miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

Progress toward enabling manned and unmanned aircraft to share common airspace ... - Avionics Intelligence

Progress toward enabling manned and unmanned aircraft to share common airspace ... - Avionics Intelligence:

Avionics Intelligence

Progress toward enabling manned and unmanned aircraft to share common airspace ...
Avionics Intelligence
Transforming the world's air traffic control (ATC) systems to accommodate commercial and military aircraft, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is proceeding, but is proving to be difficult, says the military representative to the European air ...

31st TES ramps up for F-35 initial operational testing at Edwards - Edwards Air Force Base

31st TES ramps up for F-35 initial operational testing at Edwards - Edwards Air Force Base:

Edwards Air Force Base

31st TES ramps up for F-35 initial operational testing at Edwards
Edwards Air Force Base
Prior to the stand up for the incoming F-35s, the squadron has traditionally had the mission of executing early influence in developmental test by taking ACC operators and placing them in bomber and unmanned aircraft systems squadrons in recent years," ...

Ryanair Has Concerns With the Boeing 737 Max - Fly Away Simulation

Ryanair Has Concerns With the Boeing 737 Max - Fly Away Simulation:

Fly Away Simulation

Ryanair Has Concerns With the Boeing 737 Max
Fly Away Simulation
Ryanair is still considering ordering the Comac C919, a family of 168-190 seat narrow-body airliners that will be build by the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (Comac). Ryanair's design team is currently working with Comac to design a 200-seat ...
ISTAT: Oil Prices, Aircraft Demand Will CrashAviation Week

los 18 artículos informativos »

COMAC and Bombardier Sign Definitive Agreement to Establish Commonality Opportunities Between C919 and CSeries Aircraft

SHANGHAI, CHINA, Mar 21, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Further to the framework agreement signed on March 24, 2011, Jin Zhuanglong, Chairman, Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd (COMAC) and Pierre Beaudoin, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bombardier Inc. signed today a definitive agreement covering program commonalities between the C919 and CSeries aircraft. More specifically, the two leading aircraft manufacturers have agreed to cooperate on four distinctive projects to be executed as part of the first phase of COMAC and Bombardier's long-term collaboration on the C919 aircraft and the CSeries families of commercial airliners.

The four initiatives on which COMAC and Bombardier will be collaborating as part of this initial phase are commonality on: 1) the cockpit human-machine (crew) interfaces, 2) the electrical system, 3) the development of aluminum-lithium standards and specifications, and 4) areas of customer services in terms of technical publications and co-location of teams. All four projects are expected to be completed over the next 12 months and in conjunction with the C919 aircraft development schedule.

This first collaborative phase further reinforces the strategic long-term relationship between COMAC and Bombardier and demonstrates the complementary nature of the C919 and CSeries aircraft programs. Both parties will continue exploring other possibilities for cooperation with regards to aircraft program commonalities, joint procurement, synergies in development and customer services, as well as collaboration on Bombardier and COMAC programs.

"I am delighted that, leveraging on our corporations' mutual strengths, synergies are being developed into mutually beneficial, tangible initiatives. This will certainly contribute to enhancing the competitiveness of not only the C919 and CSeries aircraft programs, but also of COMAC and Bombardier's overall businesses," said Mr. Jin, Chairman, COMAC.

"I am pleased to see the framework agreement signed in March last year reaching this important milestone," said Mr. Beaudoin, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bombardier Inc. "We are confident these four initial projects will build on the complementary nature of our respective products and expertise while helping to maximize both parties' cost savings and market shares."

By signing this definitive agreement, Bombardier and COMAC are embarking on a first step to create opportunities for customers of the CSeries and C919 aircraft to realize cost benefits from the operation of both aircraft families.


COMAC, founded in May 2008 and headquartered in Shanghai, is the main organization for implementing the trunk liner program of China. COMAC is a civil aircraft OEM involved in aircraft integration and is mainly engaged in the research, manufacture, testing, and test flight of civil aircraft and related products, as well as sales and services, lease, and operation of civil aircraft. COMAC is committed to becoming a world-class civil aircraft manufacturer and providing customers and passengers with modern civil aircraft with safety, economy, comfort and environmentally friendly characteristics. News and information are available at www.comac.cc .

