domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

Multinational Euro Helo Wing Idea Gains Traction

The idea of creating a multinational helicopter wing is beginning to make headway among European Union members in these times of financial crisis. The proposal, which is set out in an informal document obtained by Defense News, is to set up a helicopter wing made up of heavy-lift, medium-lift and attack helicopters for use in expeditionary and civil disaster operations.

The proposal suggests prioritizing tactical transport helicopters, such as heavy-lift ones, because this is where there is the greatest shortfall. Joint procurement is one option. Pooling existing helicopters or ones that have already been ordered, such as the NH90 or Mi17s, is another.

Aernnova producirá alas de avión para Beechcraft

El proyecto tiene doble valor, ya que el grupo vasco será el único proveedor de las alas de cinco de los aviones que fabrica la multinacional de Wichita (Kansas), que factura 3.500 millones de dólares (unos 2.530 millones de euros) y tiene una plantilla de 8.000 trabajadores.

Impresionante avance de agrotecnología en Brasil. Azucar transgenico para biocombustibles

Brasil está por lanzar al mercado variedades de la caña de azúcar transgénica y ya dispone de la tecnología para producir biocombustibles a partir de organismos genéticamente modificados (OGM), tales como el diésel para aviación, según informó el Consejo de Informaciones sobre Biotecnología (CIB) de ese país.

Embraer negocia la asociación de Argentina al programa KC-390

Como resultado de los encuentros mantenidos entre los ministerios de la Defensa de Brasil y de Argentina, sus titulares, Nelson Jobim y Nilda Garré, respectivamente, firmaron una Declaración de Intenciones para la participación del segundo en el programa de desarrollo reactor de transporte KC-390, marcando el inicio de las negociaciones para la participación de la industria argentina en su fabricación, además de la futura adquisición de seis aparatos.

Otro acuerdo entre Brasil y Argentina
“Esto demuestra que el KC-390 responde a las exigencias modernas del transporte militar” declaró Orlando José Ferreira Neto, director del mercado de defensa de Embraer. “Reforzaremos así los lazos de integración tecnológica en esta área en América del Sur”.

La decisión sobre el concurso por los aviones cisterna de EEUU podría retrasarse (otra vez)

La solución a la disputa entre EADS y Boeing para hacerse con el contrato de 'tanqueros' (aviones cisterna) de la Fuerza Aérea estadounidense podría retrasarse y no resolverse antes de final de año, como se preveía, según el presidente de Airbus Military, Domingo Ureña, quien confía en las opciones del consorcio aeroespacial para hacerse con el concurso.

Ureña considera que no se dará una respuesta antes del 12 de noviembre, fecha inicialmente marcada. Por el momento, EADS Norteamérica --la filial del consorcio en EE.UU.-- continúa aportando la información adicional requerida por el Pentágono, que no se refiere a cuestiones técnicas de la aeronave, un "buen síntoma".

EADS prevé que España supere el 15% de carga de trabajo en los tanqueros de EE UU

Egipto encarga tres aviones C295 de Airbus Military / Perú anuncia la renovación de su flota de aviones de transporte militar

La Fuerza Aérea de Egipto (FAE) ha firmado un contrato con Airbus Military relativo a la adquisición de tres aparatos C295, cuya entrega esta prevista que comience en 2011, según informó Airbus Military en un comunicado.

Perú anuncia la renovación de su flota de aviones de transporte militar

El Ministerio de Defensa (MINDEF) evalúa la renovación de la flota de aviones de transporte medio, principalmente del tipo Antonov An-32B, que operan actualmente las Fuerzas Armadas y la Policía Nacional del Perú. El titular de esa cartera, Jaime Thorne León, viajó -acompañado del comandante general de FAP, Carlos Samamé, y el jefe del Comando Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas, general Francisco Contreras- a Chiclayo en un vuelo de prueba ofrecido por el Gobierno Italiano, que presentó el Alenia C-27J, de 10,5 ton. de capacidad. pero parece que el modelo que más se adecúa a las necesidades de la FAP (Fuerza Aérea del Perú) es el Airbus Military C-295.

