Cobham Selected to Supply the Aerial Refuelling Receiver Probe for the KC 390 ... - defpro

jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011

Cobham Selected to Supply the Aerial Refuelling Receiver Probe for the KC 390 ... - defpro:


Cobham Selected to Supply the Aerial Refuelling Receiver Probe for the KC 390 ...
More than 1000 systems have been delivered for buddy-buddy refuelling, tactical and strategic tanking for fixed wing aircraft and helicopters, with Unmanned Air vehicle refuelling development well advanced. The 'nose to tail' AAR capability is ...

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Lost UAV likely malfunctioned, analysts say -

Lost UAV likely malfunctioned, analysts say -

Lost UAV likely malfunctioned, analysts say
“I think it's kind of inescapable that incidents like this raise doubts about operating unmanned air vehicles in civil airspace,” he said. However, attrition rates for unmanned aircraft are going down steadily, Thompson said. ...

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US weighed 3 options for destroying downed RQ-170 - Defense Systems

US weighed 3 options for destroying downed RQ-170 - Defense Systems:

US weighed 3 options for destroying downed RQ-170
Defense Systems
By Defense Systems Staff US officials considered a covert raid to either destroy or recover the wreckage of a stealth RQ-170 unmanned aircraft that crashed in the rugged terrain of Eastern Iran last week, but decided that a military operation of that ...

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Una empresa salmantina crea el "aracnocóptero", (Helicoptero UAV hexa-rotor) Má

Una empresa salmantina crea el "aracnocóptero", una aeronave ... - Má

Una empresa salmantina crea el "aracnocóptero", una aeronave ...
En el mercado hay muchos sistemas similares, llamados UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle), pero el 'aracnocóptero' tiene características mucho más avanzadas, ya que permite un despegue vertical y llevar una carga de hasta 3 kilogramos (mucho peso teniendo en ...

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Rusia inaugurará centro de soporte técnico a los cazas Su-30 en Malasia en 2012

Rusia inaugurará centro de soporte técnico a los cazas Su-30 en ... - RIA Novosti:

Rusia inaugurará centro de soporte técnico a los cazas Su-30 en ...
RIA Novosti
Rusia inaugurará un centro de soporte técnico a los cazas tipo Sukhoi en Malasia en 2012, anunció hoy el jefe de la delegación de la corporación rusa de construcciones aeronáuticas, OAK, Alexandr Klementiev. “Las partes (Rusia y Malasia) han confirmado ...


COMUNICADO: Aviation Partners interpone una demanda contra Airbus - neo Y wINGLETS

COMUNICADO: Aviation Partners interpone una demanda contra Airbus - Europa Press:

COMUNICADO: Aviation Partners interpone una demanda contra Airbus
Europa Press
"Lo que puedo decirte es que protegeremos con fuerza nuestra tecnología patentada y propiedad intelectual, que en la actualidad está sirviendo para ahorrar miles de millones de galones de combustible en aviones Boeing, Dassault, Hawker y Gulfstream". ...

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Eurocopter Chile S.A. celebrates 10 years “Ever higher together"

Santiago, December 2, 2011
Eurocopter opted for a sunset in the foothills of the Andes near Santiago as the backdrop for the tenth anniversary of the company's establishment in Chile, which was attended by over 300 guests. During these ten years this subsidiary has enjoyed exponential growth, with a two-fold increase in the number of Eurocopter helicopters in the region.

Created in 2001, the Eurocopter Group's southernmost subsidiary started out with ten employees. It has since grown to include almost 100 professionals, diversifying its activities and extending its facilities to optimize customer service not only in Chile, but also in Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Uruguay. In addition to helicopter sale and customization, the company also handles spare parts distribution, fleet maintenance and training courses for pilots and technicians through its training center, which has provided over 200 courses to date.

"During these ten years, Eurocopter Chile S.A. has sold more than 80 helicopters, establishing itself as a major player in the region's aerospace industry," declared Alexandre Ceccacci, CEO of Eurocopter Chile S.A. "In the future, Eurocopter will continue to invest in the region and offer high quality services for our customers."

With more than 260 helicopters in service with around 70 operators, Eurocopter accounts for nearly 50% of the civil and parapublic market in the region. The main fleets are located in Argentina and Chile, although other countries such as Peru offer strong growth potential, particularly to provide support for the mining industry. The Eurocopter fleet is renowned for its reliability on demanding missions such as tactical transport with the Cougar helicopter and search and rescue missions with the Dauphin family of aircraft. The EC135 and EC145, meanwhile, are mainly used for police, SAR and MEDEVAC missions. Another highlight is the success of the single-engine Colibri and Ecureuil helicopters, which are highly valued for corporate transport, tourism, heli-skiing operations and various other aerial tasks.