About Bombardier

A world-leading manufacturer of innovative transportation solutions, from commercial aircraft and business jets to rail transportation equipment, systems and services, Bombardier Inc. is a global corporation headquartered in Canada. Its revenues for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2011, were $18.3 billion, and its shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (BBD). Bombardier is listed as an index component to the Dow Jones Sustainability World and North America indexes. News and information are available at www.bombardier.com or follow us on Twitter @Bombardier.

Notes to editors

Images of the signature ceremony are available in the press releases section at: www.comac.cc or www.bombardier.com

India readies to select mid-air refueler - Economic Times

India readies to select mid-air refueler - Economic Times:

India readies to select mid-air refueler
Economic Times
The tender had been reissued by the government after the Airbus' A330MRTT was selected by the Indian Air Force as the winner of an earlier tender in 2009. But the finance ministry objected to the "high cost" for the A330MRTT.

y más »

Aernnova comunicará hoy un ERE de suspensión a su plantilla de Fuasa - Noticias de Álava

Aernnova comunicará hoy un ERE de suspensión a su plantilla de Fuasa - Noticias de Álava:

Noticias de Álava

Aernnova comunicará hoy un ERE de suspensión a su plantilla de Fuasa
Noticias de Álava
Trabajadores de Aernnova, durante la protesta que protagonizaron el día de la inauguración de sus nuevas instalaciones en Berantevilla. (P. Oribe) Vitoria. No hace ni una semana que Aernnova confirmó la negativa del fondo de inversión árabe Mubadala de ...

A400M To Be Operational in 2014

A400M To Be Operational in 2014:
The French air force is projecting that the Airbus Military A400M airlifter will become operational in 2014.

Boeing Receives Certification for 787 Dreamliner With GE Engines

EVERETT, Wash., March 20, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) received certification today from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the 787-8 Dreamliner equipped with General Electric GEnx engines.

"This is a great day for our customers and for our team who worked tirelessly to ensure the Dreamliner offers breakthrough fuel efficiency, unprecedented performance and new levels of comfort," said Larry Loftis, vice president and general manager of the 787 program. "We are pleased to accept the FAA's confirmation of the safety and reliability of this airplane."

Certification from the FAA formally recognizes that the 787 with GE engines has demonstrated compliance with rigorous federal regulations. The achievement caps off the most robust flight and ground test program ever conducted in the company's history.

"This milestone completes the certification of the 787-8 airplane, and allows airlines to now operate the GE engine-powered 787 with both the baseline Block 4 engine and the PIP1 engine upgrade," said Mike Sinnett, vice president and chief project engineer for the 787 program. "It also represents the success of a remarkable partnership with the regulatory agencies around the world."

"This is the culmination of extraordinary work by teams from GE and Boeing," said Chuck Nugent, general manager of the GEnx engine program for General Electric. "GE Aviation is honored to power the Boeing 787 Dreamliner with its new GEnx-1B engine, and we look forward to seeing the aircraft-engine combination flying the skies around the world."

Initial type certification of the 787 with Rolls-Royce engines took place in August 2011. Each new combination of an airframe type and engine requires additional certification to validate the integrity of the design.

60 customers around the world have ordered more than 870 Dreamliners.

Airbus and Virgin Australia study new alternative fuel process

Commercialisation of alternative aviation fuels takes a step forward


Airbus has joined a consortium including Virgin Australia to study a new pathway to produce sustainable aviation fuels. Eucalyptus mallee trees, grown in Western Australia’s wheat belt are sustainably harvested and converted to a feedstock for refining into alternative aviation fuel via a process called Pyrolysis.

Mallee is indigenous to Australia and is well adapted to the environment. It is a suitable sustainable crop because it helps return salt-affected land to a productive state. Mallee can be planted on farms alongside crops, and provide a range of environmental benefits and contribute to the long term sustainability of the overall farming operation. Growing these trees to make alternative fuels encourages large scale planting, which is expected to bring a range of environmental and social benefits to farmers and rural communities.  