Airbus Military podrá fabricar 33 A400M al año en 2016

Airbus Military tendrá capacidad para fabricar 33 aeronaves a doble turno al año del avión de transporte militar A400M en su planta de Sevilla, San Pablo, cuando ésta funcione a pleno rendimiento en 2016, a un ritmo de 2,5 aviones al mes que podría alcanzar los tres aviones mensuales.

En concreto, el fabricante tiene previsto desarrollar las aeronaves con una cadencia de dos en 2011, posteriormente siete, después 14, le seguirán 28 y así hasta alcanzar las 33 unidades en 2016.

Los países implicados en el programa A400M quieren cerrar en los próximos días las condiciones definitivas de contratación

Para Airbus Military, el objetivo es que el nuevo contrato quede firmado antes del término del año, momento en que se aprobaría el calendario para lanzar la producción en serie del avión.

Según Cinco Días, los siete países implicados en el A400M están dispuestos a pagar un 10 por ciento más sobre el precio inicial pactado en 2003 por los aviones, esto es 2.000 millones de euros adicionales. A España le correspondería un desembolso adicional de unos 300 millones a los 3.000 millones ya previstos para la compra de los 27 aparatos comprometidos. Asimismo, los siete países impulsores aportarían otros 1.500 millones en préstamos, que serían reembolsables en función de las exportaciones.

China concluirá su estación espacial tripulada en 2020

China ha iniciado oficialmente su programa de estación espacial tripulada con el objetivo de completar la construcción de un laboratorio espacial habitado "relativamente grande" alrededor del año 2020, según informó un portavoz del programa.

El país asiático se ha fijado la meta de desarrollar y poner en funcionamiento la primera parte de la estación espacial antes del 2016, centrándose en los grandes avances de las condiciones de vida de los astronautas y aplicaciones de investigación, reveló el portavoz.

viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

Airbus confía en que el A400M esté certificado a final de 2011

Airbus Military prevé que la certificación del avión militar A400M, que se ensambla en la factoría de San Pablo en Sevilla, esté lista a finales del próximo año. Así lo confirmó ayer el responsable de los ensayos en vuelo de la aeronave, Fernando Alonso, que añadió que el consorcio aeronáutico confía en entregar los primeros aviones en los últimos meses de 2012, dentro del plazo previsto. En total, acumulará 3.700 horas de vuelo hasta que los primeros aparatos estén en manos de los países clientes.

Second A330 MRTT in flight for U.K. underscores maturity of EADS North America KC-45 offering for U.S. Air Force

EADS North America has marked another step forward for its KC-45 aerial refueling tanker program with the maiden flight of the second Airbus Military A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) for the United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force (RAF). The KC-45 is the U.S. Air Force configuration of the A330 MRTT, and is the only tanker offered in the Air Force’s tanker competition that is in production and flying today.

Converted from a basic A330-200 by Airbus Military, the aircraft flew for two hours from Getafe, Spain, on the evening of Oct. 26.

This is the fifth A330 MRTT currently flying, with several more in production for the four U.S. allies that have chosen the A330 MRTT over Boeing 767 tankers in four straight competitions. Deliveries of A330 MRTTs will begin before year-end, with Australia receiving the first aircraft.

“By offering the U.S. Air Force the same tanker platform that is proving its capabilities today for allies like the United Kingdom and Australia, we’re providing a low-risk solution for both the warfighter and the taxpayer," said Ralph D. Crosby Jr., EADS North America Chairman. "And we’re going to put 48,000 Americans to work building the KC-45 here in the U.S.”

The KC-45, as well as A330-based commercial freighter aircraft, will be assembled in a new aerospace center of excellence in Mobile, Alabama, using a nationwide network of hundreds of American suppliers.

The A330 MRTT configuration for the United Kingdom is designated the Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft (FSTA), 14 of which have been ordered for the RAF. The first FSTA made its maiden flight on Sept. 16, beginning a flight-test program that will lead to first delivery to the RAF by the end of 2011.