Over 300 guests, including customers, authorities and employees, attended the anniversary celebration at the Tobalaba Airfield in Santiago. A special guest at the event was the pilot Didier Delsalle, who earned his place in the annals of aviation history for touching down and taking off from the summit of Mount Everest at an altitude of 8,848 meters in an Ecureuil AS350 B3.

With more than 75 AS350s operating in the Southern Cone, this helicopter is undoubtedly one of the mainstays of the fleets in this region dominated by mountainous terrain. It is therefore fitting that Eurocopter Chile S.A. was responsible some months ago for the first delivery to the American continent of the new version of this helicopter, the AS350 B3e.


Australian Aerospace delivers final Tiger to Defence

A program to provide the Australian Defence Force (ADF) with an unrivalled armed reconnaissance helicopter capability achieved a major milestone today with the delivery of the last production Tiger Helicopter.

A two-crew helicopter, many of which are now entering into service with armed forces around the world including operational use by French Army in Afghanistan Tiger ARH022 was accepted by Defence at local defence manufacturer Australian Aerospace's Final Assembly plant on Brisbane Airport.

The formal hand-over ceremony was attended by representatives of the Commonwealth, aviation and aerospace industry executives, senior officers of the Australian Defence Force, and senior management of Australian Aerospace Limited and its parent; Eurocopter.

Acquired under Project Air 87, the Tiger replaces Defence's existing rotary-wing force comprising Bell 206B-1 (Kiowa) reconnaissance and UH1-H (Iroquois) gunship helicopters. The Tigers have been deployed with the Army's 1st Aviation Regiment in Darwin, the Army Aviation Training Centre at Oakey in Queensland and at RAAF Edinburgh, in South Australia.

Commenting at the final delivery, Dr Jens Goennemann Chief Executive Officer Australian Aerospace, said: "This is a great day for Army Aviation, the Australian Defence Force and for Australian Aerospace, marking another important milestone in the ARH program.

"The Tiger ARH has been a complex and demanding program and one not without its fair share of challenges,' Dr. Goennemann said. 'But extensive collaboration and a cooperative approach by Australian Aerospace, our industry partners and the various ADF branches involved has been a significant contributor to where we proudly stand today."

Dr. Goennemann said delivery of ARH022 did not signify an end to Australian Aerospace's Tiger relationship with the ADF. "Australian Aerospace will continue to work with Army to support, maintain and bring this important new platform to maturity within the ADF."

Under Project AIR 87, as well as assembly of the Tigers and delivery of ground crew training systems, Australian Aerospace is also responsible for the overall program management and Through-Life-Support (TLS) of the helicopters throughout their service life.

The Tiger ARH is the world's most advanced armed reconnaissance helicopter, comprising a streamlined design incorporating cutting-edge technologies. The largely composite airframe makes the Tiger lighter, faster and more agile than its competitors and reduces the helicopter's radar cross-section.

Equipped to carry a 30mm turreted-cannon in the nose, 70mm rockets and Hellfire air-to-ground missiles, the Tiger can detect and engage targets at long distances. The French Defence Force has operated its Tigers in Afghanistan since 2009 and in Libya in 2011 with great success.

The strong relationship between the ADF and Australian Aerospace holds true across Australian Aerospace's range of Defence programs. The company supports the C-130J Hercules Transports, the AP-3C Orion reconnaissance aircraft and the MRH90 multi-role helicopter. The MRH90 is presently being assembled in-country and delivered to Defence. The two partners recently signed a deed agreement to pave the way for the successful introduction of the capability into service.

About Australian Aerospace:
With more than 1100 staff in Australia and New Zealand, Australian Aerospace has access to the financial strength and expertise of Eurocopter and the EADS Group.

At its production facility on Brisbane Airport, Australian Aerospace is currently assembling and delivering 22 Tiger ARH armed reconnaissance helicopters for the Australian Army and 46 MRH90 multi-role helicopters for the Army and Navy.

In addition to its helicopter capabilities, Australian Aerospace supports the Royal Australian Air Force's (RAAF) AP-3C Orion reconnaissance aircraft and C-130J Hercules transports. The company is also involved in supporting the RAAF's new Airbus A330-based Multi-Role Tanker-Transport (MRTT) aircraft and F/A18 (Classic) Hornet fighters.


