La Asociación de Parques Científicos y Tecnológicos de España (APTE), con apoyo del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, entrega hoy a Airbus Military el Premio Sello Innovación 2011 en la categoría de Mejor Empresa.
Este galardón reconoce las aportaciones realizadas por la compañía en materia de I+D, el capital humano que emplea en este ámbito, así como el impacto económico que generan las innovaciones desarrolladas en el seno de Airbus
Entre éstas destaca especialmente el demostrador C295 AEW (Airborne Early Warning), una nueva versión de la versátil y exitosa plataforma C295. Este nuevo modelo, un avión de alerta temprana que será capaz de detectar otros aviones que se encuentren en un radio de 400 kilómetros, se presentó en París el pasado junio durante el Salón Aeronáutico de Le Bourget. La nanotecnología es otro de los ámbitos en los que Airbus Military lleva a cabo una línea de investigación. Su objetivo es mejorar la conductividad eléctrica de estructuras de fibra de carbono.
Otros proyectos de innovación en los que trabaja la compañía son la búsqueda de un método que permita consolidar materiales compuestos sin necesidad de autoclave; la tercera generación del sistema de verificación en tierra de los sistemas instalados en un avión; un demostrador de realidad aumentada para ayudar a los operarios en el proceso de montaje de aviones; o el proyecto Digital Factory, que supondrá un salto tecnológico en la gestión y ayuda al montaje final de aviones.
jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011
Air France and Airbus undertake green commercial flight
Flight CO2 emissions halved
Blagnac, 13 October 2011
Air France and Airbus have completed the world’s greenest commercial flight by combining the latest fuel and air traffic management technologies. The flight from Toulouse-Blagnac to Paris-Orly using an Airbus A321 has been able to demonstrate the cutting in half of CO2 emitted compared to a regular flight.
The (AF6129) commercial flight combined for the first time the use of bio-fuels (50 per cent in each engine), optimised air traffic management (ATM) and efficient Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) to minimise CO2 emissions.
Combining these technologies helped half the overall CO2 emissions to 54 grams per passenger and kilometre. This is equivalent to a fuel efficiency of 2.2 litres of fuel per passenger and 100 Kilometres.
“We are proud of the success achieved by this innovative project, which is a synthesis of our many initiatives in the area of sustainable development. This fully-optimised green flight is another proof of Air France’s commitment to combine air transport growth with controlled CO2 emissions.” said Bertrand Lebel, Air France Executive Vice President Organisation and Corporate Social Responsability.
“This flight is the perfect example of Airbus global approach towards continuously reducing aviation’s CO2 footprint” said Andrea Debbane, Airbus Head Environmental Affairs. “This is not just a bio-fuel flight but the first flight that really puts into practice elements in the Airbus roadmap: bio-fuels, optimised ATM, green navigation.”
Bio-fuel is one solution for reducing overall CO2 emissions. Airbus’ alternative fuel strategy is to speed up its commercialisation through sustainable bio-fuel value chains. Thanks to several test flights and collaboration with the fuels standards bodies (ASTM and DefStan), today the use of 50 per cent bio-fuel blends are authorised in commercial flights.
A more efficient ATM system could also help reduce the amount of fuel burned by aircraft and therefore the CO2 emitted. Airbus strongly supports the streamlining of ATM and has launched a new subsidiary company, called “Airbus ProSky”, dedicated to the development and support of modern air traffic management (ATM) systems to achieve the highest operational efficiencies with more direct routings resulting in around 10 percent less aircraft fuel consumption, as well as significant reductions in CO2 and noise emissions.
CDA is becoming more widespread as a way to reduce fuel burn. During a CDA procedure, the aircraft descends continuously, avoiding level flight prior to the final approach and requires significantly less engine thrust and therefore less fuel burn.
Blagnac, 13 October 2011
Air France and Airbus have completed the world’s greenest commercial flight by combining the latest fuel and air traffic management technologies. The flight from Toulouse-Blagnac to Paris-Orly using an Airbus A321 has been able to demonstrate the cutting in half of CO2 emitted compared to a regular flight.
The (AF6129) commercial flight combined for the first time the use of bio-fuels (50 per cent in each engine), optimised air traffic management (ATM) and efficient Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) to minimise CO2 emissions.
Combining these technologies helped half the overall CO2 emissions to 54 grams per passenger and kilometre. This is equivalent to a fuel efficiency of 2.2 litres of fuel per passenger and 100 Kilometres.
