FIDAE 2012, ya consolidado como uno de los eventos de aviación más importantes del mundo: En 1980 se desarrolló la primera Feria Internacional del Aire y del Espacio, FIDAE, en Chile, cuando se buscaba consolidar a Sudamérica como un sitio capaz de albergar un evento de jerarquía internacional a realizarse cada 2 años (en años pares).
32 años después, se puede decir que la apuesta ha salido bien, no sólo por la masiva concurrencia de público que se ha acercado a FIDAE 2012 ...
lunes, 2 de abril de 2012
EADS North America unveils latest evolution of its Armed Aerial Scout combat helicopter for Army’s Armed Scout requirement
Armed Aerial Scout 72X+ delivers even greater capability over company's previously developed Armed Scout Technical Demonstrator Aircraft
EADS North America today unveiled its Armed Aerial Scout 72X+ (AAS-72X+) at the annual Army Aviation Association of America convention in Nashville during a press conference at the company's exhibit.
The AAS-72X+, an armed derivative of the Army's UH-72A Lakota Light Utility Helicopter will be manufactured by the company's American Eurocopter business unit in Columbus, Miss.
The AAS-72X+ helicopter builds on the three Armed Aerial Scout Technical Demonstrator Aircraft (TDA) already developed, tested and flown, using the company's own research and development investment.
"This latest evolution of the Armed Scout gives us the option of offering an even more capable system, to ensure our combat troops have the very best aircraft available to meet their demanding missions," said Sean O'Keefe, EADS North America Chairman and CEO. "We look forward to demonstrating the advanced performance of the AAS-72X+ during the Army's Voluntary Flight Demonstration this summer."
The AAS-72X or AAS-72X+ could be built and delivered at a cost competitive with the upgrades planned for the Vietnam-era OH-58 Kiowa Warrior and fielded to Army units as early as 2016.
This variant is based on the commercial EC-145T2 aircraft which incorporates the more powerful Turbomeca Arriel 2E engines with dual channel FADEC, a Fenestron tail rotor for improved anti-torque, an upgraded transmission, the Helionix glass cockpit and avionics suite, and a 4-axis autopilot system.
These elements of the AAS-72X+ will offer the Army greater power, range, endurance and payload capacity when operating in 6,000 foot altitude and 95 degree environments, commonly known as "6K/95 high/hot" conditions — the most demanding environment for rotary-wing operations.
The AAS-72X+'s performance will exceed the Army's previously published 6K/95 endurance requirement of 2 hours and 12 minutes plus a 20 minute fuel reserve, while carrying a 2,800 pound useful payload for mission equipment and crew.
EADS North America has delivered more than 210 UH-72A Lakotas to the Army and five the U.S. Navy, all on schedule and on budget.
Un total de 225 empresas y entidades de 19 países se han inscrito ya en el mayor evento de negocios del sector en España, que tendrá lugar en Sevilla del 14 al 17 de mayo
La Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia, a través de Extenda-Agencia Andaluza de Promoción Exterior, y la empresa Advanced Business Events (ABE), compañía especializada en la organización de eventos internacionales del sector aeronáutico, presentarán el encuentro 'Aerospace & Defense Meetings Sevilla 2012' (ADM Sevilla 2012) en la Feria Internacional del Aire y del Espacio (FIDAE 2012), que se celebra en Chile del 27 de marzo al 1 de abril.
La decimoséptima edición de FIDAE 2012, que tiene lugar en el aeropuerto Arturo Merino Benítez de Santiago de Chile, contará con la participación de expositores de más de cuarenta países. Según las estimaciones de la organización, en la edición anterior, celebrada en 2010, se realizaron negocios por una cifra cercana a los 250 millones de dólares.
A la muestra asistirán más de 500 expositores de las áreas de aviación civil y comercial, defensa, seguridad nacional, mantenimiento de aeronaves, equipamiento y servicios aeroportuarios y tecnología espacial. Además, esta feria será el escenario de la presentación, por primera vez en Latinoamérica, del avión A400M, cuyo ensamblaje se realiza en la línea de montaje que Airbus tiene en Sevilla.
El evento, que cuenta con más de 30 años de existencia, albergará también la celebración de diversas conferencias, entre las que destacan "Beneficios del empleo de la tecnología espacial para el desarrollo de los países" y "Desarrollo y tecnologías espaciales. Oportunidades para la región". Estas sesiones servirán para que representantes de la industria internacional den a conocer la oferta de tecnología espacial existente en la actualidad.
ADM Sevilla 2012
Un total de 225 empresas y entidades de 19 países se han inscrito ya en 'Aerospace & Defense Meetings Sevilla 2012' (ADM), la primera convención de negocios internacional de la industria aeroespacial de esta dimensión que se celebra en España. Esta cita, que tendrá lugar en Sevilla del 14 al 17 de mayo, ha sido impulsada por la Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia, a través de Extenda-Agencia Andaluza de Promoción Exterior.
El principal objetivo de este encuentro es potenciar la actividad de negocio entre empresas tractoras, proveedores de primer nivel y subcontratistas de la industria aeroespacial europea, además de reafirmar en el plano internacional las fortalezas del polo aeronáutico andaluz.
Los países representados hasta la fecha son España, Francia, Austria, Portugal, Italia, Malasia, México, Alemania, Canadá, Turquía, Estados Unidos, Hungría, Marruecos, Túnez, Reino Unido, Brasil, República Checa, Corea del Sur y Suiza.
'ADM Sevilla 2012', que está financiado con el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, a través del Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2007-2013, cuenta también con el patrocinio de los principales fabricantes y proveedores de primer nivel de España, como son EADS; Alestis Aerospace; Aernnova; y Aciturri y la multinacional Siemens.
