jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

Mundial de Paramotor 2012 será en Marugán, España

En la reunión anual de la Comisión de Ultraligeros de FAI (CIMA) realizada el fin de semana pasado se concedió la organización del próximo Mundial a España, en agosto del año próximo, en el aeródromo de Marugán (provincia de Segovia). Tras un parón de dos años por falta de organizadores, este campeonato FAI1 es una buena noticia para los competidores.

Noticia completa http://www.ojovolador.com/esp/paramotor/?show=1494

Wraps Off Northrop's Fan-in-Wing MUVR

At the Quad-A UAS show in Washington today, Northrop Grumman has taken the wraps off the MUVR fan-in wing high-speed VTOL ship-to-shore cargo resupply unmanned aircraft it has been working on with the Office of Naval Research.



SEATTLE, WA, Dec 13, 2011 – Entrepreneur and philanthropist Paul G. Allen announced today that he and aerospace pioneer Burt Rutan have reunited to develop the next generation of space travel. Allen and Rutan, whose SpaceShipOne was the first privately-funded, manned rocket ship to fly beyond earth’s atmosphere, are developing a revolutionary approach to space transportation: an air-launch system to provide orbital access to space with greater safety, cost-effectiveness and flexibility.

The space flight revolution Allen and Rutan pioneered in 2004 with SpaceShipOne now enters a new era. Only months after the last shuttle flight closed an important chapter in spaceflight, Allen is stepping in with an ambitious effort to continue America’s drive for space.

“I have long dreamed about taking the next big step in private space flight after the success of SpaceShipOne – to offer a flexible, orbital space delivery system,” Allen said. “We are at the dawn of radical change in the space launch industry. Stratolaunch Systems is pioneering an innovative solution that will revolutionize space travel.”

Allen’s new company, Stratolaunch Systems, will build a mobile launch system with three primary components:
A carrier aircraft, developed by Scaled Composites, the aircraft manufacturer and assembler founded by Rutan. It will be the largest aircraft ever flown.
A multi-stage booster, manufactured by Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies;
A state-of-the-art mating and integration system allowing the carrier aircraft to safely carry a booster weighing up to 490,000 pounds. It will be built by Dynetics, a leader in the field of aerospace engineering.
Stratolaunch Systems will bring airport-like operations to the launch of commercial and government payloads and, eventually, human missions. Plans call for a first flight within five years. The air-launch-to-orbit system will mean lower costs, greater safety, and more flexibility and responsiveness than is possible today with ground-based systems. Stratolaunch’s quick turnaround between launches will enable new orbital missions as well as break the logjam of missions queued up for launch facilities and a chance at space. Rutan, who has joined Stratolaunch Systems as a board member, said he was thrilled to be back working with Allen. “Paul and I pioneered private space travel with SpaceShipOne, which led to Virgin Galactic’s commercial suborbital SpaceShipTwo Program. Now, we will have the opportunity to extend that capability to orbit and beyond. Paul has proven himself a visionary with the will, commitment and courage to continue pushing the boundaries of space technology. We are well aware of the challenges ahead, but we have put together an incredible research team that will draw inspiration from Paul’s vision.”

To lead the Stratolaunch Systems team, Allen picked a veteran NASA official with years of experience in engineering, management and human spaceflight. Stratolaunch Systems CEO and President Gary Wentz, a former chief engineer at NASA, said the system’s design will revolutionize space travel.

Former NASA Administrator Mike Griffin, also a Stratolaunch board member, joined Allen and Rutan at a press conference in Seattle to announce the project. “We believe this technology has the potential to someday make spaceflight routine by removing many of the constraints associated with ground launched rockets,” Griffin said. “Our system will also provide the flexibility to launch from a large variety of locations.”

The Stratolaunch system will eventually have the capability of launching people into low earth orbit. But the company is taking a building block approach in development of the launch aircraft and booster, with initial efforts focused on unmanned payloads. Human flights will follow, after safety, reliability and operability are demonstrated.

The carrier aircraft will operate from a large airport/spaceport, such as Kennedy Space Center, and will be able to fly up to 1,300 nautical miles to the payload’s launch point.

It will use six 747 engines, have a gross weight of more than 1.2 million pounds and a wingspan of more than 380 feet. For takeoff and landing, it will require a runway 12,000 feet long. Systems onboard the launch aircraft will conduct the countdown and firing of the booster and will monitor the health of the orbital payload.

The plane will be built in a Stratolaunch hangar which will soon be under construction at the Mojave Air and Space Port. It will be near where Scaled Composites built SpaceShipOne which won Allen and Scaled Composites the $10-million Ansari X Prize in 2004 after three successful sub-orbital flights. Scaled Composites is a wholly owned subsidiary of Northrop Grumman.

