sábado, 30 de junio de 2012

Gran despliegue de medios aéreos en el incendio de Dos Aguas en Valencia


Gran despliegue de medios aéreos combate el virulento incendio de Dos Aguas en Valencia.


Helicópteros y Aviones, junto a medios terrestres se esfuerzan en controlar un incendio con condiciones climatológicas adversas


Madrid, 29 de junio de 2012.Casi 30 medios aéreos se han desplazado hasta la comarca valenciana de Dos Aguas, para combatir el incendio que desde ayer lleva azotando la zona, y que podría ser el más devastador de la Comunidad de Valencia en los últimos años.


El incendio que todavía sigue activo, debido posiblemente a una negligencia, ha arrasado más de 5.000 hectáreas y afectado a casi 800 personas, que han tenido que ser desalojadas de sus casas por la cercanía de los focos. En el operativo, desplegado desde ayer por la Comunidad Valenciana, participan medios aéreos de la propia Comunidad, del Ministerio de Agricultura, MAGRAMA, y hasta el propio ejército con la UME. También se han incorporado  medios de otras comunidades autónomas  activándose así  los protocolos de colaboración, siendo el caso de Castilla y La Mancha, Región de Murcia, Cataluña y Aragón, entre otras. A esto se le ha unido un gran despliegue de medios terrestres.


Todas las aeronaves seguirán trabajando en la zona, coordinadas por un helicóptero de la propia Comunidad, que vigila la progresión del incendio, dando paso a los medios aéreos que van cargados de agua, y se aproximan a los puntos clave de la extinción, en la que llevan invertidas más de 180 horas de vuelo. Cabe destacar, las labores de estos medios, sobretodo en condiciones climatológicas críticas con gran viento de poniente en la zona que dificulta su operación, y que también participan en la rotación de cuadrillas relevando a los efectivos de tierra.



En un año en el que la crisis afecta a los presupuestos de las Consejerías, la mayoría de las Comunidades Autónomas se han esforzado en mantener la misma dotación presupuestaria que años anteriores en este capítulo. Más aun cuando las cifras de incendios de lo que llevamos de 2.012 han crecido notablemente si la comparamos con la media del último decenio, y en consecuencia los helicópteros y aviones de extinción han incrementado sus salidas así como las horas de vuelos.


viernes, 29 de junio de 2012

Cassidian presenta su nuevo helicóptero no tripulado Tanan 300

Cassidian ha mostrado durante la feria Eurosatory de París su helicóptero no tripulado Tanan 300. Se trata de un sistema aéreo no tripulado (UAS) en el que la compañía ha invertido cuatro años de trabajo. El aparato está concebido para completar misiones contra la piratería, de reconocimiento marítimo, ISTAR (inteligencia, vigilancia, adquisición de blancos y reconocimiento) y operaciones de las fuerzas especiales.


Airbus desembarca en EE UU con una planta en Alabama

Airbus tiene previsto anunciar el lunes una inversión millonaria para levantar una línea de ensamblaje final de su A-320 Neo en Mobile (Alabama). Una decisión que supone el desembarco en el territorio de su rival más directo, Boeing.

"Son of Concorde" to fly London-to-Sydney in 4 hours?

"Son of Concorde" to fly London-to-Sydney in 4 hours?:
Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Gulfstream are said to be developing a successor to Concorde, ...
Recent days have seen reports emerge of a successor to Concorde capable of speeds of over 2,485 mph (4,000 km/h) that could fly from London to Sydney in a mere four hours... Continue Reading "Son of Concorde" to fly London-to-Sydney in 4 hours?

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Eurocopter completes its deliveries of 20 EC155 B1 helicopters for the German Federal Police

The German Federal Police today formally accepted its remaining two EC155 B1 helicopters from Eurocopter to complete an extensive fleet upgrade program involving 20 of these versatile, multi-role, twin-engine rotary-wing aircraft.
Blumberg, Germany, 27 June 2012

A ceremony at Blumberg, Brandenburg marked the service entry of the 19th and 20th EC155 B1s, joining others that are deployed at German Federal Police bases throughout the country for a wide range of duties – including border patrol, transportation of personnel and special forces, along with diverse search-and-rescue missions.

With the two latest aircraft, the German Federal Police now operates a total inventory of 87 helicopters – all of which were supplied by Eurocopter.

This positions the service as Eurocopter’s largest European law enforcement customer, continuing a relationship that covers several decades. It includes the predecessor German Federal Border Guard’s role as the EC155 B1 launch customer – placing the first three production rotorcraft in service during 1999. Since then, Eurocopter has consistently enhanced the EC155 B1’s capabilities, culminating in the maritime version’s deployment for missions involving over-water flights. Today’s acceptance ceremony was attended by Klaus Dieter Fritsche, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of the Interior; Matthias Seeger, President of the German Federal Police; and Eurocopter President and CEO Lutz Bertling. “As an industry-leading innovator, Eurocopter works with the most advanced operators – exemplified by the German Federal Police, which has frequently contributed to enhancements incorporated in our helicopter product line,” Bertling said. “Such a two-way dialog has enabled Eurocopter to become no. 1 in the police and public service helicopter marketplace.”

Speaking on behalf of the German Federal Police, Seeger said his service is pleased with the results of its major Eurocopter rotorcraft procurement project. “Thanks to this success, we can be proud of operating a helicopter fleet that is without equal in Europe in terms of advanced equipment, efficiency and size,” he added. The EC155 is a medium-weight, 5-metric-ton-class helicopter in Eurocopter’s Dauphin family. It is powered by two 935 shp. Turbomeca Arriel 2C2 engines for excellent performance, and features a modular design that facilitates the rotorcraft’s use in a range of diverse missions.

In addition to a spacious cabin accommodating seating for up to 13 passengers and two pilots, the EC155 can carry up to 2 metric tons of heavy equipment in the cargo configuration. The modern glass cockpit incorporates digital avionics and a four-axis autopilot, considerably reducing the pilots’ workload and allowing them to concentrate on the more demanding aspects of each mission.

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In addition to the German Federal Police’s EC155 B1s, the service’s air wing helicopter fleet includes Eurocopter’s EC135 T2i rotorcraft for police work, disaster control, and air rescue operations; the AS332 L1 Super Puma for long-haul transportation, air surveillance missions, interventions by the GSG 9 special operations unit, sea rescue missions, disaster relief in Germany and abroad, and VIP transportation; as well as the EC120, which is used for flight training flights.

Liberty Commercial Launch Vehichle second stage one step closer to production

Astrium working closely with ATK to deliver the second stage of the Liberty commercial launch vehicle on schedule
Successful tests on tank structures demonstrate that key Ariane 5 manufacturing technologies can be evolved for use on the Liberty second stage`

Astrium, the number one company in Europe for space technologies and systems, has successfully completed a set of tests on tank structures proving that key design and manufacturing processes used for Ariane launchers are ready for production of the Liberty commercial launch vehicle second stage.

The tests covering load-carrying cryogenic tanks demonstrate that existing Astrium processes can be leveraged to confirm the overall Liberty schedule and enable a speedy entry into service – and into orbit. Astrium is also working on leaner production processes for the second stage to bring best value to the Liberty launch vehicle.

Liberty is a complete commercial crew transportation service, including the spacecraft, abort system, launch vehicle, and both ground and mission operations, designed from inception to meet NASA’s human-rating requirements with a planned first test flight in 2014 and Liberty crewed flight in 2015. Astrium, as a major subcontractor, will provide the second stage of the Liberty launch vehicle - based on the liquid-fuelled cryogenic core of the Ariane 5 vehicle powered by the Safran-built Vulcain 2 engine. The Ariane 5 launcher, for which Astrium is the Prime Contractor, was developed under the aegis of the European Space Agency and is operated by Arianespace. With 48 consecutive successful missions over nearly nine years, it is the world’s most reliable launcher. This includes the launch of three Autonomous Transfer Vehicles to resupply the International Space Station in the last four years. During this time, the Ariane 5 has launched more commercial satellites into orbit than any other launch vehicle in the world.

