domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012

Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov and General Director of the Sukhoi Company Igor Ozar signed a state contract for delivery of 92 Su-34 frontline bombers till the year 2020

March 1, 2012, Moscow — The series production of the aircraft takes place in the Sukhoi holding’s Novosibirsk Aircraft Production Association (NAPO) in the framework of the five-year state contract signed in 2008 to supply 32 Su-34 frontline bombers. 10 aircraft have already been delivered to the troops.

According to Anatoly Serdyukov, this is one of the largest contracts for the supply of combat aircraft, under the State Armament Program for 2011-2020. Implementation of the program will allow soon largely replacing Su-24 front bombers currently in service.

The President of the United Aircraft Corporation and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sukhoi Company Mikhail Pogosyan stressed at the ceremony that the state contract guarantees the Sukhoi Company and allied enterprises a high production load, giving a new impetus to their development in the long term.

The characteristics and combat capabilities of the aircraft delivered are in full conformity with the requirements of the Air Force, which was confirmed in the state joint testing, which ended in September 2011.

The Su-34 can effectively engage land-based, sea- and airborne targets in any geographic area by day and night in all weathers with the whole range of aviation ordnance, including high-precision types. In terms of operational capabilities it belongs to a 4+ generation of aircraft. Its active safety system, along with the latest computers, creates additional capabilities for pilot and navigator to perform precise bombing.

Boeing Celebrates 1,000th 777: 777 reaches 1,000 milestone faster than any twin-aisle airplane

EVERETT, Wash., March 2, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) and more than 5,000 employees, suppliers, customers and government officials celebrated the 1,000th 777 at a special event today. The 1,000th 777 jetliner will be delivered to Dubai-based Emirates later this month.

"As the largest 777 customer, it's very appropriate that Emirates is the recipient of our milestone 1,000th 777," said Jim Albaugh, president and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "Emirates has set an industry high bar in providing excellent customer service and we're honored that the 777 is central to its efforts to be a global airline leader."

Last year was the best year on record for 777 sales with 200 orders from 22 customers – topping the previous record of 154 set in 2005. Production is at an all-time high for the program and a 20 percent rate increase begins this fall, increasing from seven to 8.3 airplanes per month. The program will begin building 100 airplanes per year beginning in 2013.

Emirates is the 777 program's largest customer with 102 777s now in its fleet and 84 passenger airplanes and nine freighters on order. Emirates is the only airline that operates all six members of the 777 family.

"Emirates is honored to be the recipient of Boeing's 1000th 777 aircraft whose advanced long range capacity has been instrumental in our success of becoming a truly global airline," said His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al-Maktoum, chairman and chief executive, Emirates Airline and Group. "As the world's largest operator of the 777, we have 93 more 777s on order, which is testament to our belief in the product and the role this aircraft will play in our goal to further establish Dubai as a central gateway to worldwide air travel."

"The ultimate measure of success in this business is when you reach the 1,000 mark," said Larry Loftis, who until recently was vice president and general manager of the 777 program. "Reaching this milestone puts the 777 in an exclusive club and I would like to thank all our employees, suppliers and customers who made it possible."

"Reaching this milestone requires two things," Loftis added. "A product that provides exceptional value and a world-class production system to reliably bring that product to the marketplace – and we have both on the 777 program. As a result, the 777 program reached this milestone faster than any other twin-aisle airplane because of the 777's proven performance, exceptional value, continuous innovation and progressive environmental performance."

The 1,000th 777 is a 777-300ER (extended range) model that seats 360 passengers in a three-class configuration.

To date, Boeing has recorded orders for 1,361 777s to 64 customers around the globe.

King Juan Carlos I of Spain becomes first head of state to fly in Airbus Military A400M

March, 1st

King Juan Carlos I of Spain has today become the first head of state to fly in the Airbus Military A400M new-generation military airlifter which is assembled in Seville. With Airbus Chief Test Pilot Military, Edward "Ed" Strongman, and Experimental Test Pilot, Ignacio “Nacho” Lombo, the King of Spain made a local flight of some 40 minutes from the Torrejón base near Madrid.