The U.K. configuration includes two digital hose-and-drogue refueling pods under the wings, plus a hose-and-drogue fuselage refueling unit on the centerline. Both of these systems will be on the KC-45, along with Airbus Military’s’ advanced Aerial Refueling Boom System, which has demonstrated in flight its ability to meet the U.S. Air Force requirement for high fuel offload at 1,200 gallons a minute.

Altogether, A330 MRTTs have logged nearly a thousand flight hours and passed 1.2 million pounds of fuel to a wide range of combat aircraft with the same advanced refueling systems offered on the KC-45.

Because of the superior capabilities and efficiency of the tanker, the EADS North America KC-45 will also provide the Air Force substantial savings in operating costs compared to the concept aircraft that The Boeing Company is offering the Air Force.

“In any likely Air Force operational scenario, Boeing’s concept tanker will cost 15% to 44% more, measured on the basis of fuel burned per gallon of fuel delivered,” Crosby said. “We are offering the Air Force real savings from a real airplane – which is a clear distinction from our competitor.”

To learn more about the KC-45, visit


Aeroflot exigirá compensaciones a Boeing y Sukhoi por retrasar entrega de aviones

La mayor aerolínea rusa, Aeroflot exigirá compensaciones a Boeing y
Sukhoi por retrasar la entrega de aviones Dreamliner y Superjet 100,
comunicó hoy Shamil Kurmashov, subdirector general de esta empresa.

El importe de las multas que Aeroflot podría reclamar a Boeing "ya
supera 100 millones de dólares", precisó Kurmashov tras recordar que
la compañía rusa hizo el pedido para 22 aeronaves Boeing-787
Dreamliner. Podría recibir las dos primeras hacia 2014, de cara a la
Olimpíada de Sochi, y el resto, en 2016.

France sees A400M finance deal by end of year

Paris: A formal financing contract for the A400M European military transport aircraft could be signed by the end of the year, a senior French arms official has said.
"Discussions on a draft amendment have made progress recently," Laurent Collet-Billon told a session of the French National Assembly.

Apache Block III Program: The Once and Future Attack Helicopter

With the collapse of the RAH-66 Comanche program, and rededication of its funding into the ARH-70 Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter (ARH), the UH-145 Light Utility Helicopter (LUH), and other programs, the AH-64 Apache will remain the USA's primary attack helicopter for several more decades.

Boeing Receives US Army Contract for Low Rate Initial Production of AH-64D Apache Block III

The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced it has received a $247 million contract to begin Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) for the U.S. Army's AH-64D Apache Block III helicopter, the most advanced multi-role combat helicopter in the world. The contract, signed by the U.S. government on Oct. 22, covers production of eight Apache Block III helicopters in the Lot 1 configuration.

An Acquisition Decision Memorandum signed by the Department of Defense on Oct. 7 authorized the program to enter the LRIP phase to produce 51 aircraft. The first LRIP delivery is scheduled for October 2011.

The Apache Block III helicopter enhances the capabilities of the combat-proven AH-64D Apache by delivering superior flight performance and dramatically increased networked communications capabilities.

"The road map for the Apache Block III program has been clearly defined and the U.S. Army and Boeing are successfully working together to provide these advanced attack helicopters to soldiers in the field," said Lt. Col. Dan Bailey, Apache Block III product manager for the Army.

"Working together throughout the Apache Block III program's system development and demonstration phase since 2006, the Army, Boeing and our industry teammates have achieved our objectives on cost and on schedule," said Scott Rudy, Apache Block III program manager for Boeing. "I'm confident that the team will continue to effectively apply its collective expertise as the program moves into the production phase."

The current Army acquisition objective is for 690 AH-64D Apache Block III aircraft. The helicopters will be assembled, flight tested and delivered from the Boeing Global Strike facility in Mesa.

