martes, 26 de octubre de 2010
Boeing Launches InFlight Optimization Services
Real-time fuel-saving opportunities with Direct Routes and Wind Updates
SEATTLE, Oct. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) is introducing new subscription-based services to help airlines save fuel and increase environmental efficiency. InFlight Optimization Services are designed to be implemented within current air traffic and airline operating procedures using existing communication channels. No regulatory changes and little to no new equipment are needed. The services, Direct Routes and Wind Updates, provide up-to-the-minute information to airlines and their flight crews, enabling adjustments en route to account for weather and air traffic control status.
"We are bringing to market easy-to-implement solutions to help our customers reach new levels of operational and environmental efficiency by reducing cost, fuel use and CO2 emissions," said Sherry Carbary, vice president of Flight Services, Commercial Aviation Services, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "As part of our commitment to offer lifecycle solutions to our customers, we are now providing real-time flight efficiency advisories."
Direct Routes automatically alerts an airline's operations center and flight crew every time a simple, more fuel-efficient path opens up along the intended route of flight. To increase the likelihood of air traffic controller approval and to keep workload to a minimum, the advisories are pre-checked for traffic conflicts, wind conditions, established airspace constraints and other factors. Initial Boeing projections show that Direct Routes can save more than 40,000 minutes of flight time per year for a medium-size U.S. airline -- the equivalent of operating hundreds of flights that use no fuel and produce no emissions.
Boeing collaborated with NASA, Continental Airlines and Southwest Airlines in the development of Direct Routes to ensure operational viability and assess the benefits and shared details of the project and its findings with the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The service leverages NASA technology for advanced software algorithms.
Boeing's second InFlight Optimization Services offering, Wind Updates, increases fuel efficiency and improves aircraft performance by sending datalink messages directly to the flight deck with real-time, flight-customized wind information. These messages enable the airplane's flight management computer (FMC) to recalculate flight control inputs based on more accurate and precise information. Currently, if flight crews obtain wind data prior to departure, that data can be as much as 12 to 20 hours old as a flight approaches its destination. Inaccurate and limited weather data can prevent airplanes from operating at optimum speeds, altitudes and trajectories. Wind Updates delivers a fleet-wide solution using existing onboard equipment and requiring minimal investment.
Boeing projects potential savings of 100 to 200 pounds (15 to 29 gallons or 55 to 111 liters) or more fuel for the descent portion of a typical single-aisle airplane flight and is conducting operational trials with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Alaska Airlines.
Both services will be available beginning in 2011.
SEATTLE, Oct. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) is introducing new subscription-based services to help airlines save fuel and increase environmental efficiency. InFlight Optimization Services are designed to be implemented within current air traffic and airline operating procedures using existing communication channels. No regulatory changes and little to no new equipment are needed. The services, Direct Routes and Wind Updates, provide up-to-the-minute information to airlines and their flight crews, enabling adjustments en route to account for weather and air traffic control status.
"We are bringing to market easy-to-implement solutions to help our customers reach new levels of operational and environmental efficiency by reducing cost, fuel use and CO2 emissions," said Sherry Carbary, vice president of Flight Services, Commercial Aviation Services, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "As part of our commitment to offer lifecycle solutions to our customers, we are now providing real-time flight efficiency advisories."
Direct Routes automatically alerts an airline's operations center and flight crew every time a simple, more fuel-efficient path opens up along the intended route of flight. To increase the likelihood of air traffic controller approval and to keep workload to a minimum, the advisories are pre-checked for traffic conflicts, wind conditions, established airspace constraints and other factors. Initial Boeing projections show that Direct Routes can save more than 40,000 minutes of flight time per year for a medium-size U.S. airline -- the equivalent of operating hundreds of flights that use no fuel and produce no emissions.
Boeing collaborated with NASA, Continental Airlines and Southwest Airlines in the development of Direct Routes to ensure operational viability and assess the benefits and shared details of the project and its findings with the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The service leverages NASA technology for advanced software algorithms.
