viernes, 29 de junio de 2012

Cassidian presenta su nuevo helicóptero no tripulado Tanan 300

Cassidian ha mostrado durante la feria Eurosatory de París su helicóptero no tripulado Tanan 300. Se trata de un sistema aéreo no tripulado (UAS) en el que la compañía ha invertido cuatro años de trabajo. El aparato está concebido para completar misiones contra la piratería, de reconocimiento marítimo, ISTAR (inteligencia, vigilancia, adquisición de blancos y reconocimiento) y operaciones de las fuerzas especiales.

Airbus desembarca en EE UU con una planta en Alabama

Airbus tiene previsto anunciar el lunes una inversión millonaria para levantar una línea de ensamblaje final de su A-320 Neo en Mobile (Alabama). Una decisión que supone el desembarco en el territorio de su rival más directo, Boeing.

"Son of Concorde" to fly London-to-Sydney in 4 hours?

"Son of Concorde" to fly London-to-Sydney in 4 hours?:
Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Gulfstream are said to be developing a successor to Concorde, ...
Recent days have seen reports emerge of a successor to Concorde capable of speeds of over 2,485 mph (4,000 km/h) that could fly from London to Sydney in a mere four hours... Continue Reading "Son of Concorde" to fly London-to-Sydney in 4 hours?

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Evidence is mounting that the U.S. defense community and the Obama administration view 2013 as the likely window for a bombing attack on Iran's nuclear and missile facilities.

It could be earlier, timed to use the chaos of the Syrian government's fall to disguise such an attack, or later, if international negotiations with Iran stretch out without failing completely. But there is evidence that Iran's intransigence over shutting down its uranium-enrichment program will not buy it much more time.

Because of these shifting factors, military planners and White House advisers are still debating the advisability of a kinetic attack on Iran even though they say that option is ready. Three questions need to be answered:

•Is there really any need for a kinetic bombing campaign to further delay that country's much-feared nuclear and missile programs?

•What would be the politically least painful time to launch such an attack?

•Why not continue sanctions and cyberattacks indefinitely?

Three senior war planners, now retired, offer background analyses of what could affect the timing and type of attack.

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Eurocopter completes its deliveries of 20 EC155 B1 helicopters for the German Federal Police

The German Federal Police today formally accepted its remaining two EC155 B1 helicopters from Eurocopter to complete an extensive fleet upgrade program involving 20 of these versatile, multi-role, twin-engine rotary-wing aircraft.
Blumberg, Germany, 27 June 2012

A ceremony at Blumberg, Brandenburg marked the service entry of the 19th and 20th EC155 B1s, joining others that are deployed at German Federal Police bases throughout the country for a wide range of duties – including border patrol, transportation of personnel and special forces, along with diverse search-and-rescue missions.

With the two latest aircraft, the German Federal Police now operates a total inventory of 87 helicopters – all of which were supplied by Eurocopter.

This positions the service as Eurocopter’s largest European law enforcement customer, continuing a relationship that covers several decades. It includes the predecessor German Federal Border Guard’s role as the EC155 B1 launch customer – placing the first three production rotorcraft in service during 1999. Since then, Eurocopter has consistently enhanced the EC155 B1’s capabilities, culminating in the maritime version’s deployment for missions involving over-water flights. Today’s acceptance ceremony was attended by Klaus Dieter Fritsche, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of the Interior; Matthias Seeger, President of the German Federal Police; and Eurocopter President and CEO Lutz Bertling. “As an industry-leading innovator, Eurocopter works with the most advanced operators – exemplified by the German Federal Police, which has frequently contributed to enhancements incorporated in our helicopter product line,” Bertling said. “Such a two-way dialog has enabled Eurocopter to become no. 1 in the police and public service helicopter marketplace.”

Speaking on behalf of the German Federal Police, Seeger said his service is pleased with the results of its major Eurocopter rotorcraft procurement project. “Thanks to this success, we can be proud of operating a helicopter fleet that is without equal in Europe in terms of advanced equipment, efficiency and size,” he added. The EC155 is a medium-weight, 5-metric-ton-class helicopter in Eurocopter’s Dauphin family. It is powered by two 935 shp. Turbomeca Arriel 2C2 engines for excellent performance, and features a modular design that facilitates the rotorcraft’s use in a range of diverse missions.

