La Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de la Universidad de Sevilla ha acogido hoy una nueva conferencia dentro del ciclo “El despegue del A400M”.
Organizada por la Cátedra EADS de Estudios Aeronáuticos, la ponencia ha llevado por título “El diseño del A400M” y ha sido pronunciada por el responsable de Arquitectura e Integración de Aviones de Airbus Military, Andrés Biarge.
El Sr. Biarge ha explicado durante su disertación cómo se implementaron los requerimientos establecidos por las distintas fuerzas aéreas de los países clientes para el diseño del avión de transporte del siglo XXI. El A400M es hoy una realidad que cuenta con cuatro unidades que vuelan a diario y una quinta que se unirá a la campaña de ensayos en vuelo tras el
Entre los requisitos a los que tenía que dar respuesta el diseño se cuentan el rango de velocidades requerido por los países clientes lanzadores del proyecto –que va desde una velocidad de crucero cercana a la de un reactor a bajas velocidades para el lanzamiento de cargas y paracaidistas–; su altísima maniobrabilidad en vuelo y en tierra –tal y como han descrito todas las tripulaciones que lo han volado–; su operatividad en campos no preparados; o su capacidad de supervivencia en ambientes hostiles. En lo que respecta a la configuración general, el diseño debía idear un avión que, sumando los requerimientos antes descritos, fuera también capaz de transportar una gran diversidad de cargas que incluyera vehículos de gran peso, tropas, así como la posibilidad de lanzar cargas y paracaidistas en vuelo.
“Teníamos unos requisitos que condicionaban enormemente el diseño final del avión. Era un desafío y hoy podemos decir con total satisfacción que hemos conseguido aunar todas las necesidades de las fuerzas aéreas del siglo XXI en un avión y darles respuesta con el fantástico A400M”, ha señalado el Sr. Biarge en el transcurso de la conferencia.
Andrés Biarge (Madrid, 1948) es Ingeniero Aeronáutico por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Inició su actividad profesional en la antigua CASA (hoy Airbus Military) en 1974. Ha trabajado en diversos programas que van del C101 al C295. Posteriormente fue el responsable de Ingeniería de Desarrollo de la compañía. En los últimos años ha dirigido el equipo técnico de las labores de Ingeniería del A400M desarrolladas en España. Desde 2009 tiene a su cargo la organización de Arquitectura e Integración de Aviones de Airbus Military.
jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011
easyJet takes delivery of its 200th Airbus aircraft
Europe’s largest Airbus Single Aisle operator keeps growing
easyJet, have marked becoming the world’s youngest and quickest airline to reach a fleet of 200 Airbus aircraft at a ceremony in Toulouse. Carolyn McCall, easyJet CEO, Jean-Paul Ebanga, CFM International President and CEO, and Tom Enders, Airbus President and CEO were present at the event.
To celebrate the 200th Airbus, easyJet and Airbus unveiled an A320 in a unique all orange colour scheme. Its maiden flight with passengers from Toulouse for Paris and then onto London was appropriately given flight number EZY200.
“Our ambition is to become Europe’s preferred airline. We’re already Britain’s’ biggest – carrying more passengers than the others put together. We aim to Turn Europe Orange and the special livery on our 200th aircraft embodies that ambition!,’ said Carol Carolyn McCall, easyJet CEO
“The tremendous success achieved by easyJet in growing to be one of Europe’s major carriers, and one of Airbus’ top A320 Family customers in just eight years is unique and impressive. We congratulate easyJet and thank their management for the loyalty and support they have given to Airbus, and we are looking forward to continuing our excellent cooperation in the future,” said Tom Enders
easyJet already operates the world’s largest fleet of A319s with over 166 in service today. Including their A320s, which have recently joined the fleet, the airline has grown to be Europe’s largest A320 Family operator. Since easyJet took delivery of its first Airbus aircraft (an A319) in September 2003, Airbus has delivered an aircraft on average every 14 days over the last eight years.
With over 7,000 aircraft ordered, and more than 4,600 aircraft delivered to over 330 customers and operators worldwide, the A320 Family is today the world’s best-selling single-aisle aircraft family.
easyJet, have marked becoming the world’s youngest and quickest airline to reach a fleet of 200 Airbus aircraft at a ceremony in Toulouse. Carolyn McCall, easyJet CEO, Jean-Paul Ebanga, CFM International President and CEO, and Tom Enders, Airbus President and CEO were present at the event.
To celebrate the 200th Airbus, easyJet and Airbus unveiled an A320 in a unique all orange colour scheme. Its maiden flight with passengers from Toulouse for Paris and then onto London was appropriately given flight number EZY200.