A film from the Astrium site in les Mureaux, near Paris (France), shows the work done to complete the stage testing. It shows the machining, forming, computerized automatic welding and inspection of cryogenic tank elements to provide the increased thickness and stiffened profiles necessary for the Liberty second stage. An additional tank panel of increased thickness is welded and tested in a cryogenic environment at the EuroCryospace facilities (an Astrium and Air Liquide joint-venture). These successful tests demonstrate that Astrium’s manufacturing technology has the capability to process panels that are several times thicker than those of Ariane 5. These panels meet the needs for the strengthened cryogenic tanks of Liberty’s second stage.

Alain Charmeau, CEO of Astrium Space Transportation, said: “These tests take the Liberty second stage one step closer to production. They demonstrate conclusively that our proven processes can manufacture thicker and stiffer cryogenic tanks for the Liberty second stage.

“Welding, machining, and forming space hardware is a highly sophisticated industrial process. Our extensive experience in manufacturing all Ariane launchers has given us comprehensive and unmatched capability that we can now utilize for a new commercial space transportation system – Liberty. We are proud to be a valued partner alongside ATK and Lockheed Martin and look forward to the success of Liberty,” he continued.

“Astrium’s world-class commercial launch team provides unique vehicle and systems capabilities to Liberty,” said Kent Rominger, ATK program manager for Liberty. “These tests by our Astrium teammates demonstrate how our flight-proven Liberty team is hard at work and keeping Liberty on schedule for first launch in 2014.”

For additional information on the Liberty Transportation Service please visit the Liberty website at: http://www.libertyspace.us/

Airbus Military signs Memorandum of Understanding with TAI to establish a joint company in Turkey

The MoU was signed in a ceremony attended by Airbus Military Service Programme Manager Turkey, Matthias Fink, TAI Chairman of the Board, Yalçın Kaya and TAI Senior Vice President, Aerostructures Group, Bekir Ata Yılmaz

Airbus Military Turkey (AMTR) will be a newly-formed company, under Turkish laws, to provide in-service support (ISS) services for the A400M aircraft ordered by Turkey with the potential to provide services to other A400M users in the future. The company will be jointly owned by TAI and Airbus Military and operated at a mutually agreed location in Turkey to be decided. The next stage of the discussions will focus on the definition of the organizational structure of AMTR as well as determining the capital requirements of AMTR.

Turkey is a partner nation in the A400M programme with an order of 10 A400M aircraft, which will require in-service support. TAI is the Industrial Partner of the A400M programme in Turkey and responsible for design, development and delivery of airframe and aircraft systems such as the forward centre fuselage, rear fuselage components, ailerons, spoilers, lights and water/waste systems.

Airbus Military CEO Domingo Ureña Raso said: “We are very satisfied to have reached this first step in the partnership for providing ISS to the Turkish A400M fleet with our partner TAI. TAI is a long standing partner of Airbus and Airbus Military and this first agreement will establish a strong in-country footprint to ensure a smooth entry into service and comprehensive support for the operation of the fleet. We are now looking forward to the next steps for concluding the provision of the ISS to Turkey and to further broaden our links with the Turkish aerospace industry.”

TAI Chairman Yalçın Kaya said: “We have started working on A400M in 2003 as a partner in AMSL, having important design and manufacturing responsibilities. Design phase of the aircraft is almost completed and serial production started. Now it is time to continue our support in the sustainment phase of the program. This TAI-AMSL partnership (JV) is aimed at providing cost-effective logistic solutions to the Turkish Air Force with the possibility for expanding the service to future potential customers.”

About Airbus MilitaryAirbus Military is the only military and civic/humanitarian transport aircraft manufacturer to develop, produce, sell and support a comprehensive family of airlifters ranging from three to 45 tonnes of payload. An Airbus daughter company, Airbus Military is responsible for the A400M programme, as well as the Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) A330 and for further military derivatives based on Airbus civil aircraft. Together with the smaller “Light & Medium” C295, CN235 and C212, Airbus Military is the global leader in the market for military transport, tanker and surveillance aircraft able to perform the most varied missions. Altogether, Airbus Military has sold more than 1,000 aircraft to some 130 military, civilian and governmental customers. More than 800 of these aircraft have been delivered. Airbus is an EADS company.

About TAITurkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI) is the center of technology in design, development, manufacturing, integration of aerospace systems, modernization and after sales support in Turkey. Located in Ankara, Turkey, TAI’s modern aircraft facilities are furnished with high technology machinery and equipment that provide extensive manufacturing capabilities. TAI has a total of 4000 highly motivated employees, 1500 of whom are engineers.

SSJ Accident in Indonesia: On Recommendations of the National Transportation Safety Committee of Indonesia


On June 22, 2012 in frame of the investigation of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (97004) accident that happened in the area of Salak Mount in Indonesia on May 9, 2012 the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) of Indonesia officially published its Immediate Recommendations. The document is issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 13 norms and includes recommendations to ATC, the aircraft manufacturer and, if needed, operators of the aircraft of such a type.

The document issued a series of recommendations about procedures for the preparation and conduct of demonstration flights; training for flight crews; minimum safe flight altitude for demo flights operated under Instrumental Flight Rules (IFR) and about passenger manifest delivering procedures.

Immediate Recommendations issued by KNKT do not include any recommendations for operators of the existing aircraft fleet. The document does not have any special recommendations for the aircraft fleet in operation beyond the information already mentioned in the operational documentation. This documentation continues to be in effect and its provisions should be carried out inviolately.

In this connection all existing documents (Flight Manual, Maintenance Manual, etc) provided to operators contain all proper instructions to operate the aircraft.

Having received above-mentioned recommendations SCAC is making a comprehensive analysis of the procedures for demonstration flights preparation, which envisage that the crew should be properly aware of the meteorological, topographical and ornithological environment in the area of the flight when a flight plan is submitted.

miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

A la SEPI le gustaría aumentar su participación en el consorcio europeo EADS

El vicepresidente de la Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI), Federico Ferrer, ha señalado que les encantaría aumentar su participación en el consorcio europeo EADS, que actualmente ronda el 5,4 por ciento, aunque explicó que en estos momentos hay un acuerdo internacional que no se puede modificar.

"Airbus estudia abrir en EEUU una tercera planta de aviones comerciales"

Tras cinco años a la sombra de Tom Enders, Fabrice Brégier tomó los mandos de Airbus el 1 de junio. En su primera visita a España concede una entrevista a elEconomista en la que desvela la posibilidad de que el grupo acelere su proceso de internacionalización con una tercera planta de ensamblaje de aviones comerciales en EEUU, en la casa de su eterno rival: Boeing. Con un envidiable buen humor, Brégier dice que no tiene prisa por abandonar Airbus, por lo menos durante cinco años, y se deshace en piropos hacia Domingo Ureña, el primer ejecutivo del grupo en España.


Boeing Completes Wind Tunnel Tests on Silent Eagle Conformal Weapons Bay


ST. LOUIS, June 25, 2012 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] recently completed wind tunnel tests on the Silent Eagle Conformal Weapons Bay (CWB). The tests, conducted at the company's St. Louis facility, validated the aerodynamics of the CWB design. CWBs are integral to the adaptable configuration and balanced survivability of the Silent Eagle.