“Scaled is all about achieving milestones and pursuing breakthroughs, and this project offers both – building the largest airplane in the world, and achieving the manufacturing breakthroughs that will enable Scaled to accomplish it. We are thrilled to be a part of this development program,” said Scaled Composites President Doug Shane. “We anticipate significant hiring of engineering, manufacturing, and support staff in the near and medium term.”

The multi-stage booster will be manufactured by California-based Space Exploration Technologies, one of the world’s pre-eminent space transportation companies. “Paul Allen and Burt Rutan helped generate enormous interest in space with White Knight and SpaceShipOne,” said SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell. “There was no way we weren’t going to be involved in their next great endeavor. We are very excited.”

Dynetics will provide the mating and integration system and the systems engineering, integration, test and operations support for the entire air-launch system. The mating and integration system will be manufactured in Huntsville, Alabama in Dynetics’ new 226,500 square foot prototyping facility. Dynetics has been a leader in aerospace engineering since 1974. “We are excited to play such a major role on this system. This is an ambitious project unlike any that has been undertaken and I am confident the Stratolaunch team has the experience and capabilities to accomplish the mission,” said Dynetics Executive Vice President and Stratolaunch Board Member David King.

Stratolaunch Systems’ corporate headquarters is located in Huntsville, Alabama. Today’s announcement was the first public word that Allen and Rutan were back in the space business. But space has long been on Allen’s mind. In the close of his memoir, Idea Man, published earlier this year, he hinted at his plans, writing that he was “considering a new initiative with that magical contraption I never wearied of sketching as a boy: the rocket ship.”


more info

EADS and DolphiTech are cooperating in the development of non-destructive testing equipment

Raufoss, 08 December 2011

EADS Innovation Works, the corporate Research and Technology network of EADS, and the Norwegian SME DolphiTech AS have signed a cooperation agreement for the development of a new non-destructive testing (NDT) system based on an innovative ultrasonic camera component for composite inspections.

The new tool can be used for all types of NDT applications for composite materials. NDT is a method of screening structures – for example an aircraft fuselage – and detecting damage not visible from the outside without destroying the material. Methods used for NDT include radiography, the application of infrared light, electromagnetism or endoscopy. The new ultrasonic NDT device will be used by manufacturers and operators of aerospace products as well as in other industries. Simple and easy to operate, the new system is more favourably priced than existing NDT camera systems. It is the first product of its kind to be configured for composite materials and can be used easily by maintenance staff. A prototype will be available by the end of 2012.

The 3D ultrasonic camera, developed by DolphiTech, could complete the ‘Smart NDT Tools’ product line of mobile NDT systems offered by EADS Innovation Works. “The new system will speed up NDT procedures in manufacturing and maintenance and will help the users to save time and money,” said Martin Bach, NDT specialist at EADS Innovation Works.

“The adaptation of our novel ultrasound technology for impact assessment by EADS Innovation Works and the EADS Divisions will open a very attractive global market for our technology,” said DolphiTech’s managing director Terje Melandso. “After many years of Research and Development supported by Innovation Norway we have patented the world’s first ultrasonic 2D barcode reader. The cooperation and marketing opportunities within EADS, its suppliers and customers will be very valuable for DolphiTech when we launch the technology on the aerospace market.”

Australian Aerospace Delivers 15th MRH90 Helicopter

14 December 2011

Local defence manufacturer, Australian Aerospace, yesterday delivered the 15th MRH90 (Multi-Role Helicopter), tail number 014, to the Australian Defence Force (ADF) – the second such handover in two weeks following signing of an agreement to overcome Program issues and ensure timely delivery of the world's most advanced helicopters.

Australian Aerospace's production facility on Brisbane Airport is assembling and delivering 46 MRH90s to replace Army and Navy Black Hawk and Sea King helicopters. Since the helicopter's entry to service, Australian Aerospace, its industry partners and the Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO), have been working to introduce the new capability into service.

On 23 November, Australian Aerospace and the Commonwealth of Australia signed a Deed of Agreement, encompassing a remediation plan to overcome a number of identified issues, including an engine failure and oil cooler fan issues, and ensure timely deliveries of the MRH90s. One week later, Defence accepted the 14th helicopter.

"The delivery of the 15th MRH90, just two weeks after signing the Deed of Agreement is very encouraging indeed," said Dr. Jens Goennemann, Chief Executive Officer of Australian Aerospace. "It augurs well for the Program's future and is a strong sign of our commitment to delivering the capability to Defence".

