viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012

Aviator’s Checklist for iPad

Aviator’s Checklist for iPad, a new application for aircraft pilots that allows to run checklists safely, is available on the AppStore. The application is free in its basic version and can be used with the checklists that are included. The advanced version or "Edit Mode Upgrade" allows editing and creating checklists without limitation and can be purchased from within the application itself.

The application can be downloaded from the App Store for iPad, at the following link

The main features of Aviator's Checklist for iPad are:

  • It is designed specifically for tactile environments, avoiding problems caused by accidentally touching a button.
  • It is easy to use, functional and graphically designed so that the pilot does not lose focus.
  • Increases security as it helps avoiding distractions.
  • Allows editing, creating and sharing checklists via email or DropBox.
The development of Aviator’s Checklist began when we (Satori Produccions), analyzed the limitations of digital checklists, and noted that the problem is not in the tactile nature of the devices, but in how traditional procedures are being adapted to such devices.

An iPad is not like a piece of paper or a spreadsheet. Therefore, we decided to implement a new way to treat checklists, a way adapted to the new tactile devices, which would avoid both known distractions and potential errors arising from a tactile environment. For example, touching by mistake a part of the screen and accidentally marking something as "checked".

Satori Produccions SL is a company dedicated to the development of applications for iPad and iPhone, with professional applications like OptiCenter, for taking ophthalmic measures with reliability and precision, as well as other specialized developments in the medical and industrial fields.

For more i n f o rmation about the application you can visit

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