“We are proud of the success achieved by this innovative project, which is a synthesis of our many initiatives in the area of sustainable development. This fully-optimised green flight is another proof of Air France’s commitment to combine air transport growth with controlled CO2 emissions.” said Bertrand Lebel, Air France Executive Vice President Organisation and Corporate Social Responsability.
“This flight is the perfect example of Airbus global approach towards continuously reducing aviation’s CO2 footprint” said Andrea Debbane, Airbus Head Environmental Affairs. “This is not just a bio-fuel flight but the first flight that really puts into practice elements in the Airbus roadmap: bio-fuels, optimised ATM, green navigation.”
Bio-fuel is one solution for reducing overall CO2 emissions. Airbus’ alternative fuel strategy is to speed up its commercialisation through sustainable bio-fuel value chains. Thanks to several test flights and collaboration with the fuels standards bodies (ASTM and DefStan), today the use of 50 per cent bio-fuel blends are authorised in commercial flights.
A more efficient ATM system could also help reduce the amount of fuel burned by aircraft and therefore the CO2 emitted. Airbus strongly supports the streamlining of ATM and has launched a new subsidiary company, called “Airbus ProSky”, dedicated to the development and support of modern air traffic management (ATM) systems to achieve the highest operational efficiencies with more direct routings resulting in around 10 percent less aircraft fuel consumption, as well as significant reductions in CO2 and noise emissions.
CDA is becoming more widespread as a way to reduce fuel burn. During a CDA procedure, the aircraft descends continuously, avoiding level flight prior to the final approach and requires significantly less engine thrust and therefore less fuel burn.
British Prime Minister opens new Airbus wing factory for A350 XWB
Aircraft programme will support over 6,000 jobs across the UK
Blagnac, 13 October 2011
The British Prime Minister, the Rt Hon David Cameron, officially opened Airbus’ new £400 million wing factory in Wales this afternoon, a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility which will assemble the wings for Airbus’ advanced new A350 XWB long-range aircraft family.
The Prime Minister joined hundreds of guests and Airbus employees to unveil the giant, environmentally friendly Airbus North Factory at Broughton, Flintshire where 650 people will eventually work. Bigger than Wembley Stadium, it is one of the largest manufacturing facilities to be built in the UK in recent years and will produce high-tech carbon fibre ‘composite’ wings for the A350 XWB.
The A350 XWB programme will support over 1,200 jobs in the Airbus sites at Filton and Broughton and over 5,000 other high skill/high value jobs across the UK supply chain. Over £3 billion has been invested in the aircraft and its engines by UK aerospace companies in the programme which underpins the key position of the UK as a global centre of aerospace manufacture.
Prime Minister David Cameron said: “The Government is committed to building a more balanced economy with stronger manufacturing, exports and private investment, creating jobs and opportunities across the UK. I welcome the opening of Airbus's new state of the art facility which will contribute to this and support our programme to create sustainable economic growth. Airbus's investment here also underlines its confidence in the expertise of its British workforce and in the UK's manufacturing base.”
Secretary of State for Wales Cheryl Gillan said:" This magnificent facility is a key part of the A350 XWB programme which will help sustain and support thousands of jobs across the UK. I have been a frequent visitor to Airbus and am confident this will further cement Wales' growing reputation as a first class innovator and leader in the Aerospace and supply chain sector. The new A350 XWB facility is great news for the North Wales economy and a tangible example of the kind of private sector growth the Government is working to create."
First Minister of Wales Carwyn Jones added: “The opening of this world class facility is a major achievement and excellent news for Wales. The Welsh Government and Airbus are delighted to be able to celebrate such a significant event which underlines a major investment in Broughton and reinforces our reputation as a country with high end manufacturing skills and high value products”.
“The Airbus North Factory, a truly world-leading aircraft wing assembly plant, is a major pillar in the Airbus global setup. The opening today marks an important milestone for our A350 programme as we move towards the start of the aircraft final assembly”, said Airbus Chief Executive, Tom Enders. “This new facility and all the teams working on building our A350’s carbon-fibre wings will play a vital role in delivering this new generation aircraft.”
The North Factory assembly line is dedicated to assembling the 31 metre long wings for all members of the A350 XWB Family which is scheduled to enter service by the end of 2013. Currently employing 6,000 people, the 700 acre Airbus site at Broughton specialises in wing production and has a proud tradition of aerospace manufacture going back over 70 years. Over £1.8 billion has been invested into the site in the past decade ensuring it is one of the most modern manufacturing facilities of its type anywhere in the world.
* The pioneering Airbus North Factory covers a total area of over 46,000 square metres.
