Airbus helps spread UN’s Green Wave around the world / Airbus ayuda a difundir el mensaje de concienciación de la Ola Verde de Naciones Unidas por todo el mundo

International Day of Biodiversity on 22 May raises awareness of the need to protect nature

To celebrate the United Nations International Day for Biodiversity on 22 May, Airbus, the leading aircraft manufacturer, is supporting projects across the world that are helping to raise awareness of the need to preserve the rich variety of all life on earth.

Airbus, in partnership with the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), is working to encourage young people to engage with biodiversity, through participation in The Green Wave. An initiative designed to educate young people about the crucial role that biodiversity plays in our lives and our futures, The Green Wave encourages people at 10:00am on Sunday 22 May, to celebrate biodiversity by planting a tree or through other activities and to upload pictures of this online. The idea is to create a Green Wave of action passing through time zones around the world from east to west.

Airbus President and CEO, Tom Enders, said: “Throughout history engineers have been inspired by nature, and still today it continues to help create modern solutions to improve efficient flight. Airbus commits 80% of its R&D investment into pioneering innovative solutions for greener flight and sustainable aviation, and we are proud to give our ongoing support to the CBD and The Green Wave initiative to help preserve this natural source of inspiration”.

Airbus is mobilising its global network of more than 52,500 employees in their own communities, to help celebrate The Green Wave, including a day of celebrations at the company’s Family Day taking place at its Madrid site. In China, Airbus employees will work with local children in Yunnan Province to build a school garden together and in the UK, in support of the UN’s International Year of Forests this year, Airbus employees are taking part in an activity giving mini-orchards to local schools.

In addition, Airbus is encouraging airlines from around the world to get involved in this initiative, of which a number have so far committed to support The Green Wave in 2011 in their promotional material. Carriers include: Aegean Air, AeroUnion, Amsterdam Airlines, Emirates, EVA Airways Corporation, JAT Airways, Korean Air, Olympic Air, Singapore Airlines and Thai Airways International.

The Airbus Corporate Foundation is also supporting a number of localised biodiversity projects. In Germany, a schools project focusing on renewable energy generation; in Spain, an initiative to promote environmental education for sustainable development in schools; in the UK, a community project giving school children access to nature projects located near one of Airbus UK’s sites; and in the US, the Foundation is supporting a children’s education project at the Gulf Coast Exploreum.

CBD Executive Secretary Ahmed Djoghlaf said: “It is vital that major global businesses such as Airbus support us in spreading awareness of the importance of protecting the rich biodiversity of the world we live in. As we enter the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity, I hope that Airbus’ work will inspire other businesses to work with us in raising awareness and developing sustainable solutions to protect life on earth.”

For more information and to participate in The Green Wave on 22 May visit Alternatively you can visit The Green Wave Facebook page to share photos and stories (search ‘Pages’ for ‘Green Wave’).

Notes to editors
The Green Wave:
• Is coordinated by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The CBD is a United Nations intergovernmental treaty, whose objectives are the conservation of biodiversity, the sustainable use of the components of biodiversity and the equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of genetic resources. The Secretariat of the CBD is administered by the United Nations Environment Programme.
• On 22 May each year (the International Day for Biodiversity), as part of The Green Wave initiative, young people are invited to plant a tree at 10:00 to celebrate biodiversity. This will create a wave of planting as the activity passes through each time zone across the world.
Participants upload photos and stories to The Green Wave website that go live in the evening at 20:10 creating a virtual wave on the internet.
• Visit to get involved.
Airbus-specific notes:
• Airbus believes that growth in air travel is a global need and that the essential social and economic benefits derived from a more connected world can deliver a greener world, if everybody plays their part.
• Airbus acknowledges the 2% that aviation contributes to global man-made CO2 emissions, but believes that it also has a responsibility to support others in tackling the remaining 98% of CO2 emissions. Deforestation alone, for example, generates 17% of man-made CO2, so Airbus is working with the CBD and using its global outreach to raise awareness of the importance of the need to preserve the variety of life on earth.

