martes, 2 de marzo de 2010

Constantino Méndez inaugura UNVEX’10

Y, de mano de Satori Producciones, estuvo allí

"Un escaparate nacional e internacional de las capacidades tecnológicas de nuestro país"

Constantino Méndez inauguró esta mañana en Madrid Unvex10 ( Tras una breve introducción recordando la historia de los UAVs, destacó la creciente  importancia de los sistemas no tripulados, y calificó de enorme utilidad UNVEX10, lugar de encuentro entre industria, tecnólogos y especialistas.  E indicó que sus colaboradores seguirían atentamente las conferencias de estos 3 días.

En breve os iremos contando más, y os traeremos las fotos que hicimos allí.

Heathrow and Singapore Airlines launch fuel saving

Heathrow, NATS*, Singapore Airlines and Airbus have launched an improved departure procedure for the Airbus A380, saving even more fuel, emitting even less CO2 and remaining within the airport's strict noise procedures. This new procedure saves an additional 300kg of fuel per flight, equating to one metric tonne of emissions of CO2 on a flight to Singapore, as well as reducing NOx emissions.

The companies worked together over the last year to develop the new airline procedure, which has been put into place immediately. A380s departing Heathrow now use less power when taking off, saving fuel and reducing NOx emissions. Once a height of 1,500 feet has been reached, the aircraft uses flexible acceleration up to 4,000 feet, before continuing its journey.

"The A380 represents the most significant step forward in reducing aircraft fuel burn and resultant emissions in four decades whilst offering greater comfort on board," said Tom Williams, Executive Vice President Programmes, Airbus."In fact, the A380 consumes less than three litres of fuel per passenger per 100 km."

The A380 is also significantly quieter than other large aircraft. It produces half the noise energy at takeoff and cuts the area exposed to equivalent noise levels around the airport runway by half. At landing the A380 is producing three to four times less noise energy, contributing significantly to reduce the noise impact whilst enabling the airline to carry more passengers per flight.

Jane Dawes, Operational Noise and Air Quality Manager from Heathrow said, "The Airbus A380 is already the most fuel efficient aircraft in commercial service, burning 17 per cent less fuel per passenger than other large aircraft. By 2020 one in ten flights at Heathrow could use A380s. It is important that we work constantly with our airlines to improve operating processes, and the introduction of these new departure procedures demonstrates our commitment to reducing emissions."

Said Captain Gerard Yeap, Senior Vice President Flight Operations, Singapore Airlines, "Our cooperation with Heathrow, NATS and Airbus goes to show what can be achieved when stakeholders share the same goal of reducing carbon emissions and fuel burn. Singapore Airlines is committed to playing its part in ensuring greener skies and sustainable air travel, and we hope this partnership will serve as a model for airport operators and governments elsewhere in the world."

CO2 and fuel benefit is mostly coming from the new sequence of actions, i.e. early acceleration at 1,500 ft with green-dot up to 4,000 ft. Green dot being approximately the best lift to drag ratio speed, it provides in general the lowest fuel consumption up to 4,000 ft.

NOx benefit is coming from switching from TOGA to FLEX procedures. TOGA procedure is a procedure where the thrust lever is on the "Take-off Go-Around" position, meaning full thrust is used.. A FLEX procedure is when the thrust lever is on the "MCT/FLEX" position for take-off, meaning the thrust is adapted (reduced) to the actual aircraft take-off weight, in order to decrease engine stress and increase its under-wing life.

Singapore Airlines has now adopted optimum FLEX and early acceleration at 1,500 ft with green dot up to 4,000 ft as the current departure procedure

Desarrollan un escáner no invasivo para el control en aeropuertos

Sandglass Patrol en Itavia

Itavia es la Revista del Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos Aeronáuticos. Y esto es lo que dicen de nosotros.

Excelente es el calificativo que se merece Sandglass Patrol, que puede encontrarse en la dirección El visitante encontrará en él toda suerte de información  y noticias, además de enlaces de interes para pilotos, ingenieros y aficionados. Por ejemplo, en nuestra visita del pasado 3 de Noviembre encontramos un reportaje sobre el primer caza parásito, un listado de publicaciones aeronáuticas, desde manuales de aviónica hasta guías para estudiantes piloto, así como una variedad de noticias y reportajes, incluidos dos de ITAVIA. El hecho de que uno de sus responsables sea nuestro compañero José Manuel Gil no hace si no certificar la calidad del blog"

¡Comentarios como este levantan el ánimo a cualquiera!

La Unión Europea quiere que el coste de los escáneres corporales no caiga sobre los usuarios

Redesign of Bomber's Aft Deck Promises to Reduce Maintenance Costs, Improve Aircraft Availability

PALMDALE, Calif., March 2, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) and the U.S. Air Force hope to soon resolve, once and for all, a technical issue that's challenged engineers and maintainers of the nation's fleet of B-2 stealth bombers for more than 20 years: cracking in the B-2's aft deck, a metallic panel on the bomber's upper surface that shields its composite airframe from the heat of engine exhaust.  

The team has just completed a paper "fly-off" between two alternate approaches for redesigning the aft deck. The goal of the program is to develop and produce a new aft deck that can span normal long-term B-2 maintenance cycles without needing additional service or repairs.

Northrop Grumman is the Air Force's prime contractor for the B-2, the flagship of the nation's long range strike arsenal, and one of the most survivable air systems in the world.

"Resolving the aft deck problem is an important part of guaranteeing the long term viability of the B-2," said Dave Mazur, Northrop Grumman's vice president of long range strike and B-2 program manager. "We are committed to helping the Air Force develop and implement the solution that is in the best long term interests of both the B-2 fleet and U.S. taxpayers."

Located behind the B-2's exhaust outlets, the aft deck is exposed to extreme temperatures and acoustic-induced vibrations, making it vulnerable to fatigue and cracking. 

"The key to producing a reliable, high performance aft deck is creating a balance between stiffness and flexibility," explains Chuck Osberg, Northrop Grumman's aft deck program manager. "If the deck is too flexible, high cycle fatigue will cause premature failure; if it's too stiff it can put undue stress on adjacent structures."

According to Osberg, the winning aft deck design – a fundamentally new approach – was selected on the basis of cost and performance.   It reflects many years of thermal and structural analysis of the aft deck, the structures to which it attaches and its operating environment by Northrop Grumman engineers.  It also includes new stiffening elements designed to significantly reduce the vibration and metal fatigue currently experienced in flight by the aft deck. 

The aft deck upgrade program is the latest in a series of modernizations that the Air Force, Northrop Grumman and its subcontractors have undertaken to ensure that the B-2 remains fully capable against evolving threats. 

The B-2 Spirit stealth bomber is one of the most survivable aircraft in the world. It remains the only long-range, large-payload aircraft that can penetrate deeply into protected airspace. In concert with the Air Force's air superiority fleet, which provides airspace control, and the Air Force's tanker fleet, which enables global mobility, the B-2 helps ensure an effective U.S. response to threats anywhere in the world. It can fly more than 6,000 nautical miles unrefueled and more than 10,000 nautical miles with just one aerial refueling, giving it the ability to reach any point on the globe within hours.