jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011
Biocombustibles, problemas, y la importancia de los aromáticos
Safety Inspectors May Not Be Able To Tell If a Dreamliner Is Damaged [Airplanes]
Safety Inspectors May Not Be Able To Tell If a Dreamliner Is Damaged [Airplanes]

The extensive use of composite materials makes the Boeing 787 one of the most advanced commercial aircraft ever built. And ... Read more
Conferencia Campo de aviación de La Senia: 5 Noviembre
Turkey to Buy AH-1W Super Cobra Attack Helicopters
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US ready to sell F-35 fighter to India: Pentagon
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Caza ruso de quinta generación realiza su centésimo vuelo de prueba - RIA Novosti
Caza ruso de quinta generación realiza su centésimo vuelo de prueba RIA Novosti El caza ruso de quinta generación T-50 realizó su centésimo vuelo de prueba, comunicó hoy la empresa Sukhoi. "El centésimo vuelo del T-50 fue realizado hoy en el marco de los vuelos de prueba", indica el comunicado. En estas pruebas participan ... y más » |
Sikorsky Upgrades Gearbox for S-92 - Aviation International News
Sikorsky Upgrades Gearbox for S-92 Aviation International News by Anonymous Sikorsky is developing a next-generation main gearbox (MGB) with enhanced lubrication capabilities with built-in redundancy systems such as chip detectors and oil scavenge systems, according to Spencer Elani, Sikorsky's S-92 program ... |
Treinta grandes empresas EEUU no pagaron impuestos en los últimos ... - Expansión.com
Treinta grandes empresas EEUU no pagaron impuestos en los últimos ... Expansión.com Treinta de las 280 mayores empresas de EEUU, entre ellas el gigante General Electric, la operadora Verizon o el fabricante aeronáutico Boeing, no pagaron impuestos sobre sus ingresos en los últimos tres ejercicios fiscales, según un informe divulgado ... y más » |
airbus a350 con interiores de bmw - El Confidencial
airbus a350 con interiores de bmw El Confidencial El A350 tuvo quien tuvo como personal asociado al equipo de BMW Group Designworks, quienes fueron los encargados del diseño interior de este espectacular avión. La cabina cuenta con todos los servicios y características vanguardistas, con un diseño ... |
Jumping spiderbot made using 3D printing technique

When it comes to deciding on a form of locomotion for their creations, roboticists have plenty of options to choose from. While many go for the tried and tested tank-like tracks or wheels, nature is also a veritable treasure trove of inspiration. That's just where Fraunhofer researchers have turned with a new eight-legged robot modeled on the same principle that moves spider legs. Not only does the design give the spiderbot the agility and stability of real spiders when getting around on the ground, it also features special joints that allow it to jump. ..
Continue Reading Jumping spiderbot made using 3D printing technique
Aeropromesas electorales
Se acercan las elecciones anticipadas del 20-N. Esta vez pocas cosas tienen tanta importancia como las propuestas para salir de la crisis económica y reducir la tasa de desempleo, que roza ya los cinco millones de personas. Debieran ir por ahí nuestras reflexiones a la hora de elegir a quién damos el voto.
Pero, ¿qué pretenden los dos principales candidatos a la presidencia Rubalcaba y Rajoy, con nuestro sector aeronáutico? Si hacemos el ejercicio de descargar los programas electorales de PSOE y PP, y buscamos el prefijo “aero” los resultados son los siguientes… Aeropromesas electorales
EADS, Loral yThales pujan por el mayor satélite militar español
300 MILLONES/ Hisdesat busca al contratista de‘Hisnorsat’, un ingenio hispanonoruego de comunicaciones seguras.
Luis Montoto. Madrid
La lucha para liderar la construcción del mayor satélite español de comunicaciones militares ha comenzado. En estas semanas, Hisdesat –participada por el Ministerio de Defensa (Insa), junto a EADS, Indra o Sener–estáterminando la definición de las especificaciones técnicas de Hisnorsat, un proyecto hispano noruego que requerirá una inversión de 300 millones de euros. Apartir de ahí, comenzará a recibir las ofertas de los aspirantes a ser contratistas principal es del proyecto.