Asimismo, prestan su apoyo a este evento las principales instituciones del sector, como el clúster aeronáutico andaluz Hélice; Aerópolis, Parque Tecnológico Aeroespacial de Andalucía; Albín, Asociación de Empresas Innovadoras Andaluzas en Tecnologías Estratégicas de Seguridad y Defensa; CATEC, Centro Avanzado de Tecnologías Aeroespaciales; así como 'Invest in Spain' y Sevilla Congress and Convention Bureau.
ADM Sevilla 2012 servirá también de marco para una serie de actos paralelos de los principales patrocinadores, entre los que destaca el encuentro anual de la European Aerospace Cluster Partnership (EACP), organización que agrupa a 39 clusters aeroespaciales europeos, lo que pone de manifiesto la entidad de esta cita de negocios.
Exportaciones andaluzas del sector aeronáutico
Según datos de Extenda, las exportaciones del sector aeronáutico andaluz alcanzaron en 2011 los 998 millones de euros, un 5,3% más que el año anterior. Estos datos sitúan a Andalucía como segunda comunidad autónoma exportadora.
Las principales provincias que comercializan sus productos en el exterior son Sevilla y Cádiz, que concentran el 64,6% y el 35,3% de las ventas respectivamente. Por otra parte, los productos más vendidos corresponden a las partidas de partes de aeronaves (56,8%) y la de aviones y helicópteros, vehículos espaciales, incluidos los satélites, y sus vehículos de lanzamiento y vehículos suborbitales (43,2%).
Mercado chileno
En este contexto de crecimiento de las exportaciones del sector, las ventas a Chile también registraron un importante incremento, del 124,4%, llegando a los 72,7 millones de euros. De esta manera el país se posiciona como sexto mercado para este tipo de productos.
Por provincias, Sevilla es la que concentra la práctica totalidad de las exportaciones, con un 99,9%. Además, el crecimiento de las ventas de esta provincia en el país sudamericano fue del 125,6% respecto a 2010.
Entre los productos exportados destacan la categoría de aviones y helicópteros, vehículos espaciales, incluidos los satélites, y sus vehículos de lanzamiento y vehículos suborbitales, con un 96,8% sobre el total de 2011, y la de partes de aeronaves, con un 3,2%.
Eurocopter helicopters provide performance and capacity in meeting the varied mission requirements of India’s military forces
The capabilities of Eurocopter's helicopter product line to fulfill a full range of mission requirements for the Indian Army, Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard will be spotlighted at this month's Defexpo 2012 exposition in New Delhi.
Eurocopter's presence at the Pragati Maidan exhibition center (Hall 11, Stand 11.4) is to include scale models of its AS550 C3 Fennec, AS565 MBe Naval Panther and EC725 rotorcraft – all of which are proposed for current and upcoming Indian armed forces competitions.
"As India looks to upgrade its military rotorcraft fleets, Eurocopter is the one manufacturer with the product range and depth to meet the full scope of operational needs for the country's Army, Navy and Coast Guard," said Eurocopter's Senior Executive Vice President of Asia-Pacific Norbert Ducrot. "Additionally, Eurocopter is the first major manufacturer to establish an Indian subsidiary, reinforcing its support and services network throughout the country and further developing the company's relationship with India and its industry."
Eurocopter's single-engine AS550 C3 Fennec has demonstrated its capacity for the Indian Army and Air Force's reconnaissance and surveillance helicopter tender, exhibiting the rotorcraft's excellent performance in Indian field evaluation trials. This combat version of the company's renowned Ecureuil family is recognized for its mission equipment, while also offering lower flight-hour life-cycle costs than competitors. It can be fitted for anti-tank, air-to-air combat, ground support and training missions, and also is used in the utility transportation role.
"We have persevered in this extended competition because Eurocopter truly believes the AS550 C3 Fennec is best suited for India's reconnaissance and surveillance helicopter missions, and offers an optimum solution that is in the country's best interest," Ducrot explained.
The AS550 C3 Fennec's multi-role capabilities have made it a success during operations in extreme conditions from deserts to the highest altitudes that cover India's geographical diversity. Nearly 300 AS550 Fennec helicopters are in service with 25 armed forces in 24 countries, including the UK Air Force, the Royal Australian Navy, the Brazilian Army and Air Force, the Danish Army, the United Arab Emirates Special Operations Command, the Royal Guard of Oman, the Moroccan Gendarmerie and the Chad Air Force.
Eurocopter's Naval Panther responds to the Indian Coast Guard's upcoming purchase of ship-based light/medium helicopters, as well as the Indian Navy's anticipated acquisition of utility helicopters. Service-proven at high availability rates with many of the world's naval forces and coast guard services, the Naval Panther offered to India is the AS565 MBe version with improved performance.
The AS565 MBe Naval Panther is an all-weather, multi-role light helicopter tailored for operations from ship decks, offshore platforms and land bases, with demonstrated capabilities to cover the entire range of Indian Navy and Coast Guard mission requirements – including maritime surveillance, search and rescue, offshore patrolling and counter-terrorism, casualty evacuation and vertical replenishment.
This twin-engine rotorcraft also is an ideal complementary asset for such anti-submarine warfare and anti-surface unit warfare tasks as submarine and surface target destruction. It can launch its own torpedoes and provide over-the-horizon targeting to surface ships. In the future, it also will be armed with light anti-ship missiles, giving it a ship strike capability.
Operators of Eurocopter's Naval Panther/Dauphin helicopter family include the U.S. Coast Guard, which has a total of 102 H-65 versions in its inventory, performing duties from rescues at sea and recovery at high-altitude mountainous terrain, to armed interception/interdiction of vessels at sea and airborne protection of the Washington, D.C. capital region. The H-65 is the service's only aircraft used aboard sea-going cutters during deployments. There are about 18 other countries with the Panther/Dauphin helicopters in their naval and coast guard services, including France, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Korea, Chile, UAE, Morocco, Israel, Argentina, Mexico and Malaysia.