During the flight the King, who qualified as a military pilot, took control of the aircraft for 20 minutes at around 10,000 feet altitude and performed a series of manoeuvres including turns and a simulated delivery of humanitarian supplies.

The King was accompanied by the Spanish Industry Minister, José Manuel Soria, the president and CEO of Airbus, Tom Enders, the president and CEO of Airbus Military, Domingo Ureña and the Head of Flight and Integration tests of Airbus, Fernando Alonso.

The picture shows His Majesty with the Head of Flight and Integration tests of Airbus, Fernando Alonso, inside the cockpit of the A400M.

EADS North America delivers 200th UH-72A Lakota Light Utility Helicopter to U.S. Army

Lakota program remains on budget and schedule as it enters seventh program year
HERNDON, Va. and COLUMBUS, Miss., , 01 March 2012

"Today marks another significant milestone for the Lakota program — the only DoD program of this size and scope to remain 100 percent on schedule and on budget," said Sean O’Keefe, EADS North America Chairman and CEO. "The success of this program stems from the strong partnership we’ve built with the Department of Defense and the Army over the past seven years."

The 200th Lakota helicopter is the first production aircraft to be delivered with the new Security and Support (S&S) Battalion Mission Equipment Package (MEP). Lakotas are produced at the company’s American Eurocopter facility in Columbus, Miss., which is the same facility where the initial S&S Battalion Lakotas were retrofitted.

"The S&S Battalion-equipped Lakotas further demonstrate this proven platform’s ability for growth to support a much broader range of demanding missions, to ultimately include armed scout missions," O’Keefe said.

The Lakotas equipped with the S&S Battalion MEP will be operated by Army National Guard units across the country. The enhanced capability provided by the MEP enables these units to seamlessly support state and local law enforcement and federal homeland security agencies in responding to natural disasters, law enforcement and border security operations.

Currently 52 Lakota helicopters will be produced in the Army’s S&S Battalion configuration, in addition to 16 Lakota helicopters being retrofitted to this configuration. The total anticipated number of S&S Battalion Lakotas will grow to 99 aircraft. EADS North America has now delivered 200 UH-72A Lakotas to the U.S. Army, on time and within budget, along with five H-72A versions to the U.S. Navy for test pilot training.

The S&S Battalion MEP, integrated by American Eurocopter, will expand the capabilities of the Army’s UH-72A Lakota Light Utility Helicopters, and reflects the platform’s adaptability for an increasing number of missions. The current total program of record calls for 346 UH-72A Lakotas to be delivered to the Army and Army National Guard through 2016, along with the five already delivered to the U.S. Navy.

The UH-72A Lakota is manufactured at EADS North America’s American Eurocopter facility in Columbus, Miss. The S&S Battalion MEP was integrated and tested at American Eurocopter’s Grand Prairie, Texas facility.

The S&S MEP contains a centerline electro-optical infrared (EO/IR) sensor, a 30 million candle power search light, analog/digital video downlink, rear observer’s console with a 15-inch display, an enhanced tactical communications suite, an onboard digital video recorder, 10.4-inch auxiliary displays for the pilot and co-pilot, and a video management system.

The UH-72A is a Defense Acquisition Category (ACAT) I major defense acquisition program for the U.S. Defense Department, and it marked one of the most rapid introductions of a new aircraft in the U.S. Army’s history. Deliveries of the aircraft to National Guard units allow aging OH-58 and UH-1 rotary-wing aircraft to be retired, while UH-72As assigned to the active component of the U.S. Army replace UH-60 Black Hawks.

About American Eurocopter (

American Eurocopter is a helicopter manufacturer that produces, markets, sells and supports the broadest range of civil and para-public helicopters offered by any manufacturer in the United States. The company is a subsidiary of EADS North America Holdings, the North American operations of EADS, a global leader in aerospace, defense and related services, and is an affiliate of Eurocopter, the largest helicopter manufacturer in the world. American Eurocopter’s product line represents the most cost-effective, technologically-advanced helicopters, ranging from light single to heavy twin, serving all markets and missions. Company headquarters and main facilities are located in Grand Prairie, Texas, with a large manufacturing and production facility in Columbus, Miss., that produces the UH-72A for the U.S. Army’s Light Utility Helicopter program.