Articulo entero aqui: EADS, Loral yThales pujan por el mayor satélite militar español
EADS perdonará sanciones a Alemania si apoya el Talarion
Según el diario The Financial Times Deutschland, esta es la propuesta que le hará Stefan Zoller, responsable de la filial de defensa de EADS, al ministro de Defensa alemán, Thomas de Maizière, en un próximo encuentro. El Talarion está en el aire ante la falta de financiación de los países que lo promovieron: Alemania, Francia y España. [...]
U.S. Spaceflight: Commercial Versus Federal
Airbus Delivers Hello Kitty A330
Boeing Updates 737 MAX Engine Configuration Status and Customer Commitments
SEATTLE, Nov. 3, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) announced today that the 737 MAX program has selected a 68-inch fan diameter for the optimized engine design that will provide the lowest fuel burn and operating costs in the single-aisle market.
The 737 MAX continues to receive overwhelming acceptance from customers with more than 600 order commitments received to date from eight airlines, up from 496 airplanes from five airlines when the program launched in August.
The program is on schedule with internal configuration milestones of the new jet, with a continued focus on engagement with customers and partners to optimize the engine core architecture. Firm configuration for the airplane is scheduled for 2013. First flight for the 737 MAX is scheduled in 2016 with deliveries to customers beginning in 2017.
"The 737 is a more efficient, lighter design and requires less thrust than other airplanes in this class, which is important because weight and thrust have a significant effect on fuel efficiency and operating costs," said John Hamilton, 737 Chief Program Engineer. "With airlines facing rising fuel costs and weight-based costs equating to nearly 30 percent of an airline's operating costs, this optimized 68-inch fan design will offer a smaller, lighter and more fuel-efficient engine to ensure we maintain the current advantage we have over the competition."
The new 737 family will be powered by CFM International LEAP-1B engines. The new-engine variant will have 10-12 percent lower fuel burn than current 737s and a 7-percent operating cost advantage over the competition. The airplane will have the capacity for increased range while providing better fuel efficiency than today's already-efficient 737.
When compared to a fleet of 100 of today's most fuel-efficient airplanes, this new model will emit 277,000 fewer tons of CO2 and save nearly 175 million pounds of fuel per year, which translates into $85 million in cost savings. The airplane's fuel burn is expected to be 16 percent lower than our competitor's current offering and 4 percent lower than their future offering.
The Boeing 737 is the world's most popular and reliable commercial jet transport. The 737 family has won orders for more than 9,000 airplanes
NAVAIR PMA-275 honored for cost-per-flight-hour reduction across V-22 fleet
Since 2009, NAVAIR PMA-275 has teamed with its industry partners, including Bell Boeing and suppliers, on a focused effort to reduce cost-per-flight-hour across the V-22 Osprey fleet. As a direct result of the CPFH Reduction Team's work, the actual costs for fiscal year 2010 were lower than estimated. This trend of decreasing operational costs has continued as the fiscal 2011 CPFH figures are more than 15 percent less than the previous fiscal year.
“On behalf of the thousands of Bell Helicopter, Boeing and supplier employees who build and maintain the Osprey fleet, congratulations to the PMA-275 team on this well deserved honor,” said John Rader, executive director of the Bell Boeing V-22 Program. “In this challenging economic environment, it is crucial for government and industry to work together to drive down costs. Our employees take great pride in knowing their hard work in support of PMA-275’s cost-per-flight-hour reduction initiative is appreciated and recognized by the Department of Defense.”
Sponsored by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, the annual David Packard Excellence in Acquisition Award recognizes DoD civilian and/or military organizations, groups or teams who have demonstrated exemplary innovation and best acquisition practices.
According to Col. Greg Masiello, V-22 joint program manager at PMA-275, the reduction in cost-per-flight-hour was accomplished through reliability and maintainability improvements, maintenance concept changes, stand-up of additional repair capability, component repair price reductions, and alternate contract strategies.
“The team promoted innovative and practical ideas which provided tangible benefits to our warfighters and taxpayers,” said Masiello. “The work of this team will continue to yield benefits for years to come.”
The Bell Boeing support team worked closely with NAVAIR to develop and implement a retrofit process which provided improved components to the entire operational fleet, including deployed aircraft. The team also worked together to review and improve critical maintenance and troubleshooting procedures for maintainers in the field.
Colonel Michael Morgan accepted the aircraft on behalf of the 1st Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division of the United States Army and commended the efforts of the depot and Bell Helicopter.