"Boeing and its partners have advanced to the next phase in the development of the Silent Eagle, an evolved derivative of the combat-proven F-15 family of aircraft," said Roger Besancenez, F-15 Program vice president for Boeing. "We are now testing production-representative hardware as we continue to validate our affordable and low-risk design."

Boeing is partnering with Korea Aerospace Industries to design, develop and manufacture the CWB. The Silent Eagle is Boeing's offer in the F-X competition for the Republic of Korea's multirole fighter aircraft.

The wind tunnel tests used a scale model of the Silent Eagle to determine the effect of various air speeds and flight angles. The tests assessed enhancements made to the initial CWB design and confirmed the team's modeling analysis.

More detailed tests later this year will focus on the aerodynamic effects of multiple weapons loads, as well as opening and closing the upper and lower CWB doors.

Boeing this year also completed the final phase of Radar Cross Section (RCS) reduction tests to validate the aircraft's production configuration.

The Silent Eagle is designed with advanced technologies that provide an unprecedented balance of survivability and lethality to meet warfighters' needs in all phases of air combat. The CWBs can be reconfigured to Conformal Fuel Tanks (CFTs) to optimize the aircraft for longer ranges and increased weapons loading, making the Silent Eagle a flexible platform with unmatched range, speed, payload and persistence. The reconfigurable CWB-CFT concept is unique in the fighter aircraft world and contributes to the overall RCS reduction package while the aircraft maintains both air-to-air and air-to-surface capabilities.

The Silent Eagle also features enhanced avionics such as an integrated Active Electronically Scanned Array radar and Digital Electronic Warfare Suite that provide the aircrew with increased lethality and exceptional situational awareness.

Boeing and Embraer Sign Agreement to Collaborate on KC-390 Program

SÃO PAULO, Brazil, June 26, 2012 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and Embraer [NYSE: ERJ; BOVESPA: EMBR3] today announced an agreement to collaborate on the KC-390 aircraft program. Under this agreement, Boeing and Embraer will share some specific technical knowledge and evaluate markets where they may join their sales efforts for medium-lift military transport opportunities.

"Boeing has extensive experience in military transport and air refueling aircraft, as well as deep knowledge of potential markets for the KC-390, especially those which were not considered in our original marketing plan," said Luiz Carlos Aguiar, president and CEO of Embraer Defesa e Segurança. "This agreement will strengthen the KC-390's prominent position in the global military transport market."

The KC-390 collaboration is part of a broader agreement that Boeing and Embraer signed in April. The companies previously announced that they are exploring ways to cooperate in commercial airplane efficiency and safety, research and technology, and sustainable aviation biofuels. Boeing and Embraer will conduct a joint market assessment for the medium-lift military transport market and analyze business collaboration models. The market assessment includes potential customers that had not been considered in the initial market prospects for the KC-390.

"Embraer is a leading global innovator and we both understand the value of working in partnership to provide high-quality, affordable customer solutions," said Dennis Muilenburg, president and CEO of Boeing Defense, Space & Security. "This collaboration matches Boeing's proven excellence in military transport with Embraer's KC-390 accomplishments to further advance this highly capable and efficient medium-lift aircraft."

The KC-390 is a Brazilian Air Force project for which Embraer signed the development contract in April 2009. It is the biggest aircraft to be manufactured by the Brazilian aerospace industry and will set new standards in the medium-lift market in terms of performance, cargo capacity, flexibility, and life cycle costs.

Boeing has had a strong and enduring partnership with Brazil for 80 years, delivering the first F4B-4 fighters to the Brazilian government in 1932 and providing commercial airplanes to Brazilian airlines since 1960. Boeing opened its office in São Paulo in October.

Embraer S.A. (NYSE: ERJ; BM&FBOVESPA: EMBR3) is the world’s largest manufacturer of commercial jets up to 120 seats, and one of Brazil's leading exporters. Embraer’s headquarters are located in São José dos Campos, São Paulo, and it has offices, industrial operations and customer service facilities in Brazil, China, France, Portugal, Singapore, and the U.S. Founded in 1969, the Company designs, develops, manufactures and sells aircraft and systems for the commercial aviation, executive aviation, and defense and security segments. It also provides after-sales support and services to customers worldwide. On March 31, 2012, Embraer had a workforce of 17,629 employees -- not counting the employees of its partially owned subsidiaries -- and its firm order backlog totaled USD$14.7 billion. Follow us on Twitter: @EmbraerSA.

Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, USA, Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft combined. Additionally, Boeing designs and manufactures rotorcraft, electronic and defense systems, missiles, satellites, launch vehicles and advanced information and communication systems. Boeing Research & Technology collaborates with customers, suppliers, universities and research-and-development agencies throughout the world to provide a broad base of innovative and affordable technologies for Boeing's business units. For more information, please visit www.boeing.com.

Boeing helps open thermoplastic composites research lab in the Netherlands

ENSCHEDE, Netherlands, June 26, 2012 – A new laboratory that provides thermoplastic composites research for Boeing [NYSE: BA] and other aerospace companies has opened at Enschede in the Netherlands.

“With this opening, the Thermoplastics Composites Research Center, or TPRC, is no longer a virtual institute,” said William Gerry, who represents Boeing as chairman of the TPRC board. “The TPRC research team is now housed in an outstanding facility that will enable them to do the precise measurements that are necessary to conduct innovative research into thermoplastic composites for a broad range of markets.”

Boeing, Fokker, Ten Cate Advanced Composites and the University of Twente signed an agreement three years ago to establish the TPRC at the university. The agreement called for the TPRC to accelerate scientific and technological developments for new applications of thermoplastic composites, principally in the aerospace industry.

Since then, the TPRC community has focused on adding new members for research, both nationally and internationally, with special emphasis on subject matter experts. In addition to the four founding partners, five companies have joined the TPRC consortium - Instron, DTC, Pinette, Aniform and Italmatic. Besides the aviation industry, these companies come from diverse areas such as equipment manufacturing, mechanical engineering and materials development.

The TPRC community shares and disseminates knowledge of thermoplastic composites by organizing conferences, training and courses for students, researchers and the industry. Currently, 15 people work at the TPRC, and the staff is expected to grow to 20 by the end of this year.

Boeing has invested in the TPRC to increase its supplier base in the area of thermoplastic composites. The TPRC is aimed at providing Boeing customers with access to accelerated development and use of thermoplastic materials and processing technologies, world-class suppliers and aircraft components at reduced cost, cycle time and weight.

All consortium members allocate an equal share in joint research projects. The University of Twente serves as host for the TPRC, and a dedicated TPRC staff manages its day-to-day operation and research projects.

The concept of the TPRC is that different parties collaborate with each other within the thermoplastic composites supply chain. Research not only involves the aerospace industry but also a broad range of end-use markets such as wind energy, oil and gas, automotive, medical, machinery, infrastructure, sports and marine. The TPRC enables researchers and developers to work together closely on open innovations and use each other’s research equipment.

“Boeing has a long and rich history of partnership with many suppliers and customers in the Netherlands,” said Marlin Dailey, president Boeing Germany, Northern Europe, European Union and Africa. “We value the Dutch technical expertise, and this initiative with Dutch industry and academia helps us advance innovative aerospace technologies that improve our global competitiveness.”

The effort to establish the TPRC began in 2008, when Boeing, Ten Cate, Fokker and the University of Twente began collaborating on two joint research projects that involved materials used in thermoplastic composites, as well as joining/bonding methods.

The use of thermoplastics is growing significantly in the aerospace industry, whose customers want products that are lighter, more cost efficient and environmentally progressive. Companies like Boeing are looking for innovations that will accelerate development of thermoplastic composites technologies and spur their deployment into product lines quickly and efficiently.

