jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

Boeing: WTO Ruling Exposes Massive Airbus Advantage From Illegal Subsidies

Trade court rejects nearly 80% of EU claim of improper support for Boeing; finds no U.S. equivalent for billions in illegal European launch aid provided to Airbus

- Final rulings in U.S. and EU cases now public; findings show Airbus received more than $20 billion in impermissible funding versus $2.7 billion for Boeing.
- Boeing reiterates call for Airbus to fund A350 and other new programs on commercial terms, and remedy prohibited export subsidies on the A380

CHICAGO, March 31, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- A World Trade Organization final case ruling published today confirms the massive market advantage Airbus has enjoyed from billions in illegal government subsidies provided to fund the company's commercial airplane product line since its inception more than 40 years ago.

"This WTO ruling shatters the convenient myth that European governments must illegally subsidize Airbus to counter U.S. government assistance to Boeing," said J. Michael Luttig, Boeing (NYSE:BA) executive vice president and general counsel. "The ruling rejects 80 percent of the EU's claims against the U.S., finding no more than $2.7 billion of impermissible subsidies to Boeing not previously remedied. That amount includes $2.6 billion in NASA R&D funding, which is but a small fraction of the total amount challenged," Luttig said.

Today's ruling resulted from the European Union's attempt to counter a U.S. case that successfully challenged illegal subsidies to Airbus. Last June, the WTO upheld approximately 80% of the U.S. claim, finding Airbus had received more than $20 billion in illegal government subsidies, which harmed the U.S. aerospace industry and resulted in the loss of billions in exports and tens of thousands of U.S. jobs.

Illegal government subsidies to Airbus included:

* $1.5 billion in R&D subsidies,
* $1.7 billion in infrastructure subsidies,
* $2.2 billion in equity infusions, and
* $15 billion in launch aid (including $4 billion for the A380) – a subsidy that is unique to Airbus and is the most pernicious and market-distorting subsidy under the law.

"Comparing today's decision with the decision last June reveals a market distorted by Airbus' practices, with illegal launch aid being the key discriminator," Luttig said. "The WTO ruling on launch aid goes to the heart of the Airbus business model, which now must change. In contrast, there are no comparable findings or consequences to the U.S. or Boeing from today's decision, as the WTO has now fully and finally rejected most of the EU's claims."

Both sides may appeal today's ruling. Once any appeal concludes, Boeing will support whatever steps the U.S. government deems necessary to fulfill its WTO obligations, and expects the same commitment to compliance from Airbus and its sponsor governments.

"Illegal launch aid must end. Airbus must take immediate steps to withdraw the outstanding prohibited subsidies provided to the A380, and it must finance the A350 and all other future programs on commercial terms," Luttig said.

"With $16.6 billion of cash on hand, EADS/Airbus can, and now must, develop its products without illegal government subsidies," he added.

Luttig said the WTO had done an outstanding job adjudicating the subsidy dispute.

"An impartial arbiter has spoken, and has set important precedents for all nations with ambitions to grow their aerospace industries. Compliance with WTO rules is essential to fair play and to the public's confidence in the global trading system," he said.

Editor's Note: More information can be found at www.boeing.com/WTO


Truth goes public: WTO condemns massive illegal Boeing subsidies

Boeing received “at least $5.3 billion” in “pervasive” and “distortive” subsidies causing $45 billion in harm
31 March 2011 Press Release

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) today publicly condemned the United States for giving Boeing massive illegal subsidies that caused Airbus to lose $45 billion in sales. This follows years of unfounded accusations and attempts to demonise Airbus, especially during the protracted campaign to win the US Air Force contract for Tanker aircraft.

“Finally the truth emerges: Boeing has received and continues to receive subsidies which have a significantly greater distortive effect than the Reimbursable Loans to Airbus, “ said Rainer Ohler, Airbus’ Head of Public Affairs and Communications. “Taking the cases together, the WTO has now specifically green-lighted the continued use of government loans in Europe and ordered Boeing to end its illegal cash support from US taxpayers. It’s time for Boeing to stop denying or minimizing the massive illegal subsidies it gets”.

The WTO-report published today confirms Airbus’s earlier predictions:

1 - Boeing would not have been able to launch the 787 without illegal subsidies.

“What is clear to us is that, absent the aeronautics R&D subsidies, Boeing would not have been able to launch an aircraft incorporating all of the technologies that are incorporated on the 787...” (para. 7.1775)

“[T]he R&D subsidies ... contributed in a genuine and substantial way to Boeing’s development of technologies for the 787.” (paras. 7.1754, 7.1773 and 7.1794).

2 - Boeing has received “at least $5.3 billion” of US taxpayer dollars which has been determined illegal.

“[W]e have estimated that the amount of these subsidies to Boeing’s LCA division was at least $5.3 billion.” (para. 7.1433).

3 - An additional over $2 billion in state and local subsidies that Boeing will receive in the future are illegal.

“[T]he Panel finds that the Washington [tax credits] are specific subsidies to Boeing.” “[W]e recommend that ... the United States ‘take appropriate measures to ... withdraw the subsidy’.” (Paras. 7.302, 8.9).

4 - The effect of the subsidies is significantly larger than the face value of the subsidies in light of their particularly pervasive nature.

“Precisely because the nature of this kind of subsidy is that it is intended to multiply the benefit from a given expenditure, the Panel considers it unlikely that the effects of such expenditure ... would be reducible to its face amount.” (para. 7.1760)

5 - The pervasive subsidies have thoroughly distorted competition within the aviation industry, directly resulting in significant harm to the European aerospace industry.

“[W]e would characterize the NASA R&D subsidies as strategically-focused R&D programmes with a significant and pervasive commercial dimension.” (para. 7.1764)

“[The subsidies] enabled Boeing to lower its prices beyond the level that would otherwise have been economically justifiable.... [T]his led to it securing sales that it would not otherwise have made, while in other cases, it led to Airbus being able to secure the sale only at a reduced price. (para. 7.1818)

6 - The effect of these subsidies will continue in the future, putting Airbus at a significant disadvantage.

“We note further that, to the extent that these subsidies have enabled Boeing to win sales from Airbus in the past, they have served to entrench Boeing as the incumbent supplier, thereby putting it at an important switching cost advantage over Airbus in future sales.” (para. 7.1818)

“Boeing has shot themselves in the foot with the WTO proceedings,” indicates Rainer Ohler. “The company has achieved a massive condemnation of its U.S. funding mechanisms – provided the U.S. is willing to implement the ruling - while the European mechanism has been approved as a legal instrument. The only result of this anachronistic battle is that it limits America’s and Europe’s ability to compete with emerging competitors that have access to unlimited government funding.”

Airbus is pleased with the findings of the WTO report, but understands that the European Commission may appeal a number of issues relating to legal interpretation. Airbus fully supports the European Commission in this respect.

Full version of the report: www.wto.org (search item DS353)


Tecnam anuncia el lanzamiento del nuevo avión P2012 Traveller


El fabricante italiano lo presentará en la Feria Aero 2011 de Friedrischafen


Madrid, 31 de Marzo de 2011.- Tecnam ha anunciado hoy el lanzamiento del Tecnam P2012 Traveller. Un bimotor de nueva generación, diseñado con once asientos y alimentado por un motor Lycoming. Este nuevo avión ha sido diseñado para cumplir con las legislaciones americana y europea  FAR 23 y EASA CS-23.

El Tecnam P2012 Traveller ha sido creado para proporcionar transporte aéreo seguro y fiable en todo el mundo, ofreciendo un inmejorable aspecto, con un diseño innovador y estilo italiano, además de un coste de operación muy pequeño. 

Las aerolíneas han estado demandando el reemplazo para cientos de aviones "patrimonio" en la categoría FAR23/CS23 actualmente en servicio en todo el mundo, ya que muchos están llegando al final de su vida útil.

Con la introducción del Traveller P2012, Tecnam asegura un nicho de mercado, donde se reúnen comodidad y seguridad para los pasajeros, y en el que los operadores mejorarán significativamente el coste operativo directo, con un mantenimiento más eficiente y teniendo en cuenta consideraciones ambientales como la necesidad de disminuir el consumo de combustible y menos emisiones de ruido.