Airbus A350 XWB landing gear test bench ready for service

The A350 XWB’s main and nose landing gear test bench is ready for service at Airbus’ site in Filton, UK. This latest step in the A350 XWB’s progress is achieved more than one year before the aircraft’s first flight and two years before its entry into service.

Extensive testing campaigns are being carried out for all A350 XWBs systems and components well ahead of first flight. This will ensure the aircraft has a high level of performance, reliability and maturity built-in from day one.

The defining characteristics of the A350 XWB landing gear are simplicity and robustness with particular attention paid to corrosion prevention. These factors will bring a significant contribution to the A350 XWB’s high operational reliability and lower maintenance costs.

Photo and press Release

Iberia y AENA implantan un sistema para contribuir a mejorar la puntualidad en la T4


  • En 76 parkings de la T4 se han instalado unos relojes que alertan de la hora de salida de los vuelos a todas las personas que trabajan alrededor del avión. Estos relojes también informan de cuánto tiempo resta hasta la salida del avión y, en caso de retraso, cuánto se está excediendo la hora programada.
  • El aeropuerto de Barajas es el tercero del mundo que dispone de un sistema similar para mejorar la puntualidad.
  • Esta iniciativa forma parte de un gran proyecto de Iberia para mejorar su operativa en la T4, y cuyo objetivo final es situar su hub entre los mejores del mundo.


Madrid, 2 de marzo de 2011


AENA a solicitud de Iberia, ha implantado en la Terminal 4 del aeropuerto de Barajas un sistema para contribuir a mejorar la puntualidad en el aeropuerto, que se basa en el uso de relojes en los aparcamientos de los aviones.


Estos relojes ofrecen intermitentemente información sobre la hora prevista de salida del vuelo y el tiempo que resta hasta la misma y, en el caso de producirse un retraso, también reflejan cuánto se está excediendo la hora programada.


El objetivo es que todas las personas que trabajan alrededor del avión –personal de handling, tripulaciones, empresas de catering, de carga de combustible…-, sean más conscientes de la hora de salida del vuelo y de la necesidad de ser puntuales.


Madrid-Barajas es el tercer aeropuerto del mundo que dispone de un sistema similar para mejorar la puntualidad, después de Francfort y Dubai. La T4 es, además, el hub donde este sistema se ha instalado en más parkings: un total de 76, 34 en el edificio principal y otros 42 en el satélite.


Para Iberia, esta iniciativa forma parte de un gran plan estratégico cuyo objetivo final es mejorar su operativa en la Terminal 4 del aeropuerto, y situar su hub entre los mejores del mundo.


Economía, Innovación y Ciencia, a través de Extenda, promueve este encuentro de negocios para un sector que en 2011 exportó casi mil millones de euros, un 5,3% más que en 2010

Un total de 210 empresas y entidades relacionadas con el sector aeronáutico se han inscrito ya en "Aerospace & Defense Meetings Sevilla 2012", organizado por Extenda-Agencia Andaluza de Promoción Exterior, entidad dependiente de la Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia, en colaboración con la firma Advanced Business Events (ABE), compañía especializada en eventos internacionales de la industria aeroespacial.

    El encuentro, que tendrá lugar del 14 al 17 de mayo en Sevilla, se considera el foro más importante del sector aeronáutico en España. Asimismo, el principal objetivo de esta convención de carácter internacional es reafirmar el potencial del sector aeronáutico andaluz así como hacer visible la oferta de las empresas de la comunidad.

    Este evento de negocios cuenta con la financiación del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional a través del Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2007-2013. Además son ya varias las firmas patrocinadoras, entre ellas los principales fabricantes y 'tier one' del país, como EADS, Aernnova, Alestis Aerospace y Aciturri, así como la Asociación de Empresas Innovadoras Andaluzas en Tecnologías Estratégicas de Seguridad y Defensa (Albin) y la reciente incorporación de la internacional Siemens.