The TPRC is one of many research consortiums that Boeing is participating in around the world. As such, the TPRC is able to tap into a global network of research centers and consortia to exchange information and engage in collaborative research projects.

In addition to the TPRC, the research consortia include the Advanced Manufacturing Research Center with the University of Sheffield (UK), the Integrated Vehicle Health Management Center with Cranfield University (UK), the Direct Manufacturing Research Center with the University of Paderborn (Germany), and the Advanced Forming Research Center with the University of Strathclyde (UK).

Boeing Research & Technology (BR&T) provides funding and technical expertise to the consortia. BR&T is the advanced, central research and development organization of Boeing. It provides innovative technologies that enable the development of future aerospace solutions while improving the cycle time, cost, quality and performance of current aerospace products and services.
In addition to the consortia, BR&T has research centers in Australia, China, India, Russia and Spain.

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¿Cuáles son las aerolíneas más “verdes” de América del Norte?: Hace unos días Greenopia dio a conocer cuáles aerolíneas son las más eco-friendly, o hacen mayores esfuerzos por reducir su huella contaminantes sobre el medio ambiente: el listado para las norteamericanas lo encabezó Virgin Airlines, ya que  ha logrado los “más verdes honores“, según este sitio on line que se encarga de evaluar y analizar las empresas y organizaciones

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Boeing, Embraer sign MoU for KC-390 cooperation: Boeing and Embraer have agreed to collaborate on marketing and developing technologies for the latter's KC-390 transport/tanker ...

Indra implantará el sistema de gestión de ciclo de vida de los programas de Defensa de la OCCAR

Indra implantará el sistema de gestión de ciclo de vida de los programas de Defensa de la OCCAR:
Indra ha firmado un acuerdo marco con la agencia europea OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'ARmement) para implantar el sistema de gestión de información logística y de ciclo de vida de programas de defensa. Se extenderá hasta 2022 y se inicia con un primer pedido por el que Indra desarrollará el sistema de gestión de información del proyecto del helicóptero Tigre

NASA-Supported Companies To Unveil New Supersonic BizJets At Farnborough

NASA-Supported Companies To Unveil New Supersonic BizJets At Farnborough: Projections Are For London-Sydney Flight In Four Hours A consortium of companies working with NASA reportedly will take the wraps off their new SST concepts at the Farnborough Air Show next month. Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Gulfstream are all said to be collaborating with the space agency to build a suspersonic business jet that will travel from London, U.K., to Sydney, AU, a 12,000 mile trip, in just four hours.

British Company Plans Private Moon Mission

British Company Plans Private Moon Mission: Will Use Refurbished Soviet-Era Spacecraft For The Journey An aerospace company based in Britain says it plans to mount a commercial manned mission to the moon using re-engineered Soviet-era Salyut space station modules and Soyuz capsules for the multi-stage trip. It'll be no luxury cruise despite the $156 million price tag Excalibur Almaz has placed on seats for the 500,000 mile expeditions.

Massive Solar Plant Could Pose Danger To Aviation

Massive Solar Plant Could Pose Danger To Aviation: Plant Could Generate Thermals Strong Enough To Flip Aircraft No one questions the need for the United States to seek out and develop alternate sources of energy, but at what price to safety? Critics of the Ivanpah solar energy plant, now under construction in the Mojave Desert, say it could pose a myriad of unkown dangers, including a threat to aviation, reports the LA Times.

martes, 26 de junio de 2012

Data transmission speed of 2.56 Tb/s achieved by twisting beams of light

Data transmission speed of 2.56 Tb/s achieved by twisting beams of light:
By using twisted beams of light, researchers have achieved data transmission speeds of up ...
Thankfully, data transmission speeds have come a long way since the days of dial-up when users would have plenty of time to twiddle their thumbs as they waited for an image or MP3 to make it’s way to their hard drive. These days, broadband cable currently supports speeds of around 30 megabits per second, which is a hell of an improvement. Now researchers have outdone that by a factor of around 85,000 by using twisted beams of light to transmit data at up to 2.56 terabits per second... Continue Reading Data transmission speed of 2.56 Tb/s achieved by twisting beams of light

Ya son varias las compañías de Estados Unidos que cobran extra por los asientos de las ventanillas

Ya son varias las compañías de Estados Unidos que cobran extra por los asientos de las ventanillas: Si bien tradicionalmente uno reserva el billete de avión y puede elegir cualquier asiento, al mismo precio, una nueva tendencia se está dando en el mundo: cobrar extra por reservar los asientos de la ventanilla. Así ya lo están haciendo con sus “asientos preferenciales” ciertas compañías como norteamericanas como Delta, American Airlines, US Airways, Frontier y Spirit and Allegia

Boeing podría agregar un 747/8 a su oferta de Súper Hornet para la Fuerza Aérea brasileña

Boeing podría agregar un 747/8 a su oferta de Súper Hornet para la Fuerza Aérea brasileña:
Según informa en su diario digital el antiguo diplomático y anterior portavoz del ex presidente Fernando Collor de Mello, Claudio Humberto, Boeing sumaría, sin incrementar los estimativos totales por su oferta final para dotar de 36 F-18 E/F a la FAB, además de la requerida integración de industria y mano de obra nacional, a manera de compensaciones industriales, un Boeing 747/8 (aunque no faltan otras fuentes que especulen con que se trataría de un 787/800) para uso VIP como Fuerza Aérea 1, función que hasta el momento cumple un A-319CJ, secundado por dos Embraer E Jets 190 y algunos Legacy.

lunes, 25 de junio de 2012

Turkish F-4 fighter shot down by Syria, PM confirms

Turkish F-4 fighter shot down by Syria, PM confirms: The Turkish Government has confirmed that one of its Air Force's F-4 Phantom II fighter jets was gunned down by Syrian security forces over the eastern Mediterranean coast on 22 June 2012.

domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

Syria grounds fighter-bomber fleet for fear of more defections

Bashar Assad
Thursday night,
June 21, ordered
his entire Air Force
fleet of fighter
bombers grounded,
for fear that more
pilots might defect after Col. Hasan Merhi al-
Hamadeh flew to Jordan aboard a MiG-21.


Nexcelle completes key C919 nacelle test - Flightglobal

Nexcelle completes key C919 nacelle test - Flightglobal:

Nexcelle completes key C919 nacelle test
Nexcelle completes key C919 nacelle test ... nacelle, a key component in the integrated propulsion system (IPS) for the CFM Leap-1C-powered Comac C919.

Bombardier Races To Keep CSeries On Schedule - Aviation Week

Bombardier Races To Keep CSeries On Schedule - Aviation Week:

Aviation Week

Bombardier Races To Keep CSeries On Schedule
Aviation Week
The first new entrant into the traditional Airbus/Boeing narrowbody segment, Bombardier will be followed by the Russian Irkut MS-21 and Chinese Comac C919 ...

Tianjin Factory Set To Build Additional A320s - Aviation Week

Tianjin Factory Set To Build Additional A320s - Aviation Week:

Aviation Week

Tianjin Factory Set To Build Additional A320s
Aviation Week
That know-how could then be applied to the then-imminent Comac C919 program. At least in the early years of the facility, few of its Chinese staff left for Comac, ...