El 22 de mayo, Día Internacional de la Biodiversidad, recuerda la necesidad de proteger nuestro medio ambiente
Blagnac, 19 May 2011

Con motivo del Día Internacional de la Biodiversidad de Naciones Unidas, el 22 de mayo, Airbus, el fabricante líder de aviones, participa en una serie de proyectos alrededor del mundo destinados a elevar la conciencia sobre la necesidad de proteger la riqueza biológica del planeta

Airbus, en colaboración con el Convenio sobre Diversidad Biológica (CDB) de Naciones Unidas, trabaja para conseguir que niños y jóvenes se comprometan con la conservación del medio ambiente participando en la Ola Verde (Green Wave) –una iniciativa global para educar a niños y jóvenes sobre la vida en el planeta y la importancia para su futuro. La Ola Verde anima a los jóvenes a participar el domingo 22 de mayo, a las 10:00 de la mañana, para que realicen actividades relacionadas con la preservación del medio ambiente. Las fotos se pueden colgar en la página oficial de esta campaña con el fin de crear una Ola Verde virtual a medida que pasa por las diferentes zonas horarias de este a oeste.

El presidente y CEO de Airbus, Tom Enders, ha declarado que “a lo largo de la historia los ingenieros se han inspirado en la naturaleza, que sigue siendo un modelo de inspiración para encontrar soluciones que nos ayuden a crear una aviación más eficiente. Airbus destina el 80% de su inversión en I+D en proyectos pioneros e innovadores para una aviación más ecológica y sostenible. Estamos orgullosos de ofrecer nuestro apoyo al CDB y su iniciativa de la Ola Verde para ayudar a conservación de esta fuente de inspiración natural”.

Airbus está movilizando a sus más de 52.000 empleados en todo el mundo para que colaboren en la celebración de la Ola Verde. También durante la celebración del Día de la Familia, que tendrá lugar en las instalaciones de Airbus en Madrid, se llevarán a cabo actividades relacionadas con el medio ambiente. En China, los empleados de Airbus colaborarán con los niños de la provincia de Yunnan para construir jardines escolares. En el Reino Unido, los empleados de Airbus, premiarán los mini huertos de las escuelas locales con motivo del Año Internacional de los Bosques de la ONU.

Paralelamente, Airbus anima a las aerolíneas de todo el mundo a que participen en esta iniciativa. Hasta la fecha, 11 compañías aéreas ya se han comprometido a propagar el mensaje de la Ola Verde 2011: Aegean Air, AeroUnion, Amsterdam Airlines, Emirates Airlines, EVA Airways Corporation, JAT Airways, Korean Air, Olympic Air, Singapore Airlines y Thai Airways International.

La Fundación Airbus apoya, también, una serie de proyectos sobre biodiversidad. En Alemania, un proyecto escolar se centra en la generación de energía renovable; en España se ha puesto en marcha una iniciativa en los colegios para promover el desarrollo sostenible; en el Reino Unido, Airbus colabora con las escuelas para poner en marcha un proyecto escolar sobre biodiversidad en las inmediaciones de sus instalaciones; en Estados Unidos, la Fundación Airbus ayuda a los niños en un proyecto educativo en el centro de Ciencias Gulf Coast Exploreum.

El secretario ejecutivo del CBD, Ahmed Djoghlaf, dijo: “Es fundamental que las grandes empresas internacionales como Airbus se sumen a nuestra campaña para propagar el conocimiento sobre la necesidad de proteger la riqueza de la biodiversidad. Espero que el esfuerzo de Airbus inspire a otras empresas y se sumen a nuestro esfuerzo para elevar el nivel de concienciación y desarrollar soluciones sostenibles para proteger la vida sobre la Tierra”.

Para participar en la Green Wave el 21 o 22 de mayo, se puede visitar También se puede visitar The Green Wave Facebook, página para compartir fotos e historias (buscar “Páginas” para “Green Wave”)

Notas para los editores

El Proyecto Ola Verde (Green Wave):

La CBD es un tratado intergubernamental de las Naciones Unidas cuyos objetivos son la conservación de la biodiversidad, la utilización sostenible de los elementos de la biodiversidad y el reparto equitativo de los beneficios procedentes del uso de los recursos genéticos. La Secretaría del CBD está bajo la dirección del Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente.
El 22 de mayo de 2011 (Día Internacional de la Biodiversidad), como parte de la iniciativa del proyecto Ola Verde, se invita a los jóvenes a plantar un árbol a las 10:00 de la mañana para celebrar la biodiversidad. Esta acción produce un efecto ola “ecológica” a medida que sucede a lo largo de cada zona horaria.
Los participantes pueden colgar sus fotos e historias de ese momento en la página web de Green Wave, donde se creará una ola virtual a las 20:10 en internet.
Para participar, visitar
Notas propias de Airbus:

