domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

NASA's AR headset lets pilots see through fog

NASA's AR headset lets pilots see through fog:
NASA Langley researcher Kevin Shelton wearing an early prototype (Credit: NASA Langley Res...
NASA has developed a pair of augmented reality glasses designed especially for commercial airline pilots to see during the worst visual conditions. The glasses include a heads-up display showing a virtual overlay of the runway and airport, head tracking technology, and voice controls - features that may help pilots keep their eyes where they're most needed...
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La rusa Irkut Engineering construirá un UAV ligero para Vietnam

La rusa Irkut Engineering construirá un UAV ligero para Vietnam:

El contrato correspondiente fue suscrito el pasado miércoles y prevé que los especialistas rusos, además, ayudarán a poner en marcha la fabricación de aviones no tripulados en Vietnam.