lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

Los alumnos afectados de Top Fly reclaman 4 millones de euros a los dueños de la escuela de pilotos

Los alumnos afectados de Top Fly reclaman 4 millones de euros a los dueños de la escuela de pilotos:

El proceso judicial iniciado por los alumnos afectados por el cierre de la escuela de pilotos Top Fly, cuyas instalaciones están en el aeropuerto de Sabadell, sigue avanzando y ya se encuentra a punto de acabar la fase previa antes del juicio.

Lockheed Martin lanza con éxito un F-35 con una catapulta electromagnética [con vídeo]


Hace apenas casi un año hablábamos del primer lanzamiento con éxito de un caza con una catapulta electromagnética, un F/A18. Ahora toca otro hito del F-35. El 18 de noviembre de 2011 un F-35C de la US NAVY fue lanzado con una catapulta EMALS, (Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System, Sistema Electromagnético de Lanzamiento de Aeronaves).

Texto completo y video: Lockheed Martin lanza con éxito un F-35 con una catapulta electromagnética [con vídeo]

El director general de Alestis deja la empresa por problemas de salud -

El director general de Alestis deja la empresa por problemas de salud -

El director general de Alestis deja la empresa por problemas de salud
César Fernández de Velasco, vinculado al nacimiento de Gamesa Aeronáutica y luego Aernnova así como al también vasco Grupo Guascor, era un hombre de confianza de Gaizka Grajales, el consejero delegado, que asumirá ahora más funciones. ...

y más »

Burradas Aeronauticas: A340 ... con esteroides

A340 ... con esteroides: Hace un par de dias se conoció la noticia de que un aparato de AirFrance, que habia pasado una revisión completa unas semanas antes, había estado volando con 30 tornillos de menos en una zona de cobertura -no una zona de presiones-

Idea of civilians using drone aircraft may soon fly with FAA - Sacramento Bee

Idea of civilians using drone aircraft may soon fly with FAA - Sacramento Bee:

Idea of civilians using drone aircraft may soon fly with FAA
Sacramento Bee
Small drones are not designed to carry weapons or explosive materials, and the extra weight makes the drones difficult to control, said Gretchen West, executive vice president of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, ...

y más »

Clean Sky is seeking a trainee in communication

The Clean Sky JU has a traineeship programme which gives trainees an understanding of the Joint Undertaking and its role within the activities of the European Union, enables them to acquire practical knowledge of the Joint Undertaking and its regulatory framework and to obtain professional experience in the course of their work.

Clean Sky JU, through its official traineeships scheme wishes to benefit from the input of young enthusiastic graduates, who can give a fresh point of view and up-to-date academic knowledge, enriching the everyday work.

Taking into consideration the existing conditions (small size of Clean Sky JU, absorption capacity) and the budget availability, the Clean Sky JU will publish regularly traineeship vacancies on this site. For the time being the Clean Sky JU wishes to receive applications for one trainee in the Communication Unit:

Functions and responsibilities of the trainee

  • Organise events (info days, conferences etc.)
  • Provide support to press relations (create press reviews, prepare press kits, etc.)
  • Create a CS media database (pictures and videos)
  • Prepare and update CS publications including the CS website
  • Disseminate info packs
  • Support the design and follow up the production of posters and roll-ups
  • Provide administrative and organisational support related to on-going and newly established projects

The trainee will have an adviser within the JU team, who may be responsible for one trainee only per training period. The adviser must guide and closely follow the trainee during his/her traineeship, acting as his/her mentor.


All trainees are awarded a monthly living allowance of €1071,19 per month.
Any trainee who terminates his/her traineeship early will be required to reimburse that part of the living allowance which he/she may have received, relating to the period after the termination date.

How to apply

The placements are for periods of 6 to a maximum of 12 months.
Interested candidates should send a motivation letter in English together with their CV in EU format ( and a copy of their studies certificate by e-mail to
For this position, applications will be accepted for the all period from 1 December 2011 to 30 March 2012.
Please specify also the first availability date to start the traineeship .

