miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012
Prototype "flat-pack" wind turbine pops up in the UK
A new prototype wind turbine, 30 years in the making, and designed for flat-pack shipping and easy assembly, has been erected at Keele University in the UK... Continue Reading Prototype "flat-pack" wind turbine pops up in the UK
Sapphire disks could communicate with future generations 10 million years from now

Storing data for longer than a few years is tricky enough with rapidly advancing technology, so what are you supposed to do if you need to store data for thousands or even millions of years? That's just the problem facing nuclear waste management companies, who need a way to warn future civilizations of hazardous sites that will withstand the test of time. Luckily a recent proposal may have the solution with a sapphire disk etched in platinum that could survive longer than humanity itself... Continue Reading Sapphire disks could communicate with future generations 10 million years from now
Add a dash of titanium dioxide for self-cleaning walls, displays and garden furniture

For many people, the onset of warmer weather can mean pulling out the ol' scrubbing brush and getting to work on the slimy film of moss, algae, fungi and bacteria that has built up on the garden furniture over the colder months. But we may soon be able to say goodbye to this tiresome chore thanks to researchers at Fraunhofer who are developing coatings that would be activated by the sun’s rays to destroy organic substances attaching themselves to various surfaces... Continue Reading Add a dash of titanium dioxide for self-cleaning walls, displays and garden furniture
Bombardier, llega un competidor para Airbus y Boeing
Para comenzar, Bombardier apunta al mercado de aviones de entre 100 y 1
104 años del primer helicoptero
Aqui mis comentarios.
-"Para empezar, no es lo mismo un giroscopio que un helicóptero"
como que se parecen un huevo a una castaña! el giróscopo es un instrumento inercial! adivino que querías poner "autogiro" y no "giróscopo"
-Os olvidáis de cierto helicóptero alemán el Focke-Achgelis Fa 61, cuya configuración tenia dos rotores lado a lado (en vez de la configuracion del sikorsky, que tiene rotor principal y rotor de cola), volado además por la pionera de la aviación Hanna Reichts, lo cual le hace seguramente la 1ª mujer en volar un helicóptero. El Fa 61 voló en el 38, antes que el invento de Sikorsky. Alguno dirá que no se trata de un helicóptero, si no de un Girodino, pues tiene una hélice frontal. Si esta hélice sirve solo para refrigerar el motor, como dice la wikipedia, el Fa 61 sería un helicóptero de rotores contrarrotatorios montados lado a lado. Si por el contrario esa hélice es la que proporciona potencia para el movimiento de avance, se trataría de un Girodino.
-Interesante mención también al Flettner FL 282 Kolibri, un helicóptero alemán del que se fabricaron unas cuantas unidades en la IIGM. Tiene dos rotores contrarrotatorios, cuyas palas han de girar sincronizadas, puesto que tienen los ejes tan cercanos que tienen que entrelazarse en su giro
-por último, no hubiera estado mal contemplar el Aerotecnica AC14, español. La novedad de este helo es que eliminaba el rotor de cola, y utilizaba los gases de escape para contrarrestar el giro del fuselaje. Se adelantaba así un ingeniero Español unos pocos años al invento del NOTAR estadounidense
José Manuel Gil (ingeniero técnico aeronáutico)
El nuevo gobierno francés retrasa el acuerdo para desarrollar UAS ... - www.infodefensa.com
![]() www.infodefensa.com | El nuevo gobierno francés retrasa el acuerdo para desarrollar UAS ... www.infodefensa.com Según ha publicado Defense News, el responsable de adquisiciones británico ha añadido que Francia está buscando su propia estrategia en vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV), “pero nos han asegurado que todavía están comprometidos a trabajar ... |
Rusia abre nueva etapa en el desarrollo de su industria aeronáutica - RIA Novosti
Rusia abre nueva etapa en el desarrollo de su industria aeronáutica RIA Novosti En enero de 2011 fue entregado a los clientes el primer avión comercial Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ-100) que empezó a fabricarse en serie. En el Salón Aeroespacial Internacional MAKS que se celebró en agosto de 2011 en la Ciudad Zhukovski, en las ... |