The Pyrolysis thermal conversion process has yet to be recognised by the world’s fuels standards authorities. Airbus’ role includes supporting the approval and certification process so that Pyrolysis based fuels can be used for the first time in commercial aviation.

The consortium also includes Future Farm Industries CRC, which is developing sustainable farming systems as part of the Australian Government’s Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) program.

The project objective is to have a pilot alternative fuel production plant operating in Australia in the next year. The sustainability analysis is managed by the CRC, Airbus and the UK’s Manchester Metropolitan University.

“Alternative fuels are a crucial part of the roadmap for sustainable aviation and to help meet our ambitious CO2 reduction targets. We are privileged to be working with our Australian partners in this exciting value chain project,” said Tom Enders, Airbus President and CEO.

Virgin Australia Group Executive of Operations Sean Donohue said: “In order to produce a biofuel that can be used sustainably in our current aircraft, it is important to have members from every part of the supply chain involved. Airbus will bring vast expertise in aircraft manufacturing to the consortium and we are very pleased to have a company of its calibre joining this promising Australian project”.

The partnership agreement aims to develop a complete sustainable aviation bio-fuel production capability in Australia, using only sustainable resources and is part of the Airbus goal to have in place a value chain in every continent by 2012. So far Airbus has value chains in Latin America, Europe the Middle East, and now Australia.

NASA Calls For Student-Designed Deep Space Habitat Proposals

NASA Calls For Student-Designed Deep Space Habitat Proposals: X-Hab Challenge Carries Awards Of Up To $49,000 NASA is offering college and university students a chance to help design a deep space habitat. The Exploration Habitat (X-Hab) Academic Innovation Challenge is accepting applications for the 2013 challenge, inviting students to design, manufacture, assemble and test systems for use on NASA's deep space habitat prototype.

La Generalitat apoya el reembolso de los billetes no usados por el cierre de Spanair

La Generalitat apoya el reembolso de los billetes no usados por el cierre de Spanair:
Barcelona.- Marian Muro, directora general de Turismo, y Alfons Conesa i Badiella, director de la Agencia Catalana de Consumo, reconocen que la Administración Concursal debería autorizar los reembolsos de los billetes no volados y emitidos del 1 al 28 de enero de 2012 por la compañía cerrada Spanair...

Espíritu de Montjuïc: En la tierra como en el cielo

Además de un gran espectáculo para toda la familia,la edición 2012 del "Espíritu de Montjuïc" se convertirá en un museo vivo, activo y global del mundo del motor: automóviles, motocicletas y, por vez primera,¡aviones!

Celebrándose en el Circuit de Catalunya, sede de los modernos Grandes Premios de Automovilismo y Motociclismo, los días 20, 21 y 22 de abril, el "Espíritu de Montjuïc" será un revival capaz de transportar en el tiempo al público y hacerle revivir los años dorados del mítico circuito urbano barcelonés.

Las carreras en la pista con vehículos históricos de competición serán sólo la excusa para disfrutar de un fin de semana diferente: la multiactividad va a ser la constante durante los tres días de celebración del evento, siempre con un mismo hilo conductor: dar un paso mágico al pasado, un salto en el tiempo a la nostalgia.

En este marco van a convivir todo tipo de vehículos de valor histórico incalculable: monoplazas de Fórmula 1, biplazas de Le Mans, míticos Gran Turismo, motocicletas de Gran Premio... y también –como gran novedad–aviones de época, porque la historia de la aviación estuvo entroncada desde sus inicios con la del automóvil.

Además de contar con la exposición estática de varias avionetas cedidas por la Fundación Parc Aeronàutic de Catalunya (FPAC), un espectáculo aéreo sobrevolará el Circuit cada uno de los tres días, mostrando en acción varias piezas significativas de la Historia de la Aviación, que forman parte de la colección de esta entidad privada, de carácter cultural y sin ánimo de lucro. Ésta será una ocasión única para contemplar estas impresionantes y valiosas máquinas en pleno vuelo dentro del ambiente "vintage" del Espíritu de Montjuïc; algunas de ellas, por su belleza y estado de conservación, participarán también en el Concurso de Elegancia que organiza este revival.