Boeing's second InFlight Optimization Services offering, Wind Updates, increases fuel efficiency and improves aircraft performance by sending datalink messages directly to the flight deck with real-time, flight-customized wind information. These messages enable the airplane's flight management computer (FMC) to recalculate flight control inputs based on more accurate and precise information. Currently, if flight crews obtain wind data prior to departure, that data can be as much as 12 to 20 hours old as a flight approaches its destination. Inaccurate and limited weather data can prevent airplanes from operating at optimum speeds, altitudes and trajectories. Wind Updates delivers a fleet-wide solution using existing onboard equipment and requiring minimal investment.
Boeing projects potential savings of 100 to 200 pounds (15 to 29 gallons or 55 to 111 liters) or more fuel for the descent portion of a typical single-aisle airplane flight and is conducting operational trials with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Alaska Airlines.
Both services will be available beginning in 2011.
Real Orders for Chinese Commercial Jet?
Rumors are flying in China’s aerospace community ahead of the Zhuhai air show next month.
People speculate that Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China, or Comac, might unveil some of the initial orders for its coming commercial jetliner that is being designed to compete with Boeing Co.’s B737 and Airbus’s A320.
Aerospace industry insiders say rumors have it that Shanghai-based Comac may announce during the air show in southern China, scheduled for Nov. 16 through Nov. 21, that Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, as well as maybe Hainan Airlines, have placed orders for the new aircraft—the Comac C919.
Comac is expected to start delivering the 160-seat jet as early as 2016.
Rumors are flying in China’s aerospace community ahead of the Zhuhai air show next month.
People speculate that Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China, or Comac, might unveil some of the initial orders for its coming commercial jetliner that is being designed to compete with Boeing Co.’s B737 and Airbus’s A320.
Aerospace industry insiders say rumors have it that Shanghai-based Comac may announce during the air show in southern China, scheduled for Nov. 16 through Nov. 21, that Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, as well as maybe Hainan Airlines, have placed orders for the new aircraft—the Comac C919.
Comac is expected to start delivering the 160-seat jet as early as 2016.
Una empresa franco-kazaja fabricará helicópteros Eurocopter en Astaná
“Hemos acordado crear una empresa conjunta para fabricar helicópteros en Kazajstán. Se instalará en Astaná”, declaró Masímov al intervenir ante los miembros de la fracción parlamentaria de Nur Otan, el partido gobernante en Kazajstán.
Airbus To Decide On A320 Engines Within Eight Weeks
Airbus CEO Tom Enders vows the company will make a decision on whether to reengine the A320 family roughly within the next eight weeks and keep to its commitment to resolve the discussion before year-end.
Two more months is the decision window given the end of year holidays, he told the U.K. Aviation Club in London. “I’m confident we will be able to decide.”
As to the substance of the discussions, not much seems to have changed in recent weeks. Enders notes the business case is “convincing” and it makes strategic sense, but the sticking point remains the engineering wherewithal. “We are struggling with critical resources,” he notes, pointing to the heavy engineering workload associated with the A350XWB twin-widebody, the A400M military airlifter, and finishing activities on the A380
A320 passenger to freighter conversion deal secured despite second delay
Airbus CEO Tom Enders vows the company will make a decision on whether to reengine the A320 family roughly within the next eight weeks and keep to its commitment to resolve the discussion before year-end.
Two more months is the decision window given the end of year holidays, he told the U.K. Aviation Club in London. “I’m confident we will be able to decide.”
As to the substance of the discussions, not much seems to have changed in recent weeks. Enders notes the business case is “convincing” and it makes strategic sense, but the sticking point remains the engineering wherewithal. “We are struggling with critical resources,” he notes, pointing to the heavy engineering workload associated with the A350XWB twin-widebody, the A400M military airlifter, and finishing activities on the A380
A320 passenger to freighter conversion deal secured despite second delay
Airbus apoya a la ONU en la difusión del mensaje sobre la biodiversidad en Nagoya, Japón / Airbus helps spread UN biodiversity message in Nagoya, Japan
Presentados los resultados del “Bio-índice” en la Conferencia Internacional de la Juventud
Blagnac, 26 octubre 2010
Uno de cada siete jóvenes de todo el mundo desconoce las consecuencias asociadas a las especies en peligro de extinción, según muestran los resultados de la encuesta presentados hoy durante la 10ª Conferencia de las Partes del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (COP10), en Japón.