Strain-detecting, carbon nanotube-infused "strain paint"

Strain-detecting, carbon nanotube-infused "strain paint":
A nanotube-infused paint invented at Rice University allows strain to be read using a near...
While wireless sensors for detecting the strain placed on bridges and buildings, such as the SenSpot, are easier and cheaper to install than embedded wired networks of sensors, they still need to be in physical contact with the structure being monitored. Researchers at Rice University have now developed a new type of paint, infused with carbon nanotubes, that could make strain detection of materials in buildings, bridges and aircraft possible without actually touching the material. .. Continue Reading Strain-detecting, carbon nanotube-infused "strain paint"

sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

Venezuela envió a Irán un F16 desmontado y cargado dentro de un Boeing 707 de la FAV

Venezuela envió a Irán un F16 desmontado y cargado dentro de un Boeing 707 de la FAV:
Irán ha estado haciendo pruebas con, al menos, un F-16,  que habría sido  enviado  en secreto por Venezuela hasta el país asiático en el interior de un Boeing 707 de la Fuerza Aérea Venezolana,

BAE to upgrade RAF's Tranche 1 Typhoon fleet

BAE to upgrade RAF's Tranche 1 Typhoon fleet: BAE Systems has delivered a Drop 2 upgrade package to help equip the UK Royal Air Force's (RAF) Tranche 1 fleet of Eurofighter-built Typhoon FGR4 multi-role combat aircraft.

X-48C Poised for Flight Tests

X-48C Poised for Flight Tests:
Boeing yesterday showed off the heavily modified version of the Boeing X-48 blended wing body (BWB) remotely-piloted research aircraft which is set to begin a planned six-month flight test program next week at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards AFB.

Air France suprimirá 5.122 puestos de trabajo antes de 2014

Air France suprimirá 5.122 puestos de trabajo antes de 2014:
París.- La compañía aérea Air France,  en su afán por sanear su cuenta de resultados, suprimirá antes de terminar el año próximo 5.122 puestos de trabajo, es decir, más de un 10% de los 49.301 trabajadores que integran su plantilla, según anunció ayer en un comunicado.

IAG obtuvo unos beneficios operativos de 485 millones de euros

IAG obtuvo unos beneficios operativos de 485 millones de euros:
“Hoy en día, ambas compañías generan unos ingresos conjuntos de 16.300 millones de euros, cuentan con una flota de 349 aviones, vuelan a más de 200 destinos y el año pasado transportaron 52 millones de pasajeros. La fusión, que ha significado tener un mayor tamaño y presencia en los mercados internacionales, generará sinergias superiores a los 500 millones de euros anuales en el año 2015. A su vez, nos ha permitido tener un papel protagonista en el proceso de consolidación y transformación del negocio aéreo mundial”

Iberia impugna el laudo arbitral

Iberia impugna el laudo arbitral:
“Hemos examinado los detalles de la decisión del árbitro en relación al sindicato de pilotos Sepla. Iberia iniciará mañana un proceso de apelación en base a la consideración, entre otras razones, de que el árbitro se excedió respecto a los términos de su mandato tomando una decisión que afectará negativamente las facultades de los gestores para alcanzar una adecuada base de costes para el negocio y que la decisión, por tanto, impedirá las oportunidades de crecimiento futuro del mismo”, dijo Vázquez.

viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

Si Iberia no respeta el Laudo y Sepla pide que intervenga el Gobierno y amenaza con más huelgas

El responsable de la Sección Sindical del Sepla en Iberia, Justo Peral, pidió este jueves al Gobierno que intervenga si la aerolínea no respeta el laudo arbitral de Jaime Montalvo y advirtió de que los pilotos se plantean todas las acciones legales a su alcance, "entre ellas la huelga".

jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

Boeing and NASA hit major milestones for super-heavy launch vehicle

Boeing and NASA hit major milestones for super-heavy launch vehicle: Boeing and NASA have completed the system requirements review (SRR) and system definition review (SDR) for the cryogenic stages of Space Launch System (SLS),...

El revolucionario X3 de Eurocopter empieza en Tejas su gira por Estados Unidos [con video]

Grand Prairie, Tejas, 21 de junio de 2012

Eurocopter empezó ayer la gira por EE.UU de su aeronave híbrida X3, que - durante un mes de visitas a instalaciones militares y centros de operadores civiles de helicópteros - mostrará las capacidades operacionales sin igual de este avanzado sistema de

La gira arrancó con la presentación inicial en vuelo del X3 efectuada en la sede principal de American Eurocopter, filial estadounidense de Eurocopter, situada en Grand Prairie, Tejas, en presencia de empleados, oficiales, clientes y socios industriales.

Además de por la primera presentación fuera de Europa del X3, la más avanzada innovación de Eurocopter, la tradicional excelencia de los helicópteros de la empresa estuvo resaltada por el aterrizaje en el aeropuerto de Grand Prairie de aparatos de la gama: desde los pioneros Alouette y BO105 al moderno UH-72A Lakota del Ejército estadounidense, pasando por el MH-65C Dolphin de la Guardia Costera de EE.UU, el EC225, el AS350 y el EC145 – utilizados en operaciones de los sectores civil, de mantenimiento del orden, transporte sanitario y misiones parapúblicas.

"Con nuestra ambiciosa estrategia de innovación nos proponemos realizar el primer vuelo de un nuevo helicóptero, una nueva versión o un nuevo demostrador tecnológico todos los años, porque, para Eurocopter, innovación no es simplemente una palabra de moda, sino un estilo de vida", explicó el presidente y delegado general Lutz Bertling."Con el ingenioso diseño y la tecnología sin parangón de nuestro demostrador X3 estamos bien posicionados para lanzar esta este tipo de aeronave al mercado en los próximos diez años".

Para subrayar la madurez y las excelentes características de gobierno del X3, hoy se ha ofrecido a algunos pilotos y observadores invitados, la oportunidad de volar en el demostrador, lo que se repetirá durante las múltiples demostraciones organizadas por American Eurocopter en Grand Prairie para el sector del petróleo y el gas, así como para servicios públicos, de mantenimiento del orden y de transporte sanitario. El X3 volará después a Redstone Army Arsenal Airfield en Alabama, a la base aérea del Ejército en Fort Bragg's Simmons, Carolina del Norte, al aeropuerto regional de Manassas, Virginia y a instalaciones militares en Washington,

La configuración de aeronave del X3 de Eurocopter comprende dos motores turboeje queimpulsan un sistema de rotor principal de cinco palas, junto con dos hélices montadas en alas fijas de corta envergadura. La concepción es idónea para misiones que requieran vuelos de traslado a larga distancia, en los que la velocidad es un factor importante, al tiempo que mantiene la capacidad de despegue vertical y de vuelo estacionario – y todo eso a un coste muy módico.

La empresa prevé un amplio abanico de finalidades de su tecnología híbrida en futuros productos, incluidos operaciones de búsqueda y salvamento a larga distancia (SAR), misiones guardacostas, misiones de patrulla fronteriza, transporte de pasajeros y vuelos offshore, aparte de servicios de lanzadera entre ciudades. Es también muy adecuada para misiones militares, como operaciones de fuerzas especiales, transporte de tropas, SAR en combate y evacuación sanitaria, porque en ellas se aprovecha la combinación de mayor velocidad de crucero con excelentes prestaciones de despegue y aterrizaje verticales.

Eurocopter dio comienzo a las pruebas en vuelo del X3 en septiembre de 2010 en el centro de pruebas en vuelo de Istres, sur de Francia. La aeronave superó allí con facilidad el objetivo de 220 nudos fijado inicialmente, desarrollando más de 230 nudos en vuelo nivelado, a sólo el 80 por ciento de la potencia disponible. Aparte de confirmar las excelentes cualidades de vuelo, la maniobrabilidad y la sobresaliente capacidad de aceleración y desaceleración, el demostrador híbrido ha puesto de manifiesto tasas de ascenso y descenso excepcionales, junto con niveles muy bajos de vibraciones – y todo eso sin necesidad de ninguna clase de sistema antivibraciones activo o pasivo.