For the Indian Coast Guard's expected competition to acquire shore-based helicopters, Eurocopter's twin-engine EC725 offers a proven rotorcraft based on the Super Puma/Cougar family. With its all-weather capability, range, heavy-lift capacity and complete systems package, the EC725 delivers the combat search and rescue (CSAR) performance required by India.
The French forces have deployed this 11-ton class helicopter successfully in Afghanistan. Major orders have also been placed in recent years for the EC725, including the Brazilian Armed Force's 50-helicopter contract, as well as the supply of 12 units to the Royal Malaysian Air Force. The Japan Coast Guard ordered three units of the civilian version EC225, after some outstanding performance of this model during the disaster relief operations last year.
Eurocopter's subsidiary in India has been expanding its footprint across the country with maintenance centres and operations in key cities including New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. With such in-country support network, the Indian Armed Forces can be assured of high quality and efficient services for its Eurocopter fleet.
El Aeropuerto de Girona-Costa Brava estrena 22 nuevas rutas respecto al verano 2011
- El Aeropuerto de Girona-Costa Brava estrena 22 nuevas rutas respecto al verano 2011
- Las compañías Danube Wings, LOT Polish Airlines y Wizz Air Ukraine operarán en el aeropuerto como novedad respecto al año pasado
- La instalación contará durante la temporada de verano con 69 destinos diferentes y una media de 550 operaciones semanales
El Aeropuerto de Girona – Costa Brava estrenará en la próxima temporada de verano 22 nuevas rutas en comparación con el verano pasado. Una veintena de los nuevos destinos corresponden a vuelos regulares de la compañía Ryanair a las siguientes ciudades: Ibiza y Madrid, Cagliari y Perugia (Italia), Doncaster y Manchester (Reino Unido), Colonia y Düsseldorf (Alemania), Estocolmo Vasteras y Malmö (Suecia), Bydgoszcz, Cracovia y Gdansk (Polonia), Poitiers (Francia), Aarhus (Dinamarca), Nador (Marruecos), Cork y Knock (Irlanda), Turku (Finlandia) y Salónica (Grecia). Además, la ruta a Dole, operada por Danube Wings, y a Kiev, de Wizz Air Ukraine, son novedad como nuevas aerolíneas y, a la vez, como nuevos destinos del aeropuerto gerundense para la temporada de verano. LOT Polish Airlines es la tercera compañía que operará este año en Girona y no lo hacía en la temporada de verano 2011.
También cabe destacar que, un año más, Transavia se posiciona como la segunda aerolínea del Aeropuerto de Girona-Costa Brava con una media de 34 operaciones semanales en julio y agosto y de 22 durante el resto de meses entre abril y octubre. La temporada aeronáutica estival empezará el domingo 25 de marzo y durará hasta el sábado 27 de octubre.
El Aeropuerto de Girona-Costa Brava contará en total con 69 destinos diferentes y una media de 550 operaciones semanales, 106 más que durante el verano pasado. Ryanair es la compañía más destacada con 58 rutas y una media de 472 vuelos por semana entre llegadas y salidas.
Relación de rutas de la Temporada de Verano 2012
1. Ryanair: 58 destinos y una media de 472 operaciones semanales
País | Destino |
España | - Ibiza - Madrid-Barajas - Palma de Mallorca |
Italia | - Alghero - Bolonia - Brindisi - Cagliari - Lamezia - Milan Bergamo - Pescara - Perugia - Pisa - Trapani - Turin - Venecia Treviso |
Reino Unido | - Birmingham - Bournemouth - Bristol - Doncaster - Londres Luton - Londres Stansted - Manchester - Newcastle |
Alemania | - Bremen - Colonia Bonn - Magdeburg Cochstedt - Düsseldorf Weeze - Frankfurt Hahn - Karlsruhe-Baden |
Suecia | - Estocolmo Vasteras - Gotenburgo - Karlstad - Malmö - Skelleftea |
Polonia | - Bydgoszcz - Cracovia - Gdansk - Rzeszow - Wroclaw |
Francia | - París Beauvais - Poitiers |
Dinamarca | - Aarhus - Billund |
Países Bajos | - Eindhoven - Maastrich |
Marruecos | - Fez Sais - Marrakech - Nador |
Bélgica | - Bruselas Charleroi |
Eslovaquia | - Bratislava |
Irlanda | - Cork - Dublín - Knock |
Malta | - Malta |
Chipre | - Larnaca |
Estonia | - Tallinn |
Finlandia | - Turku |
Grecia | - Salónica |
2. Air Malta: 1 destino y 2 operaciones semanales (junio-septiembre)
- Malta
3. Brussels Airlines: 1 destino y 2 operaciones semanales (abril-septiembre)
- Bruselas
4. Danube Wings: 1 destino y 2 operaciones semanales (mayo-octubre)
- Dole
5. JAT Airways: 1 destino y 4/6 operaciones semanales (junio-octubre)
- Belgrado
6. Jetair Fly (TUI Airlines Belgium): 1 destino y 6 operaciones semanales (abril-octubre)
- Bruselas
7. LOT Polish Airlines: 2 destinos y 4 operaciones semanales (mayo-octubre)
- Katowice
- Varsovia
8. Primera Air Scandinavia: 1 destino y 2 operaciones semanales (junio-agosto)
- Billund
9. Thomas Cook Airlines Belgium: 1 destino y 2 operaciones semanales (mayo-octubre)
- Bruselas
8. Thomson Airways Limited: 3 destinos y 10 operaciones semanales (mayo-octubre)
- Birmingham
- Londres Gatwick
- Manchester
9. Transaero Airlines: 1 destino y 4 operaciones semanales (abril - octubre)
- Moscú Domodeodovo
10. Transavia Airlines: 2 destinos y una media de 22 operaciones semanales, salvo en los meses de julio y agosto que se harán una media de 34 operaciones semanales (abril-octubre)
- Amsterdam
- Rotterdam
11. Travel Service SRO: 1 destino y 4/6 operaciones semanales (junio-septiembre)
- Praga
12. TUI Arilines Nederland: 1 destino y 2 operaciones semanales (junio-septiembre)
- Amsterdam
13. Wizz Air Ukraine: 1 destino y 6 operaciones semanales (marzo-octubre)
- Kiev
*En rojo: Novedades respeto la Temporada de Verano 2011
Actuaciones en el aeropuerto durante la temporada de invierno 2011-2012
Durante la pasada temporada de invierno, el aeropuerto prosiguió trabajando para mejorar las instalaciones y los servicios ofrecidos a pasajeros y usuarios. En febrero, se puso de nuevo en servicio cuatro puertas de embarque tras haber sido remodeladas. La reforma consistió principalmente en separar físicamente mediante una mampara la puerta 1 de la 2 y la 9 de la 10, de manera que las cuatro se pueden utilizar independientemente y, por lo tanto, de manera simultánea. Dos de las puertas de embarque remodeladas disponen de control de pasaportes y pueden utilizarse para embarcar vuelos "No Schengen", mientras que las otras dos no incorporan control de pasaportes y están operativas para vuelos nacionales y otros países de la zona Schengen.