En cuanto a la planta de potencia, Lycoming ha desarrollado un motor seis cilindros de cuatro tiempos con motores de pistón,  TEO-540-A1A para alimentar el P2012 Traveller, diseñados especialmente para este modelo, ofreciendo un consumo económico, preparados para operar en condiciones de baja presión y altitud, y con alto número de ciclos. Cada uno de estos motores ofrece 350 caballos de potencia.

El Tecnam P2012 Traveller tendrá la opción de utilizar combustible MOGAS y AVGAS, permitiendo así al Tecnam P2012 la operación en multitud de escenarios. Sus dos motores aseguran operaciones seguras y  fiables, ya sea grandes superficies de agua o terrenos accidentados, con un sistema de combustible equipado con dos tanques de combustible integrados en el fuselaje de las alas, con una capacidad de 600 litros (159 Gal.), teniendo un consumo medio de menos de 114 l/h (30 GPH) a una velocidad de crucero de 160 nudos.

El nuevo avión requiere un mantenimiento mínimo, por lo que se ha equipado con un tren de aterrizaje fijo, muy robusto, prácticamente libre de mantenimiento. Con más de cien centros de servicio Tecnam instaurados en todo el mundo, nuestros operadores tienen la garantía de un soporte global.

Para Tecnam la reputación de innovación y estilo es también muy evidente en el diseño de la cabina de pasaje. Teniendo en cuenta los últimos estudios ergonómicos y antropométricos, la distancia entre asientos se ha fijado en una medida muy cómoda de 32 pulgadas. Equipados con puntos individuales de ventilación para cada pasajero, con un sistema de calefacción diseñado para calentar la cabina de manera uniforme. Además alberga dos compartimientos de equipaje que permiten 1.000 litros con 70,6 pies cúbicos de espacio.

''Últimamente, los operadores han demandado un avión de nueva generación que pueda ofrecer no sólo beneficios, sino tambien eficiencia, fiabilidad y confort para los pasajeros. El equipo de diseño de Tecnam ha respondido a todas estas necesidades en el desarrollo del P2012 Traveller, ¡uno de los primeros aviones FAR23/CS23 creado en 25 años!'', comentó Paolo Pascale, Director de Gestión de Tecnam. ''El Traveller P2012 se basa en nuestro compromiso de continuar el desarrollo de aviones elegantes, innovadores y asequibles. Para el equipo de Tecnam, el diseño y construcción de aviones no es sólo un trabajo, es una extensión de nuestra pasión por volar''.

El Tecnam P2012 Traveller se podrá ver por primera vez en servicio, como un avión de pasajeros, pero ha sido diseñado para ser una plataforma aérea muy versátil y flexible, que ofrece muchas oportunidades incluyendo las opciones de ser avión de carga, VIP, paracaidismo y servicios de evacuación médica.

El Tecnam P2012 Traveller se dará a conocer públicamente durante la feria Aero 2011 en Friedrichshafen el próximo miércoles 13 de abril 2011.



Sobre Tecnam
Tecnam Aviation fue fundada en 1986 por los hermanos Pascale. La empresa cuenta con dos plantas de fabricación en Italia. Una de 11.000 metros cuadrados cerca del Aeropuerto Internacional de Nápoles, en Capodichino, y otra de 12.000 metros cuadrados en Capua, en el Aeropuerto Oreste Salomone.

La red de distribución de aviones Tecnam incluye distribuidores en los países extranjeros, Dedalus Aircraft (www.dedalusaircraft.es) es la compañía distribuidora en España.

Los aviones Tecnam que se fabrican actualmente ofrecen una diversa gama de opciones ajustadas para cada cliente. Tienen configuración de asientos para dos o cuatro ocupantes, y utilizan en la mayoría de los casos el motor Rotax 912S de 100 cv. Además es un avión muy versátil que permite ser una herramienta excepcional para la enseñanza, ideales como avión escuela, tal y como demuestra la demanda de modelos como el P92 o el P2002.


Spanish Government, Iberia, and Airbus launch bio-fuel initiative

'Value chain' to study bio-fuel production to reduce CO2 emissions
Blagnac,  30 March 2011

The Spanish government, Iberia Airlines and Airbus have signed an agreement to develop a complete Spanish 'value chain' for sustainable and renewable aviation bio-fuel for commercial use. Other key members are expected to join the agreement shortly.

Signatories to the agreement signed in Madrid include Isaías Táboas, Spain's Transport Secretary of State, Suárez, Antonio Vazquez, Iberia Airlines Chairman, and Tom Enders, Airbus President and CEO.

The agreement promotes and backs initiatives to develop a complete bio-fuel production chain for Spanish aviation, using sustainable resources from production to consumption in commercial aviation, with special consideration on economic and technical analysis.

"The implementation of biofuels by the Spanish aviation industry for the development of a complete Spanish "value chain" is a goal that will reduce our dependency on fossil energy, make our companies more competitive by reducing costs associated to CO2 and create value and wealth in other sectors of our national economy," said Isaías Táboas. "We are fully confident that both, the public and private sector can cooperate in the development and implementation of this initiative."

"Climate change is a major challenge for our industry. The aviation sector's ambitious CO2 reduction target is only possible if bio-fuels become a reality. Under this initiative, Iberia brings extensive experience in flight operations and in aircraft maintenance to perform the necessary tests that will make this goal a reality", said Antonio Vazquez.

Airbus' focus is on providing expertise and management of the feasibility, life cycle and sustainability analysis.

"Biofuels are a must for aviation to achieve our industry's ambitious CO2 reduction targets. In fact, we believe that biofuels should primarily be reserved for aviation as our industry has no other viable alternative energy source," said Tom Enders. "All industry players including governments have a role in helping to reduce global CO2 emission levels. Airbus is supporting value chains to accelerate the commercialisation of aviation bio-fuels."

The value chain brings together farmers, oil-refiners and airlines to spearhead the commercialisation of sustainable bio-fuel production. Phase one of the project will be the feasibility study. Phase two, will narrow down the most promising solutions to a demonstration level, and phase three from 2014 onwards will look at implementation and scaling up of the production process.

The initiative is being lead by the Air Safety State-Agency (AESA) and the Services and Studies for Air Navigation and Aeronautical Safety/Observatory of Sustainability in Aviation (SENASA/OBSA), under the Ministries of the Environment, of Public works and of the Industry.


Airbus CEO Tom Enders calls for investment in the future

Sustainable aviation at the heart of a thriving European economy
Blagnac,  30 March 2011

Speaking at a major EU summit in Madrid, Airbus President and CEO, Tom Enders, urges Europe "to invest in improving an infrastructure that so much of the world's economic and social development relies on".

The Airbus CEO's comments follow the launch of The European Aviation Vision 2050, an aspirational roadmap of how the sector will handle 16 billion passengers and 400 million tonnes of cargo annually (1). Airbus has been involved in developing the vision, which highlights the need for investment in education and research to meet global demand for a sustainable and greener transport network.

The European Aviation Vision 2050, aims to reduce CO2 by 75%, NOx by 90% and noise by 65%, compared to levels in 2000, while handling around 25 million flights per year within Europe. It suggests that by then 90% of travellers will be able to complete European journeys in four hours and that flights will arrive within one minute of planned arrival times, reducing flight times and fuel burn due to air traffic congestion.

Enders added: "The implementation of fuel saving technology in our aircraft has allowed us to satisfy a 45% increase in demand for air transport over the last decade with only a 3% increase in the use of jet fuel. Innovation has allowed us to do more with less, but these ambitious goals set out by this Vision need investment and action now in order to safeguard Europe's position as a leader in sustainable aviation, in a changing economic and political landscape," says Enders.

"Aviation supports 33 million jobs and 8% GDP. It is imperative that our investment in air transport reflects the huge economical and social benefits it brings", Enders concludes.

The Vision 2050 echoes the findings of the Airbus Passenger 2050 global survey, which reveals that seven out of 10 people expect to fly more, in greener aircraft and with access to their 'digital world'. "The future of aviation must take into account technological advances, but also passenger demands", says Enders. "Air traffic demand doubles every 15 years and as more people travel by air, it will take huge step change advancements to handle this increase in traffic while simultaneously preserving our environment."

The survey is part of The Future by Airbus initiative, which aims to promote debate about the challenges and choices faced by the industry as it seeks to look to the future.