“I’m impressed with the initiative which combines CCAD’s aircraft depot level rebuild and Bell Helicopter’s full aircraft cabin modernization for OH-58 Kiowa Warriors,” said Col Morgan. “This initiative is providing cost effective solutions as we begin to navigate the sobering reality of resource constraints. This is an efficient solution to provide Kiowa Warriors to our Army.”
The Army’s Kiowa Warrior Wartime Replacement Aircraft Program is a combined effort between CCAD, Bell Helicopter, and the Armed Scout Helicopter Project Management Office to return the Army to its requirement of 368 OH-58 aircraft. Currently, the Army’s fleet is down more than 40 aircraft from its authorized acquisition objective. The program takes an existing A model airframe and converts it to a D model aircraft. Bell has an additional 18 conversion cabins on contract with the USG with a second option for 10 – 21 more cabins in work.
Work on each aircraft begins at CCAD, where the aircraft is stripped down to a bare cabin. Bell Helicopter converts the cabin from an A model cabin to a D model cabin complete with a full wire harness, flight controls, and fuel cells. The modified cabin is returned to CCAD where the final work is completed on the aircraft. Work on the first cabin was done at Bell Helicopter’s XworX facility in Ft. Worth, Texas. The second cabin is on schedule for delivery ahead of contract, out of Bell Helicopter’s Military Aircraft Assembly and Delivery Center in Amarillo, TX during the second week in November. The remainder of Bell Helicopter’s work on the program will be completed at the Amarillo facility.
“We are pleased with the success we have had with our Army programs,” said Jim Schultz, Program Manager for OH-58D, Bell Helicopter. “We believe in the commitment we have to the war fighter and are willing to step up to the challenge to get these important aircraft back into the fleet.”
As part of the Wartime Replacement Aircraft contract, Bell Helicopter is working on a contract option to restart a new production line of cabins. These cabins would provide a hot production line of new metal cabins in lieu of conversion cabins. Bell Helicopter built 39 OH-58D new production aircraft in the late 1990’s for Taiwan.
In addition to work on this program, Bell Helicopter recently completed the last aircraft in the Army’s OH-58D Safety Enhancement Program, a program that ran for 13 years on or ahead on contract schedule, and Bell is currently working on the Kiowa Warrior Cockpit and Sensor Upgrade Program. The successful execution of all these programs reflects the continued commitment Bell Helicopter has with the US Army.
With more than 750,000 fleet combat hours, the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior is a combat-proven aircraft that is safe, rugged and reliable, maintaining the highest operational tempo and readiness rate of any Army helicopter operating in Afghanistan and Iraq.
ATR Delivers to Air Lease Corporation their First ATR 72-600
Toulouse, 03 November 2011
European turboprop manufacturer ATR today delivered to the U.S.-based lessor, Air Lease Corporation (ALC) their first ATR 72-600 turboprop aircraft. Founded by Steven F. Udvar-Hazy, ALC has agreed in 2010 and 2011 to purchase 12 ATR 72-600s, with options for 8 additional ATR 72-600s. Among the reasons ALC chose to add the ATR to its fleet are the aircraft’s advanced avionics and its redesigned cabin. Today’s delivery of the first aircraft to ALC comes during a year when ATR has booked a record number of orders for its turboprop aircraft.
Brazil’s TRIP Linhas Aéreas, one of the leading carriers in South American regional aviation, will operate this and the next five ATR 72-600s delivered to ALC. This will enable the expansion of its domestic network to new destinations, as well as adding capacity and more frequent routes in growing markets.
“We are pleased to take delivery of our very first ATR 72-600 aircraft and lease it to Trip Linhas Aéreas” declared Steven F. Udvar-Hazy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ALC. “The ATR 72-600 is one of the most technologically advanced turboprop aircraft in the industry and will help to lower operating costs and maximize efficiency for the airline.”
“We began this partnership with Air Lease Corporation more than a year ago and we are thrilled to see it come to fruition with today’s delivery of their first ATR 72-600,” said ATR CEO Filippo Bagnato. “Air Lease is a very well-respected leasing company and we are honored to fulfill a need with our 600 series which provides a good investment for the lessor, cost-savings to the airlines, and comfortable in-flight experience for their passengers. We are also pleased to contribute to the expansion of TRIP in Brazil’s very dynamic regional market”.
The ATR -600 series features the most advanced technology available anywhere in regional aviation. It helps airlines manage operational costs by using significantly less fuel than regional jets. The aircraft also features improved avionics, enhanced performance in hot and high environments and increased cabin space. The ATR -600s feature larger overhead bins for carry-on roller bags and the widest cabin in its class for more legroom. As an option, they can feature also a dual-class cabin and in-flight entertainment.