Key enhancements for aviators will include an improved drive system featuring the 701D engine, composite main rotor blades and a new split-torque face gear transmission, as well as increased networked communications capabilities.

The Apache Block III features open systems architecture and 26 advanced technology improvements, including level 4 unmanned aerial vehicle control for increased situational awareness. This helicopter configuration has already demonstrated the flexibility to rapidly integrate technology changes throughout its service life.

"The Apache Block III helicopter program is the cornerstone of our U.S. Army customer's plan of continued sustainment through modernization," said Tommy Filler, acting vice president, Boeing Apache and AH-6 Programs.


Second A330 FSTA makes first post-mod test flight in Getafe at Oct 26th

Second A330 FSTA makes first post-mod test flight

The second Future Strategic Transport Aircraft derivative of Airbus's A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) for the UK Royal Air Force made its first post-modification test flight from Madrid yesterday (Oct 26).

Dos noticias incompatibles sobre las capácidades del ejército del aire, ¿pierden capacidad o no?

El Ejército del Aire prevé mantener su capacidad actual e incluso "mejorarla" con nuevos modelos
Dichas fuentes apuntaron que la reducción en el número de tipos de aeronave, que pasará de los 33 actuales a ocho, no afectará a las capacidades del Ejército, ya que están garantizadas con la adquisición de aviones de transporte Airbus A-400 y helicópteros multipropósitos NH-90.

El Ejército del Aire perderá el 80% de sus capacidades por la obsolescencia de sus plataformas en 2025
Esta mañana, el asesor de la Subsecretaría de Defensa, teniente general del Ejército del Aire Juan Luis Abad Cellini, apuntó que el Ejército del Aire perdería en 2025 el 80 por ciento de la flota de aeronaves con la que cuenta en la actualidad, debido al fin del ciclo de vida operativo de gran parte de los aparatos de los que dispone a día de hoy.

La industria espacial española se queda fuera de de los contratos principales del Proyecto Galileo

La Comisión Europea ha hecho pública este martes la adjudicación del
cuarto de los seis contratos a través de los que se articulará la
puesta en órbita de Galileo: la constelación europea de satélites que
pretende rivalizar con el GPS estadounidense. El contrato recién
adjudicado confirma que el sistema europeo de navegación por satélite
es un coto privado de la industria aeroespacial de Alemania, Francia e
Italia, en el que las empresas españolas se tendrán que conformar con
rebuscar entre las migajas.

El Gobierno español apostó
fuerte por Galileo desde su inicio. De hecho, en la fase de
desarrollo, dirigida por la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA), el
Ministerio de Industria aportó el 10,4% de la financiación total (más
de 1.000 millones), para garantizar un retorno industrial semejante.
En esta primera etapa, España consiguió contratos cercanos a los 100
millones de euros, que capitalizaron compañías como Indra o GMV, junto
a otras firmas como Thales Alenia Space España, GSS, EADS Astrium
Crisa, DEIMOS Sapce, Mier, Sener y RIMSA.

Sin embargo, en enero España quedó fuera de las grandes
adjudicaciones, mientras que Alemania, Francia e Italia lograron los
principales contratos, por valor de 1.000 millones. Se adjudicaron
contratos a Thales Alenia Space -85 millones de euros- la alemana OHB
System -566 millones de euros- y la francesa Arianespace -397 millones
de euros.

Simulation, Detection and Experimental Correlation of Material Damage, Fracture and Fatigue. Seminar Programme: 03 November 2010

The International Association for the Engineering Analysis Community

Engineers rely on computer modelling and simulation methods and tools as vital components of the product development process. As these methods develop at an ever-increasing pace, the need for an independent, international authority on the use of this technology has never been more apparent.

NAFEMS is the only worldwide independent association dedicated to FEA and CFD.

Companies from numerous industries and every part of the globe have invested heavily in engineering technologies such as Finite Element Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics.
  • But how do they ensure they get the best return from their investment?
  • How do they develop and enhance their capabilities?
  • How do they know they are using the technology in the most effective way?

NAFEMS is uniquely placed to help answer these questions.