En marzo se realizaron también una serie de actuaciones en la plataforma de aeronaves. En primer lugar se aplicó una nueva señalización horizontal para optimizar el espacio y adecuarlo a las aeronaves de aviación general y corporativa. Con esta señalización, el aeropuerto dispone ahora de 21 nuevas posiciones de estacionamiento para aeronaves pequeñas. En concreto, se diseñaron 9 posiciones para aviones tipo jet, 8 posiciones para aeronaves ligeras y 4 para helicópteros. Esta zona de la plataforma anteriormente albergaba 4 stands para Boeing 737. Finalmente, se reforzó la información en plataforma con la incorporación de diez carteles que comunican la prohibición de fumar i utilizar los móviles o las cámaras de fotos.
Cabe recordar, además, que desde este invierno el Aeropuerto de Girona-Costa Brava ha puesto en marcha el proyecto "Espacios Solidarios", que facilita a organizaciones sociales un espacio de impacto público en la terminal de pasajeros para divulgar su actividad y otras actuaciones que ayuden a la sensibilización de la sociedad.
El Aeropuerto de Reus acoge la exposición “Las aves, viajeros sin fronteras” hasta el 2 de mayo
La Fundación Aena promueve este muestra cuyo principal objetivo es fomentar en los usuarios del aeropuerto, sobre todo en los más jóvenes,
el interés por la ornitología, por el medio ambiente y por su conservación
Hasta el próximo 2 de mayo, los pasajeros del Aeropuerto de Reus podrán disfrutar de la exposición "Las aves, viajeros sin fronteras", situada en el hall de la terminal de facturación. La muestra, promovida por la Fundación Aena, tiene un carácter didáctico y pretende fomentar en los usuarios del aeropuerto, especialmente en los niños y jóvenes, su interés por la ornitología, por el medio ambiente y por su conservación.
La exposición ofrece información sobre las migraciones de las aves y los sistemas de anillado, objeto de los científicos que estudian la rama de la
zoología dedicada a las aves. Asimismo, los visitantes de la muestra pueden ver las aves migratorias más características de la península mediante unos visores tridimensionales.
Además, varias vitrinas exponen una colección de nidos naturales clasificados por tipos de aves y los materiales que han empleado para su construcción. De esta forma, el visitante llega a conocer las diferentes proporciones y formas de los nidos.
Prismáticos, anillas, calibres, pesos, alicates, redes, cepos y otros utensilios de anillamiento con fotos de ornitólogos integran también el contenido de las vitrinas.
Por último, se puede observar un panel con las rutas migratorias de los "viajeros sin fronteras" y otro con las zonas más importantes de observación de aves en España.
Tras su paso por Reus, la exposición recorrerá los aeropuertos de Barcelona-El Prat y Girona-Costa Brava.
Nueva tienda en la zona comercial del Aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat
El Aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat ha puesto en servicio el 30 de marzo una nueva tienda en el Sky Centre de la terminal T1. El local está dedicado a la comercialización de dulces con la marca Tutti Frutti. Con este nuevo local, el Aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat dispone de 76 tiendas y 28 locales de restauración entre las dos terminales.
Las compañías de extinción de incendios despliegan todos sus medios para luchar contra el fuego que azota España
Madrid, 02 de abril de 2012. El periodo de sequía que afecta a la península está dejando tras de sí una oleada de incendios forestales devastadores comparables, en cuando a superficie calcinada, al año 2005 (el peor del primer decenio).
La gravedad de la situación obliga a desplegar, y mantener en estado de alerta, a cientos de efectivos en todas las comunidades autónomas. Los soportes aéreos, tanto helicópteros como aviones de extinción, ya han sido movilizados. La labor de los medios, depende de un pilotaje extremadamente minucioso, posible gracias al entrenamiento constante de un equipo humano altamente cualificado.
Las compañías de AECA & Helicópteros apoyan la actividad de los trabajos aéreos centrando todos sus recursos en la formación, capacidad y seguridad de sus equipos tanto humanos como tecnológicos. Por este motivo, durante 2011 se invirtieron más de 50 millones de euros en formación de tripulaciones, nuevas aeronaves, etc. Ser el punto de referencia sobre el mundo del helicóptero, y los trabajos aéreos, es posible únicamente, si se potencia el intercambio de experiencias, la estrecha colaboración con la administración, y mediante la formación continuada del personal.
Además, es necesario que estos recursos, por su probada eficacia, estén siempre disponibles, y por ello es importante trabajar en un sistema contra incendios que sea capaz de atender los incendios no sólo en verano sino también en invierno.