Un informe encargado por Airbus recoge los resultados de esta encuesta. El fabricante de aviones colabora con el Convenio sobre Diversidad Biológica de Naciones Unidas (CBD) desde 2008, utilizando su alcance mundial para apoyar la Ola Verde (Green Wave) del CBD y elevar el nivel de concienciación sobre la importancia de la riqueza biológica sobre la Tierra.
Más de 10.000 jóvenes de entre 5 y 18 años fueron entrevistados para llevar a cabo este estudio sobre el conocimiento y la valoración de la naturaleza. Según los resultados obtenidos, el número de niños que considera que ver la televisión o jugar en el ordenador es más importante que salvar el medio ambiente es diez veces superior – 40% frente al 4% respectivamente. Y a pesar de que el ritmo de crecimiento de las especies amenazadas es 1.000 veces superior al índice natural, solo el 9% manifiestan que cuidar a los animales es lo más importante.
Dentro del mismo marco de la conferencia, el vicepresidente Senior de Relaciones Institucionales y Comunicación de Airbus, Rainer Ohler, señaló que “el Bio-índice de Airbus muestra que queda mucho por hacer respecto a la educación de las futuras generaciones para fomentar el respeto por la naturaleza. Como dijo Albert Einstein, “observa la naturaleza y entenderás todo mucho mejor” – por eso la biodiversidad es tan importante para los ingenieros de Airbus. Para Airbus, la preservación de la naturaleza significa preservar una fuente vital de futura innovación”.
Otros datos del informe de Airbus indican que el 45% de los jóvenes creen en el mito de que cortando una lombriz por la mitad salen dos lombrices; el 18% cree que los castaños de indias crecen cerca de los caballos; y uno de cada 10 cree que los osos polares son de Polonia. Además, el 25% no sabe qué significa el calentamiento global y el 10% cree que es consecuencia del acercamiento de la tierra al sol.
El Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, secretario ejecutivo de la CBD, añadió: “Quiero expresar mi gratitud a Airbus por su apoyo. Esta encuesta pone de manifiesto los desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos para fomentar en los niños y jóvenes de hoy – ciudadanos del mañana – el respeto por la naturaleza. Estamos muy contentos de ofrecer estos resultados de los más de 10.000 jóvenes que han participado en la encuesta en la COP10, donde la voz de niños y jóvenes es escuchada”.
‘Bio-Index’ research presented at International Youth Conference
Blagnac, 26 octubre 2010
One in seven young people worldwide do not know what ‘endangered species’ implies, according to research presented today at the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP10) in Japan.
The finding comes in a report commissioned by Airbus. The aircraft manufacturer has been working with the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) since 2008, using its global reach to back the CBD’s Green Wave and raise awareness of the importance of the rich variety of all life on earth.
The international study exploring knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the natural world, surveyed over 10,000 young people aged 5-18. It finds 10 times more children ranked watching TV or playing computer games ‘most important’ compared to those who chose saving the environment (40% and 4% respectively). And whilst species extinction rates are estimated to be up to 1,000 times the natural rate, just 9% put looking after animals first.
Speaking on the sidelines of the event, Airbus SVP Public Affairs and Communications, Dr. Rainer Ohler, said: “The Airbus Bio-Index shows there’s more to do in educating tomorrow’s generation about the need to nurture the world around them. As Albert Einstein said ‘Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better” – that’s why biodiversity is so important to Airbus engineers. Airbus sees preserving biodiversity as a means of preserving a vital source of future innovation.”
Some more facts from the Airbus report include: 45% of young people believe the myth that cutting an earthworm in half results in two live earthworms; 18% think horse chestnut tress grow near horses; and one in 10 assume Polar Bears come from Poland. Of more concern, 25% do not know what global warming is; 10% think it is caused by the earth getting closer to the sun.
Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the CBD, added: “I would like to convey my gratitude to Airbus for its support. This survey shows the challenges we face in reconnecting the children and youth of today – the citizens of tomorrow – with nature. We are pleased to bring the findings to over 10,000 participants at COP10 where the voice of children from this event will be heard.”
Blagnac, 26 octubre 2010
Uno de cada siete jóvenes de todo el mundo desconoce las consecuencias asociadas a las especies en peligro de extinción, según muestran los resultados de la encuesta presentados hoy durante la 10ª Conferencia de las Partes del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (COP10), en Japón.
