martes, 31 de julio de 2012
Small (Rotary) Wings For Big Pilots
Small (Rotary) Wings For Big Pilots: Rotary Wings Not Angel Wings You know in the past I’ve written about how difficult it is for big pilots to find something they can fit into so they can fly like everyone else. Being 6’1”, 285 lbs, with really wide shoulders, I’ve provided a lot of comic relief trying to get into airplanes at fly-in’s.
Pipistrel Receives Two Prestigious Awards At Oshkosh
Pipistrel Receives Two Prestigious Awards At Oshkosh: Recognized For Engineering And Personal Aircraft Design The Pipistrel Aircraft Team received two prestigious awards at AirVenture, which wrapped up on Sunday. The company was the recipient of the 'Dr. August Raspet Memorial Award', which has been presented annually by the EAA since 1960 to "a person who has made outstanding advancements in the field of light aircraft design."
Synergy Aircraft: A Bold New Future For Aviation
Synergy Aircraft: A Bold New Future For Aviation: Is John McGinnis The Next Burt Rutan? Aviation has always had its share of dreamers and innovators, and from those people have come some of the largest leaps in technology, aerodynamic efficiency, and safety. At Air Venture last week, a young aerospace engineer conducted presentations at the innovation forum on his vision for the future of aviation.
La rusa Irkut venderá 42 cazas Su-30 a la India
La rusa Irkut venderá 42 cazas Su-30 a la India:
Según explicó Alexandr Véprev, director general de la Planta Aeronáutica de Irkutsk, la compañía también entregará este año al menos 15 aviones Yak-130 al Ministerio ruso de Defensa. Adelantó también que su compañía negocia con Airbus aumentar la fabricación de piezas para el Ð 320 en Irkutsk.
Según explicó Alexandr Véprev, director general de la Planta Aeronáutica de Irkutsk, la compañía también entregará este año al menos 15 aviones Yak-130 al Ministerio ruso de Defensa. Adelantó también que su compañía negocia con Airbus aumentar la fabricación de piezas para el Ð 320 en Irkutsk.
EADS reconoce un nuevo retraso en el Airbus A350 XWB
Aunque ya se había filtrado, no ha sido hasta el pasado salón de Farnborough que Airbus ha reconocido que había problemas con las alas del Airbus A350 XWB y que habría nuevos retrasos. Ahora EADS los ha hecho oficiales y ha cuantificado el retraso: "Airbus está avanzando en el programa A350 XWB. El montaje del avión estático de pruebas continúa y lasección del fuselaje frontal totalmente equipado del primer avión de vuelo ha sido entregada en la línea de montaje final. La entrada en servicio se ha desplazado al segundo semestre de 2014, debido, principalmente, al tiempo necesario para la implantación del proceso de perforación automatizado para las alas.
Cómo derrotar al F-22
El rápido, stealth F-22 Raptor es "incuestionablemente" el major caza aire-aire en el arsenal de la major fuerza aérea mundial. Eso es lo que escribió el jefe de estado mayor de la fuerza aérea saliente Gen. Norton Schwartz escribió en el 2009.
Tres años más tarde (2012), un contingente de pilotos alemanes volando sus últimos cazas Typhoon han ideado como derribar el F22 fabricado por Lockheed Martin en combate simulado. Las tácticas de los alemanes, reveladas en el ultimo Combat Aircraft magazine, representan la ultima confrontación con la realidad para el F-22 de 400 millones de $ por unidad, seguido por docenas de desvanecimientos de pilotos, y un posible accidente, relacionado con problemas con el único chaleco anti-g usado por los pilotos de Raptor
Tres años más tarde (2012), un contingente de pilotos alemanes volando sus últimos cazas Typhoon han ideado como derribar el F22 fabricado por Lockheed Martin en combate simulado. Las tácticas de los alemanes, reveladas en el ultimo Combat Aircraft magazine, representan la ultima confrontación con la realidad para el F-22 de 400 millones de $ por unidad, seguido por docenas de desvanecimientos de pilotos, y un posible accidente, relacionado con problemas con el único chaleco anti-g usado por los pilotos de Raptor
Cluster aeroespacial Hélice y EOI mejoran la formación empresarial de directivos
El Cluster Hélice y la Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI) han afirmado que el acuerdo, que ha sido elaborado entre ambas entidades este lunes, tiene el objetivo de aumentar aún más el potencial de crecimiento de la industria auxiliar aeroespacial andaluza a través de una mejora de las capacidades gerenciales de sus directivos.
