lunes, 12 de julio de 2010

GE Venture Wins Avionics Contract for China’s C919

Sistemas de Control Remoto se adjudica el suministro de aviones blanco para el INTA por 550.000 euros

Sistemas de Control Remoto suministrará al INTA aviones blanco de media y baja velocidad ABMBV-2010. La compañía ha desarrollado aviones blanco como el Scrab (SCR Avión Blanco), un blanco aéreo no tripulado de altas prestaciones desarrollado por la empresa española Sistemas de Control Remoto (SCR) y utilizado para el entrenamiento de unidades de defensa tierra-aire y aire-aire así como el Scrab II, una versión ampliada y bimotor de Scrab I a petición del Ejército español, cuyo diseño aumenta la carga útil, velocidad y autonomía.

Airbus A350XWB “Delays Inevitable”

  • Delays Of “A Year Or More”
  • Airbus Continues To Affirm Mid-2013 EIS
  • Suppliers Concerned About Continued Design Changes To Address Excess Weight
  • Threat Of New WTO Litigation Could Harm Profitability

Flying Humvees - Another One

AVX Aircraft - the Texas start-up company proposing to refit OH-58 Kiowa Warriors with coaxial rotors and ducted fans to meet the US Army's Armed Aerial Scout requirement - is bidding to build a tactical vehicle that can drive and fly under DARPA's Transformer (TX) program.

First-Ever Air Force Global Strike Challenge Under Way

Intercontinental ballistic missile, B-2 Spirit, B-52 Stratofortress and B-1 Lancer units are competing in the first Global Strike Challenge, showcasing the capabilities and expertise of missile, bomber and security forces Airmen. "Global Strike Challenge will help us build pride and a culture of excellence," said Lt. Gen. Frank G. Klotz, the Air Force Global Strike Command commander. It is "the beginning of a new tradition-- the best of the past launching us into the future," he said.

video: The J-15 is Chinese copy of Russian carrier version of the Su-27.

PICTURES: UK unveils Taranis stealth combat demonstrator

The UK has lifted the covers off its Taranis unmanned combat air system technology demonstrator, which will be flown for the first time in 2011.

Revealed at BAE Systems' Warton site in Lancashire on 12 July, Taranis is the product of a more than £140 million ($210million) project involving the UK Ministry of Defence and an industry team including BAE, GE Aviation, Qinetiq and Rolls-Royce.

Flaviir project trials new forms of wing command - The Engineer

The Engineer

Flaviir project trials new forms of wing command
The Engineer
A major project led by BAE Systems and involving 10 universities has developed an unmanned-aerial-vehicle test bed for a different way to control flight. ...

Giant unmanned airships to patrol Afghanistan skies for up to three weeks at...

Meet LEMV: the first of a new generation of advanced military airship - The Engineer
de unmanned air system

If you thought all unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) were variations on the familiar fixed-wing autonomous aircraft then think again. Working with $0.5 billion ..

Daily Mail

Giant unmanned airships to patrol Afghanistan skies for up to three weeks at a ...
Daily Mail
... when it takes to the skies sometime next summer, become the world's longest endurance UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle). Packed with reconnaissance systems, ...
Meet LEMV: the first of a new generation of advanced military airshipThe Engineer
Old Technology Takes Flight Again With (subscription)

los 4 artículos informativos »

El socio italiano de Boeing aterriza en España para 'dar guerra' - elEconomi...

vía boeing: Google Noticias el 12/07/10

El socio italiano de Boeing aterriza en España para 'dar guerra'
El socio europeo de Boeing, con licencia para fabricar el célebre helicóptero Chinook, quiere aprovechar su tirón tras el éxito con Sasemar (Salvamento ...