Los nuevos sistemas Christie Matrix StIM mejoran el realismo del simulador de la base aérea RNAS Culdrose

La tecnología del sistema de visualización del simulador de vuelo completo (FFS) de la base aérea Royal Naval Air Station (RNAS) Culdrose, sede del centro de entrenamiento del helicóptero RN Sea King, ha sido recientemente actualizada para garantizar que las tripulaciones encargadas de llevar a cabo operaciones de apoyo en Afganistán a bordo del Commando Helicopter Force (CHF) y el Airborne Surveillance and Control (ASaC) tengan acceso a los últimos avances en tecnología y realismo visual desde la cabina del piloto.

Antes de que los especialistas en formación y simulación de Thales UK entraran en acción, la base aérea RNAS Culdrose, situada en las proximidades de Helston, en Cornualles, funcionaba con una tecnología CRT ya desfasada. Varias razones empujaron a Thales a recomendar el nuevo Christie Matrix StIM™, un avanzado sistema de proyección DLP basado en tecnología LED que ofrece la ventaja única de apoyar operaciones de visualización convencionales estimulando al mismo tiempo la visión nocturna de la tripulación mediante NVG (gafas de visión nocturna). Esta novedosa prestación resuelve un importante vacío que afectaba al programa de entrenamiento de visión nocturna de las tripulaciones de los RN Sea King.

Los proveedores ven en la capacidad del sistema de simular vuelos rasantes nocturnos con un grado de fidelidad superior al ofrecido por su antecesor — los proyectores CRT— la oportunidad de que tanto los pilotos en prácticas como los pilotos experimentados puedan vivir desde la cabina de entrenamiento el desafío que ese tipo de vuelo supone antes de embarcarse en misiones reales.

Ya se han instalado tres sistemas Matrix StIM de doble entrada — un proyector LED WUXGA DLP® de un chip y 600 lúmenes — así como versiones actualizadas del software ThalesView y generadores de imágenes (IG) más potentes, dotando así de un nuevo realismo a los diferentes terrenos y condiciones que aguardan seguramente a los pilotos. Todo ello mejorado con la solución Christie MotoBlend™, compatible con infrarrojos, diseñada para optimizar imágenes realistas tanto diurnas como nocturnas y adaptada al perfil envolvente generado por un procesador Christie Twist™ Pro. El resultado es una imagen integrada sin fisuras ni sobresaltos en una serie de proyectores capaces de ofrecer desde la cabina del simulador un campo de visión de 200º de gran realismo.

El sistema Matrix StIM supone el primer proyector capaz de proporcionar control independiente tanto del espectro visible como del espectro infrarrojo y de ofrecer en tiempo real un equilibrio en los niveles cromáticos y de brillo. Se trata además del primer sistema de simulación diseñado con tecnología de iluminación de estado sólido, con lo que su mantenimiento es prácticamente inexistente. Todas estas prestaciones eran cruciales para que Thales pudiera ofrecer la simulación NVG con la fidelidad exigida por el usuario final.

Además de proporcionar lo último en visualización de las simulaciones, otras características del sistema que no pasaron desapercibidas para el director de programa de Thales UK, Brian Mouser, encargado de la supervisión durante las cinco semanas que duró la fase de instalación, fueron el bajo coste de propiedad y reducido consumo energético, el factor de forma compacto y el peso, notablemente inferior al del sistema anterior.

«La tecnología ha avanzado muchísimo desde la última actualización del simulador y Christie Matrix StIM era la apuesta perfecta para mejorar las imágenes y el entrenamiento y para optimizar el consumo energético», comenta Brian Mouser. «Este sistema ofrece enormes ventajas en cuanto a peso, tamaño y consumo energético».

En un primer momento se seleccionaron dos sistemas para su evaluación. Sin embargo, tras someterlos a varias pruebas, Christie se posicionó en clara ventaja con respecto a su competidor. «Lo que de verdad nos interesaba» — confirma Mouser — «era el nivel de rendimiento en la estimulación de las NVG (gafas de visión nocturna) tan populares entre los pilotos y la solución de Christie permitía a la tripulación entrenarse con visión nocturna sin perder la visión nocturna convencional mirando por debajo de las gafas. Los sistemas Matrix StIM ofrecían a las instalaciones una solución inédita».

