El duopolio entre EEUU y Europa (sumando ambas se tiene un 93% de la facturación mundial), o casi lo que es decir lo mismo, entre EADS y Boeing tiene sus días contados. China ya ha despertado como cliente y como fabricante apostando fuertemente por una mano de obra barata, India ya está proponiéndose como polo fundamental en el sector de la ingeniería y los servicios, y países emergentes como Brasil ya están haciendo una competencia importante en ciertos nichos de mercado. Si sumamos el renacer de Rusia como competidor, podemos afirmar sin temor a equivocarnos que estamos en los albores de un nuevo orden mundial aeronáutico que se caracterizará por ser hipercompetitivo. El sector se está globalizando y pronto las alianzas y las estrategias internacionales serán de vital importancia.
domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010
FAA starts considering private space travel rules
Private space travel is expected to take off in the next couple of years, and aviation officials and industry officials hope to have figured out by then how to keep a space rocket out of the way of an airline jet, how to prepare passengers for flight and other logistical matters.
The Federal Aviation Administration announced this week a partnership with universities and industry groups to address those challenges facing commercial space transportation.
"If the plans of people like Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Galactic are accurate, in the next three to five years there will be very frequent space tourism launches," said Scott Hubbard, a professor of astronautics and aeronautics at Stanford University.
"That means you've got to clear the air space and if it's very frequent you've got to be sure to manage that together with airplanes going by," he said.
Private space travel is expected to take off in the next couple of years, and aviation officials and industry officials hope to have figured out by then how to keep a space rocket out of the way of an airline jet, how to prepare passengers for flight and other logistical matters.
The Federal Aviation Administration announced this week a partnership with universities and industry groups to address those challenges facing commercial space transportation.
"If the plans of people like Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Galactic are accurate, in the next three to five years there will be very frequent space tourism launches," said Scott Hubbard, a professor of astronautics and aeronautics at Stanford University.
"That means you've got to clear the air space and if it's very frequent you've got to be sure to manage that together with airplanes going by," he said.