viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010

USAF considers options to preserve F-22 production tooling

Five months after the US Congress approved the cancellation of the Lockheed Martin F-22, the air force is still deciding whether to preserve or scrap the production tooling.

Iberia adelantará la creación de su low cost para cubrir rutas de corto y medio radio

El mercado de UAS aguarda una mayor financiación en el ámbito militar y regulación normativa en el ámbito civil

NASA To Conduct Adaptive-Wing Trials

Radical aerodynamic and structural design technologies offering potential fuel-saving and noise-reduction breakthroughs will be tested in back-to-back experiments by NASA in partnership with the U.S. Air Force.

Tests of a laminar-flow wing section dotted with micron-scale "roughness" features and a flexible, morphing trailing edge will be carried out on a modified Gulfstream III business jet, representing the first flight experiments of their kind on such a large scale. NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, which acquired the G-III from the Energy Dept., is using the aircraft because of its performance as well as its large area, swept wing and suitably high Reynolds number—a measure used to characterize flow regimes in fluid dynamics.

Las instituciones dan los primeros pasos para constituir un Consorcio para promocionar el turismo y la economía a través del aeropuerto de Ciudad Real

Los controladores aéreos presentan demanda de conflicto colectivo ante la Audiencia Nacional

Nota de prensa de la USCA

Madrid, 5 de marzo de 2010.-

La Unión Sindical de Controladores Aéreos (USCA) ha presentado esta
misma mañana ante la Audiencia Nacional una demanda de conflicto
colectivo derivado de la modificación de las condiciones de trabajo de
los controladores aéreos, operada por el RDL 1/2010 de 5 de febrero,
cuyo contenido se considera que vulnera la Constitución, y por el
incumplimiento de la normativa laboral vigente.

La alteración de las condiciones de trabajo ha provocado la
modificación, vulneración e inaplicación de las pactadas y
establecidas en el I Convenio Colectivo Profesional de los
Controladores Aéreos suscrito entre Aena y el citado colectivo, según
refleja la demanda presentada.

La iniciativa está basada en la creencia de que el RDL aprobado por el
Gobierno a propuesta del Ministerio de Fomento el pasado 5 de febrero
de 2010 vulnera diversos artículos de la Constitución Española,
algunos de ellos relativos a derechos fundamentales.

The 2010 CAFE Foundation Electric Aircraft Symposium Program

EAS IV 2010 Program:

Preliminary Program: 5 minutes of Q&A per speaker; 20 min coffee; 50 min box lunch; Theme Dinners on site 4/23/10.

Friday April 23

  • 07:30 Badge and Program pickup
  • 08:00 Opening Remarks, Announcements, Thank you's, CAFE Board
  • 08:05 KEYNOTE: Jonathan Trent: Algal Bio-fuels: the OMEGA Project.
  • 08:50 Dean Sigler: The Past as Prologue
  • 09:10 Bill Dube, KillaCylcle: Lightweight High-power Battery Pack Design: Safe, Fault-tolerant, and Crash-resistant. Lessons Learned from Electric Drag Racing.
  • 09:30 Eva Hakansson, Speed Record Electric Motorcycle
  • 09:45 Calin Gologan, PC Aero, Germany: Electric Aircraft as Design Challenge – Present and Future
  • 10:10 Coffee Break until 10:30
  • 10:30 Geoffrey Long, Launchpoint Technologies: A high power density, high efficiency axial flux Halbach array motor/generator
  • 10:55 Brien Seeley, CAFE Foundation: How and Why Electric Aircraft Should Transform Transportation
  • 11:40 Sebastian Thrun, Chair, Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, Stanford: Advancing Autonomous Vehicles
  • 12:05 Lunch until 13:00
  • 13:00 TBD
  • 13:25 Dr. Charlotte Whitfield, NASA Langley: Propeller Noise Reduction
  • 13:55 Mark Moore, NASA Langley: Enabling Efficient Small VTOL Aircraft Through Electric Propulsion
  • 14:20 JoeBen Bevirt: VTOL Electrics
  • 14:55 Coffee Break until 15:15
  • 15:15 KEYNOTE: Dr. Jaephil Cho, South Korea: High Density Electrode Materials with 1 and 3D Structures for Li-ion Cells
  • 16:45 Eric Darcy, NASA JSC and NREL, Advanced Mitigating Measures for Preventing Catastrophic Li-ion Cell Internal Shorts
  • 17:10 Zach Hoisington, Boeing Research & Technology: Airliners with Electric Propulsion
  • 17:30 Adjourn, prepare for Theme Dinners
  • 18:30 No-host cocktails in Foyer adjacent to Ballroom
  • 19:15 Theme Dinners:
    (Multiple 4 minute open-topic presentations
    from attendees at each dinner)
    • Electrics: Batteries/Solar/Motors/Controller
    • Hybrids/Bio-fuel/Hydrogen
    • Aero/Props/Airframes

