miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012

Manuel Moreu: "En España hemos dado la espalda a la industria"


El presidente del Instituto de Ingeniería de
España, Manuel Moreu, ha concedido una
entrevista a la publicación 'In Qualitas',
revista digital sobre calidad, eficiencia y
competitividad, en la que reinvindica el
papel de los ingenieros en nuestra sociedad
y abogar por lograr una mayor influencia en
todos los ámbitos.

AECA & Helicópteros asegura que el sector de Helicópteros en España está completamente regulado por la normativa europeas.

Madrid, 04 de julio de 2012. La Asociación de Compañías Aéreas y Helicópteros (AECA & Helicópteros) asegura que el sector de Helicópteros en España está completamente regulado a través de normativas europeas que exigen un alto nivel de seguridad a las empresas que desarrollan su actividad en el campo de los trabajos aéreos en España.


En los últimos diez años las compañías aéreas del sector de trabajos aéreos han realizado inversiones de más 600 millones de euros, que han permitido ampliar y mejorar en más de 150 helicópteros el parque español, así como la inversión continuada en formación para los profesionales que conforman el sector. Durante 2011 se invirtieron más de 50 millones de euros en formación de tripulaciones, nuevas aeronaves, etc.


La Asociación quiere expresar su preocupación por el mensaje que están lanzando algunos colectivos de pilotos sobre la siniestralidad en España. En el sector de trabajos aéreos con helicópteros y aviones en España trabajan más de 2.100 personas entre pilotos, técnicos de mantenimiento, ingenieros y profesionales cualificados. En 2011 se realizaron 216.000 intervenciones con helicóptero, con 72.000 horas de vuelo, para prestar servicios de rescate en montaña y en alta mar, de extinción de incendios y de emergencias médico sanitarias, entre otros. Con una flota de 320 helicópteros y aviones, las compañías realizan cada año más de 1.200 horas de vuelo para el entrenamiento de sus tripulaciones.


AECA & Helicópteros ha mostrado su disposición para seguir trabajando, en colaboración con el resto de agentes del sector, en unas líneas que redunden de forma positiva para todos. Ser el punto de referencia sobre el mundo del helicóptero, y los trabajos aéreos, es posible únicamente, si se potencia el intercambio de experiencias, la estrecha colaboración con la administración, y mediante la formación continuada del personal.


La utilización de las últimas tecnologías es una de las claves de las compañías aéreas de la Asociación. En continuo desarrollo las compañías de AECA están reconocidas internacionalmente por el uso de equipos altamente cualificados y modelos de aeronaves en las que se han implantado los últimos avances tecnológicos del mundo de la aviación. La experiencia desarrollada en España, principalmente en labores de extinción de incendios, ha situado a las empresas españolas en condiciones óptimas para acceder a contratos en otros países. En la actualidad, en Italia, Portugal, Chile o Perú, las labores de extinción de incendios están operadas por compañías que tienen su matriz en España.


El incendio de Valencia donde se han producido los accidentes, ha sido el más virulento de los últimos  años en la comarca y el mayor despliegue aéreo hasta el momento. Alrededor de 50 medios aéreos, han trabajado  para combatir el incendio que desde el pasado jueves lleva azotando la zona, y en el que han invertido más de 1.500 horas de vuelo. Cabe destacar, las labores de estos pilotos, sobretodo en condiciones climatológicas críticas con gran viento de poniente en la zona que dificulta su operación, y que también participan en la rotación de cuadrillas relevando a los efectivos de tierra.


Información de AECA & Helicópteros


AECA& Helicópteros, es miembro de la Asociación Española de Compañías Aéreas (AECA), una entidad sin ánimo de lucro que tiene como misión el fomento y la defensa de los intereses de las operadoras de helicópteros y empresas de trabajos aéreos, además de difundir la vocación de servicio público de sus operaciones aéreas ligadas a situaciones de emergencias. Representa al 90 por ciento del sector por número de aeronaves, facturación y empleados.

AECA& Helicópteros basa su actividad en desarrollar de manera constante el sector, ser el punto de referencia sobre el mundo del helicóptero y los trabajos aéreos, potenciar canales de comunicación, favorecer el intercambio de experiencias, colaborar estrechamente con las administraciones aéreas y fomentar la formación continuada del personal.


SuperJet International’s pilots receive SSJ100 Type Rating Certification from EASA

SuperJet International Training Organization achieved the Type Rating Certification on the SSJ100 (RRJ95B) issued by EASA.

Four SJI pilots - instructors and examiners -  are the first western pilots to obtain the Type Rating to fly the SSJ100 aircraft in the countries recognized by EASA airworthiness regulations.


The Certification represents an important milestone for the SSJ100 program which can now benefit from this additional training qualification confirmed by the European Airworthiness and Safety Agency. Now SJI Training organization is able to extend the SSJ100 training to pilots licensed in those countries recognized by  EASA rules.  