NAFEMS is an association of more than 800 companies and academic institutions worldwide. Members range from major global corporations through mid-sized organizations to small-scale engineering consultants.

If you work with simulation, you should be part of NAFEMS.

Simulation, Detection and Experimental Correlation of Material Damage, Fracture and Fatigue

Programme: 03 November 2010

  • 14.30: Registration
  • 15.00: Chairman´s Welcome - Felix Martinez - Ikerlan
  • 15.10: Nafems Presentation - Tim Morris - Nafems UK
  • 15.20: Diego Garijo - SENER Stress Intensity Factor Analysis by EFGM Jesús López Díez – ETSI Aeronáuticos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid  Óscar Valencia Rey and Diego Garijo Hernández – SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas, Aerospace Division
  • 15.40: José del Coz Díaz - University of Oviedo and AST Ingeniería S.L. Non-linear simulation of a wind turbine tower prestressed flange failure in collaboration with Juncal Guerrero Muñoz, Jose Luis Suarez Sierra and Roberto Suarez Sierra
  • 16.00: Gino Duffett - Aperio Technology Experimental and Simulation Evaluation of Material Properties Related to Mechanical Components
  • 16.20: Questions and Discussion
  • 16.30 Coffee
  • 17.10: Omar Aït-Salem Duque - MSC Software  Modeling of Composite Damage in Wind Turbine Blades under impacting objects
  • 17.30: Jose García Cosío and Francesco Costagliola - MESAT Airibus Military Simulación de Daño y Rotura en Materiales Compuestos
  • 17.50: Questions and Discussion
  • 18.10: Close

The seminar will begin at 15.00 and will end at 18.30 approx (programme attached).

We will also have a small break mid way for coffee and discussions.

Remember - presentations can be in either Spanish or English.
After the seminar, attending presenters and delegates (only) will be sent an access code to the presentations, which will be posted on the NAFEMS website. 


ETSI aeronáuticos.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Aula TORRES QUEVEDO, second floor
Plaza del Cardenal Cisneros 4
+34 913 36 63 67
+34913 36 63  66


Transport / Parking:
Metro:  Ciudad Universitaria: Línea 6  and  Moncloa: Líneas 3 y 6
Parking:  You can park in Moncloa (parkings) or around the University (street) but not inside the ETSI Aeronauticos


Recommended Hotels are:

Hotel T3 Tirol
Marqués de Urquijo, 4,  28008 Madrid

Husa Moncloa

Serrano Jover 1,  28015 Madrid (Madrid),  Tel. 915424582, Fax. 915427169

Husa Princesa

Princesa, 40,  28008 Madrid (Madrid),  Tel. 91.542.35.00, Fax. 91.542.35.01

Boeing Launches InFlight Optimization Services

Real-time fuel-saving opportunities with Direct Routes and Wind Updates
SEATTLE, Oct. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) is introducing new subscription-based services to help airlines save fuel and increase environmental efficiency. InFlight Optimization Services are designed to be implemented within current air traffic and airline operating procedures using existing communication channels. No regulatory changes and little to no new equipment are needed. The services, Direct Routes and Wind Updates, provide up-to-the-minute information to airlines and their flight crews, enabling adjustments en route to account for weather and air traffic control status.

"We are bringing to market easy-to-implement solutions to help our customers reach new levels of operational and environmental efficiency by reducing cost, fuel use and CO2 emissions," said Sherry Carbary, vice president of Flight Services, Commercial Aviation Services, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "As part of our commitment to offer lifecycle solutions to our customers, we are now providing real-time flight efficiency advisories."

Direct Routes automatically alerts an airline's operations center and flight crew every time a simple, more fuel-efficient path opens up along the intended route of flight. To increase the likelihood of air traffic controller approval and to keep workload to a minimum, the advisories are pre-checked for traffic conflicts, wind conditions, established airspace constraints and other factors. Initial Boeing projections show that Direct Routes can save more than 40,000 minutes of flight time per year for a medium-size U.S. airline -- the equivalent of operating hundreds of flights that use no fuel and produce no emissions.