Helicóptero a pedales Gamera II: nuevo intento de consegir el premio Sikorsky

Helicóptero a pedales Gamera II: nuevo intento de consegir el premio Sikorsky:

Gamera I

Recordamos que el premio Sikorsy se estableció en 1980 y dotará con 250000$ a aquél que logre volar un helicóptero movido con potencia humana a una altura de 3m sobre el suelo y durante un minuto. Y que hasta ahora ningún equipo ha logrado ganar. El año pasado presentamos el intento de la Clark School of Engineering de conquistar el premio Sikorsky con su helicóptero de motor humano Gamera. Y este año van a intentarlo con su Gamera II.

Easyjet abandona su base en Barajas por el encarecimiento del aeropuerto

Easyjet cerrará su base en el aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas a partir del próximo invierno. La empresa afirma que las tasas aeroportuarias son muy altas, y que existe un exceso de oferta. Seguirá operando en España pero desde sus otras bases europeas y reducirá sus vuelos en España un 7%.

En un comunicado, informa que tras una revisión exhaustiva de la estrategia operacional de la compañía en Madrid, ha decidido suprimir la base de tripulación y aviones en Madrid-Barajas a partir del próximo invierno.


South Korea ‘could delay $6.9 bln fighter deal’

South Korea ‘could delay $6.9 bln fighter deal’: South Korea could delay awarding an eight trillion won ($6.9 billion) contract for 60 advanced fighter planes, the arms procurement agency said Wednesday after setting a new deadline for bids. The makers of Boeing’s F-15 Silent Eagle, Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Lightning II and the...

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Los billetes de avión comprados antes de aprobar los PGE quedan exentos de aumentos de tasas

Los billetes de avión comprados antes de aprobar los PGE quedan exentos de aumentos de tasas:
El Grupo Parlamentario Catalán de CiU en el Senado ha conseguido la introducción de dos enmiendas en los Presupuestos Generales del Estado (PGE) que permitirán que todos los billetes de avión adquiridos antes de la aprobación de los PGE queden exentos de la repercusión del aumento de las tasas aeroportuarias sobre el precio del billete aunque el viaje se realice con posterioridad.

Transaero compra cuatro Airbus A380

Transaero compra cuatro Airbus A380:
cLa ompañía aérea rusa, Transaero, compra cuatro A380, convirtiéndose en la primera aerolínea de Rusia en incorporar el super avión de Airbus

Transaero convierte en firme su pedido de 4 A380
Transaero convierte así en firme el pedido de cuatro unidades del A380 que realizó en octubre de 2011.

La nueva compañía Extremadura Despega ofertará este verano vuelos desde Badajoz a Palma de Mallorca desde 50 euros


La nueva compañía 'Extremadura Despega' prevé comenzar a este verano a operar desde el Aeropuerto de Badajoz, con destino a Palma, con un avión Boeing MD83 con capacidad para 167 pasajeros.

Skyscanner quiere conocer cómo es el avión de nuestros sueños - Expreso.info

Skyscanner quiere conocer cómo es el avión de nuestros sueños - Expreso.info:


Skyscanner quiere conocer cómo es el avión de nuestros sueños
El nuevo modelo de Boeing 787 Dreamliner ya está listo para surcar los cielos de Reino Unido este mes de agosto y en España tendremos que esperar hasta ...
Bar de copas, camas, cine o iPad gratis: así sería el avión perfectoLainformacion.com

los 14 artículos informativos »

Trabajadores de Alestis negocian un nuevo ERTE para 120 trabajadores

Trabajadores de Alestis negocian un nuevo ERTE para 120 ... - Europa Press:

Trabajadores de Alestis negocian un nuevo ERTE para 120 ...
Europa Press
Los trabajadores de la empresa aeronáutica Alestis de Puerto Real (Cádiz) han llegado a un principio de acuerdo, "aún no...
Alestis presenta un ERE temporal para 120 trabajadoresCanalSurWeb
Un centenar de trabajadores de Alestis seguirá en el ERTE hasta ...La Voz Digital (Cádiz)
El comité de Alestis teme que les afecte la nueva reestructuraciónDiario de Jerez

los 18 artículos informativos »

Entrevista con el CEO de Vueling, Alex Cruz: Tenemos las herramientas, sólo hay que utilizarlas

Alex Cruz: Tenemos las herramientas, sólo hay que utilizarlas:
Desde el SITA Air Transport IT Summit en Bruselas, el CEO de Vueling, Alex Cruz, nos ha dedicado unos minutos para poder ser entrevistado y atender algunas cuestiones.

​Azul Brazilian Airlines makes demonstration flight with renewable jet fuel produced from Brazilian sugarcane

Known as Azul+Verde, the project is pioneering the development of renewable jet fuels produced from sugarcane for global aviation

Sao Paulo, Brazil - June 19, 2012 - Azul Brazilian Airlines, in partnership with Amyris Inc. (NASDAQ: AMRS), Embraer (NYSE: ERJ; BOVESPA: EMBR3) and GE (NYSE: GE), made a demonstration flight today using an innovative, renewable jet fuel produced from Brazilian sugarcane. Heading to Rio de Janeiro Santos Dumont Airport, the Embraer E195 jet operated by Azul departured from Campinas Viracopos Airport and has flown over the “Marvelous City” of Rio, which is hosting the U.N. Conference for Sustainable Development (Rio+20) this week.

Known as the Azul+Verde (a greener blue), this project began in November 2009 with the objective of evaluating a new concept in the development of a renewable jet fuel that could reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to providing an alternative to fossil fuels, the initiative represents another major step towards a sustainable air transportation industry.

“Azul’s commitment to reducing our dependency on volatile petroleum products goes beyond reducing our costs. The main objective is to innovate in our service offerings, using the best technologies to reduce our carbon footprint as well as raise awareness among our customers that they are not just choosing an airline that is merely concerned about the environment but is taking steps to preserve it,” said Flavio Costa, Chief Operating Officer of Azul Airlines.

A lifecycle analysis and sustainability study developed by a Brazilian think-tank, Institute for International Trade Negotiations (ICONE), indicates that the Amyris renewable jet fuel could reduce greenhouse gas emissions up to 82%, when compared to convention fossil-derived jet fuel.

“Amyris’s renewable jet fuel has been designed to be compliant with Jet A/A-1 fuel specifications. To that end, we have successfully undertaken a series of tests that measure its performance,” said John Melo, President & Chief Executive Officer of Amyris. “This demonstration flight caps a major milestone in our jet fuel program and allow us to pursue our certification and commercialization goals,” Melo concluded.

This fuel, referred to as AMJ 700, is made using modified microorganisms that function as living factories, converting sugar into pure renewable hydrocarbon. Such a process results in a renewable jet fuel that, once approved, will meet the most rigorous requirements of the aviation industry as well as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).

A blend of conventional jet fuel and renewable fuel produced from the fermentation of Brazilian sugarcane was used in this demonstration flight, which was a first of its kind in the Brazilian aviation.

“During our ground tests at GE’s engine testing facility in Ohio earlier this year, the Amyris renewable fuel met all the required test objectives, and, in combination with our latest GE engine technologies, can further help the aviation industry meet its environmental targets for net greenhouse gas reductions,” said Steve Csonka, GE Aviation Director of Environmental Strategy and Ecomagination.

“Developed as drop-in, the renewable jet fuel did not require any modification or adaptation in the aircraft for the demonstration flight,” said Mauro Kern, Executive Vice President for Technology & Engineering at Embraer. “The tests undertaken by Embraer with Amyris’s renewable jet fuel in Brazil were a success. This confirms the potential performance of this renewable fuel, whether on technical or environmental grounds. We are pleased with the technical success of this project and remain committed with the development of leading technologies, such as renewable fuels, that can contribute with the sustainability of the aviation industry,” Kern concluded.