During the July 2010 Farnborough International Air Show, ALC became the first U.S. lessor to purchase new ATRs with its order for 10 new ATR 72-600s, along with options for an additional 10. ALC converted 2 of the options into firm orders in September 2011.
About the ATR 72-600:
Passenger capacity: 68-74 seats
Engines: Pratt & Whitney 127M
Maximum power at take-off: 2,750 horse power per engine
Maximum weight at take-off: 23,000 Kg
Maximum load: 7,500 Kg
Maximum range with full passenger load: 899 nautical miles (1,665 Km)
Fuel burn (1-hour flight): 2.5 kg/passenger/100 km
About Air Lease Corporation (NYSE: AL)
Launched in 2010, ALC is an aircraft leasing company based in Los Angeles, California that has airline customers throughout the world. ALC and its team of dedicated and experienced professionals are principally engaged in purchasing commercial aircraft and leasing them to its airline partners worldwide through customized aircraft leasing and financing solutions.
For more information, visit ALC's website at www.airleasecorp.com.
About TRIP Linhas Aéreas:
After more than 13 years of activity in Brazil, TRIP is the largest regional airline in South America in terms of cities served and of regional fleet. The company is majority owned by the Caprioli and Águia Branca groups,. One of TRIP’s investors, with a 20% share of its capital, is the U.S.’s SkyWest, Inc. that, with more than 700 aircraft, is the biggest regional airline in the world. With a turnover of 747 MR$ (US$ 450 million) in 2010 and a number of 3000 direct employees, TRIP served 85 cities transporting about 5 million passengers with a fleet of 47 regional aircraft.
For more information, see www.voetrip.com.br.
About ATR
Formed in 1981, ATR has grown to become a leading manufacturer of 50- to 74-seat regional turboprop aircraft, has sold more than 1,200 aircraft and has 175 operators in 94 countries. ATR operators have accumulated more than 21 million flights. ATR is a joint venture and equal partnership between major European aerospace companies Alenia Aeronautica (a Finmeccanica company) and EADS. Its headquarters are in Toulouse, France. ATR is certified ISO 14001, the worldwide standard for environmental management and sustainability.
For more information, visit www.atraircraft.com
Singapore Airlines signs new Flight Hour Services contract with Airbus for support of its 15 additional A330s
Blagnac, 03 November 2011
Singapore Airlines has signed a new Flight Hour Services (FHS) Tailored Support Package contract with Airbus to integrate and provide full component support, line and base airframe maintenance, as well as fleet technical management services for its 15 additional A330 aircraft ordered in September this year.
Under this long-term agreement, the airline will benefit from Airbus’ expertise in the areas of maintenance, engineering, reliability and supply chain management, partnering together with component manufacturers and with maintenance, repair and overhaul organisations.
Didier Lux, Airbus’ Executive Vice President, Customer Services said: “This further order extends the FHS support to Singapore Airlines into the year 2021 and we are particularly proud of their continued confidence in Airbus’ customer service achievements.” He adds: “Through the delivery of our solutions, we are committed to providing world leading on-time performance for Singapore Airlines’ A330 fleet.”
This contract builds on the existing FHS agreement signed with the airline in 2008 for 19 A330 aircraft. In addition, Airbus is already committed to Singapore Airlines with a components support agreement signed in 2007 for its A380 fleet, as well as a contract signed in 2010 covering its five A340-500 aircraft.
‘Airbus FHS’ incorporates a portfolio of guaranteed services ranging from material supply and inventory provisioning, to repair services, information systems, reliability optimisation, aircraft maintenance and fleet technical management. As of today, Airbus has such agreements covering over 90 aircraft across Asia, Europe and Latin America.
Airbus is the leading aircraft manufacturer offering the most modern and efficient passenger aircraft families from 100 to over 500 seats.
Six Astrium satellites to be launched on the second Soyuz flight from Kourou
Toulouse, 03 November 2011
- The Pléiades 1 Very High Resolution (VHR) Earth observation satellite recently left Astrium’s site in Toulouse for Kourou, where it is slated for launch in mid-December
- The four satellites of the ELISA constellation and the Chilean satellite SSOT, scheduled for the same flight, arrived in Kourou on October 21
Astrium, the European space industry leader, is prime contractor for all six satellites to be launched in mid-December by the 2nd Soyuz launcher to lift off from Kourou.