Un informe encargado por Airbus recoge los resultados de esta encuesta. El fabricante de aviones colabora con el Convenio sobre Diversidad Biológica de Naciones Unidas (CBD) desde 2008, utilizando su alcance mundial para apoyar la Ola Verde (Green Wave) del CBD y elevar el nivel de concienciación sobre la importancia de la riqueza biológica sobre la Tierra.
Más de 10.000 jóvenes de entre 5 y 18 años fueron entrevistados para llevar a cabo este estudio sobre el conocimiento y la valoración de la naturaleza. Según los resultados obtenidos, el número de niños que considera que ver la televisión o jugar en el ordenador es más importante que salvar el medio ambiente es diez veces superior – 40% frente al 4% respectivamente. Y a pesar de que el ritmo de crecimiento de las especies amenazadas es 1.000 veces superior al índice natural, solo el 9% manifiestan que cuidar a los animales es lo más importante.
Dentro del mismo marco de la conferencia, el vicepresidente Senior de Relaciones Institucionales y Comunicación de Airbus, Rainer Ohler, señaló que “el Bio-índice de Airbus muestra que queda mucho por hacer respecto a la educación de las futuras generaciones para fomentar el respeto por la naturaleza. Como dijo Albert Einstein, “observa la naturaleza y entenderás todo mucho mejor” – por eso la biodiversidad es tan importante para los ingenieros de Airbus. Para Airbus, la preservación de la naturaleza significa preservar una fuente vital de futura innovación”.
Otros datos del informe de Airbus indican que el 45% de los jóvenes creen en el mito de que cortando una lombriz por la mitad salen dos lombrices; el 18% cree que los castaños de indias crecen cerca de los caballos; y uno de cada 10 cree que los osos polares son de Polonia. Además, el 25% no sabe qué significa el calentamiento global y el 10% cree que es consecuencia del acercamiento de la tierra al sol.
El Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, secretario ejecutivo de la CBD, añadió: “Quiero expresar mi gratitud a Airbus por su apoyo. Esta encuesta pone de manifiesto los desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos para fomentar en los niños y jóvenes de hoy – ciudadanos del mañana – el respeto por la naturaleza. Estamos muy contentos de ofrecer estos resultados de los más de 10.000 jóvenes que han participado en la encuesta en la COP10, donde la voz de niños y jóvenes es escuchada”.
‘Bio-Index’ research presented at International Youth Conference
Blagnac, 26 octubre 2010
One in seven young people worldwide do not know what ‘endangered species’ implies, according to research presented today at the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP10) in Japan.
The finding comes in a report commissioned by Airbus. The aircraft manufacturer has been working with the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) since 2008, using its global reach to back the CBD’s Green Wave and raise awareness of the importance of the rich variety of all life on earth.
The international study exploring knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the natural world, surveyed over 10,000 young people aged 5-18. It finds 10 times more children ranked watching TV or playing computer games ‘most important’ compared to those who chose saving the environment (40% and 4% respectively). And whilst species extinction rates are estimated to be up to 1,000 times the natural rate, just 9% put looking after animals first.
Speaking on the sidelines of the event, Airbus SVP Public Affairs and Communications, Dr. Rainer Ohler, said: “The Airbus Bio-Index shows there’s more to do in educating tomorrow’s generation about the need to nurture the world around them. As Albert Einstein said ‘Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better” – that’s why biodiversity is so important to Airbus engineers. Airbus sees preserving biodiversity as a means of preserving a vital source of future innovation.”
Some more facts from the Airbus report include: 45% of young people believe the myth that cutting an earthworm in half results in two live earthworms; 18% think horse chestnut tress grow near horses; and one in 10 assume Polar Bears come from Poland. Of more concern, 25% do not know what global warming is; 10% think it is caused by the earth getting closer to the sun.
Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the CBD, added: “I would like to convey my gratitude to Airbus for its support. This survey shows the challenges we face in reconnecting the children and youth of today – the citizens of tomorrow – with nature. We are pleased to bring the findings to over 10,000 participants at COP10 where the voice of children from this event will be heard.”
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