jueves, 7 de enero de 2010

El Ejército español vestirá el uniforme de combate estadounidense


07/01/2010 (Infodefensa.com) Madrid - Las Fuerzas Armadas españolas
abandonarán su actual uniforme de combate y a partir de este mismo año
adoptarán el modelo estadounidense, con camuflaje pixelado y sin
ceñidor, que, además, será igual para los tres Ejércitos, según
instrucción del Estado Mayor de la Defensa (EMAD).

Brazil says no decision yet on fighter jet

Brazil says no decision yet on fighter jet

Leaked report: Brazilian air force 'wants Gripen'

Jets escort airliner after passenger disruption


PORTLAND, Ore. — A disruptive passenger was released Wednesday after
National Guard jets escorted a commercial jetliner bound for Hawaii
back to the Portland airport, authorities said.

"At this time, there is no known terrorism link," the FBI said in a
statement. It said it had turned the case over to federal prosecutors
but it was not immediately known whether charges would be filed.

European Commission announces the award of major Galileo contracts


January 2010
Antonio Tajani, European Commission Vice-President in charge of
Transport, has announced today the award of three of the six contracts
for the procurement of Galileo's initial operational capability.

These contracts will be signed in the next weeks between ESA, on
behalf of the European Commission, and the chosen companies.

Galileo: Europe's global navigation satellite system

The definition phase and the development and In-Orbit Validation phase
of the Galileo programme were carried out by the European Space Agency
(ESA) and co-funded by ESA and the European Community.

The Full Operational Capability phase of the Galileo programme is
managed and fully funded by the European Commission. The Commission
and ESA have signed a delegation agreement by which ESA acts as design
and procurement agent on behalf of the Commission.

Airbus submits patent for airspeed error monitoring


Airbus has submitted a US patent application for an independent means
of monitoring an aircraft's pressure-based airspeed measurement for

While the process is mainly geared at determining pitot system errors
on the take-off roll, giving pilots the ability to abort a take-off
before flight speeds are attained, Airbus in the 3 December filing
also notes that "failure to detect these erroneous measurements can
have unfortunate consequences during flight".

Boeing Strengthens Engineering Function with New Structure, Key Appointments


CHICAGO, Jan. 6, 2010 – Boeing [NYSE: BA] has announced that several
new senior-level engineering leadership positions have been
established to help drive engineering excellence and ensure program
success across the company.

"Boeing's reputation for engineering excellence is built on an array
of outstanding products designed and developed under the guidance of
strong engineering leaders," said John Tracy, Boeing chief technology
officer and senior vice president of Engineering, Operations &
Technology (EO&T). "Our new senior engineering leaders will help
ensure that engineering excellence continues to be driven through all
our products and services to satisfy our customers and grow our

Appointed as vice presidents of Engineering, the new engineering
leaders are all recognized authorities in technical fields critical to
aerospace development (see below). They will work closely with program
managers and chief engineers to help ensure the technical integrity of
their products by providing technical guidance in their various areas
of expertise. This guidance will be provided in a number of ways,
including direct and active involvement in key system requirements and
criteria definition, critical design and production readiness reviews,
technical risk assessments and issues resolution, and any other
important engineering challenges that may arise.

In addition to reporting to Tracy, the new engineering vice presidents
will also report to either the Boeing Commercial Airplanes vice
president of Engineering or the Boeing Integrated Defense Systems vice
president of Engineering and Mission Assurance, who also co-lead the
Enterprise Engineering function within EO&T under Tracy.

"By having these vice presidents report to the engineering leaders of
the business units and to me, we can assure that they are focused on
the most critical engineering issues of the company," Tracy said.

The newly appointed leaders and their technical areas of responsibility are:

Boeing Commercial Airplanes

Mike Delaney -- Airplane Performance & Product Architecture. Delaney
was vice president, chief project engineer for the 787 program.
Keith Leverkuhn -- Propulsion Systems. Leverkuhn was vice
present/general manager of Propulsion Systems for Boeing Commercial
Jim Ogonowski -- Airplane Structures. Ogonowski was director, chief
structures engineer for the 787 program.
Mike Sinnett -- Airplane Systems. Sinnett was vice president, systems
chief engineer for the 787 program.

