miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Rolls Royce, Airbus, Boeing, Qantas & and AD directive for Trents 500,700,800

Blade failure behind Qantas 747 engine shutdown 
QF32 prompts removal of 53 Trent 900s from service

ATSB focuses on Rolls-Royce's quality control in QF32 probe

Partial power loss on Qantas A380 caused by oil leak 

Airworthiness Directive:
Airworthiness Directives; Rolls-Royce plc (RR) RB211-524 Series and RB211 Trent 500, 700,
and 800 Series Turbofan Engines

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as:

During manufacture of a number of HP Compressor Stage 1 and 2 discs with axial
dovetail slots, anomalies at the disc post corners have been found. Fatigue crack
initiation and subsequent crack propagation at the disc post may result in release of
two blades and the disc post. This may potentially be beyond the containment
capabilities of the engine casings. Thus, these anomalies present at the disc posts
constitute a potentially unsafe condition.

We are issuing this AD to detect cracks in the high-pressure compressor (HPC) Stage 1 and 2 disc
posts, which could result in failure of the disc post and release of HPC blades, release of uncontained
engine debris, and damage to the airplane.

Using radio frequency to inspect airplanes (Video)


Boeing KC-767 Tankers for Italian Air Force Formally Enter into Service

2 aerial refueling tankers flying training missions with ItAF crews

PRATICA DI MARE, Italy, May 17, 2011 -- The first two Boeing [NYSE:
BA] KC-767 advanced aerial refueling tankers for the Italian Air Force
(ItAF) formally entered into service today during a public ceremony
near Rome.

The ItAF accepted delivery of the two KC-767A tankers on Dec. 29 and
March 10. Italian crews then flew the aircraft from Boeing's tanker
modification facility in Wichita, Kan., to the Italian air base at
Pratica di Mare.

"The configuration flexibility of the KC-767 tanker allows for
simultaneous refueling and passenger and cargo transport, with the
potential to operate in humanitarian response, disaster relief, and
emergency aeromedical evacuation of personnel," ItAF officials said.
"The KC-767 enables a unique and exceptional air projection
capability, not only for Italy, but for all of NATO."

"This is a milestone event for the Italian Air Force as well as the
members of Boeing's International Tanker team," said Scott Wuesthoff,
International Tanker program manager for Boeing. "The KC-767 tankers
will significantly increase Italy's military capability as the country
performs vital missions in support of NATO and regional interests. The
deliveries also reaffirm Boeing's standing as the world's leading
provider of aerial refueling tankers."

Boeing is building four KC-767 Tanker Transport aircraft, designed for
in-flight aerial refueling and strategic transport, to replace the
ItAF B-707T/T fleet. Since their delivery, the first two KC-767
tankers have been engaged in aerial refueling training missions with
ItAF crews in which they are successfully delivering fuel to an array
of ItAF aircraft. Boeing and the ItAF are working together to enter
the third KC-767 aircraft into the acceptance process for anticipated
delivery this summer, with a fourth tanker to follow shortly
thereafter. Upon receiving its fourth tanker, ItAF will declare Final
Operational Capability.

The Italian Air Force KC-767A is a "convertible combi," meaning it can
carry all passengers, all cargo, or a combination of passengers and
cargo. In any configuration, the KC-767 has an aerial refueling boom
with a remote aerial refueling operator station, as well as wing pod
and centerline hose and drogue systems, and a refueling receptacle.
This configuration allows for the refueling of all existing types of
aircraft, both fighters and transports.

"The Italian Air Force KC-767A can be refueled by another tanker
thanks to the refueling receptacle located on top of the aircraft near
the cockpit, a feature that increases the tanker's already enviable
operating capacity and range," ItAF officials said.

Boeing has been designing, building, modifying and supporting tankers
for decades. These include four KC-767 tankers delivered to the Japan
Air Self Defense Force, hundreds of KC-135 tankers delivered to
worldwide customers, and a fleet of large KC-10 tankers delivered to
the U.S. Air Force.

Airbus single aisle production to increase to 42 per month in Q4 2012

Reflects strong order backlog and continued stable growth
18 May 2011 Press Release

Airbus will increase the production rate of its popular A320 Family of eco-efficient single-aisle aircraft to 42 aircraft per month in the fourth quarter of 2012. Currently Airbus produces 36 A320 Family aircraft each month, a production rate that will steadily rise to 38 in August 2011 and to 40 in the first quarter of 2012. Currently the production rate for Airbus' long-range A330 Family is 8.5 per month, increasing to nine in early 2012 and ten in the second quarter of 2013.

"The low operating costs and high dispatch reliability offered by the A320 Family make it the best seller in its market" said Tom Williams, Executive Vice President Programmes. "With a backlog of over 2,300 A320 Family aircraft to deliver, we need to increase production to accommodate continuing strong customer demand for these new eco-efficient aircraft".

Airbus delivered a total of 510 aircraft in 2010, including 401 A320 Family aircraft.  By the end of April, Airbus had already delivered 132 A320 Family aircraft and is well on track to exceed previous years' deliveries.

To keep the A320 Family in the leadership position, Airbus has recently introduced a new engine option (neo) for the A320 Family which will enter into service in October 2015. The A320neo Family incorporates new more efficient engines and large "Sharklet" wing tip devices which together will deliver up to 15 percent in fuel savings. This will represent some 3,600 tonnes less CO2 per aircraft, per year. In addition, the A320neo will provide a double-digit reduction in NOx emissions and reduced engine noise, thus being a good neighbour at any airport where airlines will operate the aircraft.

