WICHITA, Kan., Nov. 19, 2010 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] today delivered the 10th C-40A transport/cargo aircraft to the U.S. Navy. The Boeing 737-700 commercial derivative was modified at the company’s Wichita facility for its Navy mission.
"The C-40A has a critical mission to deliver personnel and supplies to all areas of the world, and we're proud to play a part in making sure that can happen," said Steve Wade, general manager of Boeing Global Transport & Executive Systems.
The C-40A is equipped with a main-deck cargo door and can be configured for troop transport, cargo transport or both. With superior range and performance; a state-of-the-art flight deck; 21st century avionics; and quiet, clean, fuel-efficient engines, the C-40A increases the Navy's capability for rapid response to the fleet worldwide.
Boeing and Navy representatives marked the completion of the modification at a delivery ceremony today.
"The C-40A plays an important role in the Navy Unique Fleet Essential Airlift (NUFEA) fleet," said Vice Adm. Dirk Debbink, Chief of Navy Reserve. "These fuel-efficient, extremely flexible logistics-support aircraft are an integral part of every maritime mission, from humanitarian assistance to power projection. The bottom line is the ability of the C-40A to provide our nation important, Navy-unique airlift capability at a lower cost. We welcome this new aircraft into the fleet!"
The Navy C-40As, which replace the service's fleet of C-9s, are based at the Naval Air Station (NAS) Joint Reserve Base (JRB) in Forth Worth, Texas, at NAS Jacksonville, Fla., and at NAS North Island in San Diego, Calif. The new aircraft will be immediately stationed at NAS JRB Fort Worth, where crews will provide transition training for crews at NAS Oceana, Va., a new C-40A location scheduled to open next year.
Boeing is on contract to deliver two additional C-40As; one 737 is currently being modified at the Wichita facility, while the other is on the Boeing Commercial Airplanes production line in Renton, Wash.
"We're looking forward to continuing to enhance the Navy's fleet of C-40As with as many aircraft as are required to support this mission," said Wade. "The C-40A is a proven workhorse, whether it is delivering humanitarian aid to the scenes of natural disasters or military equipment to ships and troops on the ground."
Boeing's Global Transport & Executive Systems business, based in Wichita, supports Boeing commercial derivative aircraft including the executive-fleet C-32A and C-40B/C, the Navy's C-40A and E-6B, and the National Airborne Operations Center’s E-4B.
sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010
Innovar en los modelos de negocio: Honda Jet
El I+D en las empresas se asocia normalmente a avances tecnológicos o productos y servicios novedosos. La i que se añade a la moderna enseña I+D+i conlleva un concepto de innovación mucho más amplio, en el que cabe incluso el hacer lo mismo, pero con métodos diferentes. Es lo que puede llamarse innovar a través del modelo de negocio.
El sector aeronáutico es muy prolijo en I+D, pero es tan intensivo en capital y tiene una inercia tan enorme en sus operaciones (los ciclos de pedidos y entregas duran años) que la innovación en la forma de hacer las cosas no es precisamente un estandarte. Es, además, un sector que como ya hemos comentado otras veces en este blog, es muy endogámico y tendente a querer ser referencia antes que fijarse en modelos de éxito de otros sectores.
Texto completo: http://plandevuelo.es/wordpress/archives/568
El sector aeronáutico es muy prolijo en I+D, pero es tan intensivo en capital y tiene una inercia tan enorme en sus operaciones (los ciclos de pedidos y entregas duran años) que la innovación en la forma de hacer las cosas no es precisamente un estandarte. Es, además, un sector que como ya hemos comentado otras veces en este blog, es muy endogámico y tendente a querer ser referencia antes que fijarse en modelos de éxito de otros sectores.
Texto completo: http://plandevuelo.es/wordpress/archives/568
Russian and Canadian pilots have completed Flight Testing of the Flight Management System (FMS) on the SSJ100
November 19th, Zhukovski - Together with Canadian and Russian certification authorities, Flight Testing of the CMA-9000 Flight Management System (FMS) was performed on the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100). The FMS is developed and manufactured by Esterline CMC Electronics (formerly known as Canadian Marconi Company) and integrated by Thales Avionics on the SSJ100.
“All activities required for the CAN-TSO certification of the CMA-9000 were successfully completed on the SSJ100”, said Nick Chalkiadakis, FMS Program Manager from Esterline CMC Electronics. Canadian and Russian pilots performed 3 joint flights on SSJ100, as well as 6 sessions on the Electronic Bird test bench to evaluate the operational suitability of the system. In order to evaluate the system capability to follow the vertical trajectory, the experts conducted thorough checks of vertical navigation function. These verifications are required to ensure safety and aircraft performance in dense air traffic operations.
Transport Canada’s Flight Test Division work with manufacturers to conduct, monitor and review flight tests of Canadian and foreign manufactured aircraft or avionics systems for which Canadian type certification is requested.
“Transport Canada participated in a successful flight test program with the cooperation of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company. We thank Sukhoi for their warm welcome and for working with us in completing this important Flight Management System certification activity,” – said Waldemar Krolak and Michel Brulotte, Canadian certification authorities involved in the FMS flight testing.
“All activities required for the CAN-TSO certification of the CMA-9000 were successfully completed on the SSJ100”, said Nick Chalkiadakis, FMS Program Manager from Esterline CMC Electronics. Canadian and Russian pilots performed 3 joint flights on SSJ100, as well as 6 sessions on the Electronic Bird test bench to evaluate the operational suitability of the system. In order to evaluate the system capability to follow the vertical trajectory, the experts conducted thorough checks of vertical navigation function. These verifications are required to ensure safety and aircraft performance in dense air traffic operations.
Transport Canada’s Flight Test Division work with manufacturers to conduct, monitor and review flight tests of Canadian and foreign manufactured aircraft or avionics systems for which Canadian type certification is requested.
“Transport Canada participated in a successful flight test program with the cooperation of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company. We thank Sukhoi for their warm welcome and for working with us in completing this important Flight Management System certification activity,” – said Waldemar Krolak and Michel Brulotte, Canadian certification authorities involved in the FMS flight testing.
Francia, dispuesta a firmar en Sevilla el próximo enero el acuerdo del A400M
El ministro de Defensa francés, Alain Juppé, ha expresado este viernes su disposición a que la firma del acuerdo entre los siete países que participan en el proyecto del avión militar de transporte A400M y Airbus Military tenga lugar en Sevilla el próximo mes de enero, tal y como le ha propuesto su homóloga española, Carme Chacón.
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