El episodio 14 del podcast aeronáutico Remove Before Flight ya está aquí

De nuevo un episodio más con vosotros, esta vez marcado por el conflicto aéreo sobre Libia. Un momento ¿eso no había ocurrido ya antes? descúbrelo en el monográfico de este episodio. Pero no te pierdas las noticias y el análisis de la actualidad.

0:00:00 Introducción
00:01:47 Plan de vuelo (sumario)
00:02:33 Noticias
00:21:26 Actualidad a Fondo: Peticiones extrañas a los TCPs
00:28:06 Actualidad a Fondo: ICAO prevé una gran demanda de profesionales.
00:34:15 Monográfico: El conflicto de Libia
00:58:22 Despedida
(duración total: 01:00h)

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en las  noticias se habla del Dragon Rapide, y de un vídeo, se puede ver en: Vídeo del "roll out" del Dragon Rapide de la FIO con la librea de Iberia y la crónica de nuestra visita al roll-out del Dragon Rapide aquí.

"Eurocopter Canada Announces the Sale of first AS350 B3e to Slave Lake Helicopters"

"Eurocopter Canada Announces the Sale of first AS350 B3e to Slave Lake Helicopters" 

The enhanced AS350 B3e is the next generation aircraft in the proven Ecureuil family of helicopters.  Officially launched at Heli-Expo, 2011 the new version features a more powerful Turbomeca Arriel 2D turbo shaft engine, a new digital FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) and is fitted with an engine data recorder. 

"The selection of the AS350B3e for Slave Lake's operations was easy; the new helicopter fits well with our expansion plans because it gives us the ability to work effectively in mountainous regions and over larger territories" said Mr. George Kelham, Owner, Slave Lake Helicopters. "Our customers rely on us to fly the latest in new technology aircraft".

The powerful, high-performance AS350 B3e is designed to carry out the most demanding missions in the most extreme weather and geographical conditions. Its exceptional lift capability, high endurance, extended range and fast cruise speed make the AS350 B3e the leader in its class.

Unique to the AS350 B3e with the Arriel 2D powerplant is the opportunity to equip the AS350 B3e with engine filters for protection during flight in sand and snow conditions without a performance penalty. It incorporates tail rotor modifications for additional ease of piloting, and also features an improved interior design.

The AS350 B3e is a member of Eurocopter's rugged and proven Ecureuil family. Some 4,900 Ecureuils have been delivered in 98 countries for some 1,600 operators. These aircraft have cumulated more than 22 million hours. More than 900 AS350 B3 series are currently in-service worldwide, and are mainly used for high performance missions in "high and hot" conditions. The new AS350 B3e will be based in Slave Lake, Alberta and will be utilized for forestry, oil support, tree planning and firefighting missions.

The AS350 B3e will be delivered in 2012. Certification of the AS350 B3e is planned this summer, with deliveries to begin before year-end. It will be powered by the new Turbomeca Arriel 2D engine which offers high performance, reliability and low maintenance costs. The AS350 B3e cockpit will be fitted with a dual LCD-screen Vehicle and Engine Multifunction Display (VEMD), allowing the pilot to check at one glance the main vehicle and engine parameters - thus reducing his workload and enhancing safety. The use of composite material for the airframe, rotors and main rotor head gives the AS350 B3e the best protection against corrosion, as well as, reducing maintenance costs.

Photo credit Mike Reyno (left to right):
-       Guy Joannes, President & CEO Eurocopter Canada
-       George Kelham, Owner, Slave Lake Helicopters
-       Debbie Kelham,  Owner, Slave Lake Helicopters
-       Normand Chevrier, Eastern Canada Marketing Manager, Eurocopter Canada
-       Guillaume Leprince, VP Marketing & Sales, Eurocopter Canada

Visita de agregados militares acreditados a la fábrica de Eurocopter España

Dentro del programa de visitas a instalaciones militares de la industria de Defensa en nuestro país que organiza cada año la Dirección General de Política de Defensa (DIGENPOL), un grupo de 32 agregados militares acreditados en sus respectivas embajadas en España, dirigido por el Coronel Jefe de la Sección de Relaciones Internacionales del Estado Mayor del Ejército del Aire, ha realizado una visita a la fábrica que Eurocopter España tiene en Albacete. Como
complemento a la visita, este grupo de militares extranjeros realizarán también mañana día 30 una visita a la Base Aérea de Los Llanos y al TLP (Training Leadership Programme).

Tuvieron ocasión de comprobar de primera mano las capacidades industriales de Eurocopter en España en materia de helicópteros tanto civiles como militares, poniendo especial atención en las cadenas de montaje del Tigre y del NH90 que se encuentran funcionando a pleno rendimiento y la del EC 135, apreciado internacionalmente por sus posibilidades de doble uso (civil y militar) y en particular por su capacidad en las misiones de entrenamiento avanzado de pilotos militares, en la evacuación médica de emergencia, así como su rol de mando y control en catástrofes de todo tipo y su participación en los cuerpos y fuerzas de seguridad del estado.

La delegación estuvo acompañada en todo momento por el Consejero Delegado de Eurocopter España, D. Francisco Vergé, y un nutrido grupo de directivos de la compañía que les fueron explicando detalladamente las diferentes partes de la fábrica.

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

FAA-Conforming HondaJet Achieves Maximum Speed

Greensboro, North Carolina, March 29, 2011 – Honda Aircraft Company, Inc., today announced that the first FAA-conforming HondaJet light business jet has achieved a maximum speed of 425 KTAS (489 mph) at 30,000 ft. and a maximum Mach number of 0.72 above 30,000 ft. This achievement surpasses the company's performance commitment of 420 KTAS for the production HondaJet.

The FAA-conforming HondaJet's maximum speed of 425 KTAS was recorded on March 11, 2011.

"We are extremely pleased with the strong performance of the FAA-conforming HondaJet early in the flight test program," said Michimasa Fujino, Honda Aircraft Company President & CEO. "Our flight tests indicate the aircraft is handling and performing as expected, with excellent control harmony and stability. The HondaJet's unique over-the-wing engine-mount configuration and natural laminar-flow leading edge and fuselage nose designs significantly reduce drag and greatly contribute to such outstanding performance. In addition, the HondaJet's HF120 engines are exhibiting carefree handling of thrust and are supporting top-level performance and efficiency."

Honda will continue a rigorous series of in-flight mechanical, systems and handling tests on the FAA-conforming aircraft. Flight testing of the conforming HondaJet is taking place at Honda Aircraft Company's world headquarters facility in Greensboro, North Carolina.

To support its flight test program, Honda has completed its second FAA-conforming aircraft, which already has undergone numerous structural tests. Mating of the major components of the company's third conforming aircraft – to be used for mechanical systems flight testing – has been completed, and systems installation is now well underway on this aircraft. A fourth conforming flight test aircraft is in the final stages of mating of major assemblies and will soon enter the systems installation phase of completion. A fifth conforming aircraft also is scheduled to support additional structural testing.

While flight testing and the build of FAA-conforming aircraft continue, construction of the HondaJet production facility on the company's Greensboro campus nears completion. Honda soon will take occupancy of the 263,400 ft2 production facility and begin the process of moving equipment and personnel into the facility and undertaking pre-production preparations and training necessary to support HondaJet production ramp-up beginning in 2012.


martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

EADS to unveil new licensing opportunities for composites manufacturing methods and techniques

Paris,  28 marzo 2011

The EADS Technology Licensing initiative will have an active participation at this week's JEC Composites 2011 exposition in Paris, highlighting a new portfolio of composites manufacturing methods and techniques available for licensing opportunities.

Several of the technologies are associated with EADS' patented Vacuum Assisted Process (VAP), including a preform manufacturing machine that is highly automated and self-adaptable. VAP provides an optimised out-ofautoclave manufacturing process the makes the production of large, lightweight parts more cost effective and provides high quality finished products.

Other technologies offered by EADS include production methods for single and multi-layer preforms using tailored fibre placement.

Also at JEC Composites 2011, the EADS Technology Licensing initiative will unveil its new "forum" concept, which brings together EADS licensees with experts from across the company for an open exchange of experience, expertise and lessons learned in composites production. The first such forum meeting will be held during the second half of 2011 with Airbus in Toulouse, France.