Según una nota de prensa de ambas organizaciones, en el acuerdo ambas entidades desarrollarán una novedosa iniciativa formativa que incluye un curso de cualificación de 120 horas y un proceso de tutorización y seguimiento encaminado a prestar apoyo para la puesta en marcha de nuevos proyectos y líneas de negocio.
Según una nota de prensa de ambas organizaciones, en el acuerdo ambas entidades desarrollarán una novedosa iniciativa formativa que incluye un curso de cualificación de 120 horas y un proceso de tutorización y seguimiento encaminado a prestar apoyo para la puesta en marcha de nuevos proyectos y líneas de negocio.
Ganancias netas de brasileña Embraer caen 25% en segundo trimestre de 2012
El tercer fabricante mundial de aviones comerciales se vio afectado por la apreciación del dólar.
“Sukhoi Civil Aircraft” (SCAC) delivered its tenth production Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) MSN 95017, the ninth to enter into service with Aerofl
July 30, 2012, Moscow — JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" (SCAC) delivered its tenth production Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) MSN 95017, the ninth to enter into service with Aeroflot. On completion of Technical acceptance procedure, SCAC and Aeroflot signed the Act of Delivery & Acceptance for this aircraft at Ulyanovsk on July 28, 2012. The aircraft received the name after the outstanding Soviet pilot Vasily Borisov and the tail number RA-89009.
The document, signed by the parties, states that the aircraft is technically sound and fully meets the performance criteria. The Act of Delivery & Acceptance also confirms that the SSJ100 is transferred to the carrier with a full set of required operational and maintenance documentation and flight kit. The aircraft is ready to start commercial operation on Aeroflot domestic and international route network.
The aircraft is planned to fly from Ulyanovsk to Moscow on August 2, 2012.
"The tenth delivery is great milestone for our company and our partners of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 Program. We are very pleased that Aeroflot received our jubilee aircraft. Our experience gained in process of the aircraft acceptance by the airlines is definitely useful to facilitate the planned growth of the SSJ100 deliveries", noted SCAC President Vladimir Prisyazhnyuk.
The document, signed by the parties, states that the aircraft is technically sound and fully meets the performance criteria. The Act of Delivery & Acceptance also confirms that the SSJ100 is transferred to the carrier with a full set of required operational and maintenance documentation and flight kit. The aircraft is ready to start commercial operation on Aeroflot domestic and international route network.
The aircraft is planned to fly from Ulyanovsk to Moscow on August 2, 2012.
"The tenth delivery is great milestone for our company and our partners of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 Program. We are very pleased that Aeroflot received our jubilee aircraft. Our experience gained in process of the aircraft acceptance by the airlines is definitely useful to facilitate the planned growth of the SSJ100 deliveries", noted SCAC President Vladimir Prisyazhnyuk.
Certification of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 in Indonesia started
July 27, 2012, Moscow — A Protocol on definition of the validation procedures for Type Certificate of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft (model RRJ-95B) in Indonesia was signed in Moscow in frame of the visit of the delegation of the Indonesian Ministry of Transport to Russia. Mr Diding Sunardi, Director Airworthiness & Aircraft Operation of Directorate General of Civil Aviation of the Indonesian Ministry of Transport, and Vladimir Bespalov, Chairman of the Aviation Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC AR), signed the document.
The protocol defined the scope and order of the works to be resulted in issuing the Type Certificate for Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft by the Indonesian aviation authority. It will allow the Indonesian carriers to operate aircraft of such a type.
For the time being two Indonesian airlines, Sky Aviation and Kartika, ordered 42 SSJ100 aircraft. First delivery of the SSJ100 to Sky Aviation is scheduled this year.
Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) is a 100 seat regional jet designed, developed and built by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), in partnership with Alenia Aermacchi. On May 19th 2008 SSJ100 successfully accomplished its first flight. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 cruises at a Maximum Operating Speed of Mach 0.81 and 40,000 feet. It takes off from a 1,731 meters runway in the basic range and 2,052 meters in the long range. The operating range for the basic version is 3,048 km and 4,578 km for the long range version. In January 2011, the SSJ100 obtained the Type Certificate by the Russian Certification Authority IAC AR. On April 19th 2011 first production SSJ100 was delivered to the customer. In February 2012, the SSJ100 obtained the EASA Type Certificate. By the mid of July 2012 nine SSJ100s in service with airlines accumulated more than 10,200 flight hours in more than 5,200 revenue flights.
Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company
The Company's shareholders are the Sukhoi Holding owing 75% — 1 share and the Italian Alenia Aermacchi, a Finmeccanica Company, holding 25% + 1 share since April 7, 2009. Sukhoi Civil Aircraft was founded in 2000 to develop new regional aircraft projects. Headquartered in Moscow, the Company enjoys several production branches seated in the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Novosibirsk and Voronezh. Today the company employs over 2,000 people.
Sukhoi Superjet 100 — a new family of regional jets — is the Company's major project.
The protocol defined the scope and order of the works to be resulted in issuing the Type Certificate for Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft by the Indonesian aviation authority. It will allow the Indonesian carriers to operate aircraft of such a type.
For the time being two Indonesian airlines, Sky Aviation and Kartika, ordered 42 SSJ100 aircraft. First delivery of the SSJ100 to Sky Aviation is scheduled this year.
Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) is a 100 seat regional jet designed, developed and built by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), in partnership with Alenia Aermacchi. On May 19th 2008 SSJ100 successfully accomplished its first flight. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 cruises at a Maximum Operating Speed of Mach 0.81 and 40,000 feet. It takes off from a 1,731 meters runway in the basic range and 2,052 meters in the long range. The operating range for the basic version is 3,048 km and 4,578 km for the long range version. In January 2011, the SSJ100 obtained the Type Certificate by the Russian Certification Authority IAC AR. On April 19th 2011 first production SSJ100 was delivered to the customer. In February 2012, the SSJ100 obtained the EASA Type Certificate. By the mid of July 2012 nine SSJ100s in service with airlines accumulated more than 10,200 flight hours in more than 5,200 revenue flights.
Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company
The Company's shareholders are the Sukhoi Holding owing 75% — 1 share and the Italian Alenia Aermacchi, a Finmeccanica Company, holding 25% + 1 share since April 7, 2009. Sukhoi Civil Aircraft was founded in 2000 to develop new regional aircraft projects. Headquartered in Moscow, the Company enjoys several production branches seated in the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Novosibirsk and Voronezh. Today the company employs over 2,000 people.
Sukhoi Superjet 100 — a new family of regional jets — is the Company's major project.
Boeing Integrates Next-Gen Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System on Silent Eagle
- Test validates functionality of JHMCS II/h on flight demonstrator
- Fighter jet development proceeding on schedule
ST. LOUIS, July 30, 2012 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] recently validated the integration of the next-generation Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System II/h (JHMCS II/h) on the company's F-15 Silent Eagle demonstrator aircraft, continuing the on-schedule development of this advanced multi-role jet fighter.
The JHMCS II/h allows a pilot to aim sensors and weapons wherever he or she is looking, through the use of new head-tracking technology and a display projected onto the helmet's visor. Produced by Vision Systems International (VSI), this system provides significantly improved ergonomics and reliability, at lower cost, than VSI's prior JHMCS system.
A recent flight in St. Louis demonstrated the system's enhancements and collected baseline data for the head-tracking technology.
"Both pilots who flew with the JHMCS II/h system immediately noticed that the helmet was more balanced and the smaller, lighter interface cable was less restrictive," said Greg Hardy, Boeing JHMCS program manager.
The new head-tracking technology is significantly easier to maintain while requiring less support equipment than previous trackers. Electronics enhancements enable all processing to be done within the helmet, eliminating most aircraft-mounted equipment, which also contributes to the system's overall cost savings.