Duelo Fórmula 1-avión

Al ser la primera vez que el evento incluye a la aviación en su programa –y gracias a la colaboración de la FPAC y del Aeropuerto de Sabadell- se ha ofrecido una exhibición simulando una carrera en paralelo entre una avioneta de los años 30 y un Fórmula 1 de 1961 en las mismas pistas del aeródromo. Se reunían así dos especialidades que, a mitad del siglo pasado, celebraban competiciones que rozaban la heroicidad de sus pilotos. Muchos emprendedores visionarios del automovilismo y la aviación en su día hicieron historia desarrollando en sus talleres tanto automóviles como aeronaves. En esta ocasión, el "Espíritu de Montjuïc" ha puesto en vuelo un Bücker de 1934 (un biplano alemán aportado por la FPAC), que se ha enfrentado a un Fórmula 1 LDS (iniciales del sudafricano Louis Douglas Serrurier) fabricado en 1961, juntando en un mismo plano potencia, belleza y arte en movimiento.

Completo programa de actividades

Pasado y presente se fundirán en el Circuit de Catalunya para que el público que asista al "Espíritu de Montjuïc" disfrute del ambiente de la competición en los años dorados del deporte del motor, pero también de todo tipo de espectáculos y entretenimiento para toda la familia. Junto con la exposición y exhibición en vuelo de aviones antiguos éstas serán las principales atracciones que, durante los tres días, conformarán el evento:

•Atracciones "Vintage" para niños y grandes: tiovivo, caballitos, coches de choque...
•Música de época en directo, con actuaciones de grupos y un auténtico "guateque" el sábado por la tarde.
•Figurantes que se mezclan con el público, interpretando personajes típicos de los años sesenta y setenta.
•Radio "Espíritu de Montjuïc": una emisora particular que retransmitirá música y anuncios publicitarios de aquellos años dorados.
•Gran Village, donde público y aficionados podrán, desde comprar coches y motos clásicos, a repuestos, memorabilia, catálogos y libros...
•Concentración de Vehículos Clásicos procedentes de toda España.
•Premios a los espectadores que acudan disfrazados y mejor recreen la indumentaria de los años 50/60/70
•Más de 150 vehículos de carreras que rodaron en el antiguo trazado urbano de Montjuïc: Fórmula 1, Gran Turismo, SportPrototipos, Motos... y que volverán a enfrentarse como entonces, aunque en el moderno trazado de Montmeló. Masters Historic Racing, el campeonato más importante de Europa, celebrará aquí la primera cita de su calendario.
•Concurso de Elegancia donde participarán vehículos muy especiales -algunos únicos- de todas las épocas.
•25 aniversario del Ferrari F40, con la presencia de varios Clubes Ferrari procedentes de diferentes países de Europa.
•50 años de la Montesa Impala, que se celebrará con una gran concentración que enlazará por carretera Montjuïc con el Circuit.
•Rallye "Targa Catalunya, 3 circuitos, una pasión" cuyos participantes recorrerán los trazados de Montjuïc, del Autodrómo de Terramar y del Circuit de Catalunya durante el sábado 21 de abril.

Todo ello conformará un gran espectáculo que confirma a "Espíritu de Montjuïc" como un evento único que sólo hay oportunidad de vivir una vez al año. La mayor parte de las actividades estarán abiertas al público, con espacios en los que los visitantes podrán tocar prácticamente las monturas participantes; que cuidará a los propietarios de clásicos que se acerquen con ellos al Circuit de Catalunya, con ventajas especiales e integrándolos en la fiesta; y que recordará todos los sonidos, olores y sensaciones que se vivían en los paddocks de la época dorada de la automoción.

Más información en www.espiritudemontjuic.com y en www.jas.es

En busca de Amelia Earhart

  • Una fotografía antigua muestra lo que parece ser el tren de aterrizaje del avión
  • En julio se desplazará un equipo a las islas del Pacífico para la búsqueda