Sólo de esta forma podrán evitarse otro tipo de catástrofes de carácter humano y se logrará que la "ayuda desde el aire" sea satisfactoria y plenamente efectiva en las labores de extinción.
AECA Helicópteros, es miembro de la Asociación Española de Compañías Aéreas (AECA), una entidad sin ánimo de lucro que tiene como misión el fomento y la defensa de los intereses de las operadoras de helicópteros y empresas de trabajos aéreos, además de difundir la vocación de servicio público de sus operaciones aéreas ligadas a situaciones de emergencias. Representa al 90 por ciento del sector por número de aeronaves, facturación y empleados.
AECA Helicópteros basa su actividad en desarrollar de manera constante el sector, ser el punto de referencia sobre el mundo del helicóptero y los trabajos aéreos, potenciar canales de comunicación, favorecer el intercambio de experiencias, colaborar estrechamente con las administraciones aéreas y fomentar la formación continuada del personal.
Fears Of An Aircraft Order Bubble
It is a truism of statistics that two people can study the same data
and see radically different outcomes. Such is the case with the large
commercial jet market. First, the facts: Airbus and Boeing took more
than 2,200 net orders in 2011, twice the level of 2010 and far above
the 1,011 jets they delivered. The two airframers are sitting on
backlogs equivalent to about seven years' worth of output. And
production increases underway will soon have Airbus churning out 42
A320 narrowbody jets a month and Boeing the same number of 737s by
2014, with talk of going even higher.
and see radically different outcomes. Such is the case with the large
commercial jet market. First, the facts: Airbus and Boeing took more
than 2,200 net orders in 2011, twice the level of 2010 and far above
the 1,011 jets they delivered. The two airframers are sitting on
backlogs equivalent to about seven years' worth of output. And
production increases underway will soon have Airbus churning out 42
A320 narrowbody jets a month and Boeing the same number of 737s by
2014, with talk of going even higher.
To Adam Pilarski, senior vice president at aviation consulting firm
Avitas, it is all too good to last. He believes high fuel prices,
plentiful financing backed by government export-credit agencies and
aggressive selling by two airframers aiming to hold off new
competitors have created a hyper demand that is unsustainable. "If you
want to buy a new aircraft, you have to wait years for it," he says.
"To me, that's a sign of a bubble."
Airborne Wind Energy: Altaeros Energies Achieves Breakthrough in High Altitude Wind Power
Boston, MA – March 27, 2012 - Altaeros Energies, a wind energy company formed out of MIT, announced today that it has demonstrated high altitude power production from an automated prototype of its airborne wind turbine.
The company recently completed testing of a 35-foot scale prototype of the Altaeros Airborne Wind Turbine (AWT) at the Loring Commerce Center in Limestone, Maine. The prototype, fabricated in partnership with Doyle Sailmakers of Salem, Massachusetts, achieved several key milestones. The AWT climbed up 350 feet high, produced power at altitude, and landed in an automated cycle. In addition, the prototype lifted the top-selling Southwest Skystream turbine to produce over twice the power at high altitude than generated at conventional tower height. The turbine was successfully transported and deployed into the air from a towable docking trailer.
Altaeros is developing its first product to reduce energy costs by up to 65 percent by harnessing the stronger winds found over 1,000 feet high and reducing installation time from weeks to days.
In addition, it is designed to have virtually no environmental or noise impact and to require minimal maintenance. The Altaeros AWT will displace expensive fuel used to power diesel generators at remote industrial, military, and village sites. In the long term, Altaeros plans to scale up the technology to reduce costs in the offshore wind market. "For decades, wind turbines have required cranes and huge towers to lift a few hundred feet off the ground where winds can be slow and gusty," explained Ben Glass, the inventor of the AWT
and Altaeros Chief Executive Officer. "We are excited to demonstrate that modern inflatable materials can lift wind turbines into more powerful winds almost everywhere—with a platform that is cost competitive and easy to setup from a shipping container."
The AWT uses a helium-filled, inflatable shell to ascend to higher altitudes where winds are more consistent and over five times stronger than those reached by traditional tower-mounted
turbines. Strong tethers hold the AWT steady and send electricity down to the ground. The lifting technology is adapted from aerostats, industrial cousins of passenger blimps that for
decades have lifted heavy communications and radar equipment into the air for long periods of time. Aerostats are rated to survive hurricane-level winds and have safety features that ensure a
slow descent to the ground.
The emerging airborne or "high altitude" wind sector was recently featured on the cover of the March 2011 issue of Popular Mechanics. In December 2011, the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) released draft guidelines allowing the new class of airborne wind systems to be sited under existing regulation.
Altaeros Energies is currently seeking partners to join its effort to launch the first commerciallyavailable high altitude wind turbine in the world.
About Altaeros:
Altaeros Energies was founded in 2010 to generate low cost renewable energy by harnessing the strong winds found at higher altitudes. Altaeros Energies won the 2011 ConocoPhillips Energy Prize, and has received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the California Energy Commission, and the Maine Technology Institute. To learn more, please visit
The company recently completed testing of a 35-foot scale prototype of the Altaeros Airborne Wind Turbine (AWT) at the Loring Commerce Center in Limestone, Maine. The prototype, fabricated in partnership with Doyle Sailmakers of Salem, Massachusetts, achieved several key milestones. The AWT climbed up 350 feet high, produced power at altitude, and landed in an automated cycle. In addition, the prototype lifted the top-selling Southwest Skystream turbine to produce over twice the power at high altitude than generated at conventional tower height. The turbine was successfully transported and deployed into the air from a towable docking trailer.
Altaeros is developing its first product to reduce energy costs by up to 65 percent by harnessing the stronger winds found over 1,000 feet high and reducing installation time from weeks to days.