* 58,000 metres of cable have been installed, this would reach from Broughton to Manchester
* 8,000 tonnes of steelwork were used to build the factory
* 250,000 bolts hold the building together
* Optimised for energy savings, the factory’s power comes in part from three large solar tracking arrays and a wood pellet biomass power plant boiler.
Airbus in the UK and its supply chain provide supplies and services worth nearly £1.5 billion annually to the UK economy. 10,000 people work for Airbus in the UK with 100,000 UK jobs supported through its wider supply chain.
Airbus is the leading aircraft manufacturer offering the most modern, comprehensive and efficient passenger aircraft family on the more than 100-seat market, while its military division is the global leader for transport, tanker and surveillance airlifters ranging from three to 45 tonnes of payload. Airbus in the UK is world-renowned for its centres of excellence for both wing design and manufacture.
Blagnac, 13 October 2011
The British Prime Minister, the Rt Hon David Cameron, officially opened Airbus’ new £400 million wing factory in Wales this afternoon, a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility which will assemble the wings for Airbus’ advanced new A350 XWB long-range aircraft family.
The Prime Minister joined hundreds of guests and Airbus employees to unveil the giant, environmentally friendly Airbus North Factory at Broughton, Flintshire where 650 people will eventually work. Bigger than Wembley Stadium, it is one of the largest manufacturing facilities to be built in the UK in recent years and will produce high-tech carbon fibre ‘composite’ wings for the A350 XWB.
The A350 XWB programme will support over 1,200 jobs in the Airbus sites at Filton and Broughton and over 5,000 other high skill/high value jobs across the UK supply chain. Over £3 billion has been invested in the aircraft and its engines by UK aerospace companies in the programme which underpins the key position of the UK as a global centre of aerospace manufacture.
Prime Minister David Cameron said: “The Government is committed to building a more balanced economy with stronger manufacturing, exports and private investment, creating jobs and opportunities across the UK. I welcome the opening of Airbus's new state of the art facility which will contribute to this and support our programme to create sustainable economic growth. Airbus's investment here also underlines its confidence in the expertise of its British workforce and in the UK's manufacturing base.”
Secretary of State for Wales Cheryl Gillan said:" This magnificent facility is a key part of the A350 XWB programme which will help sustain and support thousands of jobs across the UK. I have been a frequent visitor to Airbus and am confident this will further cement Wales' growing reputation as a first class innovator and leader in the Aerospace and supply chain sector. The new A350 XWB facility is great news for the North Wales economy and a tangible example of the kind of private sector growth the Government is working to create."
First Minister of Wales Carwyn Jones added: “The opening of this world class facility is a major achievement and excellent news for Wales. The Welsh Government and Airbus are delighted to be able to celebrate such a significant event which underlines a major investment in Broughton and reinforces our reputation as a country with high end manufacturing skills and high value products”.
“The Airbus North Factory, a truly world-leading aircraft wing assembly plant, is a major pillar in the Airbus global setup. The opening today marks an important milestone for our A350 programme as we move towards the start of the aircraft final assembly”, said Airbus Chief Executive, Tom Enders. “This new facility and all the teams working on building our A350’s carbon-fibre wings will play a vital role in delivering this new generation aircraft.”
The North Factory assembly line is dedicated to assembling the 31 metre long wings for all members of the A350 XWB Family which is scheduled to enter service by the end of 2013. Currently employing 6,000 people, the 700 acre Airbus site at Broughton specialises in wing production and has a proud tradition of aerospace manufacture going back over 70 years. Over £1.8 billion has been invested into the site in the past decade ensuring it is one of the most modern manufacturing facilities of its type anywhere in the world.
* The pioneering Airbus North Factory covers a total area of over 46,000 square metres.
* 58,000 metres of cable have been installed, this would reach from Broughton to Manchester
* 8,000 tonnes of steelwork were used to build the factory
* 250,000 bolts hold the building together
* Optimised for energy savings, the factory’s power comes in part from three large solar tracking arrays and a wood pellet biomass power plant boiler.
Airbus in the UK and its supply chain provide supplies and services worth nearly £1.5 billion annually to the UK economy. 10,000 people work for Airbus in the UK with 100,000 UK jobs supported through its wider supply chain.
Airbus is the leading aircraft manufacturer offering the most modern, comprehensive and efficient passenger aircraft family on the more than 100-seat market, while its military division is the global leader for transport, tanker and surveillance airlifters ranging from three to 45 tonnes of payload. Airbus in the UK is world-renowned for its centres of excellence for both wing design and manufacture.
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