JEC Composites is Europe's largest composites industry event. he EADS Technology Licensing initiative's exhibit booth for JEC Composites 2011 is on Stand #T46 in Hall 1, at the Paris-Porte de Versailles exhibition centre.


First A350 XWB nose landing gear installed in test facility

Blagnac,  28 marzo 2011

The first A350 XWB nose landing gear produced by Liebherr Aerospace has been successfully installed in the A350 XWB landing gear systems test facility in Filton (UK)

In the coming weeks, the main landing gear supplied by Messier-Dowty will be installed and preliminary testing of all three landing gear legs will start. Full integration testing will begin with the entry into service of the facility towards the end of 2011. These tests are carried out to demonstrate reliability and maturity in addition to providing evidence for certification, especially with regards to the extension-retraction, braking and steering systems.

The test facility, called « landing gear zero », is part of a series of integration test benches specifically developed to test the A350 XWB systems in order to ensure that the aircraft meets the highest standards of in-service reliability from day one. Other A350 XWB system integration tests facilities such as this one are "cabin zero" for testing the integration of cabin systems into the cabin structure and "aircraft zero" known also as the "iron bird" for testing the integration of the hydraulic, electric and flight control systems.

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

Marugan Aero Meeting - Iberian Freestyle Championship

Marugan Aero Meeting - Iberian Freestyle Championship

This is the first video teaser of the Marugan Aero Meeting. We are glad to present the MARUGAN AERO MEETING. This event will be held by Air Marugán on 30th-31st July 2011, in its modern facilities of the aerodrome of Marugán in the province of Segovia, situated in the center of Spain. The MAM is a multi-disciplinary event; many different fields of the Aeronautics industry will be represented. The MAM is not only an aviation fair, but a truly aeronautical festival, with airshows, product presentations, international-level artistic aerobatic championship, state-of-the-art technology... a festival where our visitors will enjoy a friendly atmosphere and will be able to discover all the aspects of the Aeronautics.This event involves an aeronautical expo, and an international radio-controlled aerobatic championship called "Iberian Freestyle Championship". More info: www.maruganaeromeeting.com

Sanswire Unveils New Unmanned Airship "Argus One" (UZ:Unmanned Zeppelin)

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL--(Marketwire - March 28, 2011) - Sanswire Corp. (OTCBB: SNSR), a developer of lighter-than-air unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and related technologies, announced today that it has unveiled the Company's new UAV -- "Argus One." The introduction of Argus One follows the Company's recent filing of a provisional patent application in the United States for the new airship design and illustrates the uniqueness of the Company's UAV design. Argus One, named after the Greek god Argus, the all-seeing god with one hundred eyes, was designed to meet certain requirements for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) applications for the US military and other governmental agencies. Argus One provides governmental and commercial solutions to a UAV market expected to exceed $62 billion by 2015.

Argus One is a lighter-than-air (LTA) UAV designed to fly over areas of interest for extended durations carrying various payloads designed to allow for ISR, communications and other applications. Argus One has low acquisition, maintenance and operational costs compared to heavier-than-air UAVs currently in operation. The design and construction of Argus One follows years of research and development by the Company of alternative LTA technologies and solutions and combines innovative approaches to LTA technology proprietary to Sanswire. Argus One is Sanswire's initial LTA UAV equipped with the Company's newly developed, proprietary stabilization system that autonomously controls the level of rigidity of the airship in flight. This airship design significantly differs from many of the LTA platforms that have been in operation for over a century.

Argus One was specifically developed by Sanswire using US developed technologies that take full advantage of the microelectronics and command and control technologies protected under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) for potential US Government and approved commercial customers. The Company is also refocusing its efforts on establishing relationships with research and development and flight facilities in the US for development of the Argus line of airships.

As part of this refocused business strategy, the Company has entered into a Settlement Agreement with TAO Technologies that, among other things, terminates all existing agreements between the parties and provides for the dissolution of the Sanswire-TAO joint venture. As part of the Settlement Agreement, TAO is entitled to retain all consideration previously paid to it and the debt owed by the Company under the prior agreements of approximately $2.5 million has been discharged. The Company is currently in discussions with TAO to develop a mutually beneficial relationship for future efforts. The Company plans to continue to review all outstanding debts on its balance sheet as part of an ongoing initiative to reduce the Company's liabilities and strengthen its balance sheet.

Sanswire Chairman Michael K. Clark stated, "The unveiling of Argus One represents a key milestone for the Company and brings us another step closer to commercial production of our airships."

Sanswire CEO Glenn Estrella added, "Argus One is the airship we believe can address and help with many of the ISR and communications challenges facing the world today, both domestic and abroad. We look forward to demonstrating and proving Argus One's capabilities and potential."

Argus One was developed for Sanswire under contract by Eastcor Engineering, a US Department of Defense prime contractor, specializing in high technology engineering products and services. Sanswire and Eastcor continue to work together on Argus One and other technologies at the Company's hangar facility located on the grounds of the Easton Airport in Easton, MD, where the Argus One is currently housed.

About Sanswire Corp.

Sanswire Corp. (OTCBB: SNSR) is a developer of autonomous, lighter-than-air UAVs capable of carrying payloads that provide persistent security solutions at low, mid, and high altitudes. Sanswire's airships are designed for use by government-related and commercial entities that require real-time intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance support for military, homeland defense, border and maritime missions.

Press Release

[Photo & Video] Electric Aircraft: ELEKTRA ONE performed successfully her Maiden flight

Electric Aircraft from PC-Aero flew 30 minutes - Flying with CO2 emission is now reality

The Electric Aircraft ELEKTRA ONE, developed by Calin Gologan, performed it's internal First Flight on Saturday, 19. Mar. 2011 at the Airport Augsburg/Germany. This First Flight was performed by the well known test pilot Jon Karkow. He did the first check for the flight performance and characteristics of the Electric Aircraft and briefed the german test pilot Norbert Lorenzen for the next official First Flight on Wednesday, 23. Mar. 2011. On Wednesday for the first time the single-seater ELEKTRA ONE circled for 30 minutes in the air.

During its maiden flight, the ELEKTRA ONE climbed to over 500 meters, with 400 feet/min. - completely silent, without noise. The Electric Aircraft used only about 3 kWh of energy from the total 6 kWh available on board.

At first the flight characteristics were tested. The next step involved the monitoring and evaluation of important parameters of the electric drive. "Our expectations have been exceeded", says Calin Gologan, CEO of PC-Aero GmbH/Germany. "We are overjoyed."

The Geiger Engineering company, located in Bamberg/Germany, developed the electric drive unit including electric motor HPD 13.5 (16kW maximum power), controller, battery management and propeller.

Also very satisfied was the test pilot, Jon Karkow, with the stability and controllability in the air and with the safe and good landing characteristics of the ELEKTRA ONE.

In the next weeks the ELEKTRA ONE will get a new variable pitch propeller and a retractable landing gear. This will give better flight performance. You can see our Electric Aircraft in combination with a Solar Hangar at the AERO 2011, The Global Show for General Aviation in Friedrichshafen/Germany (13.-16.04.2011). Our complete system allows a full CO2 emission zero flight.

Jon Karkow is one of the world's best test pilots. He was Project leader and test pilot for the around-the-world Virgin Global Flyer that won him a 2006 Aeronautics Laureate Award from Aviation Week & Space Technology. Most recently, he served as the Technical Program Manager for Virgin Galactic's commercial space program at Scaled Composites.

For the first flight of the ELEKTRA ONE at the Airport Augsburg, he came specifically to Germany. The 48-year-old it is, of the single-seater is expected to fly during Berblinger flight competition at the Aero in Friedrichshafen (April 2011) and at the NASA-/CAFE-Green Flight Challenge in California/USA (July 2011).

CO2 emission zero, without noise and low operating costs

"We do not have to wait for new technologies, we need only to integrate current components (lightweight structures with high-quality aerodynamics, light and modern electric motors and batteries) in a optimized system. Our ELEKTRA ONE is such a modern single-seat Ultralight Electric Aircraft in composite construction. With the ELEKTRA ONE and the existing technology it is possible to fly electric without CO2-emission and without noise for over three hours. In addition, in comparison to a classic aircraft, the operating costs are much lower", says Calin Gologan, developer of the ELEKTRA ONE . "This is very interesting for flying clubs."