The A320neo will have over 95 percent airframe commonality with the existing models making it an easy fit into existing fleets while offering up to 500 nautical miles (950 kilometres) more range or two tonnes more payload. Engines offered on the A320neo are CFM International's LEAP-X and Pratt & Whitney's PurePower PW1100G.

The A320 Family, which includes the A318, A319, A320 and A321, is recognized as the benchmark single-aisle aircraft family. Each aircraft features fly by wire controls and all share a unique cockpit and operational commonality across the range. Over 7,000 Airbus A320 Family aircraft have been sold and more than 4,600 delivered to almost 330 customers and operators worldwide, making it the world's best selling commercial jetliner ever. With proven reliability and extended servicing periods, the A320 Family has the lowest operating costs of any single aisle aircraft. Uniquely, the A320 Family offers a containerized cargo system, which is compatible with the worldwide standard wide-body system.


Airbus Anuncia los Finalistas del Concurso Fly Your Ideas 2011

5 equipos de 5 continentes se disputan un premio de 30.000€

Blagnac17 May 2011

Airbus acaba de revelar los cinco equipos finalistas de la segunda edición del concurso Fly Your Ideas (FYI). Los equipos seleccionados son de Chile, China, India, Malasia y Suecia. El equipo ganador será anunciado en la ceremonia especial de premios que se celebrará el 23 de junio de 2011, durante el Salón Aeronáutico Internacional de Le Bourget.

Más de 2.600 estudiantes se registraron para tomar parte en la segunda edición de FYI, que se puso en marcha en septiembre de 2010 que, como en la anterior edición, se pedía a los participantes que ofrecieran sus propuestas para una aviación más ecológica. Un total de 315 equipos han participado en la competición. Todos los proyectos remitidos a Airbus reflejan el tema principal de Fly Your Ideas 2011 "El ciclo de vida medioambiental". Se animó a los estudiantes a proponer una idea relacionada con una etapa de la vida de la aeronave: diseño, cadena de suministro, fabricación, operaciones y fin del ciclo de la vida del avión.

Charles Champion, vicepresidente ejecutivo de Ingeniería y presidente de FYI comentó que "estoy impresionado por la calidad y el alto nivel de los proyectos presentados. Todos los participantes han demostrado una gran capacidad creativa e innovadora".

Los finalistas son:

  • Chile - Equipo Condor, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María – por su novedoso diseño consistente en un freno de alta velocidad que recupera la energía para su reutilización a bordo.
  • China - Equipo Wings of Phoenix, Universidad de Aeronáutica y Astronáutica de Nanjing - por su proyecto basado en un sistema generador de energía eólica a partir de la estela del avión.
  • India - Equipo O3, Instituto Indio de Tecnología Roorkee – por su enfoque para prevenir la formación de hielo en la aeronave mediante un revestimiento hidrófugo de polímero.
  • Malasia - Equipo Msia on Mars, Instituto Malasio de Tecnología Aérea de la Universidad de Kuala Lumpur - por su proyecto sobre el uso de materiales biodegradables de fibra de Kapok para el aislamiento térmico y acústico de la cabina del avión.
  •  Suecia – Equipo SSE, Escuela de Económicas de Estocolmo – por la creación de un programa ECO para conseguir un vuelo más respetuoso con el medio ambiente.

El equipo ganador recibirá un premio por valor de 30.000€ y el equipo finalista, de 15.000€. El equipo español Ecolution, de la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Madrid, ha conseguido el premio al Mejor Vídeo por su original forma de presentar el proyecto.

Charles Champion añadió que "la investigación y la innovación son prioridades a largo plazo en Airbus, y gracias a ello Airbus puede seguir ofreciendo la mejor actuación medioambiental de sus aviones. El concurso Fly Your Ideas nos da la oportunidad de colaborar con los futuros expertos de la industria de la aviación promoviendo el escenario donde se pueden inspirar y motivar los futuros talentos".

Entre los equipos finalistas se encuentran estudiantes internacionales de un gran abanico de disciplinas como mecánica, química, materiales y minerales, ingeniería aeroespacial así como gestión y administración de empresa, arte, diseño y economía. Algunos equipos participantes están formados por estudiantes de diferentes nacionalidades, como el equipo finalista sueco, formado por estudiantes de Suecia, Turquía, Estados Unidos, Ucrania y Zimbabue.

En esta última fase, los equipos finalistas prepararán la presentación de su proyecto con la ayuda del mentor de Airbus, que les ha estado apoyando desde el inicio de la Fase 2, y del mentor académico de la institución a la que pertenecen los miembros del equipo. A lo largo de toda la competición, un grupo de voluntarios de Airbus de todo el mundo han colaborado como mentores para guiar a los equipos y promover su creatividad aunque sin ofrecer su experiencia técnica.

El 22 de junio, en París, los cinco equipos finalistas presentarán sus proyectos ante el jurado de Fly Your Ideas, formado por representantes de Airbus y expertos del sector de alto nivel. La ceremonia de premios se celebrará el 23 de junio, durante el Salón Aeronáutico Internacional de Le Bourget.