As part of their new assignments, Delaney, Ogonowski and Sinnett will
continue to focus on the 787 program, which is currently the most
important engineering challenge for Boeing Commercial Airplanes.

Integrated Defense Systems

Bill Carrier -- Structures. Carrier was previously director of
mechanical/structural engineering.
Laurette Lahey -- Flight & Controls. Lahey was previously director of
flight engineering.
Jack Murphy -- System-of-Systems / Systems Engineering. In addition,
Murphy will continue to serve as vice president of mission assurance.
Darrell Uchima -- Mission Systems Payloads & Sensors. Uchima was
director of the satellite development center for Boeing Space and
Intelligence Systems.
James Farricker – Networks & Communications. Farricker is a senior
technical fellow and was most recently chief engineer of Boeing's
Enterprise Network Organization in EO&T.

Revitalizing the role of senior engineering leaders represents another
in a series of strategic steps Boeing has been taking over the past
several years to strengthen its drive for functional and program
excellence. As part of this drive Boeing formed in 2006 an integrated
Enterprise Engineering function chartered to identify best processes,
systems, tools and training, and deploy them as standards across

Led by Tracy in conjunction with the Commercial Airplanes vice
president of Engineering and the Integrated Defense Systems vice
president of Engineering and Mission Assurance, the Enterprise
Engineering function has made significant progress toward improving
the efficiency and effectiveness of engineering support across Boeing
programs. By being able to share more processes, systems and data,
Boeing engineers in the different business units are now able to work
more effectively together on joint programs – such as the P-8A and 767
International Tanker programs – which leverage Boeing's unique ability
to combine its commercial and defense capabilities.

Just as important, Boeing engineers can now cross business unit lines
to support any Boeing program. For example, more than 1,000 Integrated
Defense Systems' engineers have helped support Commercial Airplanes'
787 and 777 programs over the past two years, while Commercial
Airplanes' engineers have helped Integrated Defense Systems resolve
technical and flight test issues on the 767 International Tanker

Now, by focusing the technical expertise of proven engineering leaders
on the top engineering challenges of the company, Boeing is
strengthening its ability to ensure that engineering quality,
effectiveness and efficiency are being driven into the design,
development and production of all the company's products and services,
Tracy said.

Dos heridos graves al estrellarse un ultraligero

Los dos ocupantes del ultraligero matrícula EC-BQ6, un hombre de 60 años identificado como F.E.R. y su hija de 22 años, resultaron heridos de gravedad tras estrellarse la aeronave en el término municipal de La Vid de Bureba.

El aeropuerto de Madrid Barajas está en alerta ante posibles nevadas

El Aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas activó ayer miércoles 6 de enero el nivel naranja del Plan de Actuaciones Invernales en previsión de posi bles contingencias meteorológicas de nieve para esta madrugada y hoy día 7.

Pratt & Whitney Delivers Final Conventional Take Off and Landing-Carrier Variant F135 System Development and Demonstration Engine


EAST HARTFORD, Conn., Jan. 5, 2010 – Pratt & Whitney has delivered its final Conventional Take Off and Landing/Carrier Variant (CTOL/CV) F135 flight test engine to the F-35 Joint Program Office, marking another major milestone as the program transitions from System Development and Demonstration to production.  Pratt & Whitney is a United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX) company.

"I am tremendously proud of the Pratt & Whitney F135 team who has worked so tirelessly over the last eight years, in partnership with the F-35 Joint Program Office and Lockheed Martin, to get to this significant point in the F135 program," said Warren Boley, Vice President of F135 Engine Programs. "This final CTOL/CV F135 engine delivery is another demonstration of the continued maturing of this engine program, which has logged more than 12,850 test hours and will begin production engine deliveries later this month."

Pratt & Whitney has delivered 17 flight test engines and expects to deliver the final Short Take Off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) flight test engine early this year.

"What makes this milestone even more exciting is that it signifies a transition from development activity to production, as we are poised to deliver our first production CTOL/CV F135 engine within several days of delivering this final CTOL flight test engine," Boley said. "We are proud to continue successfully powering the F-35 Lightning II flight test program, and our eyes are also trained on the day when our first production F135 CTOL engine will be installed in a production F-35 and delivered to our military men and women."

