martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

Dubai Air Show 2011 Day 2 highlights

TIM ROBINSON reports on Day 2 highlights from this year’s Dubai Air Show on 13-17 November

Plenty to see.

The second day of the Dubai air show dawned and the heat, quite literally was back on. Let’s take a look at some of the highlights from Day 2.

-Airbus strikes back with ALAFCO neo order
-Oman Air secures 787s
-CSeries flight deck and cabin unveiled
-More Typhoon combat debut detail emerges
-Boeing reveals Middle Eastmarket forecast
-MC-21 – taking on neo & MAX
-ATR secures more orders
-Randy Babbitt at RAeS UAE Branch

Dubai Air Show 2011 Day 2 highlights:

Acceptance of the First T-346A for the Italian Air Force Completed

Acceptance of the First T-346A for the Italian Air Force Completed: The General Directorate of Air Armaments (DGAA) in Rome was the venue for the acceptance ceremony for the T-346A, the first aircraft of the M-346 series, built by Alenia Aermacchi. The official documents were signed after intensive checks carried out in a constructive and proactive manner at the...

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Salón de Dubai: Qatar compra Airbus pero su jefe se enfada con el fabricante

El gran pedido de Qatar Airways que se esperaba para el salón de Dubai ha llegado: 5 Airbus A380 y 50 A320 neo más 30 y 3 opciones repsectivamente. Lo ha anunciado Akbar Al Baker, consejero delegado de Qatar Airways en una rueda de prensa en el salón donde ha aprovechado para cargar contra Airbus, pidiéndoles que vuelvan a rediseñar el A350-1000 ya que el segundo intento de Airbus no le convence tampoco.

Texto completo aqui: Salón de Dubai: Qatar compra Airbus pero su jefe se enfada con el fabricante:

Rusia tiene pedidos para 300 cazas multipropósito Su-30MK - RIA Novosti

Rusia tiene pedidos para 300 cazas multipropósito de la gama Su ... - RIA Novosti:

Rusia tiene pedidos para 300 cazas multipropósito de la gama Su ...
RIA Novosti
... para unos 300 cazas multipropósito de la gama Su-30MK, comunicó hoy Andrei Alioshin, subjefe de Marketing y Relaciones Exteriores en la corporación aeronáutica rusa Irkut, fabricante de estos modelos desarrollados por la oficina de diseño Sukhoi. ...

Airbus receives 155 A320 new orders

Qatar Airways selects 50 Airbus A320neo and 5 additional A380s. Furthering fleet growth with world’s most eco-efficient aircraft Spirit Airlines signs commitment for 75 Airbus A320 Family jets. Deal includes 45 A320neo eco-efficient aircraft Aviation Capital Group signs firm order for 30 A320neo. Lessors select most modern, fuel efficient aircraft for growth

A visit to Sukhoi factory: SSJ100

You can see the whole photo set in:

Russia's MiG Aircraft Company develops 3D flight simulator for the MiG-29 Jet Fighter

Russia's MiG Aircraft Company develops 3D flight simulator for the MiG-29 Jet Fighter:

Russian Aircraft Company's MiG-29

Russian Aircraft Company's MiG is best known for its fighter planes which have been used by the USSR, China, North Korea and North Vietnam since the beginning of WWII. These days, the former Government-owned RAC MiG is a publicly traded entity and competes on the open market with its technologies, having more than 1600 of its MiG-29 fighters in operation in 25 countries. Now MiG is claiming a major first in military aviation with the launch of a 3D flight simulator at the Dubai Air Show, providing volumetric visualization of beyond-the-cockpit space for trainee top guns. The simulator comes complete with the MiG-29’s cockpit and actual control systems...
Continue Reading Russia's MiG Aircraft Company develops 3D flight simulator for the MiG-29 Jet Fighter

Civil Aviation Flight University of China begins helicopter ab-initio technician training programme

Civil Aviation Flight University of China begins helicopter ab-initio technician training programme: The Civil Aviation Flight University of China (CAFUC) has started its first helicopter ab-initio technician training...

Report confirms UK Harrier sale to US

Full Text

Britain has agreed to sell all of its 74 decommissioned Harrier jump jets, along with engines and spare parts, to the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps — a move expected to help the Marines operate Harriers into the mid-2020s and provide extra planes to replace aging two-seat F-18D Hornet strike fighters.

Read more:

GE Not Interested In UAC MS-21

GE Not Interested In UAC MS-21: GE Aviation is "not interested" in delivering an engine for the UAC MS-21.

Russia Has Until December To Save Mars Mission

Russia Has Until December To Save Mars Mission: If the mission can't be revived, the robotic probe is expected to burn up on re-entry and pose no danger to Earth.

Lufthansa Selects CFM56-5B Engines To Power New A320 Aircraft

Lufthansa Selects CFM56-5B Engines To Power New A320 Aircraft: Cites Greater Efficiency, Lower Emissions As Important Factors Deutsche Lufthansa and CFM International announced the selection of the CFM56-5B to power four new Airbus A320 aircraft in a firm engine order valued at approximately $60 million (U.S.) at list price at the Dubai Air Show Monday. The aircraft order was announced in September of this year and the airline will take delivery in 2012 and 2013...

Monumental Milestone! Robinson Produces 10,000th Helicopter!

Monumental Milestone! Robinson Produces 10,000th Helicopter!: Frank Robinson's Innovative Chopper Revitalized An Industry Yes... GA and BizAv is in really rough shape... but one of the truly monumental American aviation success stories revolves solely around the little helicopter that could -- and keeps doing so -- through some 10000 iterations thus far. On the 10th of November, Robinson Helicopter delivered R44 S/N 13217, the company's 10,000th helicopter to come off its production line. A celebration was held at the Torrance factory. Company employees along with representatives from the city, the FAA and many of Robinson's vendors were in attendance ...