“Azul greatly believes in Amyris technology. Brazil has abundant arable land, which allows for the growing of sugarcane in ways that do not displace other crops, such as food,” says Adalberto Febeliano, Director of Institutional Relations at Azul Airlines. “We expect that it will be possible to adopt this renewable fuel in commercial flights in the medium term, with a large-scale production economically viable,” he concluded.

This project had institutional support from Banco Pine, BR Aviation, Total, and the Inter-American Development Bank.

About Azul Airlines

Azul Brazilian Airlines has changed the landscape of Brazilian commercial aviation. With over 10% domestic market share, Azul is the third largest airline in Brazil, connecting 48 destinations, 47 cities, with over 400 daily flights. In addition to 52 Brazilian cities served by the company’s aircrafts, Azul serves 8 additional points via convenient bus connections. Azul currently operates a fleet of 54 aircrafts including 42 jets (32 Embraer 195 and 10 Embraer 190) and 12 turboprops (7 ATR 72-600 and 5 ATR 72-200). To date, Azul has served more than 19 million customers. Its mission: to stimulate air travel and boost the Brazilian economy using a simple formula: low prices and high quality service. The company's success has drawn recognition not only within Brazil, but internationally: In 2011, Azul was voted the 'Best Airline in Brazil' by both Travel and Tourism and Flight Revue magazines; Awarded title of 'Best Low-Cost Airline in Latin America' by Skytrax. Was recognized as "One of The World's 30 Hottest Brands' by Advertising Age in New York. Learn more at www.voeazul.com.br.

About Amyris, Inc.

Amyris is an integrated renewable products company focused on providing sustainable alternatives to a broad range of petroleum-sourced products. Amyris uses its industrial synthetic biology platform to convert plant sugars into a variety of hydrocarbon molecules -- flexible building blocks that can be used in a wide range of products. Amyris is developing and producing these products both as No Compromise® renewable ingredients in cosmetics, flavors and fragrances, polymers, lubricants and consumer products, and also as No Compromise renewable diesel and jet fuel. Amyris Brasil Ltda., a subsidiary of Amyris, oversees the establishment and expansion of Amyris's production in Brazil. More information about Amyris is available at www.amyris.com.

About Embraer

Embraer S.A. is the world’s largest manufacturer of commercial jets up to 120 seats, and one of Brazil’s leading exporters. Headquartered in São José dos Campos, São Paulo, it has offices, industrial operations and customer service facilities in Brazil, China, France, Portugal, Singapore, and the U.S. Embraer designs, develops, manufactures and sells aircraft and systems for the commercial aviation, executive aviation, and defense and security segments. It also provides after sales support and services to customers worldwide. For more information, please visit www.embraer.com.

About GE

GE (NYSE: GE) works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. For more information, visit the company's website at www.ge.com. GE Aviation, an operating unit of GE, is a world-leading provider of jet, turboprop and turboshaft engines, components and integrated systems for commercial, military, business and general aviation aircraft. GE Aviation has a global service network to support these offerings. For more information, visit www.geaviation.com.


São Paulo, June 19, 2012 – Embraer successfully performed the first flight of the A-1M prototype at its manufacturing plant in Gavião Peixoto, in outstate São Paulo, during a ceremony attended by the Aeronautics Commander, Air Force General Juniti Saito, and officers from the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) High Command. The aircraft’s flight test campaign will soon begin. The A-1M program provides for refurbishing and upgrading 43 FAB AMX subsonic fighters. Ten aircraft are already at the Company’s facilities and the first deliveries are planned for 2013.

The event also marked the delivery of the 99th, and last, A-29 Super Tucano light attack turboprop to the FAB, as well as the last two upgraded F-5M fighters from the first group. Via the AL-X program, the FAB became the launch customer for the Super Tucano, in December 2003. The aircraft is currently used for advanced pilot training and carries out important functions in the Amazon Surveillance System (SIVAM). The A-29 Super Tucano has been chosen by ten customers in Africa, the Americas and Asia-Pacific.

The F-5M program covers the refurbishing and upgrading of 46 supersonic fighters. Each aircraft received new navigation systems, weaponry, computers, and multimodal radar. This equipment, as well as structural repairs, increase the operational capability of the fighters for at least fifteen more years. In December 2010, a new contract was signed to upgrade 11 additional F-5 aircraft, with the work beginning on the first jet in October 2012. The first deliveries of this second group are planned for 2013.

“The A-1Ms are receiving modern systems that are similar to those already found on the F-5M and A-29 aircraft. All of the upgrades and acquisitions are aligned with the objectives of the Aeronautics Strategic Military Planning (PEMAER)—which positions the FAB, via medium- and long-term studies—based on the National Defense Policy (PND) and on the National Defense Strategy (END). One premise of this process is the pursuit of commercial, industrial, and technological returns for developing defense materiel and strengthening the Nation’s industry,” said Aeronautics Commander, Air Force General Juniti Saito. “Therefore, our equipment makes the most of the similarity between the avionics of these aircraft, which helps with the adaptation of our pilots, and provides a level of standardization that comes with numerous operational advantages, such as improving the employment doctrine of the FAB and a better yield in terms of flight hours. Embraer’s technical capability for meeting our needs strengthens the Air Force and, consequently, strengthens Brazil, making us ready to respond promptly to any threat to the sovereignty of our air space.”

“These achievements reinforce the commitment of Embraer Defense and Security, as a strategic partner of Brazil and, especially, of the Brazilian Air Force, and contributes to its reequipping process and the upgrading of its material resources,” said Luiz Carlos Aguiar, President of Embraer Defense and Security. “The Super Tucano gives continuity to our tradition of developing aircraft that meet Air Force requirements and, at the same time, are capable of enjoying commercial success on the foreign market, while the upgrading of the A-1 and F-5 shows our ability to develop integrated solutions, in complex systems, for our customers.”

Visit One of the Largest Titanium Producers

One of the Largest Titanium Producers: We are in the Perm region, at the chemical-metallurgic plant “AVISMA”, one of the largest world producers of titanium and magnesium. It looks like a spacecraft Without its products not a single Boeing or Airbus will take off Location: Perm … Read more...

miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012

The first anniversary of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 commercial operations in Aeroflot

The first anniversary of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 commercial operations in Aeroflot

June 20, 2012, Moscow – A year ago, on June 16, 2011 Aeroflot – Russian Airlines put its first Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft MSN 95008 in commercial operations. The SSJ100 aircraft named after the outstanding soviet pilot Mikhail Vodopyanov and received tail number RA-89001 successfully performed its first commercial flight on route Moscow – St Petersburg.
In 2011 Aeroflot received and put in operation three additional SSJ100 aircraft (MSN 95010 & RA-89002, MSN 95011 & RA-89003 and MSN 95012 & RA-89004) in August, November and December respectively. In 2012 four aircraft (MSN 95015 & RA-89007, MSN 95013 & RA-89005, MSN 95016 & RA-89008 and MSN 95014 & RA-89006) joined the airline's fleet and started to perform revenue flights in January, March, April and May respectively. The acceptance of the ninth Aeroflot's aircraft (MSN 95017 & RA-89009) will start in Komsomolsk-on-the Amur this week. In 2012 Aeroflot plans to receive five additional Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft.