Sikorsky Aircraft wants kids' ideas for the 'Helicopter of the Future' - Danbury News Times (blog)
![]() The Huntsville Times - al.com | Sikorsky Aircraft wants kids' ideas for the 'Helicopter of the Future' Danbury News Times (blog) The Sikorsky Helicopter 2050 Program and Challenge is a hands-on program where kids learn about flight and helicopters. Museums around the country are invited to take part in the program and engage young visitors to envision the environmental future of ... Signing ceremony in Huntsville recognizes multi-year helicopter ...The Huntsville Times - al.com (blog) GKN Aerospace opens composite facility in MexicoMetal Powder Report los 2 artículos informativos » |
El grafeno puede repararse a sí mismo
Crean un nuevo material compuesto por aire en un 99,9 por ciento
Un equipo de investigadores de la Universidad Técnica de Hamburgo han creado un nuevo material, el más ligero del mundo, el aerografito. Según informa ABC, está compuesto en un 99,99 por ciento de aire, y se trata de una matriz de microscópicos tubos de carbono que están completamente huecos por dentro. Tiene una densidad de apenas 0,2 milígramos por centímetro cúbico, cuatro veces menos que el anterior material más ligero del mundo.
El nuevo reto del "Solar Impulse" será dar la vuelta al mundo en 2014
EADS: La idea de un banco propio podría ser acertada
Antonov presents promising programs at Farnborough 2012
Avión comercial chino C919 atrae atención en exhibición aeronáutica en Reino Unido
Airbus plantea más de cien despidos al consejo de Alestis
Northrop Grumman's RC-12X Airborne Signals Intelligence System Completes 1,000th Mission
MCLEAN, Va., July 12, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Northrop Grumman Corporation's (NYSE:NOC) RC-12X Guardrail system recently completed its 1,000th mission since going into theater in 2011. The RC-12X provides operationally effective signals intelligence (SIGINT) capability, delivers rapid precision geolocation of high-value targets and maintains high operational reliability rates, giving unprecedented advantages to the warfighter.
This milestone reaffirms the RC-12X as a robust and affordable airborne SIGINT system with proven field performance and the agility to adapt to a broad range of missions and environments ranging from tactical to strategic. The system is able to fly single-ship missions in an overwatch capacity and detect a large quantity of diverse signals simultaneously. This capability increases intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) force structure efficiency and produces higher-value intelligence. Its inherent interoperability with other systems and adaptability to emerging signal threats positions the RC-12X to support the U.S. Army as ISR missions evolve.
"The RC-12X continues Northrop Grumman's commitment to the Army as a leading provider of airborne SIGINT integrator solutions with proven reliability," said Kathy Warden, vice president and general manager for Northrop Grumman's Cyber Intelligence division. "We're working in partnership with our Army customer to ensure that the RC-12X fleet will continue to serve the warfighter and intelligence community as their needs broaden."
The RC-12X program is on track to deliver seven additional systems in 2012 and 2013, bringing the RC-12X fleet to a total of 14 systems. It continues to offer highly cost-effective, modern SIGINT technology to address current and evolving needs in a budget-constrained environment.
Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in aerospace, electronics, information systems, and technical services to government and commercial customers worldwide. Please visit www.northropgrumman.com for more information.
Sukhoi Superjet 100 at the International Airshow Farnborough 2012
One of the Aeroflot's Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) was displayed for the first time at an international airshow. The aircraft MSN 95016 was viewed and visited in the static display and it was much appreciated by the participants and guests of the airshow. SCAC's exhibit located on the UAC stand in Hall A, also attracted the attention of a great number of visitors.
On July 10, 2012 during the joint press conference of SCAC, SuperJet International and PowerJet, the Chairman of the Mexican Interjet Airlines, Mr. Miguel Aleman Velasco, announced that the airline converted its five SSJ100 options into firm orders. Thus Interjet ordered 20 aircraft in total.