Capable of carrying 2 pilots, 2 loadmasters and 18 combat troops up to 900km at speeds in excess of 300 km/h, the MRH90 is a fly-by-wire, all-composite construction, medium-lift helicopter with the highest crash-worthiness standards. Chosen by Australia over competing types as part of a program to modernise and rationalise its military helicopter fleet, the MRH90 is the world's most advanced helicopter in the ten-tonne class.

El Aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat alcanza 33 millones de pasajeros y bate hoy su récord histórico

15 de diciembre de 2011

El Aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat ha batido hoy su récord histórico de pasajeros al alcanzar los 33 millones en lo que llevamos de año. Esta cifra supera los 32,8 millones de usuarios logrados en el global de 2007, el máximo histórico anual.

En agosto de 2011, el aeropuerto batió el récord de mayor número de pasajeros en un mes, con 3.623.889.

El Aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat alcanzó por primera vez el millón de pasajeros en 1963 y en menos de quince años quintuplicó esa cifra logrando superar los 5 millones en 1977.

En 1992, con la celebración de los Juegos Olímpicos, superó el umbral de 10 millones de pasajeros al año y apenas cinco años después absorbía más de 15 millones. El tráfico de pasajeros fue creciendo, en 2002 fueron ya 21 millones y en 2006 se llegó a los 30.






Dic. 2011

Millones de pasajeros












Eurocopter Romania delivers a new EC135 to the Romanian Ministry of Health

Marignane, December 15, 2011

A ceremony was held in Bucharest today for the delivery by Eurocopter Romania, a subsidiary of Eurocopter - the world's leading civil and parapublic helicopter manufacturer - of an EC135 helicopter to Romania's Ministry of Health. The ceremony was attended by the Romanian Minister of Health Ladislau Ritli, the Secretary of State in the Romanian Ministry of Administration and Interior Mihai Capra, His Excellence Henri Paul from the French Embassy in Romania, His Excellence Andreas Von Mettenheim from the German Embassy in Romania, as well as by Jean-Louis Mascle, CEO of Eurocopter Romania and Xavier Poupardin, Eurocopter Vice President for the EC135 program.

This is the first delivery following a contract that was awarded to Eurocopter Romania last august. The framework contract foresees the purchase of up to six helicopters by the Ministry of Health.

The EC135 will be used for emergency medical missions to assist the general population in Romania. This delivery is part of a wide-scale program launched by the government to develop its medical evacuation capabilities, which includes plans to enlarge its existing fleet.

Ministry of Health already owns two EC135 operated by the General Aviation Inspectorate of the Ministry of Administration and Interior (MAI). This new delivery confirms that the EC135 perfectly meets the stringent requirements of the medical evacuation missions.

At the ceremony, Mr. Mascle talked about the importance of this new delivery: "This is a big day for Eurocopter Romania, as the delivery of this EC135 illustrates our commitment to designing products in close cooperation with our customers and to further promoting development of emergency medical missions. It is also additional proof of the confidence the Romanian government has placed in our subsidiary."

Eurocopter Romania was founded over a decade ago in the country, and is a key player in helicopter overhaul, repair and retrofit activities. More than one hundred helicopters, including Pumas, Super Pumas, Dauphins and EC135s, from around the world have been overhauled at the subsidiary's facility. In addition to maintenance activities, EC Romania has also delivered more than 25 new and previously-owned helicopters.

The EC135 has become synonymous with modernity and innovation. In compliance with international aviation safety regulations, the helicopter is fitted with a dual-engine and can obtain speeds of up to 254 km/h, with an average range of approximately 635 kilometers. Eurocopter has had a great deal of success with this type of helicopter worldwide thanks to its excellent maneuverability, outstanding agility and high availability rate (98%). Other keys to the EC135's success are its low operating and maintenance costs, its durability and last but hardly least, the wide variety of uses it offers operators: training, surveillance missions on offshore wind parks and oil rigs as well as a wide range of law enforcement and border patrol activities.

The world class training center for the Sukhoi Superjet 100, the first Russian brand new commercial aircraft

December 15, 2011, Zhukovsky, Moscow Region – The opening ceremony of the Training center for the flight and technical staff of customers and operators of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) aircraft was held today in Zhukovsky. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Russian Government, Aviation Authorities, Interstate Aviation Committee, Russian aircraft industry and institutes, airlines-operators of the SSJ100, Russian financial organizations and leading media.

The Training center offers the complete cycle of training for flight and technician staff of the SSJ100 customers and has a range of the most advanced training equipment and simulators including Computer Based Training (CBT), Flight Procedure Training Device (FPTD), Flight Training Device (FTD LV), Full Flight Simulator (FFS) and Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainer (CEET).