Airbus cree que el crecimiento de los viajes aéreos es una necesidad global, y que los beneficios económicos y sociales esenciales derivados de un mundo mejor conectado, pueden incluso crear un mundo más ecológico si todas las personas ponen de su parte.
Airbus reconoce que la aviación contribuye en un 2% a las emisiones de CO2 producidas por el hombre, pero también cree que tiene la responsabilidad de apoyar las iniciativas para reducir el 98% restante. Solo la deforestación genera casi el 17% de las emisiones de CO2 producidas por el hombre, Por ello, colabora con el CBD, utilizando su alcance mundial, para aumentar la conciencia de lo importante que es preservar la variedad de vida sobre la tierra.


Boeing, Lufthansa Cargo Finalize Order for Five 777 Freighters

SEATTLE, May 19, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) and Lufthansa Cargo have finalized an order for five Boeing 777 Freighters. The order is valued at $1.35 billion, based on Boeing list prices. The airplanes will help Lufthansa Cargo in its initiative to modernize and expand its fleet. Lufthansa Cargo previously indicated its intention to order the freighters in March 2011.

"The 777 freighter is highly regarded for its fuel efficiency and a noise footprint significantly smaller than comparable freighters," said Karl Ulrich Garnadt, chairman and chief executive officer of Lufthansa Cargo. "We are certain that these airplanes will benefit our customers greatly, as experienced by our AeroLogic joint venture, which already operates eight 777 Freighters."

AeroLogic, a joint venture of Lufthansa Cargo and DHL Express, became the fourth carrier to operate the 777 Freighter in May 2009.

"Since entering service in 2009, the 777 Freighter has delivered on its promise of fuel efficiency, reduced emissions and lower noise," said Marlin Dailey, vice president of Sales and Marketing for Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "The 777 freighter features the lowest trip cost of any large freighter and its long range and high capacity will help Lufthansa Cargo achieve its ambitious business goals."

The 777 freighter is the world's longest range twin-engine freighter. Providing cargo capacity normally associated with larger airplanes, the 777 freighter can fly 4,900 nautical miles (9,070 kilometers) with a full payload of 225,200 pounds (102 metric tons). The 777 freighter is powered by General Electric's GE90-110B1L engines and meets QC2 noise standards for maximum accessibility to noise-sensitive airports.
Including this order from Lufthansa Cargo, a total of 88 777 Freighters have been ordered, of which 39 have been delivered.

Boeing is the leading provider of freighter capacity to the air cargo industry, offering the most complete family of freighters, which provide superior efficiency and operational economics.


Northrop Grumman Awarded $48.7 Million for Continuing Operation of Battlefield Airborne Communications Node

SAN DIEGO, May 19, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The U.S. Air Force has awarded Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) a $48.7 million contract modification for continuing operations and support of the Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN) system.

Under the contract modification, Northrop Grumman will continue providing management, engineering, implementation, test, site and training support.

BACN provides an advanced airborne communications gateway capability to commanders and warfighters, enhancing situational awareness and connecting disparate voice and datalink networks throughout the battlespace. BACN bridges and extends voice communications and battlespace awareness information from numerous sources using a suite of computers and radio systems.

The Air Force Electronic Systems Center, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., awarded the contract to Northrop Grumman in support of the Air Force Materiel Command.

Northrop Grumman is the prime contractor for the development, fielding and maintenance of the BACN system. The company was awarded the first BACN contract in April 2005.

Northrop Grumman's work on the BACN program is managed and performed primarily in San Diego.

The BACN program has received a number of accolades over the past year. The Department of Defense (DoD) and the National Defense Industrial Association selected the BACN Joint Urgent Operational Need program to receive one of the Top 5 DoD Program Awards, which are given annually for excellence in systems engineering.

BACN also was honored with the Weapon Systems Award from the Order of Daedalians, a national fraternity of military pilots, and the 2010 Network Centric Warfare Award™ for Outstanding Achievement from a Defense Industry Partner, by the Institute for Defense and Government Advancement.