3er Seminario CATEC de Tecnologías Aeroespaciales: 'Material Compuesto: presente y futuro'

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

Con el título 'Material Compuesto: presente y futuro', el seminario se celebrará el próximo 13 de octubre a las 18:00 en el Salón de Actos del Centro de Empresas de Aerópolis.

  • 'Expectativas de futuro en los CFRP', por D. Rafael Ávila Dominguez (Airbus Operations)
  • 'Retos en la fabricación de aeroestructuras: Del metal al composite', por D. Pedro Arroyo Perfumo (Airbus Military)


Para IATA es imperativo llegar a un acuerdo sobre las emisiones del sector aéreo


Giovanni Bisignani, consejero delegado de la Asociación Internacional del Transporte Aéreo (IATA), ha instado a los gobiernos a alcanzar un acuerdo para crear un marco global que regule las emisiones procedentes del sector aéreo.

Durante su discurso ante los delegados presentes en la ’37 Asamblea de la Organización Internacional de Aviación Civil (OACI)’ que se ha llevado a cabo en Canadá, Bisignani ha asegurado que la consecución de un acuerdo constituye “el mayor reto”, y el más inminente, de la industria.


La OACI perfila una estrategia mundial de seguridad aérea


La sede de la OACI acoge desde el pasado martes hasta el próximo día 8 la 37º Asamblea de este organismo para abordar nuevas propuestas de mejora de la seguridad operacional a escala mundial que incrementen los altos niveles de seguridad actuales, así como la protección del medio ambiente en el sector aeronáutico.

En dicha Asamblea participan altos representantes de los 190 países miembros de la OACI, de otros organismos aeronáuticos internacionales y de la industria. En representación del Ministerio de Fomento asisten a dicha Asamblea Manuel Ameijeiras, director general de Aviación Civil y presidente de AESA, junto con Luis Rodríguez, director de Seguridad de Aeronaves, Pablo Hernández-Coronado, director de Evaluación de la Seguridad y Auditoría Técnica Interna y Alfredo Iglesias, técnico-experto en Medio Ambiente, todos pertenecientes a la Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea.


NASA Awards Space Shuttle Main Engine Contract Modification

External Tank Production Ends At NASA Michoud Assembly Facility
NASA has signed a $60.3 million contract modification to space shuttle main engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne Inc. of Canoga Park, CA, to provide continued space shuttle main engine prelaunch, launch and landing support from October 1, 2010, through March 31, 2011



fter years of starting, and then stopping, development, China announced that its new Y-9 transports is under construction, and will make its first flight next year.

China wants to reduce its dependence on Russia for transport aircraft, and has noted the success of the latest version of the C-130, the C-130J (a 79 ton aircraft with a crew of three, that can carry 33 tons of cargo, 8 pallets or 92 paratroopers.) The C-130J has a cruise speed of 644 kilometers an hour and max ferry range of 7,400 kilometers.

The first Y-9 prototype (#2205) is shown here as it was undergoing final assembly at SAC. The design was first unveiled at the 11th Beijing Airshow in September 2005. Y-9 is the next generation medium-size and medium-range transport aircraft to replace the obsolete Y-8 series transport aircraft. It appears to have superceded the earlier Y-8-X project (initially dubbed Y-8U?). The aircraft features a spacious cargo cabin which can quickly load/unload maximum 20t containerized cargo, or airdrop 13.2t equipment or 98 paratroopers. It also has a 4-crew cockpit featuring 6 color MFDs and EFIS. The aircraft is equipped with advanced communication, navigation, radar, EGWPS, collision avoidance systems to ensure safe flight under all weather conditions. The aircraft will be powered by 4 WJ-6C turboprops (rated @ 5,100ehp each) with JL-4 6-blade propellers made of composite materials, which improve its high temperature and high altitude performance. Some specifications: max TO weight 65t, max payload 20t or 106 paratroopers, 15t payload range 2,200km, max range 5,000km, max level speed 650km/h, cruise speed 550km/h, service ceiling 10,100m, cruise altitude 8,000m. The development of Y-9 started officially in October 2005 and the construction of the first prototype (tail and head sections) started in 2006. However the project appeared to have been halted in 2007 due to shifting the production to the high priority High New series as well as Y-8C transport aircraft. The developement of Y-9 resumed in late 2008 after the two year delay and the first prototype is expected to fly by 2011.


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