    Asimismo, esta cita cuenta con la colaboración de las principales instituciones del sector, tanto nacionales como regionales, como la Fundación Hélice, el Parque Tecnológico Aeroespacial de Andalucía (Aerópolis), la Asociación Española de Tecnologías de Defensa, Aeronáutica y Espacio (TEDAE) y el Centro Avanzado de Tecnologías Aeroespaciales (CATEC), así como de "Invest in Spain" y Sevilla Congress and Convention Bureau.

    Las empresas inscritas hasta la fecha proceden de España (47,6%), Francia (23,8%), Austria (6,2%), Portugal (6,2%), México (2,9%), Alemania (2,4%) Italia (2,4%), Estados Unidos (1,9%), Reino Unido (1,4%), Marruecos (1,4%), Canadá (1%), Brasil (0,5%), República Checa (0,5%), Hungría (0,5%), Suiza (0,5%), Malasia (0,5%) y Túnez (0,5%).

    Entre ellas se encuentran las principales firmas del sector aeronáutico a nivel internacional, como Eurocopter, Bombardier Aerospace, Dassault Aviation, Airbus Operations France o Thales Alenia Space.

    Desde el anuncio de su celebración, en marzo de 2011, 'ADM Sevilla 2012' ha sido presentado en diversos foros en ciudades como Madrid, Sevilla y Bilbao, así como en otras ferias y encuentros del sector celebradas en Estados Unidos, México, Francia, Marruecos, Portugal, Reino Unido o Singapur.

    Exportaciones del sector aeronáutico andaluz

    Según datos de Extenda, en 2011 las exportaciones andaluzas del sector aeronáutico alcanzaron casi mil millones de euros (997,8 millones de euros), lo que supone un incremento de las ventas en el exterior del 5,3% respecto al año anterior. De esta manera Andalucía continúa como segunda comunidad autónoma en exportaciones de este tipo de productos.

    Las provincias de Sevilla y Cádiz concentraron la práctica totalidad de las ventas de este sector, con un 64,6% y un 35,3% respectivamente. Destacan también los crecimientos experimentados por las provincias de Granada y Córdoba (un 35,3% y un 22% respectivamente).

    En cuanto a los mercados de destino, hay que señalar la importancia de Francia, con un 25,9% sobre el total de 2011; Alemania, con un 13,8%; México, con un 12,9%; Estados Unidos, con un 8,9%; y Egipto, con un 7,7%. Las exportaciones a Chile también experimentaron un importante crecimiento con  respecto al año anterior, del 124,4%.

    Los principales productos comercializados en el exterior por las empresas de la comunidad son partes o componentes de aeronaves, con un 56,8% sobre el total de 2011, así como aviones, helicópteros y vehículos espaciales, incluidos los satélites, y sus vehículos de lanzamiento y vehículos suborbitales, con un 43,2%.


Robot becomes a leader among fish

Robot becomes a leader among fish:

NYU-Poly's tail-flapping biomimetic fish

A couple of years ago, a team of scientists from the University of Leeds succeeded in getting live stickleback fish to follow a computer-controlled “Robofish” as it was moved through their aquarium. Part of the reason for the experiment was to learn about fish behavior, in hopes that human interference in their migration routes could be minimized. While the Robofish was simply a plaster model, researchers from the Polytechnic Institute of New York University recently conducted a similar experiment, but using an actual tail-flapping robotic fish. Their discoveries could help save wild fish populations in the event of environmental disasters...
Continue Reading Robot becomes a leader among fish

Boeing targets year end 777X launch

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Good Fly hizo una propuesta al aeropuerto de León para ofrece u

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IAI Presents New Landing, Take-Off Solutions For UAS

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Solar Electric Hybrid Airship UAV Development Advances

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La Nasa alquila Cabo Cañaveral

La Nasa alquila Cabo Cañaveral: Desde el centro han enviado un comunicado en el que el director de la plataforma de lanzamiento destaca que "la Nasa tiene una gran cantidad de instalaciones en Cabo Cañaveral que ya no necesita" y ha asegurado que "no hay dinero para su mantenimiento". De este manera y "para evitar que se acaben pudriendo" la agencia espacial ha decidido alquilarlas.