The system provides an easy transition in flight between day and night modes, greatly increasing mission flexibility. VSI also used maturing display and tracking technologies to reduce the complexity of integrating the JHMCS II/h system on an aircraft, an approach that was validated during the demonstration.
"Integrating this enhanced system onto the Silent Eagle took less than three months between 'go-ahead' and first flight," said Hardy. "This timeline was achievable because of the dedication of the industry team, the simplicity of the physical and logical integration, and the long history Boeing and VSI share on the JHMCS program."
"Technology advancements are reshaping the military helmet-mounted display market," said Phil King, president of VSI. "The rapid validation of the maturity and effectiveness of several such technologies in this demonstration program has shown that we can meet and exceed the performance baselines established by the extremely successful legacy JHMCS design while also providing new capabilities and reducing cost to the customer."
Lockheed Martin reveals glimpse of Sea Ghost UAV
Lockheed Martin reveals glimpse of Sea Ghost UAV:

Lockheed Martin has hinted at plans for a new UAV carrier combat aircraft, known as the UCLASS Sea Ghost. This makes the American defense contractor the fourth contender for the U.S. Navy’s unmanned carrier combat aircraft contract, joining Northrop’s X-47B, Boeing’s Phantom Ray and General Atomic’s Sea Avenger... Continue Reading Lockheed Martin reveals glimpse of Sea Ghost UAV

Lockheed Martin has hinted at plans for a new UAV carrier combat aircraft, known as the UCLASS Sea Ghost. This makes the American defense contractor the fourth contender for the U.S. Navy’s unmanned carrier combat aircraft contract, joining Northrop’s X-47B, Boeing’s Phantom Ray and General Atomic’s Sea Avenger... Continue Reading Lockheed Martin reveals glimpse of Sea Ghost UAV
Wernher von Braun's Martian Chronicles | Paleofuture
Assuming everything goes according to plan, NASA's Curiosity rover will touch down on the surface of Mars this Sunday, August 5th at 10:31 PDT. Curiosity travels in the cosmic wake of not only the pioneering landers and rovers that have made journeys to Mars before, but also the innumerable visionaries who showed us how we might get there —well before it was possible.
From 1952 until 1954, the weekly magazine Collier's published a series of articles on space exploration spread out across eight issues. Several of the articles were written by Wernher von Braun, the former Third Reich rocket scientist who began working for the U.S. after WWII. TheCollier's series is said to have inspired countless popular visions of space travel. This impact was in no small part due to the gorgeous, colorful illustrations done by Chesley Bonestell, Fred Freemanand Rolf Klep.
The last of the Collier's space-themed series was the April 30, 1954, issue that featured a cover showing the planet Mars and two headlines: "Can We Get to Mars?" and directly underneath: "Is There Life on Mars?" The article, "Can We Get to Mars?," by von Braun is a fascinating read that looks at everything from the impact of meteors on spacecraft to the stresses of living in cramped quarters during such a long journey.
Russia to examine new 130-seat project next year
Russia's trade and industry ministry is stressing that it has yet to decide the nature of a new aircraft to address the 130-seat sector, but it remains keen on participating in the market.
While the ministry referred earlier this year to a project designated the Superjet 130NG, it will not necessarily involve a stretch of the Sukhoi Superjet 100.
"It is not the Superjet, and it is not the 'Next Generation'," said deputy trade minister Yuri Slusar, emphasising that the effort is aimed at trying to fill a distinct niche in the 130-seat sector "through unification of the existing product range".
While the ministry referred earlier this year to a project designated the Superjet 130NG, it will not necessarily involve a stretch of the Sukhoi Superjet 100.
"It is not the Superjet, and it is not the 'Next Generation'," said deputy trade minister Yuri Slusar, emphasising that the effort is aimed at trying to fill a distinct niche in the 130-seat sector "through unification of the existing product range".
Ryanair wants aircraft with bigger doors - Telegraph
Ryanair, the self-styled "ultra low cost" carrier,
has come up with a new scheme to save time
and money: building a plane with wider doors.