El enorme salto tecnológico que supone esa estimulación NVG de gran realismo se logra combinando iluminación InfraRGB™ (RGB y LED infrarrojos) y Christie InfraScene™, una solución única de procesamiento y visualización de contenido de infrarrojos.

Al mismo tiempo, Thales UK introdujo unos generadores de imágenes (IG) más potentes, capaces de ejecutar las nuevas bases de datos, conectados a ThalesViewNG (siguiente generación), una versión mejorada de su software. «Todo ello nos permitió alcanzar un mayor nivel de brillo y unos gráficos mejorados — incluidos paisajes marinos en 3D con oleaje— y efectos de recirculación — mar, nieve, arena y polvo — simulando la fuerza generada por las hélices al aterrizar. Exactamente lo que ven los pilotos».

La configuración del hardware del ThalesViewNG comprende diversos ordenadores comerciales, con unidades adicionales dedicadas específicamente a los canales infrarrojos. Hay además varios canales IG y monitores instalados en la consola del instructor para que éste vea exactamente lo que el piloto tiene ante sus ojos. Por encima de todo el sistema, un ordenador central controla los IG y va cargando los diferentes escenarios.

Sin duda, el nuevo centro de simulación está ganando adeptos entre los pilotos que se entrenan en la base de RNAS Culdrose. Tanto éstos como sus instructores constatan una mejora en el brillo y nitidez de las imágenes y se muestran encantados con la posibilidad de volar simultáneamente en modo de iluminación NVG y normal, una herramienta de entrenamiento muy valiosa sobre todo en operaciones nocturnas de aterrizaje en superficies no iluminadas o en cubiertas de buques.

El capitán de corbeta Steve King, oficial al mando del simulador del Sea King, lo plantea de la siguiente forma: «El simulador del Sea King es un entorno de entrenamiento de primer orden que ofrece una formación única, rentable y de un valor incalculable a toda la tripulación de los Royal Navy Sea Kings, así como a usuarios externos. Entre las últimas actualizaciones introducidas para mejorar el adiestramiento para operaciones de combate se incluye una completa Serie de Ayudas Defensivas y un nuevo paquete Afganistán, con gráficos personalizados y entornos hostiles: una herramienta de entrenamiento estimulante y de gran realismo. Se incluye además un campo de visión de 200º muy parecido al de los pilotos en la cabina de un helicóptero real. Pero el beneficio más importante de estas últimas actualizaciones es la extraordinaria capacidad del sistema para ejecutar simultáneamente tanto imágenes NVG como imágenes nocturnas convencionales usando proyectores Christie. Hay previstas otras mejoras en el entrenamiento que en un futuro permitirán ajustar el proyector para facilitar una transición fluida de las proyecciones diurnas a las proyecciones completamente nocturnas, pasando por estadios de semioscuridad».

El comandante del Sea King, Pat Douglas, añade: «El simulador prepara a nuestra tripulación para cualquier eventualidad. Al poner a sus miembros a prueba en el entorno seguro del simulador, los sometemos a niveles mucho más extremos de lo que probablemente experimentarían en Afganistán, con lo que están más preparados para enfrentarse a las dificultades en el campo de operaciones. En el simulador han de realizar maniobras para esquivar el fuego enemigo, los motores «fallan» en momentos clave del vuelo y las condiciones atmosféricas son extremas. Un elemento fundamental de este realismo es que los nuevos gráficos son capaces de reproducir zonas reales de Afganistán».

Estas modernas actualizaciones permitirán, por muchos años, ofrecer a todos los usuarios de los RN Sea King un magnífico entrenamiento de un valor incalculable. Entretanto, Thales UK se enorgullece del increíble logro que supone actualizar, en tan solo cinco semanas, un sistema integral de visualización.

Christie Matrix StIM™ en RNAS Culdrose from Christie on Vimeo.



Aircraft delivery is scheduled for the first half of 2012

​São José dos Campos, December 6, 2011 – Embraer performed the maiden flight, today, of the first of three EMB 145 Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft ordered by the Indian government. The flight was well performed and all planned tests were successfully achieved. It tooked place at Embraer’s headquarters, in São José do Campos.

“This flight concludes another important phase in this program and starts the flight test campaign,” said Eduardo Bonini Santos Pinto, Senior Vice President Operations & COO – Embraer Defense and Security. “We are moving toward delivery of the first aircraft during the first half 2012.”