In addition, it is designed to have virtually no environmental or noise impact and to require minimal maintenance. The Altaeros AWT will displace expensive fuel used to power diesel generators at remote industrial, military, and village sites. In the long term, Altaeros plans to scale up the technology to reduce costs in the offshore wind market. "For decades, wind turbines have required cranes and huge towers to lift a few hundred feet off the ground where winds can be slow and gusty," explained Ben Glass, the inventor of the AWT
and Altaeros Chief Executive Officer. "We are excited to demonstrate that modern inflatable materials can lift wind turbines into more powerful winds almost everywhere—with a platform that is cost competitive and easy to setup from a shipping container."
The AWT uses a helium-filled, inflatable shell to ascend to higher altitudes where winds are more consistent and over five times stronger than those reached by traditional tower-mounted
turbines. Strong tethers hold the AWT steady and send electricity down to the ground. The lifting technology is adapted from aerostats, industrial cousins of passenger blimps that for
decades have lifted heavy communications and radar equipment into the air for long periods of time. Aerostats are rated to survive hurricane-level winds and have safety features that ensure a
slow descent to the ground.
The emerging airborne or "high altitude" wind sector was recently featured on the cover of the March 2011 issue of Popular Mechanics. In December 2011, the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) released draft guidelines allowing the new class of airborne wind systems to be sited under existing regulation.
Altaeros Energies is currently seeking partners to join its effort to launch the first commerciallyavailable high altitude wind turbine in the world.
About Altaeros:
Altaeros Energies was founded in 2010 to generate low cost renewable energy by harnessing the strong winds found at higher altitudes. Altaeros Energies won the 2011 ConocoPhillips Energy Prize, and has received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the California Energy Commission, and the Maine Technology Institute. To learn more, please visit
Quiet, Efficient Supersonics Within Sight?
The trick is in the shaping of the airframe to tailor the shockwaves so that they produce a sinusoidal pressure signature at the ground, rather than the abrupt N-wave shape of a traditional "double-bang" sonic boom. Instead of powerful bow and aft shockwaves, the aim is to generate lots of smaller shocks along the airframe that attenuate more quickly as they travel through the atmosphere. Boeing's model (above) shows the result of all that subtle shaping.
Robotic hand gets a grip using string artificial tendons
While the quest for robotic grippers with a light, yet firm touch has led to innovative approaches, such as theuniversal jamming gripper, it's still hard to go past the four fingers and opposable thumb form factor honed by millions of years of evolution. While the technology is available to create a robotic hand that is both powerful and delicate, cramming it inside a compact arm is still difficult. But European researchers have done just that by using a novel string actuator to act as an artificial tendon... Continue Reading Robotic hand gets a grip using string artificial tendons
Mini ionic motor to set small satellites free
Researchers at t he École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) have created a prototype mini motor designed to extend the capabilities of the new breed of small satellite. The motor weighs roughly 200 grams (7 oz) – including the fuel and control electronics - and could be used to change the orbit of small satellites, or even propel them to more far flung destinations that would usually require larger, more expensive spacecraft. .. Continue Reading Mini ionic motor to set small satellites free
Celso Amorím asegura que este año se conocerá el nuevo caza para la Fuerza Aérea Brasileña
Amorím afirmó nuevamente que su visita a la India, a horas de este país haber optado por el Rafale no implica favoritismo hacia el caza francés, al cual él mismo, cuando canciller, el ex presidente Lula - que llegó a darlo por ganador- y el ex ministro de Defensa, Nelson Jobim, se mostraron proclives.
Lockheed Martin F-35A Completes First Night Refueling Mission
The first night refueling in the history of the Lockheed Martin F-35 program was completed Thursday at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. Piloted by U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Peter Vitt, AF-4, an F-35A conventional takeoff and landing variant, rendezvoused with an Air Force KC-135 tanker and successfully received fuel through the F-35's boom receptacle. Vitt's sortie lasted more than three hours. In addition to qualifying with the KC-135, the F-35 Integrated Test Force at Edwards AFB will also conduct night refueling tests with the KC-10.
Boeing, Elbit Systems to Collaborate on Simulation for Super Hornet
Distributed simulation project to lay foundation for future technology collaboration with Brazilian industry
SANTIAGO, Chile, March 27, 2012 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and Elbit Systems are collaborating on a joint distributed simulation project that will link a Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet simulator in St. Louis with an AEL Avionics Laboratory simulator in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
The effort brings together Boeing's and Elbit's expertise in order to demonstrate current simulation and network technology as well as the capabilities of the Super Hornet. The demonstration also will explore the potential for other technology collaborations, such as Super Hornet interoperability with Brazilian fighter aircraft. The distributed simulation project is expected to be completed this summer.
Boeing and Elbit Systems are developing a robust plan for technology exchange in the areas of simulation and avionics support for Brazil's F-X2 program. Earlier this month, Boeing and Elbit Systems signed a Memorandum of Understanding that supports the development of advanced avionics capabilities in Brazil that will be introduced to AEL Sistemas. Elbit was selected to provide the Large Area Display (LAD) system that will be part of an advanced cockpit system to be offered on Boeing fighter aircraft, including the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and the F-15 family of aircraft, including the Silent Eagle. As a key supplier to Boeing fighter aircraft programs, Elbit, through Boeing, is investing in the development of advanced cockpit avionics capabilities at AEL Sistemas.
Elbit representatives recently met with the Boeing Super Hornet team in St. Louis to begin outlining working plans for developing the advanced avionics and the LAD. The Brazilian engineers and their Boeing counterparts expect to create a strong working relationship that will bring value to Brazilian industry and the Brazilian Air Force.
The Boeing and Elbit teams also have begun exploring potential opportunities for other systems and support activities that would benefit AEL Sistemas and Brazilian industry in the near term and for the life cycle of the aircraft.