Press Release

El consejero delegado de Alestis asumirá mayores responsabilidades ante la marcha del director general

El consejero delegado de Alestis asumirá mayores responsabilidades ... - Europa Press:

Europa Press

El consejero delegado de Alestis asumirá mayores responsabilidades ...
Europa Press
El consejo de administración de Alestis Aerospace, en su reunión celebrada el pasado 25 de noviembre, ha acordado que el primer ejecutivo de la compañía, Gaizka Grajales Jiménez, asuma mayores responsabilidades en sus funciones de consejero delegado, ...

y más »

Aeroflot’s Sukhoi Superjet 100 fleet performs 1,000 commercial flights

November 25 2011, Moscow — Aeroflot’s Sukhoi Superjet 100 fleet accumulated 1,000 commercial flights. The jubilee flight SU824 was performed by the aircraft named after Mikhail Vodopyanov (RA 89003, MSN 95008) on route St Petersburg — Moscow on November 23, 2011. The SSJ100 fleet of Aeroflot scored nearly 1,600 flight hours.

„The one — thousandth commercial flight performed by Aeroflot’s SSJ100 fleet confirms the superior operational performance of our aircraft. We see that the SSJ100 is becoming an excellent tool for the development of the Aeroflot regional network. We will do our best to make sure that the growing fleet of SSJ100 meets the expectations of the airline”, noted Vladimir Prisyazhnyuk, President of JSC „Sukhoi Civil Aircraft”.

Aeroflot currently operates three SSJ100 aircraft which serve routes from Moscow to St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Astrakhan, Chelyabinsk, Kazan and Minsk. These aircraft will also start to serve international routes of the airline this year. Aeroflot’s operations confirm that the aircraft is able to serve efficiently regional routes with the high frequency of departure.

Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) is a 100 seat regional jet designed, developed and built by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), in partnership with Alenia Aeronautica. On May 19th 2008 SSJ100 successfully accomplished its first flight. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 cruises at a Maximum Operating Speed of Mach 0.81 and 40,000 feet. It takes off from a 1,731 meters runway in the basic range and 2,052 meters in the long range. The operating range for the basic version is 3,048 km and 4,578 km for the long range version. In February 2011, the SSJ100 obtained the Type Certificate by the Russian Certification Authority IAC AR. The EASA certification is expected to follow in 2011. On April 19th 2011 first production SSJ100 was delivered to Armavia airlines (Armenia). There are currently four SSJ100s in service with Armavia and Aeroflot.


Tecnam P2006T Next-Generation twin achieves full Transport Canada validation.

Transport Canada today confirmed that the Tecnam P2006T twin is now fully validated, thereby enabling potential Canadian Tecnam customers to purchase and operate the world’s fastest selling light piston twin aircraft.

“The Tecnam P2006T Next-Generation twin has established itself as a real game changer’’ said Phil Solomon, CEO of Tecnam North America. ‘’We have a number of potential Canadian customers eagerly anticipating Transport Canada’s certification of the Tecnam Twin, so we expect to announce our first orders very soon.’’

‘’I am delighted that Transport Canada certification of the Tecnam P2006T Next-Generation twin results in this wonderful aircraft now being available for sale through all our 50 worldwide distributors’’ said Paolo Pascale, Tecnam’s Managing Director. ‘’I am especially grateful to the Tecnam certification and production teams. It’s a remarkable achievement. We have delivered nearly 100 Tecnam P2006T Next-Generation twins and with many more on order, we have now accelerated production to meet this unprecedented demand, resulting in our delivering a Tecnam P2006T every 5 days, firmly establishing Tecnam as the world’s Number 1 for light twin aircraft deliveries’’.