In addition to a spacious cabin accommodating seating for up to 13 passengers and two pilots, the EC155 can carry up to 2 metric tons of heavy equipment in the cargo configuration. The modern glass cockpit incorporates digital avionics and a four-axis autopilot, considerably reducing the pilots’ workload and allowing them to concentrate on the more demanding aspects of each mission.

Moreover, the helicopter’s low vibration levels provide ideal conditions for the specialized mission equipment employed by police forces. For the German Federal Police’s EC155 B1s, this equipment includes day-and-night vision cameras, powerful searchlights and loud-hailer systems, a 90-meter winch cable, and an extensive package of data communication systems for the transmission of aerial imagery and video sequences.

In addition to the German Federal Police’s EC155 B1s, the service’s air wing helicopter fleet includes Eurocopter’s EC135 T2i rotorcraft for police work, disaster control, and air rescue operations; the AS332 L1 Super Puma for long-haul transportation, air surveillance missions, interventions by the GSG 9 special operations unit, sea rescue missions, disaster relief in Germany and abroad, and VIP transportation; as well as the EC120, which is used for flight training flights.

Liberty Commercial Launch Vehichle second stage one step closer to production

Astrium working closely with ATK to deliver the second stage of the Liberty commercial launch vehicle on schedule
Successful tests on tank structures demonstrate that key Ariane 5 manufacturing technologies can be evolved for use on the Liberty second stage`

Astrium, the number one company in Europe for space technologies and systems, has successfully completed a set of tests on tank structures proving that key design and manufacturing processes used for Ariane launchers are ready for production of the Liberty commercial launch vehicle second stage.

The tests covering load-carrying cryogenic tanks demonstrate that existing Astrium processes can be leveraged to confirm the overall Liberty schedule and enable a speedy entry into service – and into orbit. Astrium is also working on leaner production processes for the second stage to bring best value to the Liberty launch vehicle.

Liberty is a complete commercial crew transportation service, including the spacecraft, abort system, launch vehicle, and both ground and mission operations, designed from inception to meet NASA’s human-rating requirements with a planned first test flight in 2014 and Liberty crewed flight in 2015. Astrium, as a major subcontractor, will provide the second stage of the Liberty launch vehicle - based on the liquid-fuelled cryogenic core of the Ariane 5 vehicle powered by the Safran-built Vulcain 2 engine. The Ariane 5 launcher, for which Astrium is the Prime Contractor, was developed under the aegis of the European Space Agency and is operated by Arianespace. With 48 consecutive successful missions over nearly nine years, it is the world’s most reliable launcher. This includes the launch of three Autonomous Transfer Vehicles to resupply the International Space Station in the last four years. During this time, the Ariane 5 has launched more commercial satellites into orbit than any other launch vehicle in the world.

A film from the Astrium site in les Mureaux, near Paris (France), shows the work done to complete the stage testing. It shows the machining, forming, computerized automatic welding and inspection of cryogenic tank elements to provide the increased thickness and stiffened profiles necessary for the Liberty second stage. An additional tank panel of increased thickness is welded and tested in a cryogenic environment at the EuroCryospace facilities (an Astrium and Air Liquide joint-venture). These successful tests demonstrate that Astrium’s manufacturing technology has the capability to process panels that are several times thicker than those of Ariane 5. These panels meet the needs for the strengthened cryogenic tanks of Liberty’s second stage.

Alain Charmeau, CEO of Astrium Space Transportation, said: “These tests take the Liberty second stage one step closer to production. They demonstrate conclusively that our proven processes can manufacture thicker and stiffer cryogenic tanks for the Liberty second stage.

“Welding, machining, and forming space hardware is a highly sophisticated industrial process. Our extensive experience in manufacturing all Ariane launchers has given us comprehensive and unmatched capability that we can now utilize for a new commercial space transportation system – Liberty. We are proud to be a valued partner alongside ATK and Lockheed Martin and look forward to the success of Liberty,” he continued.

“Astrium’s world-class commercial launch team provides unique vehicle and systems capabilities to Liberty,” said Kent Rominger, ATK program manager for Liberty. “These tests by our Astrium teammates demonstrate how our flight-proven Liberty team is hard at work and keeping Liberty on schedule for first launch in 2014.”

