martes, 17 de agosto de 2010

APES 0012 Monkey Knight

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VIDEO: misil Raytheon/Boeing JAGM, el sustituto de los AGM-114 Hellfire y AGM-65 Maverick


UAV: Orion to challenge with 'extreme persistence'

A new kind of aircraft is poised to enter a crowded market for medium-altitude, fixed-wing surveillance aircraft, offering “extreme persistence” as its competitive trump card.

Virginia-based Aurora Flight Sciences plans to launch flight tests for the Orion unmanned aircraft system by the end of the year and demonstrate 120h, or five-day, endurance before October.

The Orion marks yet another expression of the Department of Defense’s desire to flood the skies over Afghanistan with never-ending surveillance coverage of virtually the entire country.


The Orion does not seek to introduce extreme persistence at the cost of requiring liquid hydrogen, which as a fuel source has proved popular in high-altitude experiments, but is difficult to store and can be dangerous to handle.

Rather, Aurora’s medium-altitude alternative to a host of both manned and unmanned surveillance already clogging the market space relies on standard military aviation fuels to create energy

Una comisión del Congreso norteamericano estudia la posibilidad de cerrar bases alrededor del mundo como medida presupuestaria

La USAF en particular tiene 16 instalaciones en Europa y 6 en Asia.  Ya se estudia el impacto del cierre de las bases tanto en casa como en los países aliados.  El Secretario de Defensa, Robert Gates, ordenó hace tres meses al aparato militar encontrar 102.000 millones de dólares en ahorros para los próximos 5 años.El objetivo es destinar  esos ahorros a las unidades de combate.  Gates ha ofrecido cerrar más de un tercio de las bases en el exterior, transfiriendo 170.000 efectivos de regreso a los EEUU.  Entre otros, se ha considerado el traslado del 352 Grupo de Operaciones Especiales (GOE) de RAF Mildenhall, Gran Bretaña, y el 353 GOE de Kadena, Japón.  Una comisión del Congreso ya determinó que se pueden ahorrar hasta 80.000 millones de dólares si se reduce la presencia norteamericana en Europa y Asia. 

Relacionado: EEUU reduce el número de generales de sus Fuerzas Armadas

Russian 5G fighter to outstrip best analogs

Russian fifth-generation T-50 fighter, which is currently being developed by the Sukhoi aircraft manufacturer, will outstrip best world analogs, Air Force Commander Colonel General Alexander Zelin said on Saturday.

The Russian Air Force plans to acquire over 60 T-50s, Zelin said.

"Everything is on schedule...The plane will be delivered to the Russian Air Force from 2015 onwards," he said.

More info in Russian Press

French warships for Russia to be armed with Ka-52 helicopters

Mistral-class helicopter carriers, which Russia plans to buy from France, will be armed with Russian Ka-52 Alligator helicopters, Air Force Commander Colonel General Alexander Zelin told the Ekho Moskvy FM station on Saturday.

He emphasized that the Ka-52 Alligator helicopters are very advanced and are equal to best foreign models.

The Ka-52 is armed with 30-mm cannon, Vikhr (Whirlwind) laser guided missiles, rockets, including S-24s, as well as bombs.

The Ka-52 is a modification of the basic Ka-50 Hokum model. The development of the Ka-52 started in 1994 in Russia, but its serial production began only in 2008.

Russian frontline, army aviation to be completely rearmed in 10 years

The frontline and army aviation will see 100% rearmament, and the military transport aviation will be updated by 70%, Zelin said.