martes, 10 de abril de 2012

Photos: Truck hits bridge carrying landing gear

"The impact ripped the gear off the back of the flat bed, landing in the north bound lane," 

Pics and full text:

Unmanned nanomaterial Piranha threatens to redefine naval warfare

Unmanned nanomaterial Piranha threatens to redefine naval warfare:
The nanomaterial-based unmanned Piranha USV boat is now a reality, and threatens to redefi...
You've heard of UAVs, unmanned remote controlled military aircraft; but what about USVs? Standing for Unmanned Surface Vehicle, a USV is quite simply an unmanned boat, like Zyvex Marine's Piranha concept. We've looked at USVs before, and the Piranha specifically in early 2010; but what was then a prototype under development is now a fully-fledged production craft, having shipped its first unit last November. "Our production facility is closer to rocket science than traditional boat building," says Zyvex Marine VP Byron Nutley of his boat - the only one in the world, it's claimed, that is made out of nanomaterials. But does the Piranha have the technological bite to match the hyperbole, and what does this mean for naval warfare?..
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Algunos trucos para prevenir el jet lag

Algunos trucos para prevenir el jet lag: Volar de un lado a otro del planeta puede ser tan emocionante como molesto. Cuando se trata de un viaje intercontinental, el cambio de horarios puede provocar lo que se conoce como jet lag, que se provoca por un desorden entre los ritmos internos y los nuevos externos a los que hay que acostumbrarse.

El Jet Lag es una de las consecuencias de los viajes intercontinentales con cambios de horarios

Aviation Partners: Winglets on all factory-built 737s this year

Aviation Partners: Winglets on all factory-built 737s this year: Blended winglet provider Aviation Partners Boeing (APB) says it has reached "100% market saturation" this year on new-build Boeing 737 commercial aircraft,...

Europa lidera la tecnología en materiales compuestos

Europa lidera la tecnología en materiales compuestos

El COPAC denuncia la falta de compromiso de Fomento con el sector aeronáutico

El COPAC denuncia la falta de compromiso de Fomento con el sector aeronáutico:

“A pesar de ser considerado como uno de los sectores estratégicos de nuestro país, la realidad es que actualmente las principales compañías aéreas españolas han cerrado, están aplicando Expedientes de Regulación de Empleo y su viabilidad es muy incierta o están en manos extranjeras”, según denuncia.

Alava Ingenieros, pionera en ofrecer una solución integral completa de hardware, software y servicios para equipar UAVs con cámaras hiperespectrales y multiespectrales.

Con esta solución el usuario puede adquirir, calibrar, corregir y post-procesar los datos en bruto obtenidos durante vuelos con UAV/UAS o aeronaves tripuladas (avionetas, helicópteros) para obtener cubos hiperespectrales de reflectancia de manera sencilla y directa.


Esta solución integral ha sido desarrollada y validada gracias a un acuerdo de colaboración entre el Quantalab (Laboratorio de Métodos de Investigación en Teledetección Cuantitativa del  IAS - Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible, CSIC, España), dirigido por el Dr. Pablo Zarco, un referente a nivel mundial con más de una década de investigaciones continuas en este campo.


Una de las principales virtudes de esta solución completa es que puede equiparse tanto en UAV o UAS de pequeñas cargas de pago (2-3 Kg) y gran capacidad de despliegue en cualquier terreno, como en aviones tripulados convencionales.


Las aplicaciones más comunes son:


–        Agricultura de Precisión (Estrés hídrico y gestión de riegos, Concentración de pigmentos, detección temprana de enfermedades de la cosecha, etc.)

–        Minería (Mapeo de Minerales, Análisis de Canteras y Excavaciones)

–        Cartografía de Precisión

–        Medioambiente (Detección de contaminantes o agua)

–        Seguridad y Defensa


Esta solución completa e integral está compuesta por:


1.      Un paquete de hardware incluyendo:

–        UAV/UAS (opcional)

–        Cámara Hiperespectral

–         Unidad inercial (IMU) (de diferentes prestaciones en función de la máxima carga de pago del UAS)

–        Unidad de procesamiento

–        Unidad de almacenamiento de las imágenes y datos asociados

–        Baterías, cables de conexión etc.


