martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

APES 0024 Final de año, negociación de subida de sueldo

Sukhoi Superjet 100 Certification Program is progressing towards completion.

Moscow, November 8. Sukhoi Superjet 100 certification campaign is successfully progressing towards completion. All major certification flight programs are accomplished. The prototypes have gained 2245 flight hours in 948 flights.

On October 28 the aircraft 95003 returned from Iceland after a month testing for operation in side winds, having fully confirmed its compliance with certification requirements at side wind speed up to 15m/sec. Keflavík International Airport is situated at the Atlantic coast of Iceland. Its runways are built at 90 degrees angle each other, so when the wind follows the direction of one runway, it causes side wind at another one bringing the possibility tο conduct test landings іn side wind, nο matter whісh direction thе wind blows. Because of its unique wind conditions, Keflavik Airport is widely used for side wind testing by the European and American manufacturer. Keflavik has been used for side winds testing by A380 and B787.

Along with side winds testing program, the aircraft has successfully performed a series of testing for CATII landing, which is enough to get the Type Certification. Preparation to CATIIIA testing is in progress.

In Zhukovsky Flight Test Center SCAC engineers successfully completed air stairs and cargo compartment equipment testing.

“We’ve already gone through the most challenging testing certification programs. As per our estimations our team has already covered 90% of the overall certification testing scope. Now we are finalizing avionics safety failure testing, EMC, HIRF with emergency evacuation testing to follow”, - said Igor Vinogradov, SVP Certification.


UK plans shipborne UAV research package

The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) is to launch a maritime unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) capability demonstration to explore performance characteristics and inform future requirements.

An industry day for the Tactical Maritime Unmanned Air System (TMUAS) Capability Concept Demonstrator (CCD) programme is to be hosted by the Defence Equipment and Support organisation's Programmes and Technology Group (PTG) on 26 November.

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China prueba su primer helicóptero civil ligero nacional

PEKÍN. El primer helicóptero civil ligero de diseño íntegramente chino realizó hoy con éxito su vuelo de prueba en la ciudad nororiental de Tianjin, informó la agencia oficial Xinhua.

Designers rethink jet aircraft in the quest for shorter take-offs

What's wrong with this picture? If you said the engines are upside down, you'd be wrong. The odd engine placement is part of a cruise-efficient, short take-off and landing (CESTOL) aircraft concept from the Georgia Tech Research Institute which also sees mechanical wing-flaps replaced by high-speed blasts of air to generate extra lift. It's hoped that the development of such craft will make more airports available to fixed-wing jet aircraft by enabling take off and landing at steep angles on short runways, as well as reducing engine noise.

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NASA cruise efficient STOL aircraft concept video

2025: AirNextGen Flies NASA CESTOL Airliner video

Quiet Cruise Effi cient Short Take-Off and Landing Subsonic Transport System (pdf)

Short Field Take-Off and Landing Performance as an Enabling Technology for a Greener, More Efficient Airspace System (PDF)


South Korea to develop F-15SE's conformal weapons bays

Boeing and Korea Aerospace Industries have entered a memorandum of agreement for the Korean firm to design, develop and manufacture the conformal weapons bays for the former's F-15 Silent Eagle.

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DENVER, Colorado – November 8, 2010 – Bye Energy, Inc. and Cessna Aircraft Company, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, will release details of their effort to develop an electric propulsion system for a Cessna 172 Skyhawk during the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Aviation Summit Nov. 11-13 in Long Beach, Calif.

Bye Energy announced The Green Flight Project ( earlier this year, and is developing, with support from Cessna, electric and electric-hybrid propulsion systems for light general aviation aircraft. The company is planning to fly an electric-powered Cessna 172 Skyhawk proof of concept aircraft in the spring of 2011.

George Bye, CEO of Bye Energy, said integrated ground testing began within the past week on the various hardware components of the initial electric propulsion system. “Early test results are confirming that our assumptions of the benefit of electric propulsion are positive,” he said. “I would like to once again thank everyone at Cessna for their outstanding support and collaboration on this ambitious effort.”

Cessna Chairman, President and CEO Jack J. Pelton said: “Cessna is enthusiastic about the concept of integrating electric propulsion into mainstream general aviation, and we are actively engaged in Bye Energy’s development efforts with the electric Cessna 172 proof of concept aircraft.”

Cessna and Bye Energy will hold a press briefing on Thursday, Nov. 11, from 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in Room 201B of the Long Beach Convention Center. Bye and Charlie Johnson, COO of Bye Energy and former president of Cessna, will be at the Cessna booth (#313) inside the convention center during the AOPA Aviation Summit. For more information about the AOPA Aviation Summit, go to
