domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010
AENA, Decretazo... El punto de vista de los controladores
El punto de vista de los controladores
Vía Lo Marraco
Motor Honda Convertido Para Aviación Por Eggenfellner
Según Jan Eggenfellner, CEO de la empresa, el motor de cuatro cilindros en línea de Honda tiene características que lo hacen adecuado para el uso aeronáutico[...] Este motor con block de aluminio, enfriado por agua, inyección de combustible y con una cilindrada de 1497 cc entrega 117 hp a 6600 RPM. Relación de compresión de 10.4:1 y con un peso de 90 kg, [...] Al 75% de la potencia, unos 88HP a 4900RPM consume 24 litros de combustible por hora.
Episodio 03 Remove Before Flight (podcast aeronautico en español)
Contenidos Episodio 03:
00:00:00 Introducción
00:02:16 Plan de vuelo (sumario)
00:03:15 Entrevista a Oscar Valencia, Doctor en Ingeniería Aeronáutica
00:27:05 Monográfico: Los biocombustibles
00:47:06 Noticias
01:02:28 Eventos
01:07:09 Despedida
Dirección: Jose Miguel Morales & Javier F. Lago
Redacción: Jose Miguel Morales, Ricard Sánchez & Jose Manuel "Gizmo"
Locución: Jose Miguel Morales, Ricard Sánchez & Javier F. Lago
Música y edición: Javier F. Lago
Voice Coach: Anna Esquius
Layout & Diseño: Anna Esquius & Javier F. Lago
Producido por Satori Produccions SL (
Este podcast se distribuye bajo licencia Creative Commons by-nc-nd
Algunos derechos reservados
Los Estados y el capital de EADS
Nuevamente hemos visto cómo se produce un ultimátum de la directiva de
EADS a los gobiernos Francés, Alemán y Español para decidir sobre el
reparto económico del sobrecoste del A400M. Ya resuelto el problema de
la continuidad del programa (o al menos eso parece), el tiempo corre y
cada vez está más cerca la fecha de 9 de Marzo en que EADS tiene
previsto presentar resultados y necesita por tanto saber cuál ha de
ser la provisión que tenga pasar a la cuenta de resultados a cargo de
este programa.
Mientras se suceden las reuniones y permanecemos expectantes ante lo
que finalmente ocurra, me ha parecido interesante estudiar realmente
quién es quien en el capital de EADS, para a la hora de seguir leyendo
noticias, tener una conciencia de la situación sobre los accionistas
que ejercen el control de esta empresa.
Two Northrop Grumman Laser Systems Help Airborne Laser Testbed Turn Science Fiction Into Fact
REDONDO BEACH, Calif., Feb. 12, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Airborne Laser Testbed (ALTB) transitioned from science fiction to directed energy fact Feb. 11 when it put a lethal amount of 'light on target' to destroy a boosting ballistic missile with help from a megawatt-class laser developed by Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC).
While ballistic missiles like the one ALTB destroyed move at speeds of about 4,000 miles per hour, they are no match for a super-heated, high-energy laser beam racing towards it at 670 million mph. The basketball-sized beam was focused on the foreign military asset, as the missile is called officially, for only a few seconds before a stress fracture developed, causing the target to catastrophically split into multiple pieces.
"This experiment shows the incredible potential for directed energy as a premier element in early or ascent phase missile defense," said Steve Hixson, vice president of Space and Directed Energy Systems for Northrop Grumman's Aerospace Systems sector. "The demonstration leaves no doubt whatsoever about ALTB's unprecedented mobility, precision and lethality," he added. Hixson is a former ALTB program manager for the company.
Northrop Grumman executives said the high-energy Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser the company provides – the most powerful laser ever developed for an airborne environment – performed reliably once again with other critical capabilities onboard the U.S. Missile Defense Agency's ALTB. This includes the low-power, solid-state Beacon Illuminator Laser for atmospheric compensation, a targeting laser Northrop Grumman also supplies for the ALTB system.
"The continued dependable and consistent performance of both laser systems is the result of our dedicated team and its unwavering commitment to develop game-changing technology for our military forces," said Guy Renard, Northrop Grumman's ALTB program manager. "The impressive progress made by the government and industry team during the last three-and-a-half years could not have culminated any more dramatically than this successful experiment."
The experiment, a proof-of-concept demonstration, was the first directed energy lethal intercept demonstration against a liquid-fuel boosting ballistic missile target from an airborne platform.
Northrop Grumman is under contract to The Boeing Company, ALTB's prime contractor, for the two laser systems. The ALTB is a modified Boeing 747-400F whose back half holds the high-energy laser. The front section of the aircraft contains the beam control/fire control system, developed by Lockheed Martin, and the battle management system, provided by Boeing.