The Future of Composite Repairs

jueves, 8 de julio de 2010

Despite being used on primary aircraft parts since 1985, composite repair processes have changed little, and the preference for bolted repairs—metal patches on top of damaged composite—remains. That said, efforts to develop bonded repairs are ongoing, but they continue to be constrained by the quality control of the bonding.


Boeing also is making efforts to ensure that major structural repairs on the 787 are not limited to bolted ones. Hale says some very large, thick skin patches up to 1 sq. meter have been specifically designed and tested for bonded repairs.


LHT’s Sauer believes the long-term trend will move towards reliable, smart repairs for the field, such as low temperature curing that is easy to perform without large investments.

According to Roland Thevenin, senior composites expert at Airbus, this also applies to manufacturing processes where bonding processes still cannot be controlled in the precise way desired.


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AEROCORK sustainable aircraft materials

Many of the exhibitors we encountered at the Paris Green Air Show were showing off aircraft that ran on electricity, alternative fuels, or that reduced the consumption of fossil fuels. One booth, however, was displaying a different sort of green aviation product – a low-impact, natural cork composite called AEROCORK, intended to replace PVC foam and other petroleum-based building materials in aircraft. It is the result of a collaboration between three Portuguese tech companies


Airbus pushing development in China – Suppliers Share Wrap

Initiatives could include more joint ventures with China’s rapidly developing aerospace industry. The state-owned AVIC aerospace conglomerate and its subsidiary companies, notably Xi’an Aircraft and Comac, are developing commercial aircraft aimed at the domestic and international markets. Comac’s new C919, due to enter service in 2016, is aimed at breaking the duopoly between Airbus and Boeing in the narrowbody segment.


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