During their professional careers Capt. Agostino Frediani, Capt. Carlo Occhiato, Capt. Alberto Zucconi Galli Fonseca and Capt. Luciano Fornari flew a total of over 50.000 flight hours and made 5.000 hours of simulator training.


The Type Rating has been issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and follows the SSJ100 (RRJ95) Type Certificate by EASA.

SuperJet International Aviation Training Center in Moscow has been  approved by the Russian Authority RosAviaciya, in accordance with the Russian Federal Aviation Order 23, in January 2012 and it is currently providing training on SSJ100 type to aviation and maintenance personnel.


SuperJet International's Flight Training Organization counts on 15 pilots: 2 test pilots acting as TRI/TRE (Type Rating Instructor), 4 TRI/TRE (Type Rating Examiner), 5 TRI, 4 SFI (Synthetic Flight Instructor).


Up to date over 100 pilots of both Aeroflot and Armavia airlines completed the training courses at the SJI Training Centers.


These courses, provided in English and Russian, were managed by SJI's international and professional team coming from different countries (Italy, Russia, Lithuania, USA and Germany), who proactively participated in the lessons. The Training programs were accomplished by using temporarily a flight Training Device (FTD) and since November 2011 a Full Flight Simulator level C available at the TC of Zhukovsky, Moscow.


SuperJet International, which is in charge of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) sales and marketing in the Western markets, is also responsible for training and after-sales support all over the world. Given the international nature of the product, SuperJet International has established two facilities based in Venice and in Moscow for its training opportunities.


About SuperJet International


SuperJet International, a joint venture between Alenia Aermacchi, a Finmeccanica Company (51%) and Sukhoi Holding (49%), is in charge of the marketing, sales, customization and delivery of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional jet in Europe, the Americas, Oceania, Africa and Japan. The Company is also responsible for training and worldwide after-sales support, as well as the design and development of VIP and cargo variants. A SuperJet International branch is active in Moscow, together with a sales office in Washington, DC, U.S.A.



Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) is a 100 seat regional jet designed, developed and built by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), in partnership with Alenia Aermacchi. On May 19th 2008 SSJ100 successfully accomplished its first flight. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 cruises at a Maximum Operating Speed of Mach 0.81 and 40,000 feet. It takes off from a 1,731 meters runway in the basic range and 2,052 meters in the long range. The operating range for the basic version is 3,048 km and 4,578 km for the long range version. In January 2011, the SSJ100 obtained the Type Certificate by the Russian Certification Authority IAC AR. On April 19th 2011 first production SSJ100 was delivered to Armavia airlines (Armenia). In February 2012, the SSJ100 obtained the EASA Type Certificate. Nine SSJ100s are currently in service with Armavia and Aeroflot.

Boeing Forecasts $4.5 Trillion Market for 34,000 New Airplanes

  • World fleet expected to double over next 20 years
  • Strong demand for new, efficient aircraft
  • Emerging economies leading growth

LONDON, July 3, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) projects a $4.5 trillion market for 34,000 new airplanes over the next 20 years as the current world fleet doubles in size, according to the Boeing 2012 Current Market Outlook (CMO) released today. The company's annual forecast reflects the strength of the commercial aviation market.

"The world's aviation market is broader, deeper and more diverse than we've ever seen it," said Randy Tinseth, vice president of Marketing, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "It has proven to be resilient even during some very challenging years and is driving production rate increases across the board."

Airline traffic is forecasted to grow at a 5 percent annual rate over the next two decades, with cargo traffic projected to grow at an annual rate of 5.2 percent. The single-aisle market, served by Boeing's Next-Generation 737 and the future 737 MAX, will continue its robust growth. Widebodies, such as Boeing's 747-8, 777 and 787 Dreamliner, will account for almost $2.5 trillion dollars worth of new airplane deliveries with 40 percent of the demand for these long-range airplanes coming from Asian airlines.
New Airplane Deliveries: 2012-2031
Airplane Type
Total Deliveries
Dollar Value
Regional jets

Robust growth in China, India and other emerging markets is a major factor in the increased deliveries over the next 20 years. Low cost carriers, with their ability to stimulate traffic with low fares, are growing faster than the market as a whole. There is also a strong demand to replace older, less fuel-efficient airplanes. Replacement accounts for 41 percent of new deliveries in the forecast.

The market for new airplanes is set to become more geographically balanced in the next two decades. Asia-Pacific, including China, will continue to lead the way in total airplane deliveries.
New Airplane Deliveries: 2012-2031
Asia Pacific
North America
Latin America
Middle East
World Total

"It's incredible to see just how much air travel has changed since I took my first flight back in 1977," said Tinseth. "It has become critical to business and something we do for pleasure, to connect with family and friends. As the market continues to grow, especially in emerging economies, air travel will become affordable to even more people."

