jueves, 12 de enero de 2012

Video: First Production Model F-35B Delivered to the Marine Corps

Seoul To Solicit Attack Helo Bids

Seoul To Solicit Attack Helo Bids: The South Korean defense procurement agency will announce Jan. 12 that it plans to buy up to 36 AH-X attack helicopters.

NASA study shows aircraft technologies that increase energy efficiency nearly 50%

NASA study shows aircraft technologies that increase energy efficiency nearly 50%: A suite of technologies now in development can deliver a new airliner by 2025 that is 40-50% more energy efficient and generates 30-40dB less noise, according...

NASA concludes noise remains a challenge for open rotor

NASA concludes noise remains a challenge for open rotor: New advances in open rotor engine technology can make airliners more fuel efficient, but still face a noise problem, NASA researchers say.

NASA's Glenn...

Russian Su-25UBM aircraft completes flight tests

Russian Su-25UBM aircraft completes flight tests: The Russian Air Force’s modernised Sukhoi Su-25UBM ground attack-trainer aircraft has successfully completed flight tests in the Astrakhan region, southern Russia, Defence Ministry spokesman Colonel Vladimir Drik said.

China Renovating More Soviet-Era Carriers

China Renovating More Soviet-Era Carriers: But Some Are Being Converted Into Theme Parks China's military recently made news for turning an obsolete Soviet-era aircraft carrier into a new Chinese aircraft carrier. But that's not the only way to recycle a Cold-War-era "floating city." Another carrier undergoing renovation in China is destined to become a luxury hotel.

Solar Energy Crucial To Dragon Success

Solar Energy Crucial To Dragon Success: Deployable Solar Arrays Provide Spacecraft's Primary Power For its first mission to the International Space Station, SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft will use deployable solar arrays as its primary power source for running sensors, driving heating and cooling systems, and communicating with SpaceX's Mission Control Center and the Space Station.

GOOD NEWS! Robinson 2011 Heli Production More Than Twice That of 2010

GOOD NEWS! Robinson 2011 Heli Production More Than Twice That of 2010: Frank Robinson's Wunder-Chopper Had A Good... No, A GREAT, Year Robinson Helicopter Company has been able to boast, honestly even, that they continue to be the world's leading producer of civil helicopters. That's not likely to change anytime soon and with the news we've just received, it looks to be a sure thing for a long time to come. In 2011, the company produced 356 helicopters (212 R44s, 88 R66s and 56 R22s), more than double 2010's production of 162 -- despite the economic doldrums. 2012 is even more promising and while the R44 remains Robinson's top selling helicopter, the response to the R66 Turbine ship has been very strong and for very good reason. The R66 was FAA certificated in October 2010 and as of December 31, 2011, total orders received for the new model exceeded 360.

Defensa adjudicó cuatro contratos relacionados con aeronaves no tripuladas

Los cuatro han sido tramitados por el procedimiento “negociado sin publicidad” y, según la entidad adjudicadora, a la vista de lo actuado en la negociación, se ha comprobado que las ofertas presentadas por las adjudicatarias son adecuadas para ejecutar las prestaciones especificadas en los pliegos.

Defensa adjudicó cuatro contratos relacionados con aeronaves no tripuladas

Hawking cree que se establecerán colonias autosostenibles en Marte

“Me siento optimista y creo que el progreso científico y tecnológico permitirá a los seres humanos expandirse más allá del sistema solar y llegar a los rincones más alejados del universo”, señaló a la BBC. Sin embargo, Hawking advierte que en sus viajes espaciales las misiones tripuladas deberán a toda costa evitar cruzarse con vida extraterrestre, ya que, en el caso contrario -puntualiza-, las consecuencias para la humanidad podrán ser muy graves.

Noticia completa Hawking cree que se establecerán colonias autosostenibles en Marte