2.      Un paquete de software incluyendo:

–        Rutinas de control, sincronización y adquisición de todos los equipos preinstaladas en la unidad de procesamiento

–        Software completo de post-procesado de las imágenes para obtener cubos de reflectancia hiper/multiespectral a partir de los datos en bruto adquiridos durante el vuelo

3.      Un paquete de servicios incluyendo:

–        Calibración radiométrica de la cámara hiperespectral

–        Formación completa en el uso del sistema

–        Instalación y puesta en marcha


Si desea más información visítenos en UNVEX 2012 - Stand 10

Boeing and Embraer Sign Agreement for Broad Business Cooperation to Benefit Customers and Support Industry Growth

  • Leading aerospace companies to explore ways to enhance aircraft efficiency and safety, productivity and research
  • Companies' cooperation supports U.S.-Brazil commerce, trade and economic development

WASHINGTON, April 9, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Embraer S.A. (BM&F Bovespa: EMBR3, NYSE: ERJ) and Boeing (NYSE: BA) today announced a cooperation agreement to work together to benefit their customers, their companies and the global aviation industry. The agreement establishes an important relationship between two of the world's largest aerospace companies to cooperate in ways that enhance operational efficiency, safety and productivity, improve customer satisfaction and create value for both companies and their customers.

Frederico Curado, President and CEO of Embraer S.A., and Jim Albaugh, President and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, signed the agreement during the visit of Brazil's President to the United States and following the annual meeting of the U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum, a public-private partnership between the United States and Brazilian Governments which brings together chief executive officers from both countries. Curado and Albaugh are co-chairs of the CEO Forum's aviation subcommittee.

Boeing and Embraer have agreed to pursue several areas of cooperation, including commercial aircraft features that enhance safety and efficiency, research and technology and sustainable aviation biofuels. They will also look for other areas to work together to bring mutual benefit and value to customers.

"This significant agreement between two proven aerospace leaders provides real opportunities to reduce customers' operational costs and enhance fleet efficiency," said Albaugh. "We look forward to working with Embraer to grow our industry and build a productive relationship that will benefit our companies and our countries."

"Embraer has a clear commitment towards innovation lato sensu as well as aviation safety and efficiency," said Curado. "I am certain that the collaboration with Boeing in some leading-edge matters will be beneficial for the industry and strengthen the ties between Brazil and the United States."

The announcement by Embraer and Boeing was made on the same day as the signing by the Brazilian and United States Governments of a Memorandum of Understanding on the Aviation Partnership, to expand and deepen cooperation between the two countries on civil aviation, by facilitating the liaison between government agencies and increase private sector cooperation and awareness, creating economic partnerships and promoting investments.

Boeing and Embraer have already engaged in other cooperative agreements. In July 2011 they announced plans to jointly fund an analysis of opportunities to produce sustainable aviation jet fuel from sugarcane. In March 2012, Boeing, Embraer and Airbus announced a memorandum of understanding to work together on the development of drop-in, affordable aviation biofuels.

Embraer has had a corporate presence in the U.S. for over 3 decades and last year started manufacturing activities at its facility in Melbourne, Florida, where it is currently assembling executive jets. More recently, Embraer announced the creation of the Embraer Engineering and Technology Center USA to conduct research and development activities for both product and technology development across Embraer's business lines.

Boeing has had a strong and enduring partnership with Brazil for 80 years, since delivery of 14 F4B-4 fighters to the Brazilian Government in 1932 and as a commercial aircraft provider to Brazilian airlines. In October 2011, Boeing opened its Brazil office in Sao Paulo, and said in December that it will partner with the Brazil-U.S. Fulbright Commission to fund "Science Without Borders" fellowships for 14 Brazilian aerospace and aeronautical engineering students. Last week, the company announced that it will open Boeing Research & Technology-Brazil to work with leading Brazilian researchers and scientists to develop aerospace technologies.

The U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum comes together to provide joint recommendations to the two Governments on ways to strengthen the U.S.-Brazil economic relationship. This is the Forum's seventh meeting.

Aeroexpo de Marrakech se afianza como salón aeronáutico en África tras desaparecer el libio Lavex

La importancia del sector aeronáutico en Marruecos, uno de los motores de su modernización del país, llevó a crear en 2008 un salón de aeronáutica bianual, denominado Aeroexpo, que este año llega a su tercera edición. Como sede se utiliza la amplia plataforma de la Escuela Real del Aire, sita en Marrakech. En estas instalaciones tiene sede la formación de los profesionales de las RFAM (Reales Fuerzas Aéreas de Marruecos), que comparten las  pistas con el aeropuerto internacional de Marrakech/Menara, donde se está construyendo una segunda terminal. Se estabiliza así una feria de aviación en África, tras el colapso del Lavex, que se celebraba en Libia.