The Tecnam P2006T Next-Generation twin is in a class of its own, bringing affordable multi-engine flying to aero-clubs, flying schools, syndicates and private aircraft owners. In addition, the P2006T has sparked significant interest on a larger scale for charter/air-taxi usage as well as a platform for surveillance and observation for government usage. The P2006T offers unbeatable value, coupled with low operating and ownership costs, innovative design and Italian styling. Tecnam’s partnership with Rotax and its '912S' engine (plus the option of a Garmin glass cockpit) allows the P2006T to lead with respect to the environment too. With both a remarkable fuel saving offering and much lower noise emissions, it promises to redefine both the flight training and aircraft ownership experience in one step.
For more information on The Tecnam P2006T twin, the affordable four seat, next-generation twin aircraft for the price of a single


EASA certifies ‘night VFR operation’ for Tecnam P2002 analogue cockpit aeroplanes

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) today issued Major Change Approval number 10034907, certifies ‘night VFR operation’’ for use in analogue versions of both Tecnam P2002JF and Tecnam P2002JR aeroplanes.

This major change approval follows on from EASA’s recent approval of the ‘VFR night package’ for Garmin 500 (G500) equipped Tecnam P2002JFs too.

‘’EASA’s certification allowing night VFR flight in both analogue and glass cockpit versions of the Tecnam P2002JF and Tecnam P2002JR models, is part of our continuing drive to offer Tecnam customers and operators even more options that help ensure safe and smooth flying” said Paolo Pascale, Tecnam’s Managing Director ‘’ The Tecnam P2002JF is one of Europe’s most popular single engine aeroplanes with over 200 delivered to customers in 2010 alone. For my Tecnam team, designing and building aeroplanes isn’t just a job, it’s an extension of our passion for flying.’’

The Tecnam P2002JF and P2002JR are two seat low wing aeroplanes that offer superlative performance. Tecnam’s history of innovative design and Italian styling, coupled with its association with Rotax Engines has resulted in aeroplanes of unbeatable value making them the fastest selling EASA CS-VLA certified aeroplanes in the sky!


Flying robots to build a 6-meter tower

Flying robots to build a 6-meter tower:

France's FRAC Center will be hosting an exhibition to be built entirely by flying robots (...

The FRAC Centre in Orléans, France will for the first time host an exhibition to be built entirely by flying robots. Titled "Flight Assembled Architecture," the six meter-high tower will be made up of 1,500 prefabricated polystyrene foam modules. The exhibition has been developed by Swiss architect Gramazio & Kohler and Italian robot designer Raffaello D'Andrea, to inspire new methods of thinking about architecture as a "physical process of dynamic formation."..

La UNASUR tendrá su agencia espacial y desarrollará un avión de entrenamiento propio

En el marco del Consejo de Defensa Suramericano, que tuvo lugar en Lima, los ministros de Defensa de la UNASUR aceptaron la propuesta argentina de crear una agencia espacial y un avión de entrenamiento básico-primario latinoamericano.

El objeto de la Reunión Extraordinaria del Consejo de Defensa Suramericano que tuvo lugar la semana pasada en Lima y reunió a los doce ministros de defensa de la UNASUR, fue la aprobación del Plan de Acción 2012, que consiste en proyectos y actividades a desarrollar en torno a cuatro ejes principales: 1. Políticas de Defensa; 2. Cooperación Militar, Acciones Humanitarias y Operaciones de Paz; 3. Industria y Tecnología de Defensa; y 4. Formación y Capacitación.

Noticia en: La UNASUR tendrá su agencia espacial y desarrollará un avión de entrenamiento propio

Second X-47B UCAS-D Flies

Second X-47B UCAS-D Flies: Northrop Grumman has flown the US Navy's second of two X-47B unmanned combat air system demonstrators at Edwards AFB in California. Air vehicle 2 completed the 29min flight on November 22.

blog post photo
Photo: Northrop Grumman

11 Photos and Videos of 'interesting' UAVs

La huelga general en el Reino Unido amenaza con colapsar Heathrow

Londres.- El aeropuerto londinense de Heathrow, uno de los más grandes de Europa, podría sufrir importantes retrasos el próximo miércoles debido a una huelga del personal de tierra, según anunció el gestor aeroportuario BAA, filial del grupo constructor español Ferrovial.

seguir leyendo: La huelga general en el Reino Unido amenaza con colapsar Heathrow