Saturday April 23

  • 7:20 AM Continental Breakfast
  • 08:00 Announcements
  • 08:05 Michael Friend, Seattle: A Single Seat Electric Motorglider With a "Range Extender" Pod
  • 08:25 KEYNOTE: Tyler MacCready, Aerovironment: Solar Wings
  • 08:55 Josef Kallo, Germany: Fuel cell Systems for Aircraft Applications: Hyfish, Antares DLR H2, ATRA
  • 09:20 Andrew Frank, UC Davis / Greg Stevenson, GSE engines: Hybrid Drives, Long Range Electric/Bio-Diesel Aircraft
  • 09:55 Steve Williams, CAFE Foundation: Intelligent, Reliable ePAVs: The Human/Computer Interface
  • 10:15 Coffee Break
  • 10:35 John W. McGinnis, Synergy: Aerodynamic Efficiency Near the Gabrielli - von Karman Limit
  • 11:00 Joe Armstrong, Ascent Solar: Solar PV Technologies
  • 11:20 Corey Ipollito, Paul Espinosa, Al Weston, NASA Ames, Swift UAS: A research platform for green aviation at NASA Ames Research Center
  • 11:35 Steve Morris, MLB: Development and Flight Test of an Electric Powered SWIFT Ultralight Aircraft
  • 11:50 Saving Weight: Nano-structural and Other High Strength Material Technologies
  • 12:15 Adjourn for Saturday lunch and winery tours

CAFE To Host 4th Annual Electric Aircraft Symposium

The networking Program will consist of presentations and exhibits on bio-fuel hybrids, advanced electric motors, solar panels, sailplane technology, fuel cells, future technology for batteries, battery safety during charging, propeller noise reduction, autonomous flight controls, drag reduction, vertical takeoff designs and NASA's Green Flight Challenge competitions.

EADS North America delivers 100th UH-72A Lakota Light Utility Helicopter to the U.S. Army

EADS North America delivered its 100th UH-72A Lakota Light Utility Helicopter to the U.S. Army today, marking another on-time and on-budget achievement for a highly successful program that supports America's warfighters and contributes to the nation's homeland security.

"The UH-72A Lakota program has progressed on schedule and within budget constraints," said Col. L. Neil Thurgood, the U.S. Army's Project Manager of the Utility Helicopter office. "The aircraft has been well received by Army aircrews and we have maintained a remarkably high operational availability rate combined with an admirable safety record. We especially look forward to fielding even more of these capable aircraft to Army National Guard units throughout the United States," he added.

Delivery of the 100th Lakota occurred at American Eurocopter's production facility in Columbus, Miss. where the twin-engine helicopter is produced. The American Eurocopter facility was significantly expanded to accommodate production of the Lakota, which created and supports hundreds of high-value aerospace jobs throughout the United States.

"Delivering on our commitments to the U.S. Army has been the industry team's number one priority since being selected for the Lakota program in June 2006," said Sean O'Keefe, EADS North America's CEO. "Our performance of 100 percent on-time deliveries reflects an unwavering commitment to fully support our customers' current and future needs."

The 100th Lakota aircraft will be deployed to Germany with the U.S. Army's Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC) – becoming part of this unit's Combat Training Center and further expanding the Lakota's mission applications.