Video: Maiden Flight

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Pratt & Whitney Completes First Geared Turbofan Engine for Mitsubishi Regional Jet

MIDDLETOWN, Conn. – March 24, 2011 – Pratt & Whitney completed assembly on the first PurePower PW1217G engine to test for the Mitsubishi Regional Jet (MRJ) aircraft.  The engine, rated at 17,000 pounds of thrust, is the third PurePower PW1000G series engine to complete assembly.  It will be delivered to Pratt & Whitney's West Palm Beach, Fla., facility to initiate testing. The MRJ Last Bolt Ceremony was held today at Pratt & Whitney's Middletown Engine Center in Connecticut.  Pratt & Whitney is a United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX) company.

"The PurePower engine is an integral part of the new Mitsubishi Regional Jet," Yukihiko Nakata, senior deputy project manager, Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation, told Pratt & Whitney employees at the MRJ Last Bolt Ceremony today.  "We continue to work closely with Pratt & Whitney to integrate the engine with the airframe, and we look forward to getting the initial test results from this first engine to test."

"Completion of this first engine to test for the PW1200G series is another important milestone for the PurePower engine program," said Bob Saia, vice president, Next Generation Product Family.  "Ground testing of our first PurePower engine exceeded our expectations, and I predict that testing for this first PW1217G engine will produce similar results."

The PW1200G engine test program will run a total of eight test engines over the next 24 months.  Entry into service is scheduled for 2014.  Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation has sold MRJ aircraft to All Nippon Airways and Trans States Holdings.

Pratt & Whitney recently completed initial ground testing of its first PW1000G series engine with nearly 200 hours of testing.  PurePower engine core testing concluded last year with more than 260 accumulated test hours.  In addition to the core testing, Pratt & Whitney has performed critical module-level testing for the PurePower engine program, including fan drive gear system testing with simulations of more than 60,000 takeoffs and landings, and hundreds of hours of testing on the low- and high-pressure compressor with advanced designs meeting or exceeding efficiency and operability goals.

Pratt & Whitney is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines, space propulsion systems and industrial gas turbines. United Technologies, based in Hartford, Conn., is a diversified company providing high technology products and services to the global aerospace and building industries.
This release includes "forward looking statements" concerning anticipated business opportunities that are subject to risks and uncertainties, including with regard to the programs described in this release.  Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in forward looking statements include the impact of deterioration or extended weakness in global economic conditions on demand for our products and services, the financial strength of customers and suppliers and on levels of air travel; and challenges in the design, development, production and support of advanced technologies and new products and services.  For information identifying other important economic, political, regulatory, legal, technological, competitive and other uncertainties, see UTC's 10-K, 10-Q and other reports filed with the SEC.
Click here for event / engine photos.


jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

SuperJet International obtains the DOA (Design Organization Approval) Certificate

Venice March 24, 2011

SuperJet International (SJI) – a joint venture between Alenia Aeronautica,
a Finmeccanica Company, and Sukhoi Holding – has received the DOA (Design Organization Approval) Certificate from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

This Certification allows SuperJet International to carry out modifications to the base configuration of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100). Namely SuperJet International is now entitled to provide Customers with any type of interiors customization in order to satisfy the specific airlines' needs.

All the variants made to the aircraft and its parts will be agreed with the manufacturer Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company.

The DOA represents a necessary approval in order to perform the design and development of VIP and cargo variants on the platform of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft in cooperation with the manufacturer SCAC.

The installation of the aircraft's interiors and optional equipment will be accomplished at the SuperJet International maintenance base in Venice, Italy,
by a team of professional and experienced engineers.

"After the obtainment of EASA/ENAC-PART 145 Certificate and EASA/ENAC-PART 147, The DOA represents an outstanding goal in the Certification process. With this result SuperJet International successfully completes the certification cycle aimed at ensuring a high level of services in the field of maintenance and customization – states Mr. Carlo Logli, Chief Executive Officer of SuperJet International – I firmly believe that our Company is ready to support the SSJ100 entry into service and strengthen the full success of the aircraft in the world".

The Sukhoi Superjet 100 is a state-of-the-art new generation regional jet.
It is currently the best choice in the 100-seat aircraft segment because of its outstanding characteristics in terms of quality, comfort and operational costs.


[#Photo] Airbus Military A400M completes low-speed take-off tests

The Airbus Military A400M has completed a challenging series of tests to determine the lowest speed at which it can take-off – known as minimum unstick speed or Vmu.

The Airbus Military A400M has completed a challenging series of tests to determine the lowest speed at which it can take-off – known as minimum unstick speed or Vmu. During the tests, performed at Istres in France, the aircraft's nose was raised until a special 'bumper' fitted to the rear fuselage struck the ground at the maximum pitch-up angle of 13º. In the close-up photo sparks can be seen flying from the bumper as it drags on the runway.


miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

DRS Defense Solutions to Provide Cargo Handling and Aerial Delivery Systems for Embraer KC-390 Military Transport Aircraft

BETHESDA, MD., MARCH 22, 2011 – DRS Defense Solutions announced that it has been awarded a contract by Embraer S.A., located in São José dos Campos, São Paolo, Brazil, for the design, development, testing, production, and after-market support of the KC-390 Cargo Handling and Aerial Delivery System (CHS/ADS).

Work will be performed by DRS Training & Control Systems in Fort Walton Beach, Fla.

Embraer was awarded the KC-390 design and development contract by the Brazilian Air Force in April 2009. The KC-390 is a fixed-wing transport aircraft under development for the Brazilian Air Force launch customer and targeted customers around the world. As a medium- to heavy-class military transport aircraft, the KC-390 will perform troop and cargo transport, aerial delivery, in-flight refueling and medical evacuations. The KC-390 CHS/ADS is one of the five major aircraft subsystems.

The KC-390 CHS/ADS will be integral to the aircraft cabin for transporting palletized cargo and rolling stock onboard the aircraft as well as performing various aerial delivery missions involving parachute extraction of cargo. The CHS/ADS will be comprised of an electrical pallet locking system, electronic load master control subsystem involving DO178 level A software certification, retractable guide-rails, invertible cargo rollers, tie-down devices, and other system components integrated into purpose-designed structural floor panels custom configured to meet stringent weight limitations.

“We are very pleased to win a position on the KC-390 program and enter into a strategic partnership with Embraer and the Brazilian Air Force for this new aircraft,” states Richard Danforth, president and CEO of DRS Defense Solutions.

Edwin R. “Robbie” Epstein, president of DRS Training & Control Systems, adds, “The KC-390 program is a welcomed addition to our 50-year legacy of producing military cargo handling and aerial delivery systems, onboard aircraft systems, and defense electronics. We look forward to a successful development phase and seamless transition to production, leveraging our combined in house capabilities to deliver a state-of-the-art system backed by long-term product support.”

“Establishing Embraer and the Brazilian Air Force as customers for the KC-390 program creates a solid presence for our company in the growing Brazilian Defense market,” notes Howard Hudson, vice president of business development and program capture manager.

Embraer, the world’s largest manufacturer of commercial jets up to 120 seats, is headquartered in São José dos Campos, São Paolo, Brazil and employs more than 17,000 people engaged in design, development, manufacturing and sales of aircraft for the commercial aviation, executive aviation, and defense segments.

DRS Defense Solutions, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of DRS Technologies, Inc, is headquartered in Bethesda, MD. DRS Defense Solutions provides world-class products, services and systems integration in the areas of intelligence and sensor technologies, security, cyber, sonar, communications, electronic warfare, training systems, satellite communications, avionics, control systems and unmanned technologies. DRS Technologies, headquartered in Parsippany, NJ, is a leading supplier of integrated products, services and support to military forces, intelligence agencies and prime contractors worldwide, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Finmeccanica S.p.A. (FNC.MI) which employs more than 75,000 people worldwide.


First Airbus Military A330 MRTT for UK Royal Air Force displays its three-point refuelling capability

The first A330 MRTT Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft (FSTA) for the UK Royal Air Force is here captured with both its underwing pods and fuselage refuelling unit (FRU) deployed simultaneously.