For additional information on the Liberty Transportation Service please visit the Liberty website at:

Airbus Military signs Memorandum of Understanding with TAI to establish a joint company in Turkey

The MoU was signed in a ceremony attended by Airbus Military Service Programme Manager Turkey, Matthias Fink, TAI Chairman of the Board, Yalçın Kaya and TAI Senior Vice President, Aerostructures Group, Bekir Ata Yılmaz

Airbus Military Turkey (AMTR) will be a newly-formed company, under Turkish laws, to provide in-service support (ISS) services for the A400M aircraft ordered by Turkey with the potential to provide services to other A400M users in the future. The company will be jointly owned by TAI and Airbus Military and operated at a mutually agreed location in Turkey to be decided. The next stage of the discussions will focus on the definition of the organizational structure of AMTR as well as determining the capital requirements of AMTR.

Turkey is a partner nation in the A400M programme with an order of 10 A400M aircraft, which will require in-service support. TAI is the Industrial Partner of the A400M programme in Turkey and responsible for design, development and delivery of airframe and aircraft systems such as the forward centre fuselage, rear fuselage components, ailerons, spoilers, lights and water/waste systems.

Airbus Military CEO Domingo Ureña Raso said: “We are very satisfied to have reached this first step in the partnership for providing ISS to the Turkish A400M fleet with our partner TAI. TAI is a long standing partner of Airbus and Airbus Military and this first agreement will establish a strong in-country footprint to ensure a smooth entry into service and comprehensive support for the operation of the fleet. We are now looking forward to the next steps for concluding the provision of the ISS to Turkey and to further broaden our links with the Turkish aerospace industry.”

TAI Chairman Yalçın Kaya said: “We have started working on A400M in 2003 as a partner in AMSL, having important design and manufacturing responsibilities. Design phase of the aircraft is almost completed and serial production started. Now it is time to continue our support in the sustainment phase of the program. This TAI-AMSL partnership (JV) is aimed at providing cost-effective logistic solutions to the Turkish Air Force with the possibility for expanding the service to future potential customers.”

About Airbus MilitaryAirbus Military is the only military and civic/humanitarian transport aircraft manufacturer to develop, produce, sell and support a comprehensive family of airlifters ranging from three to 45 tonnes of payload. An Airbus daughter company, Airbus Military is responsible for the A400M programme, as well as the Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) A330 and for further military derivatives based on Airbus civil aircraft. Together with the smaller “Light & Medium” C295, CN235 and C212, Airbus Military is the global leader in the market for military transport, tanker and surveillance aircraft able to perform the most varied missions. Altogether, Airbus Military has sold more than 1,000 aircraft to some 130 military, civilian and governmental customers. More than 800 of these aircraft have been delivered. Airbus is an EADS company.

About TAITurkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI) is the center of technology in design, development, manufacturing, integration of aerospace systems, modernization and after sales support in Turkey. Located in Ankara, Turkey, TAI’s modern aircraft facilities are furnished with high technology machinery and equipment that provide extensive manufacturing capabilities. TAI has a total of 4000 highly motivated employees, 1500 of whom are engineers.

SSJ Accident in Indonesia: On Recommendations of the National Transportation Safety Committee of Indonesia


On June 22, 2012 in frame of the investigation of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (97004) accident that happened in the area of Salak Mount in Indonesia on May 9, 2012 the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) of Indonesia officially published its Immediate Recommendations. The document is issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 13 norms and includes recommendations to ATC, the aircraft manufacturer and, if needed, operators of the aircraft of such a type.

The document issued a series of recommendations about procedures for the preparation and conduct of demonstration flights; training for flight crews; minimum safe flight altitude for demo flights operated under Instrumental Flight Rules (IFR) and about passenger manifest delivering procedures.

Immediate Recommendations issued by KNKT do not include any recommendations for operators of the existing aircraft fleet. The document does not have any special recommendations for the aircraft fleet in operation beyond the information already mentioned in the operational documentation. This documentation continues to be in effect and its provisions should be carried out inviolately.

In this connection all existing documents (Flight Manual, Maintenance Manual, etc) provided to operators contain all proper instructions to operate the aircraft.

Having received above-mentioned recommendations SCAC is making a comprehensive analysis of the procedures for demonstration flights preparation, which envisage that the crew should be properly aware of the meteorological, topographical and ornithological environment in the area of the flight when a flight plan is submitted.