flights on the Russian Air Force's fifth generation T-50 multi-role fighter jet, in a bid to evaluate the performance of its new onboard X-band active phased array radar system.
RAAF debuts KC-30A MRTT during Pitch Black exercise
RAAF debuts KC-30A MRTT during Pitch Black exercise: The Royal Australian Air Force's (RAAF) has debuted its latest Airbus KC-30A multi-role tanker transport (MRTT) aircraft during the multinational air defence exercise, code named Pitch Black 2012 (PB12), which is currently underway in Northern Austra…
It's Official! Gamera II Sets New Flight Duration Record
It's Official! Gamera II Sets New Flight Duration Record: Clark School Human-Powered Helicopter Flew For A Tick Under 50 Seconds The National Aeronautic Association has certified the June 21, 2012, flight of Gamera II at 49.9 seconds, a new national record for human-powered helicopter flight duration, and submitted flight information to the Federation Aeronautique Internationale for approval as a world record. Gamera II was designed, built and piloted by students at the A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park.
NASA Morpheus Lander Flight Test Fails
NASA Morpheus Lander Flight Test Fails: Prototype Low-Cost Lander Crashed And Burned In First Autonomous Flight Test While NASA celebrates the success of the Curiosity Rover landing on Mars, another program suffered a setback Thursday when the Morpheus Lander prototype crashed and burned only a few seconds after lifting off on its first autonomous test flight.
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