By June 15, 2012 eight SSJ100s of Aeroflot accumulated 6,865 flight hours in 3,710 revenue flights and carried more than 220,000 passengers. Aeroflot's SSJ100s performed scheduled flights from Moscow to 27 destinations in Russia (Anapa, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Nizhnevartovsk, Nizhnekamsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg, Perm, Samara, St Petersburg, Ufa and Chelyabinsk), Ukraine (Donetsk and Odessa), Belarus (Minsk) and Europe (Budapest, Bucharest, Vilnius, Dresden, Copenhagen, Krakow, Oslo, Sofia and Stockholm).
The best results in terms of monthly utilization were reached by aircraft MSN 95011 and MSN 95016 in May 2012 with a figure of 249 and 240 flight hours respectively. The biggest numbers of flights per month were performed by aircraft MSN 95010 and MSN 95008 in September and August 2011 and stood at 151 and 157 flights. The largest daily utilization reached 16 flight hours.
Aeroflot's SSJ100 operations showed that the aircraft is able to efficiently serve both regional routes with the high frequency of departure and short haul routes. The SSJ100 of Aeroflot was able to perform three return flights per day, achieving daily utilization over than 10 flight hours.

"We are positive in evaluating the first year of our SSJ100 operations taking in account the fact that Aeroflot applied same rigid requirements to the technical condition of the new Russian airliner as to the Airbus and Boeing aircraft currently in its fleet. While the aircraft went through the initial phase of operations, we paid particular attention to its overall performance. Taking into account the high quality standards of Aeroflot, we believe that the work aimed at further improving the technical support efficiency conducted by SCAC and its partners will definitely lead to an expansion of the operational performance of our growing SSJ100 fleet in the near future", noted Chief of the Aeroflot SSJ100 pilots team Evgeny Voronin.

"Sukhoi Superjet 100 is the new aircraft type, and we are satisfied with the results of the first year of operations of our aircraft with Aeroflot. These results achieved through joint efforts of Aeroflot, SCAC, SuperJet International and PowerJet sometimes exceeded those of many other new aircraft types in the first year of their commercial operations. For us it is important that the SSJ100 showed high safety rates for the new aircraft type and received positive feedback from Aeroflot pilots. We are continuously working on the enhancement of the production's quality and range of services to our operators", stressed President of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Vladimir Prisyazhnyuk.

Activities to establish and enhance the after-sales support system have been carried out during the first year of operations. Over the last six months the implementation of the monitoring system of operations allowed to minimize a number of issues related to the aircraft acceptance, to reduce of three times the notes to the operational documentation, to optimize the spare parts' delivery time to 48 hours maximum and to heavily cut the troubleshooting time.

Training for the airline's flight and technician staff for the SSJ100 aircraft is an important field to be focused on. The whole training is accomplished by SuperJet International, the joint venture between Alenia Aermacchi and Sukhoi Holding, by the Training Center in Zhukovsky by applying the international aviation and safety standards. Up to date and since the beginning of the training courses in February 2011 47 AFL crews (94 pilots including 42 pilots without previous "glass cockpit" experience), 24 flight attendant-instructors and 118 engineering technical specialists (94 in 2011 and 24 in 2012) were trained. Within the end of 2012 additional 16 AFL flight crews and around 40 AFL technicians will be trained.
A Full Flight Simulator (FFS) will be delivered to the Aeroflot training center in Sheremetyevo in October 2012.

French Air Force Demos ASMPA Raid

French Air Force Demos ASMPA Raid:
The French air force has, for the first time, conducted an end-to-end test of its strategic strike capability using the ASMPA cruise missile (but, obviously, not the nuclear warhead).

The ATR 42-600, certified by EASA

ATR, sole manufacturer of 50-seater regional aircraft, continues to invest in this niche market
Toulouse,  19 June 2012

ATR, manufacturer of turboprop aircraft, is pleased to announce that the ATR 42-600, new member of its family of airplanes, just obtained certification from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). This certification, prior to the aircraft's entry into service and for the plane's new equipment, marks the end of a series of ground and in-flight tests which were performed on the ATR 42-600 prototype. It demonstrates ATR's willingness to continue investing in the 50-seater aircraft segment, a niche market for which it is the lone manufacturer. 

Within the framework of the test campaign, the ATR 42-600 benefited from its similarity to the ATR 72-600, which was certified in May 2011. As for the ATR 72-600, all of the tests on the ATR 42-600 were used to validate that the new systems and equipment installed on board operate correctly, especially the new “glass cockpit” avionics suite with 5 LCD screens, new communication, navigation and monitoring systems, flight management system (FMS), automatic pilot, alert management and multi-purpose computer (MPC, which integrates aircraft maintenance and protection functions in particular).

Since the launch of the “-600” program in October 2007, ATR has already received orders for a total of 250 ATR 42-600 and ATR 72-600 aircraft.

Entry into service of the new ATR 42-600 is scheduled for summer 2012. The ATR 72-600, it has been in service since August 2011 and is currently operated by 7 airlines worldwide.

Filippo Bagnato, Chief Executive Officer of ATR, said: “We are very pleased to see that the entire ATR “-600” family is now ready to operate for our customers. Today we are the only manufacturer of 50-seater aircraft in the world and we estimate that, over the next twenty years, there will be a substantial potential market in this category. Therefore, we must offer the market an aircraft equipped with all the latest technology and the highest levels of comfort.

About the ATR 42-600:

Passenger capacity: 46 to 50 seats
Engines: Pratt & Whitney 127M
Maximum take-off power: 2400 horsepower per engine
Maximum take-off weight: 18,600 kg
Maximum load: 5,500 kg
Maximum flight range when fully loaded: 800 nautical miles (1,483 km)

About ATR:

Founded in 1981, ATR has become the world leader on the market for regional aircraft with 90 seats or less. Since its creation, ATR has sold approximately 1,200 aircraft to over 180 operators based in 91 countries. ATR planes have totaled over 21 million flight hours. ATR is an equal partnership between two major European aeronautics players, Alenia Aermacchi (a Finmeccanica Group company) and EADS. Its head office is in Toulouse. ATR is ISO 14001 certified. This is the international reference standard in the field for environmental friendliness.

For additional information, log on to www.atraircraft.com.

Trial flights of 'unmanned' aircraft begin in UK

Trial flights of 'unmanned' aircraft begin in UK - Zee News:

Zee News

Trial flights of 'unmanned' aircraft begin in UK
Melbourne: A plane that can be flown without a pilot is being tested in the UK ahead of its maiden flight later this year.

The plane, a BAE Systems Jetstream aircraft that is called The Flying Test Bed, is being put through its paces in a series of at least 20 flights over the Irish Sea and through UK airspace.

Although it will be pilot-free during the tests, there will be people on board who will be able to take the controls if the need arises.

The aim of the trials is to demonstrate to regulators such as the Civil Air Authority and air traffic control that such aircraft also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), will be able to be used safely in UK airspace, the Daily Telegraph reported.
Plane without pilot to go on trial over UKPerth Now

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Udega pujará por contratos de Embraer y Bombardier en Portugal y Marruecos

Udega pujará por contratos de Embraer y Bombardier en Portugal y ... - Faro de Vigo:

Udega pujará por contratos de Embraer y Bombardier en Portugal y ...
Faro de Vigo
La implantación de dos gigantes del sector aeronáutico como la brasileira Embraer en Portugal (en Évora) y la canadiense Bombardier en Marruecos ha animado a ocho empresas gallegas del automóvil y la metalurgia a fundar una nueva firma aeronáutica para aprovechar esta oportunidad de negocio. Udega (Unión de Empresas Gallegas de Aeronáutica) invertirá 10 millones de euros con el objetivo de conseguir contratos en estos países y en España (Airbus) y con la previsión de generar hasta 150 puestos de trabajo en 2013 (los ocho socios emplean a 400 personas).