The training for pilots and technician staff is being carried out in the Training Center in Zhukovsky (Moscow) according to the program approved by the Russian Aviation Authority Rosaviatsiya with extensive use of the advanced simulators. Due to its current modern equipment the Training Center is able to train up to 180 pilots and 250 technicians annually starting from 2012.

Training for flight and technician staff of the SSJ100 customers is conducted by SuperJet International – a joint venture between the Italian Alenia Aeronautica and the Russian Sukhoi Holding.

JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft", a Sukhoi and Alenia Aeronautica Company, provides the proper functioning of the installed training equipment. By the end of November 2011 19 crews (38 pilots) and 93 technicians were trained (with a previous version of the course being the FFS not yet available) for Aeroflot and Armavia. Three more crews (6 pilots without previous "glass cockpit" experience) of Aeroflot should be trained by the end of December 2011.

Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) is a 100 seat regional jet designed, developed and built by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), in partnership with Alenia Aeronautica. On May 19th 2008 SSJ100 successfully accomplished its first flight. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 cruises at a Maximum Operating Speed of Mach 0.81 and 40,000 feet. It takes off from a 1,731 meters runway in the basic range and 2,052 meters in the long range. The operating range for the basic version is 3.048 km and 4.578 km for the long range version. In February 2011, the SSJ100 obtained the Type Certificate by the Russian Certification Authority IAC AR. The EASA certification is expected to follow in 2011. On April 19th 2011 first production SSJ100 was delivered to Armavia airlines (Armenia). There are currently four SSJ100s in service with Armavia and Aeroflot.

Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company

The Company's shareholders are the Sukhoi Holding owing 75% - 1 share and the Italian Alenia Aeronautica, a Finmeccanica Company, holding 25% + 1 share since April 7, 2009. Sukhoi Civil Aircraft was founded in 2000 to develop new regional aircraft projects. Headquartered in Moscow, the Company enjoys several production branches seated in the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Novosibirsk and Voronezh. Today the company employs over 2,000 people.

Sukhoi Superjet 100 – a new family of regional jets – is the Company's major project.

SuperJet International

SuperJet International, a joint venture between Alenia Aeronautica, a Finmeccanica Company (51%) and Sukhoi Holding (49%), is in charge of the marketing, sales, customization and delivery of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional jet in Europe, the Americas, Oceania, Africa and Japan. The Company is also responsible for training and worldwide after-sales support, as well as the design and development of VIP and cargo variants. A SuperJet International branch is active in Moscow, together with a sales office in Washington, DC, U.S.A.

Airbus contratará en 2012 a otros 4.000 empleados más - Expansión.com

Airbus contratará en 2012 a otros 4.000 empleados más - Expansión.com:

Europa Press

Airbus contratará en 2012 a otros 4.000 empleados más
Airbus seguirá engordando su plantilla otro año más. Después de contratar más de 4.000 nuevos empleados este año, el fabricante aeronáutico europeo se dispone a repetir esa misma cifra de nuevos trabajadores a lo largo de 2012, elvando su plantilla ...
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los 30 artículos informativos »

TAF venderá su negocio de mantenimiento a Eurocopter - Expansión.com

TAF venderá su negocio de mantenimiento a Eurocopter - Expansión.com:

TAF venderá su negocio de mantenimiento a Eurocopter
La filial de EADS, el consorcio europeo propietario de Airbus, negocia la compra de la mayoría del capital de Sabadell Helicopters Service Center, empresa a la que TAF Helicopters ha traspasado su negocio de asistencia técnica y apoyo logístico. ...

La UC3M participa en un proyecto de investigación espacial sobre aviones no tripulados

El Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) ha seleccionado el proyecto de investigación espacial PERIGEO, en el que participa la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), para ser financiado dentro de su convocatoria INNPRONTA, destinada a fomentar la cooperación estable público-privada en I+D en áreas de importancia estratégica para el desarrollo de la economía nacional.


Emirates Airlines ofrece conexión Wi Fi en varios de sus A380

Emirates Airlines ha equipado varios aviones A380 con Wi Fi gracias a su acuerdo con el proveedor de servicios OnAir, según confirmó recientemente la misma aerolínea a través de un comunicado. De este modo, los pasajeros de la compañía podrán chequear mails, compartir fotografías, navegar por la Red o averiguar sobre billetes de AVE mientras están en pleno vuelo.

El cofundador de Microsoft también se apunta en la carrera espacial privada

El cofundador de Microsoft, Paul Allen, ha anunciado que tiene entre sus proyectos el diseñar y construir aviones no tripulados de carga, en específico, se trataría de aeronaves gigantes que servirían para colocar las naves espaciales y satélites en órbita.