The first A330 MRTT Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft (FSTA) for the UK Royal Air Force is here captured with both its underwing pods and fuselage refuelling unit (FRU) deployed simultaneously. The photo was taken from a Spanish Air Force F-18 during a recent handling qualities flight as the FSTA nears civil and military certification.

Two FSTAs are currently flying and the first is on schedule to transfer to the UK in the second quarter of the year to begin qualification flights with the specified receiver aircraft types, leading to first delivery towards the end of the year.


HC-130J Completes Developmental Testing

The new HC-130J personnel recovery aircraft, developed for the United States Air Force Air Combat Command, has completed developmental testing. The final test point was air-to-air refueling and was achieved on March 14. This was the first refueling of an HC-130J, and the first ever boom refueling of a C-130 where the aircraft's refueling receiver was installed during aircraft production. This test point also applies to the MC-130J Combat Shadow II aircraft in production for Air Force Special Operations Command. Rollout of the first MC-130J will be celebrated at the Lockheed Martin facility in Marietta, Ga. on March 29. The first HC-130Js and MC-130Js will start deliveries in August with Initial Operational Capability for both scheduled for 2012.


CH-53K Helicopter Assembly Line Opens at Sikorsky Florida Facility

EST PALM BEACH, Florida - Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. officially opened a new facility at its Florida Assembly and Flight Operations (FAFO) campus, establishing experimental assembly line operations for the new CH-53K heavy lift helicopter. Sikorsky Aircraft is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX).

Since 1959, United Technologies Corporation has been in operation in Palm Beach County with Pratt & Whitney military engine programs and Sikorsky development and certification programs that have included research aircraft such as the XH-59, fly-by-wire aircraft and the UH-60M BLACK HAWK helicopter.

"The production of the next generation of heavy lift helicopter prototype is underway," said Dennis Jarvi, vice president, Navy and Marine Corps Programs for Sikorsky.

"As we commence assembly line operations at FAFO, we are witnessing the dawn of a new age in rotorcraft development and construction. The CH-53K helicopter is being digitally designed and manufactured. We have created 'virtual tools' that will improve the learning process and identify and solve issues before they become costly delays in manufacturing. The CH-53K helicopter stands to become a model of innovative technology and capability when it takes its role in the fleet."

The CH-53K helicopter Florida Assembly and Flight Operations facility consists of approximately 60,000 square feet of space. The building, originally the home of Pratt & Whitney-Rocketdyne, has been completely updated to create a modern assembly area. Overhead power and air dropdowns, new aircraft work stands, and overhead cranes have been installed to support aircraft final assembly and rotor head/quality control assembly operations.

The state-of-the-art facility also provides wireless data connections to all operator plasma data screens. The new FAFO operation will introduce the use of digital operation sheets to aid in assembly and operate a four-position flight line to produce the new aircraft.

"The CH-53K helicopter team has combined the new advances in technology with the learning of more than 70 years of manufacturing into a robust process that is expected to gain significant efficiencies during the build of the aircraft," said John Johnson, CH-53K helicopter program manager.

Five System Development and Demonstration (SDD) prototype aircraft will be built at the FAFO facility, with two additional airframe test articles produced at Sikorsky's main manufacturing plant in Stratford, Conn. Once assembled, the aircraft will be delivered to the Sikorsky Development Flight Center (DFC) in West Palm Beach, Fla., to undergo flight testing.

Mick Maurer, president of Sikorsky Military Systems, said: "The Development Flight Center has been the starting point of many storied aircraft programs for Sikorsky. From building the S-76® series aircraft to testing the complex CH148 helicopter and flying the revolutionary X2 Technology™ demonstrator, the DFC has a history that will soon have a new success story to add to its resumé: the impressive, powerful CH-53K helicopter."

Sikorsky Aircraft received a $3 billion System Development and Demonstration (SDD) contract on April 5, 2006 to develop a replacement for the U.S. Marine Corps CH-53E heavy lift helicopter. The new aircraft program is planned to include production of more than 200 aircraft. Currently, the CH-53K helicopter is in the SDD phase with all of the major subcontracts awarded and valued at over $1.1B.

The CH-53K helicopter will maintain virtually the same footprint as its predecessor, the three-engine CH-53E SUPER STALLION™ helicopter, but will nearly triple the payload to 27,000 pounds over 110 nautical miles under "high hot" ambient conditions. The CH-53E helicopter is currently the largest, most powerful marinized helicopter in the world. It is deployed from Marine Corps amphibious assault ships to transport personnel and equipment and to carry external (sling) cargo loads.

The CH-53K helicopter's maximum gross weight (MGW) with internal loads is 74,000 pounds compared to 69,750 pounds for the CH-53E aircraft. The CH-53K's MGW with external loads is 88,000 pounds as compared to 73,500 for the CH-53E helicopter.

Features of the CH-53K helicopter include: a modern glass cockpit; fly-by-wire flight controls; fourth generation rotor blades with anhedral tips; a low-maintenance elastomeric rotor head; upgraded engines; a locking cargo rail system; external cargo handling improvements; survivability enhancements; and improved reliability, maintainability and supportability. The program is expected to achieve the Initial Operational Capability milestone in FY18.


martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Testing of Bombardier CSeries Aircraft Systems Begins

CIASTA Time Lapse Video

The first systems for Bombardier’s CSeries airliner program are now being developed and tested at partners and vendors in Canada, the United States and Europe prior to delivery to Bombardier’s Complete Integrated Aircraft Systems Test Area (CIASTA). The installation of the systems rigs at the CIASTA is progressing on schedule, and some parts, including the engine accessory gearbox and flight deck controls, have already arrived.

Located at Bombardier’s Mirabel facility, 40 km north of Montréal, the CIASTA is the high-tech laboratory that will test the CSeries aircraft’s systems ahead of first flight and will continue to support systems integration during the flight test program.

Supported by three main pillars - risk mitigation, advanced quality planning and solid governance - execution of the CSeries aircraft program is designed to enhance the reliability and maintainability of the CSeries jetliner.

“The CIASTA will integrate flight control systems, avionics, hydraulics, electrical and environmental control systems prior to the CSeries aircraft’s first flight,” said David Tidd, Vice President, Integrated Product Development Team, Bombardier Commercial Aircraft. “It is a significant advancement from the test rigs that Bombardier has used on its previous aircraft development programs.”

“This virtual aircraft, which is in fact considered as the aircraft with serial number zero, will be used to extensively test systems design in order to mitigate risk and provide the necessary reliability prior to the first flight,” added Mr. Tidd.

The 5,760 sq. m (62,000 sq. ft.) CIASTA complex sits adjacent to Bombardier’s state-of-the-art assembly facility for its CRJ family of regional jets. The CIASTA is the first in a series of large facilities planned exclusively for the testing, final assembly and delivery of CSeries aircraft in Mirabel.

The CIASTA concept involves several key CSeries aircraft partners and suppliers, including CAE, Goodrich Actuation Systems, Hamilton Sundstrand, Honeywell, Liebherr-Aerospace, Parker Hannifin, Pratt & Whitney and Rockwell Collins. Representatives from these organizations will be co-located in Mirabel to work with Bombardier on system testing and integration processes.
The CIASTA will house the Integrated Systems Test and Certification Rig (ISTCR), Engineering Simulator (ESIM), Systems Integration Test Stand (SITS), Flight Controls Integration Lab (FCIL) and Environmental Cabin Systems (ECS) rig.

The CSeries aircraft, which is optimized for the single-aisle 100- to 149-seat market, will deliver the lowest operating costs in its class, exceptional operational flexibility, widebody comfort and an unmatched environmental scorecard.


Boeing and EPFL Join Forces to Lower Sustainability Certification Costs

Sustainable Biomass Consortium will help align varying biomass standards
Transparency and collaboration across regions and governments is key

SEATTLE, March 22, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) and the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) today announced the creation of the Sustainable Biomass Consortium, a research initiative focused on increasing collaboration between voluntary standards and regulatory requirements for biomass used to create jet fuel and bioenergy for other sectors. The consortium also will seek to lower overall sustainability certification costs. Biomass is a renewable energy source, often plant matter.

The Sustainable Biomass Consortium will conduct collaborative research with environmental organizations, governments and civil society groups to help align regional and regulatory requirements, while bolstering the ability to provide independent verification of the sustainability and traceability of biomass sources. Working closely with the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels (RSB), this effort will put aviation on a path to compliance and accreditation, while providing guidance for developing local economies and access to other markets.

