domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010

Air support could come from unmanned A-10s

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Yuneec, Sonex, And Axel Lange Win Lindbergh Awards
Lindbergh Electric Aircraft Prize (LEAP) Recognizes Developments In Electric Flight

  1. Best Electric Aircraft: Awarded for the best example of a practical electric aircraft in any category – Experimental, LSA, or Certified. The prize was awarded to Yuneec in recognition of Yuneec’s accomplishments in the design and engineering of the E430, an aircraft with significant commercial potential. With attention to production and market considerations in addition to a compelling design, Yuneec’s efforts have resulted in an aircraft that could make possible practical, sustained electric flight.
  2. Best Electric Aircraft Sub-System or Component Technology: Defined as a set of components designed to work together to accomplish a specific task which advances the field of electric aircraft in performance, safety and practicality, or individual components that serve to advance the performance and practicality of electric aircraft. The prize was awarded to Sonex for the design and engineering of the eFlight Initiative electric propulsion system architecture. Their innovative engine cooling system, motor controller, battery pack, and integrated safety systems point to a thorough understanding of needs of the market with an eye toward commercialization, while mitigating potential safety issues.
  3. Individual Achievement Award: Granted for significant individual achievement in the field of electric flight for a single event or cumulative effort in any of the following areas: engineering, design, public outreach, regulatory, or education. The prize was awarded to Axel Lange for his leadership and vision in the development of the Antares 20E, which is the world’s first certified production electric aircraft. The 20E demonstrates a level of innovation, engineering, and integration that is currently unmatched. The 20E’s simplicity of use and elegance of electric power-train integration indicate a level of excellence in engineering and design that warrant this award. Of particular interest is the fact the system monitors itself, and notifies the pilot of battery system status and potential failures.

Norman Surplus flies again around the world

Eddie Gold said: The news everyone has been waiting for has finally arrived! Norman and G-YROX have departed Nongprue and are on their way to Trang, which lies 67 miles (110Km) from the southernmost border of Thailand on the Malay Peninsular. The flight is a straight line journey of approximately 380 miles (613km) of which approximately 201miles (324km) will be over open water. Norman will be flying past his original destination of Samui and continuing inland, crossing the Trang Kao Mountains, famous for their rubber plantations before arriving at Trang regional airport (VTST). The photo below shows the Trang Kao Mountains.Have a great flight Norman, we are all overjoyed at your return to the skies and are with you all the way. Happy landings.

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Chacón y Méndez se reservan aprobar precios y costes unitarios en procedimientos negociados o diálogo competitivo

El nuevo real decreto de desconcentración de facultades en materia de contratos, acuerdos técnicos y otros negocios jurídicos en el ámbito del Ministerio de Defensa, aprobado por el Consejo de Ministros, también reserva para el ministro de Defensa y el SEDEF las facultades sobre contrataciones en el extranjero, así como resolver contratos que requieran informe del Consejo de Estado.

También contarán con la capacidad de dictar orden de proceder previa en algunos contratos especiales en razón de la materia o por la elevada cuantía; y establecer modelos de pliegos de cláusulas administrativas particulares para determinadas categorías de contratos.