"By working together on today's aircraft avionics, Boeing and Elbit engineers will be able to chart a plan for the future," said Mike Gibbons, vice president, Boeing F/A-18 and EA-18 Programs. "These collaborative efforts provide opportunities for international growth for Boeing and our global supply chain."
Elbit Systems of America LLC is a leading provider of high-performance products and system solutions focusing on the commercial aviation, defense, homeland security, and medical instrumentation markets. Elbit Systems of America is wholly owned by Elbit Systems Ltd. [NASDAQ and TASE: ELST], a global electronics company engaged in a wide range of programs for innovative defense and commercial applications. AEL Sistemas S.A., a majority owned Elbit Systems subsidiary located in Porto Alegre, Brazil, serves as a center for production and logistics support for advanced defense electronics programs in Brazil and globally.
A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is one of the world's largest defense, space and security businesses specializing in innovative and capabilities-driven customer solutions, and the world's largest and most versatile manufacturer of military aircraft. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is a $32 billion business with 62,000 employees worldwide.
EADS licenses its patented DeltaN friction-stir welding technology to BRÖTJE-Automation
EADS has granted licensing rights for its patented DeltaN friction-stir welding technology to BRÖTJE-Automation GmbH, which will apply this technology in the company's product line of gantry production machines. The EADS technology – based on its DeltaN tool – provides high-quality welds for the solid-state friction-stir welding technique, which is employed with metallic alloys in a range of production applications. Developed by EADS Innovation Works, which is the company's research and technology organization, the technology is made available through the EADS Technology Licensing initiative.
With the licensing approval – signed at this week's JEC Composites show in Paris – EADS will transfer DeltaN technology and know-how to BRÖTJE-Automation for gantry production machines developed to serve the aerospace sector, and potentially in other industrial applications. The agreement has a licensing value of up to €600,000 during the contract's initial three-year term.
"The DeltaN tool results from more than 12 years of development at EADS," said Yann Barbaux, the Head of EADS Innovation Works. "Its full advantages are now available to further improve the flexibility and capabilities of BRÖTJE-Automation's gantry machines – many of which are used in the production of EADS aircraft and systems. This is an example of how our technologies can create new business for licensing partners, while also improving the quality of EADS' own products."
Incorporating a simple and robust design, the DeltaN tool features a stationary shoulder portion and a rotating welding pin. This concept places the high revolutions on the pin and zero revolutions on the shoulder, providing significant reductions in welding distortion and vertical down-forces when compared with typical standard tools, while also increasing the pin's lifetime by reducing lateral loads.
"This DeltaN technology will give us major benefits for future assembly applications, especially when combined with our unique gantry positioning systems," said Christian Meiners, Head of the Technology Center at BRÖTJE-Automation.
It is the second such technology agreement involving the two companies, follows the licensing of an end effecter system for the drilling and riveting of spars and clamps, which was developed during the 1990s in a joint effort of EADS and BRÖTJEAutomation. The new DeltaN contract for BRÖTJE-Automation was enabled by PATEV Associates GmbH, which is the EADS Technology Licensing initiative's European technology licensing partner.
About EADS
EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2011, the Group – comprising Airbus, Astrium, Cassidian and Eurocopter – generated revenues of €49.1 billion and employed a workforce of over 133,000.
For more information about „Materials & Manufacturing", visit our press dossier at:
EADS Technology Licensing initiative website:
About BRÖTJE- Automation
BRÖTJE-Automation is a world-leading expert for specialized production processes in the aviation and aerospace industries. Its team of 350 employees – located at sites in Germany (Wiefelstede and Jaderberg), the United States and China – plan and implement highlyefficient solutions for aircraft production and assembly.
With the licensing approval – signed at this week's JEC Composites show in Paris – EADS will transfer DeltaN technology and know-how to BRÖTJE-Automation for gantry production machines developed to serve the aerospace sector, and potentially in other industrial applications. The agreement has a licensing value of up to €600,000 during the contract's initial three-year term.
"The DeltaN tool results from more than 12 years of development at EADS," said Yann Barbaux, the Head of EADS Innovation Works. "Its full advantages are now available to further improve the flexibility and capabilities of BRÖTJE-Automation's gantry machines – many of which are used in the production of EADS aircraft and systems. This is an example of how our technologies can create new business for licensing partners, while also improving the quality of EADS' own products."
Incorporating a simple and robust design, the DeltaN tool features a stationary shoulder portion and a rotating welding pin. This concept places the high revolutions on the pin and zero revolutions on the shoulder, providing significant reductions in welding distortion and vertical down-forces when compared with typical standard tools, while also increasing the pin's lifetime by reducing lateral loads.
"This DeltaN technology will give us major benefits for future assembly applications, especially when combined with our unique gantry positioning systems," said Christian Meiners, Head of the Technology Center at BRÖTJE-Automation.
It is the second such technology agreement involving the two companies, follows the licensing of an end effecter system for the drilling and riveting of spars and clamps, which was developed during the 1990s in a joint effort of EADS and BRÖTJEAutomation. The new DeltaN contract for BRÖTJE-Automation was enabled by PATEV Associates GmbH, which is the EADS Technology Licensing initiative's European technology licensing partner.
About EADS
EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2011, the Group – comprising Airbus, Astrium, Cassidian and Eurocopter – generated revenues of €49.1 billion and employed a workforce of over 133,000.
For more information about „Materials & Manufacturing", visit our press dossier at:
EADS Technology Licensing initiative website:
About BRÖTJE- Automation
BRÖTJE-Automation is a world-leading expert for specialized production processes in the aviation and aerospace industries. Its team of 350 employees – located at sites in Germany (Wiefelstede and Jaderberg), the United States and China – plan and implement highlyefficient solutions for aircraft production and assembly.