Based on the proven Embraer ERJ 145 regional jet, the aircraft features an in-flight refueling system, SATCOM capability, a significant increase in electrical and cooling capacities, and a comprehensive set of aerodynamic and structural changes. These improvements will allow the installation of the advanced electronic systems currently being developed by India’s Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) with CABS (Centre for Airborne Systems) as the nodal agency.

Currently, four Embraer Legacy 600 jets are operated by the Indian Air Force (IAF) for the transportation of Indian VIPs and foreign dignitaries, and a fifth Embraer Legacy 600 is in service with the Border Security Force (BSF), under India’s Ministry of Home Affairs.

Embraer in India

Embraer has a strong presence in the Indian market, and counts both the national government, and private organizations, as customers of a variety of its products. Besides the IAF and the BSF, the Company has successfully placed Executive Jets with private companies in India, such as Aviators Pvt. Ltd. – the first Phenom executive jet customer in the region – and Invision Pvt. Ltd., which holds the largest order for Phenom 100 and Phenom 300 jets in India, to date. To support the operations of the growing number of Embraer Executive Jet customers and operators in the country, Embraer has named Indamer Pvt. Ltd. and Air Works Pvt. Ltd. as authorized service providers in the country.



Successful first flight marks major milestone for Company’s Melbourne, Florida facility.

​Melbourne, Florida, USA, December 8, 2011 – The first Embraer Phenom 100 entry level business jet built at the Company’s new Melbourne, Florida assembly facility made its first flight today at Melbourne International Airport. The aircraft flew to an altitude of 41,000 and to speeds up to its MMO (Maximum Operating Mach number) with zero anomalies.

According to production test pilot Joao Rafael Silva, the two and a half hour post production evaluation flight went exactly as planned. The aircraft successfully flew designated items from the standard test card used to evaluate systems and performance of each Phenom 100 aircraft prior to delivery.

“We are very proud of the production flight test results,” said Phil Krull, Managing Director, Embraer Executive Aircraft, Inc. “This flight clearly shows that our Melbourne team is ready to carry on seamless production of the Embraer Phenom 100 with the same level of excellence as our colleagues in Brazil.”

“This is an extraordinary milestone for our Company” said Robert Knebel, Vice President, Sales for North America, Embraer Executive Jets. “To have one of our most successful aircraft built in Melbourne and flying across American skies embodies Embraer’s determination to build a strong footprint in the US.”

Embraer opened the Melbourne production facility in February 2011 and just last Monday, December 5th, inaugurated its 58,000 square foot, state-of-the-art Global Customer Center.

“This is a historic week for the Company,” said Ernest Edwards, President, Embraer Executive Jets, “The opening of Embraer’s global Customer Center on Monday, followed by today’s first flight of the first Phenom 100 built in the US, gives our customers, suppliers and friends a sense of our commitment to our promises and feelings of immense pride to all our employees.”

This first US-made Phenom 100, built for Kansas City-based Phenom 100 and Phenom 300 fractional provider Executive AirShare, is slated to be delivered before the end of the month.

About the Phenom 100

The entry level Phenom 100 can accommodate up to eight occupants and has seven different interior options designed in partnership with BMW Group DesignworksUSA. Its range of 1,178 nautical miles (2,182 km), including NBAA IFR fuel reserves, means the aircraft is capable of flying nonstop from New York to Miami, in the U.S.; from London to Rome, in Europe; or from Brisbane to Melbourne, in Australia. The jet was certified in December 2008, and has proved to be the fastest and to have the largest baggage capacity in its category. The Phenom 100 has the latest in cockpit design, and a private aft lavatory is one of its competitive features


Boeing Receives US Air Force Reusable Booster System Contract

HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif., Dec. 7, 2011 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has received a $2 million contract from the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) to define requirements and design concepts for the Reusable Booster System (RBS) Flight and Ground Experiments program. This program will enhance space launch capability by providing a reliable, responsive and cost-effective system.

Boeing will begin work immediately on the requirements and concepts for the RBS demonstration vehicle, called RBS Pathfinder, at the company's Huntington Beach facility. Under the indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract, three teams will compete for a follow-on task order to develop the vehicle and conduct a flight test.
"Boeing looks forward to sharing our extensive background in the development of launch systems and reusable space vehicles with the Air Force," said Steve Johnston, director of Boeing Phantom Works' Advanced Space Exploration division. "As we create advanced concepts for this next-generation launch system, we'll have opportunities to apply many lessons learned from our past successes."