“Our ambition is to become Europe’s preferred airline. We’re already Britain’s’ biggest – carrying more passengers than the others put together. We aim to Turn Europe Orange and the special livery on our 200th aircraft embodies that ambition!,’ said Carol Carolyn McCall, easyJet CEO
“The tremendous success achieved by easyJet in growing to be one of Europe’s major carriers, and one of Airbus’ top A320 Family customers in just eight years is unique and impressive. We congratulate easyJet and thank their management for the loyalty and support they have given to Airbus, and we are looking forward to continuing our excellent cooperation in the future,” said Tom Enders
easyJet already operates the world’s largest fleet of A319s with over 166 in service today. Including their A320s, which have recently joined the fleet, the airline has grown to be Europe’s largest A320 Family operator. Since easyJet took delivery of its first Airbus aircraft (an A319) in September 2003, Airbus has delivered an aircraft on average every 14 days over the last eight years.
With over 7,000 aircraft ordered, and more than 4,600 aircraft delivered to over 330 customers and operators worldwide, the A320 Family is today the world’s best-selling single-aisle aircraft family.
Airbus sponsored electric concept aircraft “eGenius” takes up to the sky for the first time
Airbus supports basic research activities for a greener and emission free aviation industry
Blagnac, 26 May 2011
Six weeks after its first public presentation at the international Aero-Expo in Friedrichshafen, Germany, the Airbus sponsored technology demonstrator “eGenius” performed its maiden flight yesterday in the late afternoon from the airfield in Mindelheim, Bavaria, Germany. During the 20 minutes flight the main focus was on checking the handling qualities and proving the unique propulsion system in flight.
The “eGenius” features an electric propulsion system which pushes the limits of electric flight to a power level of 60kW. In the following flight test campaign the flight envelope will be enlarged continuously by verifying the flight performance and reliability of the electric propulsion.
Designed by the Institute of Aircraft Design at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, the “eGenius” project is supported by Airbus as main sponsor in the frame of the manufacturer’s overall engagement to reduce emissions and develop a greener aviation industry. Airbus examines the long-term potential of electricity as alternative major onboard energy source. The data collected from the practical operation with the “eGenius” aircraft will be analysed by Airbus’ Future Projects teams to further develop the technology and better understand its opportunities.
Airbus is supporting various research and technology projects in close cooperation with universities and research institutes. Besides the monitoring of the electric propulsion technology, Airbus is also developing fuel cell technology as alternative energy source, enabling an emission-free aircraft operation on ground. In addition, Airbus is strongly engaging in implementing and testing bio-fuel technology and actively supports the installation of local bio-fuel value-chains around the world.
Notes for editors: Facts & Figures for “eGenius”aircraft:
• Wing span 16,86m
• MTOW 850 kg
• Wide fuselage for two pilots sitting side by side
• Range 400 km
• Cruise speed up to 235 km/h
• Engine power 60kW
• Equivalent energy consumption per 100km and passenger: 0.6 l fuel
Blagnac, 26 May 2011
Six weeks after its first public presentation at the international Aero-Expo in Friedrichshafen, Germany, the Airbus sponsored technology demonstrator “eGenius” performed its maiden flight yesterday in the late afternoon from the airfield in Mindelheim, Bavaria, Germany. During the 20 minutes flight the main focus was on checking the handling qualities and proving the unique propulsion system in flight.
The “eGenius” features an electric propulsion system which pushes the limits of electric flight to a power level of 60kW. In the following flight test campaign the flight envelope will be enlarged continuously by verifying the flight performance and reliability of the electric propulsion.
Designed by the Institute of Aircraft Design at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, the “eGenius” project is supported by Airbus as main sponsor in the frame of the manufacturer’s overall engagement to reduce emissions and develop a greener aviation industry. Airbus examines the long-term potential of electricity as alternative major onboard energy source. The data collected from the practical operation with the “eGenius” aircraft will be analysed by Airbus’ Future Projects teams to further develop the technology and better understand its opportunities.
Airbus is supporting various research and technology projects in close cooperation with universities and research institutes. Besides the monitoring of the electric propulsion technology, Airbus is also developing fuel cell technology as alternative energy source, enabling an emission-free aircraft operation on ground. In addition, Airbus is strongly engaging in implementing and testing bio-fuel technology and actively supports the installation of local bio-fuel value-chains around the world.
Notes for editors: Facts & Figures for “eGenius”aircraft:
• Wing span 16,86m
• MTOW 850 kg
• Wide fuselage for two pilots sitting side by side
• Range 400 km
• Cruise speed up to 235 km/h
• Engine power 60kW
• Equivalent energy consumption per 100km and passenger: 0.6 l fuel
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