"When EADS North America and American Eurocopter decided to invest in Mississippi several years ago – Mississippians made a commitment to help these companies succeed. When the Army chose EADS North America to supply the UH-72A Lakota, EADS made a commitment to help the warfighter succeed. Today the 100th Lakota helicopter is evidence of that commitment," said Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour. "I'm extremely proud of the work they do to support America's men and women in uniform."
The U.S. Army plans to acquire 345 Lakotas through 2016, and the service has ordered 182 of the helicopters so far, along with five H-72A versions for the U.S. Navy. Aircraft already delivered to the Army are used in missions that include medical evacuation (MEDEVAC), search and rescue, drug interdiction, VIP transport and support – with the in-service UH-72A fleet logging more than 25,000 flight hours to date at an operational readiness rate of more than 90 percent. The Navy's five H-72A versions are utilized by the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School at Patuxent River Naval Air Station, Md., for the training of test pilots from the U.S. military and allied countries.

"The UH-72A Lakota program is crucial to modernizing the U.S. Army's aviation assets, and the delivery of the 100th Lakota helicopter to the Army is a significant accomplishment for the Mississippians who build these capable aircraft in the Golden Triangle," commented Sen. Thad Cochran, the ranking member of the Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. "This achievement proves that off-the-shelf commercial air frames can be successfully adapted for military applications at a lower cost to the taxpayer. It also reflects well on our state's industrial capabilities and our ability to support the Armed Forces."

The UH-72A is a Defense Acquisition Category (ACAT) I major defense acquisition program for the U.S. Defense Department, and the Lakota's service entry in 2007 marked one of the most rapid introductions of a new aircraft in the U.S. Army's history. Deliveries of the aircraft to National Guard units allow aging OH-58 and UH-1 rotary-wing aircraft to be retired, while UH-72As assigned to the active component of the U.S. Army free up UH-60 Black Hawks for assignment to warfighting missions.

"Time and again, Mississippi workers have answered the call and produced the tools our military needs to keep our country safe," commented Sen. Roger Wicker. "The Lakota has made a substantial contribution to this important effort. The Lakota program has been delivered on time and on budget. This is a testament to the men and women who build these helicopters, as well as to the Army and EADS North America."

The Lakotas' current basing across the continental United States and in Puerto Rico will be expanded during the coming months – along with the missions they perform – as Lakotas are deployed to Germany and the Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific.

"It's a privilege to represent the workforce that has successfully built and delivered 100 Lakota helicopters to the U.S. Army on schedule and on budget," said Mississippi Rep. Travis Childers. "This program represents the hard work and dedication of hundreds of Mississippians, and I commend EADS for its commitment to our national security."

For their service in Germany at the Joint Multinational Training Command, the helicopters will be used to train pilots in combat engagements, and are to carry equipment that includes a Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES), a SMart On-Board Data Interface Module (SMODIM), and an electronic data manager.

When deployed to the Pacific Ocean's Kwajalein Atoll, the UH-72As will perform transport and support duties. They are to be painted in a high-visibility orange color scheme and outfitted with skid-mounted floats, a life raft and jettisonable cockpit doors for rapid egress.

Production of the UH-72A averages three to four helicopters per month at the Columbus, Miss. production site, which is operated by EADS North America's American Eurocopter business unit. The 220,000 square foot facility, located adjacent to the Golden Triangle Regional Airport, is capable of producing up to five aircraft a month. The company continues to meet its goal of creating new job opportunities in the region, with total employment reaching 250 employees as the UH-72A program attains full rate production.

For additional information on the UH-72A Lakota, see the dedicated website at:

UNVEX'10: La AESA otorgó por primera vez a un UAV la certificación de aeronavegabilidad experimental para vuelos de prueba

La Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea española (AESA) ha concedido la primera certificación de aeronavegabilidad a un sistema aéreo no tripulado (UAV), afirmó Luis Rodríguez Gil, director de este organismo, lo que constituye un paso adelante hacia la regulación y certificacion de estos sistemas para volar en espacio aéreos no segregados. Por ahora, la certificación, concedida el pasado 19 de febrero, es experimental y para vuelos de pruebas de UAV.

España propone quedarse con los empleos británicos del A400M

"La sugerencia (española) es resultado de que los británicos no quieren unirse al mismo tipo de solución que han elegido los otros compradores," dijo una fuente cercana a la situación.