SCAC's intention to sign contracts on up to 40 SSJ100 aircraft with airlines from South-West Asia by the year end was announced at the airshow. The manufacturer expects to deliver 20 production aircraft in total during 2012. Yakutiya Airlines, Lao Central Airlines, Interjet and Sky Aviation will receive their first SSJ100 aircraft this year.
"The participation to the Farnborough Airshow confirmed that there is a fond interest in the SSJ100 program from our potential customers worldwide. The image of our aircraft continues to be positive and we are going to increase the production rates, providing an efficient support to the airlines", noted SCAC President Vladimir Prisyazhnyuk.
Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) is a 100 seat regional jet designed, developed and built by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), in partnership with Alenia Aermacchi. On May 19th 2008 SSJ100 successfully accomplished its first flight. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 cruises at a Maximum Operating Speed of Mach 0.81 and 40,000 feet. It takes off from a 1,731 meters runway in the basic range and 2,052 meters in the long range. The operating range for the basic version is 3,048 km and 4,578 km for the long range version. In January 2011, the SSJ100 obtained the Type Certificate by the Russian Certification Authority IAC AR. On April 19th 2011 first production SSJ100 was delivered to Armavia airlines (Armenia). In February 2012, the SSJ100 obtained the EASA Type Certificate. By the end of June 2012 nine SSJ100s in service with Armavia and Aeroflot accumulated more than 9,700 flight hours in almost 4,950 revenue flights.
The Farnborough Airshow brings new endorsements for Airbus’ commercial and industrial strategies
In reviewing the 115 new sales and commitments announced during this week's international aerospace industry gathering at Farnborough Airport, President and CEO Fabrice Brégier said that under his new leadership, Airbus will maintain the focus on evolving the company's aircraft family while ensuring its responsiveness to customers.
"We continue to invest in our success stories," explained Brégier, who assumed the top executive responsibilities at Airbus last month. "The management transition has been very smooth, and I kept the same team – which has worked together very well for the past five years – while also evolving the company's organizational structure. This smooth transition is the right thing for our shareholders, for our customers and for the continuation of our programme activity."
Airbus' decision to increase the maximum takeoff weight of its widebody A330 jetliner – a step announced at the Farnborough Airshow – was cited by Brégier as an example of the investment strategy. "This decision, combined with our commitment to ramp up the production rate, should maintain the A330's success during this decade…and probably beyond 2020."
Only two days after the A330's takeoff weight increase was revealed, U.S.-based transportation finance company CIT Group became a launch customer with a booking at Farnborough that includes the enhanced aircraft, further expanding the company's already large portfolio of A330s.
Airbus' action last year to improve the A350-1000 version of its A350 XWB widebody jetliner family with a higher-thrust engine and an increased takeoff weight was validated as well at the 2012 Farnborough Airshow by Cathay Pacific's choice to incorporate 26 A350-1000s into its fleet.
In the single-aisle product segment, 29 additional orders and commitments for the A320neo (new engine option) product line from three airlines were unveiled at Farnborough, while the in-production A320ceo (current engine option) family – which is being made available with Airbus' new Sharklet wingtip devices – was the subject of 57 orders and commitments.
Brégier said Airbus' strategy to expand the company's global footprint and enhance its presence in key market areas is supported by the game-changing move to create an A320 Family final assembly line in the United States. "We want to be the only aircraft manufacturer with a genuine worldwide presence," he stated. "The decision to create the U.S. A320 production facility will bring us closer to customers in the world's largest single-aisle market – delivering more value for our partners."
Review Airbus' on-line coverage for press releases, stories, videos and photos from the Farnborough Airshow.