Pratt & Whitney has designed, developed and tested the F135 to deliver the most advanced fifth generation fighter engine for the U.S. Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy, as well as eight international partner countries.  The F135 is derived from proven technology of the only operational fifth generation fighter engine, the Pratt & Whitney F119.  It has been further enhanced with technologies developed in several Air Force and Navy technology programs.

The F135 is the only engine powering the F-35 Lightning II flight test program.  The F135 propulsion system has proven it can meet diverse aircraft requirements, and the ground and flight test experience demonstrates the maturity and the associated reliability of the F135 engine for armed forces around the world.

Pratt & Whitney is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines, space propulsion systems and industrial gas turbines.  United Technologies, based in Hartford, Conn., is a diversified company providing high technology products and services to the global aerospace and building industries.

This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning future business opportunities. Actual results may differ materially from those projected as a result of certain risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to changes in funding related to the F-35 aircraft and F135 engines, changes in government procurement priorities and practices or in the number of aircraft to be built; challenges in the design, development, production and support of technologies; as well as other risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to those detailed from time to time in United Technologies Corp.'s Securities and Exchange Commission filings.

Talk of 150-seat CSeries in the fray following analyst report

JP Morgan's Joseph Nadol in a note today said the firm believes a 150-seat variant is in the works and that is a key reason why Boeing and Airbus are taking a hard look at re-engining the A320 and 737, respectively.

AAPA warns against use of full body scanners

"Additional security measures are only justified when it can be demonstrated that the benefits outweigh the additional burdens they impose on society."

Humor: Navidad para Ingenieros

Ahora que ya se acaba esta época de festejos familiares y vacaciones, muchos de vosotros volvéis al trabajo y os incorporáis hoy día 7 a vuestros puestos de trabajo. Como sabemos que la vuelta es dura, además de las noticias vamos a compartir algo de humor con vosotros...

Special Delivery: First Phenom 300

Embraer has begun delivering its recently certified Phenom 300 executive jet, just one year after the first Phenom 100 customers received their aircraft. The first Phenom 300 was delivered at the Company's headquarters, on December 29, 2009, to Executive Flight Services, a wholly owned aircraft management subsidiary of Executive AirShare, which received the aircraft on behalf of an undisclosed customer.

Airbus pide más dinero para el A400M


Podcast: Remove Before Flight, Episodio 2

Podcast Aeronáutico en Español

Ya disponible el Espisodio 2 de Remove Before Flight




Cumpliendo con la promesa de una entrega mensual, aquí os traemos el segundo episodio de Remove Before Flight. Todo el equipo de RBF deseamos expresar nuestra gratitud a todos los oyentes por la buena acogida del primer episodio. Esperamos que este segundo episodio sea de vuestro agrado. Esta vez venimos con más contenido, por lo que ampliamos la duración hasta hora y media. Despegamos por segunda vez. Os deseamos un vuelo agradable.

Contenidos Episodio 02:
00:01:08 Introducción
00:05:01 Plan de vuelo (sumario)
00:05:53 Entrevista a Javier Casado, autor del libro Wernher Von Braun, entre el águila y la esvástica.
00:26:35 UAV, historia, presente y futuro
00:58:00 Noticias
01:23:30 Lo que se cuece por la red
01:27:23 Despedida

Dirección: Jose Miguel Morales & Javier F. Lago
Redacción: Jose Miguel Morales, Ricard Sánchez & Jose Manuel "Gizmo"
Locución: Jose Miguel Morales, Ricard Sánchez & Javier F. Lago
Música y edición: Javier F. Lago
Voice Coach: Anna Esquius
Layout & Diseño: Anna Esquius & Javier F. Lago
Producido por Satori Produccions SL (info@satori-produccions.com)

Este podcast se distribuye bajo licencia Creative Commons by-nc-nd
Algunos derechos reservados

Defensa invierte 2,5 millones de euros en mantenimiento y modernización de los Superpuma y Cougar