Stratolaunch Systems, proyecto aeroespacial que cuenta con el cofundador de Microsoft, Paul Allen, como uno de sus impulsores

noticia completa El cofundador de Microsoft también se apunta en la carrera espacial privada


São Paulo, Brazil, December 14, 2011 – Embraer Defense and Security signed a partnership contract with OGMA – Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal and EEA – Empresa de Engenharia Aeronáutica, today, for the KC-390 military airlifter and aerial refueling jet program. According to this agreement, Portugal, through EEA, will develop the engineering project for the KC-390’s components, which will be manufactured by Embraer subsidiary OGMA.

“Portugal’s participation in the KC-390 program strengthens our position in the European defense market,” said Luiz Carlos Aguiar, President of Embraer Defense and Security.

A Declaration of Intent between the Brazilian and Portuguese Ministries of Defense, signed in September 2010, preceded this contract, which emphasizes Portugal’s commitment to purchasing KC-390 airplanes.

“The agreement provides an opportunity for boosting the capabilities of the military aviation cluster, so as to generate and develop technological competencies,” said Jacinto Moniz de Bettencourt, EEA President.

“This is a unique opportunity for OGMA to develop its technological and manufacturing capabilities within a high aggregate value military program,” said OGMA President Almir Borges.

About EEA

EEA – Empresa de Engenharia Aeronáutica S.A., located in the city of Maia, in the Minho region, Portugal, is dedicated to conceiving, promoting and carrying out engineering projects, to testing, and to developing and supplying aeronautical products and structures.

About OGMA

OGMA – Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal S.A. is an aeronautics company with a long and respected tradition in aircraft manufacturing and maintenance. At its facilities in Alverca, OGMA employs engineers and technicians for civilian and military aircraft maintenance, and for manufacturing airframe segments of metal and composite materials.

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental Receives FAA Certification

EVERETT, Wash., Dec. 14, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) received certification for the new 747-8 Intercontinental from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Certification clears the way for delivery of the new airplane early next year.

The FAA presented Boeing an Amended Type Certificate (ATC) and the amended Production Certificate for Boeing's newest passenger airplane, the 747-8 Intercontinental Wednesday. The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is expected to issue its ATC for the airplane Thursday. Boeing received its FAA and EASA certificates for the 747-8 Freighter in August.

"This is a great achievement for Boeing and for the 747-8 program," said Jim Albaugh, president and CEO, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, "We look forward to delivering this fabulous airplane to our customers."

The certificates validate that the design of the 747-8 Intercontinental is compliant with all aviation regulatory requirements and the production system can produce a safe and reliable airplane, conforming to the airplane's design.

"Soon people around the world will fly on the newest 747," said Elizabeth Lund, vice president and general manager, 747 program. "This is a great day for our customers and for a team that has worked incredibly hard to certify the newest version of the Queen of the Skies."
The 747 program is now in the final stages of preparing to deliver the first 747-8 Intercontinental early next year.

The 747-8 Intercontinental provides double-digit improvements in fuel economy and carbon emissions per passenger and generates a 30 percent smaller noise footprint than the 747-400. The new 747-8 Intercontinental features a new wing design and an upgraded flight deck and applies 787 Dreamliner inspired interior features including a new curved, upswept architecture giving passengers a greater feeling of space and comfort.

CASSIDIAN se adjudica un Contrato de Simulación Constructiva del Ejército de Tierra español

15 diciembre 2011

  • El objetivo del Simulador es el Adiestramiento de Mando y Control
  • El plazo de ejecución es de 22 meses

Cassidian España se ha adjudicado recientemente un contrato para el desarrollo de la Nueva Arquitectura del Simulador Constructivo para el Ejército de Tierra español.

El objetivo del Simulador es el Adiestramiento de Mando y Control hasta el nivel de brigada, permitiendo presenciar lo planificado mediante modelos que simulan la conducta de unidades en el terreno.

Enrique Barrientos, CEO de Cassidian España ha comentado: “es un orgullo que el Ejército de Tierra confíe en nuestras capacidades en el área de la Simulación Constructiva. Apostamos por la innovación continua para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestro cliente”.

Dassault podría dejar de construir el Rafale en 2018

París.- La constructora aeronáutica francesa Dassault dejará de fabricar sus cazas multifuncionales Rafale si antes de 2018 no consigue algún importante pedido internacional, según advirtió el ministro galo de Defensa, Gérard Longuet.

Noticia completa: Dassault podría dejar de construir el Rafale en 2018