Michael O'Leary, the airline's chief executive, is
talking to a Chinese aircraft manufacturer about
a bespoke jet that would allow passengers to be
herded on and off Ryanair flights in double-quick
China completes longest hot-fire engine test for Long March 5 core stage
The Long March 5 will come in five different configurations, capable of launching from 1,500kg to 23,000kg into low Earth orbit (LEO), according to Flightglobal/Ascend's SpaceTrak database.
How to Defeat the Air Force’s Powerful Stealth Fighter
a contingent of German pilots flying their latest Typhoon fighter have figured out how to shoot down the Lockheed Martin-made F-22 in mock combat. The Germans' tactics, revealed in thelatest Combat Aircraft magazine, represent the latest reality check for the $400-million-a-copy F-22, following dozens of pilot blackouts, and possibly a crash, reportedly related to problems with the unique g-force-defying vests worn by Raptor pilots.
In mid-June, 150 German airmen and eight twin-engine, non-stealthy Typhoons arrived at Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska for an American-led Red Flag exercise involving more than 100 aircraft from Germany, the U.S. Air Force and Army, NATO, Japan, Australia and Poland. Eight times during the two-week war game, individual German Typhoons flew against single F-22s in basic fighter maneuvers meant to simulate a close-range dogfight.
The results were a surprise to the Germans and presumably the Americans, too. "We were evenly matched,"
In mid-June, 150 German airmen and eight twin-engine, non-stealthy Typhoons arrived at Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska for an American-led Red Flag exercise involving more than 100 aircraft from Germany, the U.S. Air Force and Army, NATO, Japan, Australia and Poland. Eight times during the two-week war game, individual German Typhoons flew against single F-22s in basic fighter maneuvers meant to simulate a close-range dogfight.
The results were a surprise to the Germans and presumably the Americans, too. "We were evenly matched,"
Dogfight: 50 UAVs vs 50 UAVs. Enjambres de robots de combate no tripulados toman los cielos
Una investigación para permitir combates aéreos entre UAVs enemigos probará 100 drones de combate luchando en una competición en 2015. Berenice Baker investiga los desafíos humanos y técnicos de cara a un equipo de investigación que pretende que sus robots aéreos de combate dominen el cielo, en un intento de preveer futuras batallas entre drones militares.
Sense-And-Avoid System To Transition To Global Hawk
An airborne sense-and-avoid (ABSAA) system enabling the Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk to fly in civil airspace will transition to full-scale development at the end of September after completion of a final round of research test flights.
The multi-sensor system has been in development at the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) since 2008 under the Multiple Intruder Autonomous Avoidance (MIAA) science and technology program.
Flights from Niagara Falls, N.Y., in August/September will mark the final phase of tests using a Calspan-operated Learjet equipped with the MIAA sensors and algorithms and acting as a surrogate for the unmanned Global Hawk.
The flights will evaluate collision-avoidance algorithms and a new electronically scanned sense-and-avoid radar, as well as a new technique to perform passive target ranging from the two-dimensional imagery provided by electro-optical sensors.
X-47B unmanned aircraft gets its Pax River wings
X-47B unmanned aircraft gets its Pax River wings:

Following the completion of airworthiness flight tests at Edwards Air Force Base in California on May 15, the second Northrop Grumman-built X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) demonstrator was transported cross-country to Naval Air Station Patuxent (Pax) River in Maryland where it has just conducted the first flight at its new home. .. Continue Reading X-47B unmanned aircraft gets its Pax River wings

Following the completion of airworthiness flight tests at Edwards Air Force Base in California on May 15, the second Northrop Grumman-built X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) demonstrator was transported cross-country to Naval Air Station Patuxent (Pax) River in Maryland where it has just conducted the first flight at its new home. .. Continue Reading X-47B unmanned aircraft gets its Pax River wings
Skylon: Futuristic space plane closer to reality - Space
"We are now planning the next phase of
development and raising the financing for it,"
Mark Hempsell, the company's future programs
director, told
El Ejército del Aire convoca concurso para mantenimiento de helicópteros por 2,5 millones
El Ejército del Aire convoca concurso para mantenimiento de helicópteros por 2,5 millones:
La fecha límite de presentación de ofertas es el próximo 20 de agosto, a las 11 horas.
La fecha límite de presentación de ofertas es el próximo 20 de agosto, a las 11 horas.
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