lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010
British Airways cabin crew vote to strike
British Airways cabin crew members have again voted heavily in favour of taking industrial action to protest changes to working conditions and contractual arrangements.
ITP firma con el Ejército del Aire un acuerdo marco de mantenimiento de motores por 120 millones
Analysts are sorting out the cause of a "beam misalignment" that occurred during the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Airborne Laser (ABL) program's third intercept attempt Feb. 11.
Three separate ABL target engagements have taken place. The first was conducted quietly Feb. 3 by MDA; it was only announced after the Feb. 11 flight trials. MDA Director Army Lt. Gen. Patrick O'Reilly says the agency wanted to wait until lethality was demonstrated against a liquid-fueled target to announce the engagements. During the first test, a Terrier Black Brant unguided sounding rocket was destroyed in flight off the coast of California.
Las pilotos femeninos de la IIGM consiguen la medalla de oro del Congreso
WASP getting Cong. Gold Medal
Eurocopter highlights its innovation and bluecopter(R) technology at Heli-Expo 2010
bluecopter® technology targets delivering environmental performance
At its Heli-Expo 2010 exhibit booth, Eurocopter will display a new compact, high efficiency, high compression two-stroke engine called the OPOC (Opposite Piston Opposite Cylinder). This is in line with Eurocopter's project to fly with a light single-engine helicopter powered by a diesel engine. The objective is to reach a power-to-weight ratio capable of challenging the advantages of a classic turbine, with the OPOC engine being one of the top options currently under evaluation.
Eurocopter also is utilizing Heli-Expo to introduce a new method of measuring and benchmarking its helicopters in environmental performance. Based on certification data, this tool enables operators and their passengers to check the environmental rating of their helicopter.
Silencing main rotors and blades to protect the environment and extend service life
Blue Edge™: This revolutionary main rotor blade provides a passive reduction in noise levels, using a double-swept shape that is very different from present-day blades. The aim of this program is to reduce the noise generated by so-called blade-vortex interactions (BVI), which occur when a blade impacts a vortex, created at the tip of the blade of any helicopter.
A five-blade Blue Edge™ main rotor has been flying since July 2007 on an EC155 testbed, logging 75 flight hours and demonstrating noise reductions of 3 to 4 dB, as well as very good performance of the blade. With this safe and simple means of measureable noise reduction for helicopters now validated, Eurocopter is ready to move Blue Edge™ into production applications.
Blue Pulse™: This piezo-active rotor control system has the primary objective of reducing noise levels generated by the interference of the rotor blade tip vortices from one rotor blade with the following blades. In addition, it will significantly reduce vibrations within the helicopter airframe, increasing passenger comfort and extending the service life of sensitive components,
The control system uses three flap modules located at the trailing edge of each rotor blade. The blades' piezoelectric actuators move the rotor flaps 15 to 40 times per second in order to completely neutralize the "slap noise" typically associated with helicopters during descent. The Blue Pulse™ technology has been flying since 2005, showing a noise reduction of up to 5 dB. Eurocopter's evaluations with Blue Pulse™ are continuing on an EC145, while the development of a miniaturized system for production applications is advanced.
PILAS: The PILAS (Pilot Assistance System) demonstrator cockpit will illustrate new concepts in pilot assistance systems - particularly with HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Services) and law enforcement missions in mind.
PILAS can serve as a "virtual co-pilot" to present actions that could circumvent a potentially critical situation, utilizing a synthetic vision system that displays all relevant information for terrain, obstacles, air traffic, weather and airspace use.
Appareo Systems Vision 1000: Eurocopter's emphasis on flight data monitoring and analyses will be represented at Heli-Expo 2010 by the cockpit-mounted Appareo Vision 1000 system, and the laptop-based Eurocopter Virtual Environment platform. The Appareo Vision 1000 was jointly developed by American Eurocopter, Eurocopter Canada and Appareo Systems, and it captures critical inertial and positioning data, as well as cockpit imagery (including the instrument panel, flight controls, partial exterior views and ambient audio).
EVE: The EVE (Eurocopter Virtual Environment) platform reproduces a helicopter cockpit and flight maneuvers on a laptop, with the user wearing virtual reality glasses to create the feeling of total immersion into the helicopter flight environment. This technology assists in analyzing flight data in real time, and it can be coupled with the Appareo Vision 1000 system.
Sikorsky Innovations Expected to Develop Mission-Adaptive Rotorcraft Under Prospective DARPA Contract with Sikorsky Aircraft
February 21, 2010
STRATFORD, Connecticut - Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. announced today
that its Sikorsky Innovations group has been selected by the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for a contract to develop
active rotor technologies that will allow aircraft to adapt to a
changing environment and dynamically enhance performance. Sikorsky
Aircraft is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX).
Once the DARPA contract is finalized, the project will have three
phases starting with a $5.9 million contract for Phase I. This phase
will take 16 months and focus on a robust design of the
mission-adaptive rotor system, enabling technology development and
assessment of the benefits. Phases II and III will be competitively
awarded by DARPA at the conclusion of Phase I. Phase II calls for a
validation of the design and ground test, while Phase III will entail
flight testing.
"Adaptive rotor technologies have the potential to vastly improve
performance, and reduce vibration and noise," said Mark Miller, Vice
President of Research and Engineering. "With this DARPA contract,
Sikorsky Innovations will tackle the challenge of making the
helicopter smarter. We are developing the next generation helicopter –
an intelligent and adaptive helicopter that can become aware of its
surroundings, identify the proximity of a threat, adjust in brownout
situations, and respond appropriately."
The program will create new options for the next generation of
aircraft and retrofit possibilities for the existing fleet.
British plane-spotters face jail in India
Men arrested after booking hotel room overlooking international airport where police found powerful tracking equipment
Los países clientes del A400M niegan la posibilidad de renegociar los 3.500 millones ofertados a EADS
22/02/2010 ( Madrid - Los gobiernos de los siete países clientes del A400M niegan la posibilidad de renegociar la oferta presentada al fabricante, que asciende a un máximo de 3.500 millones de euros.
La oferta, presentada al consorcio aeronáutico EADS la semana pasada, añade 1.500 millones de euros adicionales a los 2.000 inicialmente acordados. Un portavoz del Ministerio de Defensa alemán indicó a la agencia Reuters que se trata de la última oferta, en el plano económico y tecnológico.
Alemania afronta la mayor huelga aérea de su historia
Se calcula que más de 3.000 vuelos sean cancelados lo que ocasionará
un perjuicio directo a la compañía de más de 100 millones de euros,
sin contar las perdidas colaterales a los pasajeros y la industria.