Research projects will commence in April 2011 and the scope of work over the next two years will include projects in China, Africa, the EU, Latin America, North America and Australasia. Specifics will be announced as projects are launched, and more than 10 are currently in development.

"With increasing environmental, regulatory and social pressures on aviation, having harmonized standards for sustainable biofuel development is crucial," said Boeing Commercial Airplanes Vice President of Environmental and Aviation Policy Billy Glover. "Our industry needs these fuel sources and this consortium will help ensure we have a transparent way to collaborate among certification processes that guide us toward a more sustainable future."

"In partnership with important international stakeholders, the EPFL Energy Center established the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels and initiated the development of a highly recognized standard for sustainable biofuels production," said Energy Center Director, Professor Hans Bjorn Puttgen. "Now that the certification using the RSB standard is being launched, the Sustainable Biomass consortium provides a unique opportunity to initiate a process to further make sustainability certification even more practical and needs-oriented. EPFL is very proud to collaborate with an industry leader such as Boeing in this emblematic venture."

"Working with leaders in sustainability and with governments around the world to ensure that strong and credible standards for sustainable energy are implemented in a way that benefits civil society and our planet is the proper and preferred approach," said National Wildlife Federation International Climate and Energy Program Senior Advisor, Barbara Bramble. "Improving the efficient administration and coherence of different sustainability certification standards for biomass development will help the whole industry to achieve certification. Wide adoption of robust standards will protect potentially vulnerable countries and ecosystems throughout the world."

The Sustainable Biomass Consortium will use current aviation biofuel initiatives to launch its regional benchmarking efforts, based on the global sustainability standard of the RSB, which this week announced its certification system. Boeing and EPFL are also funding the creation of a fact base for transparent analysis of existing sustainability standards and supporting aspects including the construction of verification and tracking systems. The effort is expected to take 3-5 years and is open to other third-party participation.

Sustainable biofuel development is a key element of aviation's strategy for lowering its carbon emissions. Only biomass sources that provide an overall lifecycle carbon reduction benefit, don't distort the global food-chain, compete with fresh water resources or lead to natural habitat loss or unintended land use change are being considered. More information on Boeing's biofuel initiatives can be found at http://www.newairplane.com/environment or www.safug.org. To learn more about EPFL or the RSB, please visit http://energycenter.epfl.ch


Northrop Grumman Takes Delivery of First Production F-35 Air Inlet Duct From Key Turkish Supplier

EL SEGUNDO, Calif., March 22, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI), a major international F-35 Lightning II supplier to Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC), has delivered its first production air inlet duct for the jet.

The delivery of the all-composite duct, a major structural element of the F-35's center fuselage, will support Northrop Grumman's production of F-35 center fuselages for conventional takeoff and landing variants at its aerospace production facility in Palmdale, Calif.

"This delivery reflects the growing maturity of TAI's composite fiber-placed manufacturing processes, and the steady evolution of its role as a second source supplier of center fuselages for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program," said Mark Tucker, vice president and F-35 program manager for Northrop Grumman's Aerospace Systems sector.

Northrop Grumman is a principal subcontractor of the Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT)-led F-35 industry team.

TAI produced the air inlet duct at its composites manufacturing facility in Ankara, Turkey, as part of a five-year, $28.4 million contract awarded to the company in September 2009 by Northrop Grumman.

"The delivery of this first production duct represents the successful culmination of a training process for TAI that began in El Segundo approximately two years ago," said David Dominguez, manufacturing engineering lead for international production for Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems. "Over the course of that instruction, TAI's engineers and manufacturing specialists have grown from having limited knowledge of composites manufacturing processes to now being able to produce large, complex, high precision parts for one of the most advanced weapon systems in the world."

According to Dominguez, the TAI training included rigorous classroom and hands-on work to teach its employees how to fabricate an F-35 inlet duct from start to finish. The training was conducted at Northrop Grumman's Advanced Composites Center in El Segundo.

TAI is a second source supplier of F-35 air inlet ducts and center fuselages to Northrop Grumman. The company is slated to produce inlet ducts to support both the current production of center fuselages on Northrop Grumman's F-35 assembly line in Palmdale, Calif., and the 400 complete center fuselages that it will produce in Turkey.

Deliveries of the TAI-produced center fuselages are scheduled to begin in 2013, as part the F-35 program's fifth phase of low rate initial production.

Northrop Grumman is responsible for designing and producing the center fuselage for all three variants of the F-35. The company also designed and produces the aircraft's radar and other key avionics including electro-optical and communications subsystems; develops mission systems and mission-planning software; leads the team's development of pilot and maintenance training system courseware; and manages the team's use, support and maintenance of low-observable technologies.

Northrop Grumman Corporation is a leading global security company whose 120,000 employees provide innovative systems, products, and solutions in aerospace, electronics, information systems, shipbuilding and technical services to government and commercial customers worldwide. Please visit www.northropgrumman.com for more information.


Airbus Military crea representaciones adicionales en sus países de origen y designa una nueva dirección en Francia

Según el modelo ya existente de Airbus Military France Airbus Military ha creado representaciones adicionales en Alemania y Reino Unido con participación del 100 por cien. Richard Thompson, actual Director de Airbus Military Customer Services, ha sido nombrado, con efecto del 1 de abril de 2011, Director de Airbus Military UK, mientras que Karl-Heinz Fuchs, actual Director de A400M Customer Services, asumirá la misma función en Alemania. Asimismo, Cedric Gautier, recientemente nombrado Director del programa A400M, sucederá, además, a Alain Fontaine como Director de Airbus Military France. Los directores de las tres entidades nacionales reportarán directamente a Domingo Ureña, CEO de Airbus Military.

Paralelamente, Philippe Galland reemplazará a Richard Thompson como Director de Airbus Military Customer Services, y Stephan Miegel, actual Vicepresidente encargado de la estrategia en Cassidian, sustituirá a Karl-Heinz Fuchs.

Estas filiales asumirán la interlocución principal para todos los contactos en estos países, así como la coordinación de las actividades comerciales y de mantenimiento de todos los productos de Airbus Military que operen las fuerzas aéreas y otras instituciones de estas naciones. R. Thompson se encargará del soporte del A400M en el Reino Unido durante su ciclo de vida, así como del A330 MRTT (que recibe la denominación británica de Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft, FSTA), mediante el consorcio AirTanker.

“La creación y consolidación del papel de las filiales nacionales de Airbus Military reforzará la relación con nuestros clientes gracias a una colaboración más cercana. Esto nos permitirá satisfacer mejor sus necesidades en lo que a productos y servicios se refiere, así como agilizar nuestra respuesta a sus requerimientos futuros", comentó Domingo Ureña.

Richard Thompson, de 57 años, casado y con dos hijos, ha sido Director de Airbus Military Customer Services durante los cuatro últimos años, tras ser Director Comercial del A400M.

Karl-Heinz Fuchs, de 49 años, casado y con tres hijos, se incorporó a EADS Military Aircraft en 1992 y desde 2002 ha sido responsable de establecer el servicio de atención al cliente del A400M en Madrid y Toulouse.

Philippe Galland, de 53 años, casado y con dos hijos, es actualmente Vicepresidente encargado de Estrategia, Desarrollo Comercial y Cambio en Airbus Customer Services. Se incorporó a Eurocopter en 1989, donde desempeñó una serie de funciones en Ingeniería, Desarrollo Comercial y Servicios hasta 2008. P. Galland tiene una licencia de piloto privado.

Cédric Gautier, de 50 años, casado y con cuatro hijos, ha cosechado una amplia experiencia en ingeniería y producción, primero en EADS Astrium y, luego, en Sogerma, donde fue nombrado Director Industrial en 2005 y, promovido en 2007 a Presidente y CEO


lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Airbus and TAROM launch Europe’s first bio-fuel ‘value-chain’

Project aims to commercialise bio-fuel made from Camelina
21 March 2011

Airbus and TAROM Romanian Air Transport together with a consortium of key stakeholders have established one of Europe's first project aiming to establish a sustainable bio-kerosene jet-fuel processing and production capability. The Romanian based project aims to provide a bio-fuel made from the camelina plant, as a renewable, sustainable substitute to fossil based jet fuel. The project is being overseen by a Romanian based Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) and Airbus is acting as the catalyst in getting the Romanian value chain for a local bio-jet fuel solution up and running.