RBS Pathfinder will be designed to autonomously fly back to the launch site after upper-stage separation using an innovative method, called rocket-back, that manages the booster's energy and flight path.
"The Pathfinder design will allow it to land horizontally on a specified landing strip," said Will Hampton, Boeing RBS program manager.


Boeing 787 Dreamliner Sets Speed, Distance Records

EVERETT, Wash., Dec. 8, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) has established two world records with the 787 Dreamliner, setting new marks for both speed and distance for the airplane's weight class.
"Speed and distance capabilities are fundamental to the value the 787 brings to the market," said Scott Fancher, vice president and general manager of the 787 program. "These records are a great way to demonstrate that this airplane is the game-changer we have promised."
The Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner is the first airplane to provide both long distance capabilities with mid-size capacity (210-250 passengers in a three-class seating), allowing airlines to open new, non-stop routes preferred by the traveling public. The airplane is 20 percent more fuel efficient than similarly sized airplanes.
The sixth 787, ZA006, powered by General Electric GEnx engines, departed from Boeing Field in Seattle at 11:02 a.m. on Dec. 6 and set the distance record for its class (440,000-550,000 lbs.) with a 10,710 nmi (19,835 km) flight to Dhaka, Bangladesh, with credit for 10,337 nmi (19,144 km). This record had previously been held by the Airbus A330 based on a 9,127 nmi (16,903 km) flight in 2002.
Following an approximately two-hour stop for refueling in Dhaka, the airplane returned to Seattle on a 9,734 nmi (18,027 km) flight. The airplane landed at 5:29 a.m. on Dec. 8, setting a new record for speed around the world (eastbound) with a total trip time of 42 hours and 27 minutes. There was no previous around-the-world speed record for this weight class.
The 787 carried six pilots, an observer for the National Aeronautic Association (NAA), and operations and other Boeing employees – 13 people in total.
Flight routing on the first segment of the journey took the airplane from Seattle across the U.S. to Nantucket. After crossing the Atlantic Ocean, the airplane entered European air space at Santiago, Spain, and proceeded down the Mediterranean, across Egypt to Luxor, across the Middle East and over India to Bangladesh. On the second segment, the Dreamliner flew over Singapore, the Philippines and Guam before entering U.S. airspace over Honolulu and returning to Seattle.
Boeing holds world records for longest distance flights in five weight classes with records set by the KC-135, 767-200ER (extended range), 777-200 and 777-200LR (longer range). The 777-200 also holds the speed record for its weight class.


Safran, Honeywell Plan Electric Tug Tests With Eye On A320NEO

Safran, Honeywell Plan Electric Tug Tests With Eye On A320NEO: Safran bought an A320 to conduct the tests and expects its best sales opportunities to come from airlines flying short-haul, quick turnaround routes.


Safran, Honeywell Plan Electric Tug Tests With Eye On A320NEO

Safran, Honeywell Plan Electric Tug Tests With Eye On A320NEO: Safran bought an A320 to conduct the tests and expects its best sales opportunities to come from airlines flying short-haul, quick turnaround routes.


Geared For Success: Landmark Year For PurePower Geared Turbofan Engine

Geared For Success: Landmark Year For PurePower Geared Turbofan Engine: Has Purchase Commitments From 25 Airlines And Other Customers Pratt & Whitney is calling 2011 a banner year for its newest engine program, saying it has commitments from 25 airline and lessor customers for more than 2,000 PurePower Geared Turbofan engines. The company has also completed more than 1,250 hours and 2,800 cycles of full engine testing for its first two applications.


Russia Is Reportedly The Most Dangerous Place To Fly

Russia Is Reportedly The Most Dangerous Place To Fly: Commercial Airliner Accidents Reveal Serious Problems In The Industry A new report from a London consulting firm has identified Russia as the most dangerous country in the world to fly on a commercial airliner. The report indicates that fatalities and accidents in Russia over the past year exceed statistics from less-developed places like Congo and Indonesia.


Los TCP de Iberia se desmarcan de la huelga que hoy deciden los pilotos

Madrid.- Los tripulantes de cabina (TCP) de Iberia rechazaron sumarse a la huelga anunciada por el sindicato de pilotos de la aerolínea, y que hoy concretarán su convocatoria, por entender que cada colectivo debe negociar con la empresa por separado sus convenios.

Noticia completa aqui Los TCP de Iberia se desmarcan de la huelga que hoy deciden los pilotos


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