jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

El Ejército del Aire busca ingenieros aeronáuticos


Los interesados en ingresar tanto en la Escala de Oficiales (6 plazas para ingeniero superior, con preferencia para los titulados en Ingeniería Aeronáutica) como en la Escala Técnica (8 plazas para ingeniero técnico) deberán presentar su instancia antes del 17 de mayo. El proceso de selección es un concurso-oposición, con pruebas físicas y teóricas, de Matemáticas, Física, Química e Inglés.

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Argentina, Pampas, 295s and Entendard updating


Rear Adm Rafael Cornejo Solá says the service will prioritise the development of a "navalised" version of FAdeA's AT-63 Pampa. It requires between eight and 12 of the type to replace its 10 Beech T-34C trainers.
Another top priority is to replace the navy's remaining two Fokker F28 transports, with Cornejo Solá saying that studies are focused onAirbus Military's C-295.
Sources suggest that five or six Eurocopter AS555SNs could be bought to replace the navy's SA316 Alouette III
The navy will meanwhile upgrade its remaining Dassault carrier strike aircraft to the French navy's Super Etendard 

Study: Aviation Maintenance Industry Is Major Employer


With the national jobless rate front page news, the aviation maintenance industry continues to be a major employer around the country and an important economic contributor in many states. The Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA) has for the first time provided a snapshot of the industry's state-by-state footprint. The study, prepared by AeroStrategy, based on 2009 government and industry data, pegs the U.S. civil aviation maintenance workforce at 274,634. The industry's direct and indirect impact on the U.S. economy is $39 billion.