Supporting airborne security for the Olympic Games: Eurocopter UK’s Maintenance Mission Control Center is ready for the task
Located at Oxford Airport and operated by Eurocopter UK, this facility manages more than 2,000 maintenance events per year at Eurocopter bases in Oxford and Hawarden/Wales, as well as on customer operating locations in the UK and Ireland. "Maximizing our service capabilities to provide customers with the best aircraft availability is a total commitment of Eurocopter, and we back this engagement with investments in new facilities, IT systems, mobile support units and our staff – meeting even the most demanding circumstances, such as the Olympic games," said Markus Steinke, the Managing Director of Eurocopter UK. "Our Maintenance Mission Control Center at Oxford is part of the strategy to develop state-of-the-art, around-the-clock, efficient services – all provided locally, be it to individual helicopter owners or large fleet operators."
Eurocopter UK provides one-stop-shop solutions to more than half of the UK police air support units and to a large population of private, utility and air ambulance operators across the country.
During the Olympic Games, an estimated 7,000 flight hours of police and security air units will be supported by Eurocopter's Maintenance Mission Control Center. Steps taken by Eurocopter UK at this operational center for the Olympic Games include a doubling of such critical resources as the aircraft-on-ground hotline and technical services, implementation of a 24/7 maintenance duty roster, the management of vendor support for systems ranging from engines to mission equipment, and operation of 20 GPS-tracked mobile units. The local Olympic support is further backed–up by dedicated resources of Eurocopter's primary facilities in Marignane, France and Donauwörth, Germany.
"A total of 30 Eurocopter-built aircraft – including EC135s, EC145s and Puma MK1s – constitute the helicopter backbone for the Olympic Games' security, operated by the London Metropolitan Police, the adjoining cities' police forces, the British Special Forces and the Royal Air Force," added Steinke. "We are ready to support all involved in these vital duties."
About Eurocopter UK Ltd.
Eurocopter UK Ltd. is headquartered in Oxford, with additional bases in Dublin (Ireland), Belfast (Northern Ireland), Hawarden (Wales) and Aberdeen (Scotland). Through this fully-owned subsidiary, Eurocopter enjoys a reputation for innovation, high quality and a strong customer service ethos. Having achieved an exemplary performance in the customization, distribution and support of Eurocopter products for civil and public service customers during the past 30 years, Eurocopter UK also provides state-of-the-art services to the oil & gas Industry and the UK armed forces. The Ministry of Defence relies on 100 Eurocopter helicopters for transport, training and Special Forces missions, and has awarded the Puma Upgrade Programme to Eurocopter UK Ltd. With over 450 helicopters in service in the British Isles, Eurocopter is the leading supplier of turbine helicopters in the United Kingdom
Eurocopter EC225 remains the preferred choice for fire-fighting missions in Japan as it concludes a new contract with the Tokyo Fire Department
Following the purchase of an EC225 last December after the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Tokyo Fire Department signed a contract for another EC225 this month, to add on to its Eurocopter fleet of fire-fighting helicopters. The 11-ton rotary-wing aircraft from Eurocopter's Super Puma family will be configured to handle fire-fighting, emergency medical services as well as search and rescue missions. Eurocopter has been providing fire-fighting helicopters to Japan since the first unit, SA3160 Alouette III, was procured by the Tokyo Fire Department back in 1967. Since then, the Tokyo Fire Department has operated a Eurocopter-only fleet, which includes four medium-sized Dauphins and three medium-heavy Super Pumas. The EC225 is set to become a mainstay amongst medium-heavy helicopters in Japan, as five orders have been placed in the last one year by the Japan Ministry of Defense and Japan Coast Guard, in addition to the Tokyo Fire Department's acquisitions.
"Recent experiences in Japan showed the important role played by rotary-wing aircraft during large-scale disasters," said Eurocopter President & CEO, Lutz Bertling. "The Tokyo Fire Department, along with many other civil and government organizations, have put their trust in our products not only because our helicopters have performed outstandingly in all missions required of them, but also the fact that we are able to render prompt service due to our large local presence." Stephane Ginoux, Eurocopter Japan CEO, commended the Tokyo Fire Department on its capabilities, noting that "The Tokyo Fire Department is one of the largest and most well-equipped fire departments in the world, covering the Tokyo prefecture which consists of urban environment with high-rise buildings, mountainous areas at the boundaries, as well as the Ogasawara group of 30 islands located 1,000 km south of Tokyo. They also provide support for the entire nation whenever needed during crisis situations. We are honored to have been selected once again to provide for their needs."