Freighter Fleet Forecast: 2012 to 2031
As the cargo market remains sluggish, Boeing has revised downward its projection for freighters over the next 20 years. Still, the world freighter fleet is projected to nearly double from 1,740 aircraft today to 3,200 at the end of the forecast period. Additions to the fleet will include 940 new-production freighters (market value of $250 billion) and 1,820 airplanes converted from passenger models. Large (more than 88.2 tons capacity / 80 tonnes) freighters will account for 680 new-build airplanes. Medium (44.1 to 88.2 tons / 40 to 80 tonnes) freighters will total 260 airplanes. No new standard-body freighters (49.6 tons / less than 45 tonnes) will be required, but there will be 1,120 standard-body conversions.

About the Boeing Current Market Outlook
Since the beginning of the jet age, Boeing has produced a long-term market outlook which was first shared publicly in the early 1960s. The CMO is the longest running complete worldwide jet forecast and is regarded as the most respected and comprehensive analysis of the aviation industry.

The report and a feature, which provides an interactive database of forecast numbers, can be found atwww.boeing.com/cmo.

Airbus attracting talent at the Farnborough Airshow

World’s leading aircraft manufacturer to recruit over 4,000 people in 2012
Blagnac, 04 July 2012

Airbus will once again showcase job and career opportunities for talent (graduates and experienced professionals) at the Farnborough International Airshow in the UK.

From July 9th to 15th, a series of forums and workshops will provide the opportunity for job seekers to discuss their possible future career opportunities with Airbus engineers, human resources and business experts.

Throughout the week, workshop participants will have the opportunity to explore the world of structural engineering and its challenges, to learn more about the A320neo, the A350 XWB and how these aircraft are shaping the future of air travel. They will see how Airbus is innovating for a sustainable future for aviation. In addition, there will be a special workshop where participants will learn that engineering it is not just for boys.

Also on Thursday, a surprise performance will take place at midday in the static display area, involving several hundred employees to demonstrate Airbus’ and the EADS Group’s richness of talent. Please join us !

Friday’s Futures Day is dedicated to the next generation of talents which will help shape the industry. On this occasion, Airbus will host mini-conferences to inspire and engage with young people from several school groups and ask what they expect from the future of flight.

There will also be an expert panel to discuss the importance of innovation and the need to inspire and nurture the right talent, with Airbus’ Fly Your Ideas student challenge, a blueprint for how industry and academia can work together. Registration is open for Airbus third challenge (backed by UNESCO) which starts in September 2012.

Airbus’ commitment to professional development, fostering cultural exchange, innovation and diversity is at the heart of the company’s philosophy and will be reflected in all human resources activities during the Farnborough week.

This year alone, Airbus will recruit some 4,000 experienced professionals as well as new graduates, and will offer 3,000 internships at its worldwide sites. With 5,500 internal movements this year, Airbus gives its employees real prospects for career development all around the world.

Photos and video will be available on www.airbus.com
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Iberia y Vodafone firman acuerdo para comercializar tarjetas SIM prepago en los vuelos

Iberia y Vodafone firman acuerdo para comercializar tarjetas SIM prepago en los vuelos: Iberia y Vodafone España han firmado un acuerdo para comercializar tarjetas SIM prepago a bordo de los vuelos de la compañía aérea española. De este modo, los turistas extranjeros que lleguen al país en un avión de Iberia podrán contar con una tarjeta SIM de prepago para Llamadas Internacionales “Gratuitas” desde el mismo momento de su descenso.

USAF completes alcohol-based fuel tests on A-10C Thunderbolt

USAF completes alcohol-based fuel tests on A-10C Thunderbolt: The US Air Force (USAF) conducted the first test flight of a new alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) fuel powered A-10C Thunderbolt II aircraft on 28 June 2012, at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, US.

Taiwan accepts US proposal for F-16A/Bs upgrade

Taiwan accepts US proposal for F-16A/Bs upgrade: The Taiwanese Ministry of National Defense (MND) has accepted a $3.8bn arms package submitted by the US Government to upgrade its Air Force's ageing fleet of F-16A/B Fighting Falcon jets, senior military officials have revealed.

El COPAC pide mayor esfuerzo para reducir la siniestralidad en la extinción de incendios

El COPAC pide mayor esfuerzo para reducir la siniestralidad en la extinción de incendios:
Madrid.- El Colegio Oficial de Pilotos de la Aviación Comercial (COPAC) reitera la necesidad de regular el sector y adoptar medidas que mejoren la seguridad operacional de los trabajos aéreos, una labor que requiere el esfuerzo y colaboración de administraciones, operadores y profesionales.

El tráfico aéreo internacional tiende a la baja

El tráfico aéreo internacional tiende a la baja:

Mientras que en el pasado mayo la demanda de pasajeros creció un 4,5% por encima de los niveles del mismo mes de 2011, el incremento fue prácticamente nulo en comparación con el mes de abril. La capacidad aumentó un 4% y el factor de ocupación se situó en el 77,6%, por debajo del nivel histórico registrado en abril.

Hallan muertos a los dos pilotos del caza turco derribado por Siria - 20minutos.es