Once feasibility studies on agricultural, technological and aeronautical development and sustainability assessment are complete, the project will also assess the existing refining facilities in order to identify the Romanian production capability. Camelina is the chosen feedstock because of its energy potential, its rotational crop qualities, its green house gas reduction potential and its low water requirements. Camelina is also indigenous to Romania, and can be readily farmed and harvested by family farmers. It has a high quality animal feed by-product.

"This is the first European based value chain project bringing together farmers, oil-refiners and an airline to spearhead the commercialisation of sustainable bio-fuel production," said Paul Nash, Airbus Head of New Energies. The Romanian Camelina Value Chain will help us further verify the sustainability and economic viability of producing bio-kerosene."

Airbus will support the fuel approval processes, and lead in assessing the effect on the aircraft systems and engines. The consortium will work together with the Bucharest University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine's Centre of Biotechnology (BIOTEHGEN) on the sustainable agricultural phase of the project regarding the camelina plantations, harvesting and oil production.

TAROM is leading the consortium which includes Honeywell's UOP, CCE (Camelina Company España), and Airbus. Honeywell's UOP is applying its aviation bio-fuel refining technology, CCE is contributing its knowledge on camelina agronomy, including technologies on camelina growth, agricultural monitoring networks and plant science. Airbus is providing technical and project management expertise and is sponsoring the sustainability assessment and life cycle analysis studies.

Notes for Editors:

1. The project will use diverse biomass sources as feedstock, with a special interest in the camelina plant. CCE and BIOTEHGEN are implementing various 'camelina placement trials' at different locations in Romania, with the purpose of assessing sustainability of different production models and soil types, including contaminated soil and uncultivated land, in order to identify the best techniques and genetic material.

2. A sustainability analysis will be conducted in order to prove the viability of the Romanian camelina value chain.

3. Airbus supports all industry wide efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Bio-kerosene is in the final stage of approval by ASTM in the US to be blended up to 50 percent with regular jet fuel when used in commercial flights.

Press Release

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental Conducts Successful First Flight [w/Photos]

EATTLE, March 20, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- The Boeing (NYSE: BA) 747-8 Intercontinental successfully began its flight test program today, taking off from Paine Field in Everett, Wash., before several thousand employees, customers, suppliers and community leaders. The airplane landed four hours and 25 minutes later at Boeing Field in Seattle. The 747-8 Intercontinental's first flight marks the beginning of a flight test program that will finish in the fourth quarter.

With 747 Chief Pilot Mark Feuerstein and Capt. Paul Stemer at the controls, the newest member of the 747 family took off at 9:59 a.m. and landed at 2:24 p.m. local time.

"What a great privilege to be at the controls of such a great airplane on its first flight," said Feuerstein. "And what an honor to share this day with the thousands of men and women who designed and built this airplane."

Today's flight was the first of more than 600 flight hours in the test program for the new 747-8 Intercontinental. The airplane followed a route over Eastern Washington, where it underwent tests for basic handling and performance. The airplane reached a cruising altitude of 19,000 feet (5,791 meters), and a speed of up to 250 knots, or about 288 miles per hour (463 kilometers).

"This a great day for the 747-8 team and for all of Boeing. What an honor it is to see such a beautiful airplane fly," said Elizabeth Lund, vice president and general manager of the 747-8 program. "I want to thank everybody who had a hand in designing, building and preparing this airplane for flight – our engineers, our manufacturing employees, our colleagues in Boeing Fabrication, our colleagues in Boeing Test & Evaluation, our external suppliers – for all their hard work."

The 747-8 Intercontinental will have the lowest seat-mile cost of any large commercial jetliner, with 12 percent lower costs than its predecessor, the 747-400. The airplane provides 16 percent better fuel economy, 16 percent less carbon emissions per passenger and generates a 30 percent smaller noise footprint than the 747-400. The 747-8 Intercontinental applies interior features from the 787 Dreamliner that includes a new curved, upswept architecture giving passengers a greater feeling of space and comfort, while adding more room for personal belongings.

Korean Air and VIP customers have joined launch customer Lufthansa in ordering a total of 33 747-8 Intercontinentals. First delivery of the 747-8 Intercontinental is scheduled for the fourth quarter. Air China also has agreed to order five Intercontinentals, pending government approval.

The airplane is painted in a new Sunrise livery of red-orange and is a significant departure from Boeing's standard blue. The new colors honor many key Boeing customers whose cultures recognize these colors as symbols of prosperity and good luck. The Sunrise livery only will appear on the first 747-8 Intercontinental, which is scheduled to be delivered to a VIP customer at the end of the year.


Video: Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental First Flight

sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011

Boeing's 747-8i 1st flight: march 20th,2011

Live webcast sheduled for March,20th 2011 at 16:45GMT in this web http://www.newairplane.com/

Video:Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental Completes Taxi Tests Successfully

EVERETT, Wash., March 18, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) successfully completed high-speed taxi tests on the first 747-8 Intercontinental today. This is the last in a series of functional tests planned in preparation for first flight.
"The pilots report the airplane performed well," said Elizabeth Lund, vice president and general manager of the 747 program. "We'll analyze the test data, but we're confident that the airplane is ready for first flight and ready to enter the flight test phase of the program."
During the testing, the airplane reached a top speed of approximately 90 knots (103 mph, 167 kph), and the pilots lifted the nose gear from the pavement. Video highlights of the taxi testing will be posted to www.boeing.com andwww.newairplane.com when they are available.
A live webcast of the first flight of the 747-8 Intercontinental will be available at:http://www.newairplane.com/747/incredible/#/webcast.

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

CASSIDIAN's Fully automatic ram-air parachute system for the safe and pin-point delivery of sensitive loads receives operational certification

CASSIDIAN's ram-air cargo parachute system ParaLander receives operational certification: The ParaLander ram-air cargo parachute system, developed and produced by Cassidian, has been approved for operational deployment by the Bundeswehr Technical Centre (WTD) 61 in cooperation with Cassidian in Manching. ParaLander was classified as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) following extensive flight testing, and is the only commercially available system in the world that can ensure the pin-point delivery of sensitive mission equipment, humanitarian aid and supplies fully automatically from the air without damage (c) Cassidian

* Fully automatic ram-air parachute system for the safe and pin-point delivery of sensitive loads
* Provision of supplies for operational units in the crisis area
* Approved for deployment in restricted areas, including in peacekeeping flight operations

The ParaLander ram-air cargo parachute system, developed and produced by Cassidian, has been approved for operational deployment by the Bundeswehr Technical Centre (WTD) 61 in cooperation with Cassidian in Manching. ParaLander was classified as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) following extensive flight testing, and is the only commercially available system in the world that can ensure the pin-point delivery of sensitive mission equipment, humanitarian aid and supplies fully automatically from the air without damage. To date the German Armed Forces have procured five ParaLander systems within the scope of immediate operational requirements; these are now to be deployed for missions in Afghanistan. The procurement of additional systems for the German Armed Forces is envisaged.

ParaLander has received Category I certification under UAV regulations and is therefore approved for deployment in restricted areas, including in peacekeeping flight operations. The system is initially intended to carry a 1,000 kg payload, dropped from a C-160 Transall transport aircraft. The medium-term goal is also to be able to deploy the ParaLander over populated areas during operations and from on board the A400M. Depending on the type of aircraft dropping it, the system can be used at altitudes of up to 10,000 metres and over distances of up to 50 kilometres. Cassidian is also working on making ParaLander able to carry payloads of more than five tonnes in the future. The system thus makes a significant contribution to supplying operational units that are cut off from supply routes in the crisis area. In addition, ParaLander improves safety for the aircrew of transport aircraft, as it can be dropped beyond the range of most air-defence systems in crisis regions.

ParaLander consists of a ram-air parachute and the control unit, which are lashed to the payload, and a mission planning system. After the parachute system has been dropped from the aircraft, the control unit steers it and its payload to the target area with the aid of servomotors and GPS. A patented mechanical system, activated by a laser altimeter, ensures that the load’s descent is slowed down in good time shortly before the landing.