Together with the BK117 which was developed in cooperation with Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Eurocopter leads the fire-fighting segment with 85% market share in Japan today.
About Eurocopter Japan
Eurocopter Japan Co.,Ltd was established in April 2009 as a subsidiary of Eurocopter (90%) and Itochu Corporation (10%). In July 2009, Eurocopter Japan established Eurocopter Japan T&E. Co.,Ltd, a joint venture with ANAM. After these two acquisitions, Eurocopter became the first foreign affiliated company in this field to become a full fledged industrial player in Japan. With 55% market share in the civil and parapublic sectors, a fleet of 330 helicopters and 50 years of presence in Japan, Eurocopter Japan will continue to contribute to Japanese customers and the society by improving safety, usability and the cost efficiency of the air by providing excellent products and consummate services.
Front section for first flyable A350 XWB arrives at Toulouse FAL
The A350 XWB front fuselage section will be mounted in the giant assembly jig ready to be joined with the centre and aft fuselage sections over the summer period. Before they are arrive at the FAL, the aircraft sections are equipped and pre-assembled at Airbus sites in the United Kingdom, Spain, France and Germany. All these major sections are transported to the FAL by the Beluga aircraft.
El Centro Europeo de Investigación y Tecnología de Boeing cumple 10 años
Eurocopter Sets Up New Development Centers as Part of its Ambitious Innovation Program
"Our innovation policy has always been very ambitious and will remain so in the coming years," said Eurocopter President and CEO Lutz Bertling. "It allows us to stay well ahead of our competitors when it comes to technological advances and it is a significant help in maintaining our position as a world leader in the civil and parapublic markets. We are continuing to invest in innovation and infrastructures by equipping our development teams with the most modern and suitable resources, enabling them to rise to the challenges of creating the helicopters of the future." A ceremony was held at Donauwörth last Friday to celebrate the completion of the roof of the new development center for around 900 engineers, with a total floor area of 30,000 square meters. Due for delivery at the end of this year, this new building forms part of the Systemhaus project and aims to bring together, all under one roof, the resources, skills and means required to develop, produce and certify helicopters and to assure their maintenance. As a result, the workforce currently based at Ottobrunn will be moving to join their Donauwörth colleagues in the spring of 2013. In parallel to the ceremony in Donauwörth, the entire project for the construction of a development center at Marignane was approved on July 13. The project began with the refurbishment of the Labogir building (vehicle and mechanical test benches), which was inaugurated today, and the construction of the Helicopter Zero building (test benches integrating various helicopter systems), to be delivered in April 2013. The flagship of Marignane's future development center will be a new building: planned for delivery in early 2015, it will accommodate up to 1,000 people and house, in particular, the "plateau" for the new programs under development. Groundbreaking is scheduled for July 2013. Finally, the existing Design Office building will be renovated and new facilities housing avionics test benches will be built.
2nd Boeing P-8I Aircraft for India Completes 1st Flight
The second Boeing [NYSE: BA] P-8I aircraft for the Indian Navy completed its initial flight on July 12, taking off from Renton Field at 3:29 p.m. and landing two hours and 14 minutes later at Boeing Field in Seattle. The P-8I, a derivative of the Boeing Next-Generation 737-800 commercial airplane, is the second of eight long-range maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare aircraft Boeing is building for India.
"The program is on plan and the Indian Navy is excited for the P-8I to join its fleet," said Leland Wight, P-8I program manager for Boeing.
During the flight, Boeing test pilots performed airborne systems checks and took the P-8I to a maximum altitude of 41,000 feet prior to landing. Boeing will begin mission systems installation and checkout work on the aircraft in the coming weeks.