Airbus Military A400M performs high-altitude tests at La Paz, Bolivia
The Airbus Military A400M new generation airlifter recently visited La Paz, Bolivia as part of a series of high-altitude performance tests. Grizzly 2 completed a number of flights from the airport at La Paz which is more than 13,000ft above mean sea level. Operations from high-altitude airports like La Paz are challenging because of the low air density. The tests took place shortly after the aircraft visited the FIDAE airshow in Chile, and Lima, Peru during its first deployment to Latin America. Airbus Head of Flight and Integration Tests, Fernando Alonso said: "High altitude testing is a critical part of the overall flight-test programme which will ensure that we deliver on our performance guarantees to customers. I am pleased to say that the early results from these trials have been very positive."
Airbus wins 1st corporate jet sale in Japan
ACJ319 has widest and tallest cabin of any corporate jet
Airbus has won its first corporate jet sale in Japan, adding a new customer and building on its widespread and growing presence in the important Asia-Pacific market.
The aircraft, an Airbus ACJ319, has the widest and tallest cabin of any corporate jet, while being similar in size externally to traditional business jets. It thus delivers unequalled comfort, space and freedom of movement, as well as the ability to carry more passengers.
"Our first Airbus corporate jet sale in Japan builds on the growing presence of our modern airliner family, as well as encouraging greater use of business jets to help grow what is, today, the world's third-largest economy," says Airbus Chief Operating Officer, Customers, John Leahy. "Cabin comfort and space are key in our business, and Airbus corporate jets offer more of these than any other business jet," he adds.
Corporate jets are widespread in many of the world's economies, but are still proportionately few in some of the largest, such as Japan, where the opening of the first dedicated business terminal in Tokyo, Premier Gate Narita, will help to pave the way for more of them.
They are primarily used as business tools, helping company executives, billionaires and government leaders to accomplish more with their time, and to be more productive while travelling.
Airbus corporate jets already have a strong presence in Asia-Pacific, Europe and the Middle East, and are widely used by companies, high net-worth individuals, and governments.
Like the modern airliner family from which they are derived, Airbus corporate jets make extensive use of innovation and modern technology to deliver worthwhile benefits, plus the robust reliability that their heritage brings, as well as worldwide support.
Airbus corporate jets are derived from the world's most modern aircraft family, and offer the broadest range of sizes and ranges of any bizjet manufacturer, including VIP widebodies.
They have won some 170 orders since Airbus delivered its first corporate jet in the mid-Eighties, and are the only bizjets flying on every continent, including Antarctica.
Airbus has won its first corporate jet sale in Japan, adding a new customer and building on its widespread and growing presence in the important Asia-Pacific market.
The aircraft, an Airbus ACJ319, has the widest and tallest cabin of any corporate jet, while being similar in size externally to traditional business jets. It thus delivers unequalled comfort, space and freedom of movement, as well as the ability to carry more passengers.
"Our first Airbus corporate jet sale in Japan builds on the growing presence of our modern airliner family, as well as encouraging greater use of business jets to help grow what is, today, the world's third-largest economy," says Airbus Chief Operating Officer, Customers, John Leahy. "Cabin comfort and space are key in our business, and Airbus corporate jets offer more of these than any other business jet," he adds.
Corporate jets are widespread in many of the world's economies, but are still proportionately few in some of the largest, such as Japan, where the opening of the first dedicated business terminal in Tokyo, Premier Gate Narita, will help to pave the way for more of them.
They are primarily used as business tools, helping company executives, billionaires and government leaders to accomplish more with their time, and to be more productive while travelling.
Airbus corporate jets already have a strong presence in Asia-Pacific, Europe and the Middle East, and are widely used by companies, high net-worth individuals, and governments.
Like the modern airliner family from which they are derived, Airbus corporate jets make extensive use of innovation and modern technology to deliver worthwhile benefits, plus the robust reliability that their heritage brings, as well as worldwide support.
Airbus corporate jets are derived from the world's most modern aircraft family, and offer the broadest range of sizes and ranges of any bizjet manufacturer, including VIP widebodies.
They have won some 170 orders since Airbus delivered its first corporate jet in the mid-Eighties, and are the only bizjets flying on every continent, including Antarctica.
Hermes spacecraft aims to join tourism space race
We've covered numerous projects seeking funding through Kickstarter but none as ambitious as the project from Phoenix, Arizona-based STAR (Space Transport and Recovery) Systems. Rather than looking to get yet anotheriPhone case off the ground, the STAR team is seeking funds to aid in development of its Hermes spacecraft that would compete against the likes of Virgin Galactic and Space Adventures in carrying private passengers and payloads into space... Continue Reading Hermes spacecraft aims to join tourism space race
Fears Of An Aircraft Order Bubble
It is a truism of statistics that two people can study the same data and see radically different outcomes. Such is the case with the large commercial jet market. First, the facts: Airbus and Boeing took more than 2,200 net orders in 2011, twice the level of 2010 and far above the 1,011 jets they delivered. The two airframers are sitting on backlogs equivalent to about seven years' worth of output. And production increases underway will soon have Airbus churning out 42 A320 narrowbody jets a month and Boeing the same number of 737s by 2014, with talk of going even higher.
To Adam Pilarski, senior vice president at aviation consulting firm Avitas, it is all too good to last. He believes high fuel prices, plentiful financing backed by government export-credit agencies and aggressive selling by two airframers aiming to hold off new competitors have created a hyper demand that is unsustainable. "If you want to buy a new aircraft, you have to wait years for it," he says. "To me, that's a sign of a bubble."
To Adam Pilarski, senior vice president at aviation consulting firm Avitas, it is all too good to last. He believes high fuel prices, plentiful financing backed by government export-credit agencies and aggressive selling by two airframers aiming to hold off new competitors have created a hyper demand that is unsustainable. "If you want to buy a new aircraft, you have to wait years for it," he says. "To me, that's a sign of a bubble."
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