The six satellites:
- Pléiades 1 is the first of two very high-resolution satellites manufactured by Astrium Satellites in Toulouse for CNES (the French Space Agency). It will be joined in space by its twin, Pléiades 2, in approximately one year’s time.
Once in orbit, each satellite will provide the French and Spanish defence ministries, and civilian users, with Very High Resolution (VHR) optical satellite imagery coupled with major operational advances. They offer incomparable image acquisition capacity, remarkable agility (rapid area targeting) for multiple target modes (stereo, mosaics, corridor or target) and excellent operational flexibility.
At an altitude of 700km, the Pléiades constellation will be capable, after processing, to provide 50-cm resolution products with a swath width of 20km.
- The four satellites for the ELISA demonstrator are developed jointly by Astrium Satellites and Thales Systèmes Aéroportés for the French ministry of defence procurement agency (DGA) and CNES. ELISA will demonstrate spaceborne capabilities to map and characterize radar emissions from all around the globe. The four satellites are also based on the Myriade platform.
- SSOT (“Sistema Satelital para la Observación de la Tierra”) is the most recent space-based Earth observation system exported by Astrium Satellites, the world’s number one exporter in the field. Ordered by Chile in late 2008, SSOT is based on two product families: the Myriade platform developed in cooperation with the CNES, and Naomi optical instruments, made of silicon carbide and used with success by Astrium for many other optical imagery missions.
The launching of six satellites in a single flight has been made possible thanks to the payload support structure developed at the Astrium site in Barajas, near Madrid.
The launch sequence for this second Soyuz flight from Kourou calls for the Pléiades 1 to be placed in orbit first, followed by the four ELISA satellites and finally SSOT.
This will be the first time that six satellites developed by Astrium are launched simultaneously.
Airbus showcases its popular, eco-efficient aircraft at Dubai Airshow
Blagnac, 03 November 2011
Airbus, the leading aircraft manufacturer, will present its modern and eco-efficient aircraft family at this year’s Dubai Airshow (13-17 November). In the static display area visitors will be able to see an A330-300 passenger aircraft on the 13th November and the new A330-200 Freighter on the 15th November. In addition, Airbus will display an Al Jaber operated ACJ318 and a Comlux operated ACJ320, which have the widest and tallest cabins of any corporate jet, for the duration of the show.
Visitors to the EADS stand located in the West Hall (W860) will be able to see large models of the newest members of the Airbus Family: A320neo, A350 XWB, A330 MRTT and A400M. An interactive information screen will also be available on the stand to inform people about the benefits of the modern Airbus aircraft family. Airbus will also be showing its 3D “Future of Flight” movie on the stand.
Airbus will welcome its corporate guests and media at the EADS hospitality chalet located in Row A Nos. 49 – 52.
Airbus will hold several media briefings and announcements during the course of the show including an update of the Global Market Forecast for the Middle East. The general Airbus press conference will be held on Wednesday 16th November starting at 12:00 noon in the Dubai Airshow Press Conference Room 2 (in the East Hall). Airbus Military will give a press briefing on Tuesday 15th November starting at 11:00, also in Conference Room 2.
On Thursday 17th November, as part of the new Future’s Day initiative taking place for the first time at this year’s Dubai Airshow, a group of students from the UAE will come and find out about exciting career opportunities on the EADS stand by talking to Airbus Human Resources executives. In addition Airbus will be holding workshops as part of its outreach to students and the best talent around the globe. Airbus will recruit at least 3,000 people in 2011, 30 percent of which will be graduates.
More information about Airbus at the Dubai Airshow, photos and updates will be available on the Airbus corporate website www.airbus.com.
La industria aeroespacial española continúa creciendo
Madrid.- A pesar de la crisis económica, el volumen de negocio consolidado de la industria aeroespacial española continúa incrementándose, de tal modo que tras aumentar un 7,5% en 2010 se estima que alcanzará los 6.650 millones de euros en 2011, un 2% más que en el año anterior, según el estudio que acaba de publicar la consultora DBK.
En el sector operan unas cuatrocientas empresas, en su mayor parte con actividad en el segmento aeronáutico, mientras que el segmento de espacio está integrado por una veintena de compañías. Los cinco primeros operadores reúnen el 70% del negocio consolidado y los diez primeros el 85%.