Boeing collaborated with NASA, Continental Airlines and Southwest Airlines in the development of Direct Routes to ensure operational viability and assess the benefits and shared details of the project and its findings with the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The service leverages NASA technology for advanced software algorithms.

Boeing's second InFlight Optimization Services offering, Wind Updates, increases fuel efficiency and improves aircraft performance by sending datalink messages directly to the flight deck with real-time, flight-customized wind information. These messages enable the airplane's flight management computer (FMC) to recalculate flight control inputs based on more accurate and precise information. Currently, if flight crews obtain wind data prior to departure, that data can be as much as 12 to 20 hours old as a flight approaches its destination. Inaccurate and limited weather data can prevent airplanes from operating at optimum speeds, altitudes and trajectories. Wind Updates delivers a fleet-wide solution using existing onboard equipment and requiring minimal investment.

Boeing projects potential savings of 100 to 200 pounds (15 to 29 gallons or 55 to 111 liters) or more fuel for the descent portion of a typical single-aisle airplane flight and is conducting operational trials with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Alaska Airlines.

Both services will be available beginning in 2011.


Real Orders for Chinese Commercial Jet?

Rumors are flying in China’s aerospace community ahead of the Zhuhai air show next month.

People speculate that Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China, or Comac, might unveil some of the initial orders for its coming commercial jetliner that is being designed to compete with Boeing Co.’s B737 and Airbus’s A320.

Aerospace industry insiders say rumors have it that Shanghai-based Comac may announce during the air show in southern China, scheduled for Nov. 16 through Nov. 21, that Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, as well as maybe Hainan Airlines, have placed orders for the new aircraft—the Comac C919.

Comac is expected to start delivering the 160-seat jet as early as 2016.

Una empresa franco-kazaja fabricará helicópteros Eurocopter en Astaná

“Hemos acordado crear una empresa conjunta para fabricar helicópteros en Kazajstán. Se instalará en Astaná”, declaró Masímov al intervenir ante los miembros de la fracción parlamentaria de Nur Otan, el partido gobernante en Kazajstán.

Airbus To Decide On A320 Engines Within Eight Weeks

Airbus CEO Tom Enders vows the company will make a decision on whether to reengine the A320 family roughly within the next eight weeks and keep to its commitment to resolve the discussion before year-end.

Two more months is the decision window given the end of year holidays, he told the U.K. Aviation Club in London. “I’m confident we will be able to decide.”

As to the substance of the discussions, not much seems to have changed in recent weeks. Enders notes the business case is “convincing” and it makes strategic sense, but the sticking point remains the engineering wherewithal. “We are struggling with critical resources,” he notes, pointing to the heavy engineering workload associated with the A350XWB twin-widebody, the A400M military airlifter, and finishing activities on the A380

A320 passenger to freighter conversion deal secured despite second delay

Airbus apoya a la ONU en la difusión del mensaje sobre la biodiversidad en Nagoya, Japón / Airbus helps spread UN biodiversity message in Nagoya, Japan

Presentados los resultados del “Bio-índice” en la Conferencia Internacional de la Juventud
Blagnac, 26 octubre 2010

Uno de cada siete jóvenes de todo el mundo desconoce las consecuencias asociadas a las especies en peligro de extinción, según muestran los resultados de la encuesta presentados hoy durante la 10ª Conferencia de las Partes del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (COP10), en Japón.

Un informe encargado por Airbus recoge los resultados de esta encuesta. El fabricante de aviones colabora con el Convenio sobre Diversidad Biológica de Naciones Unidas (CBD) desde 2008, utilizando su alcance mundial para apoyar la Ola Verde (Green Wave) del CBD y elevar el nivel de concienciación sobre la importancia de la riqueza biológica sobre la Tierra.

Más de 10.000 jóvenes de entre 5 y 18 años fueron entrevistados para llevar a cabo este estudio sobre el conocimiento y la valoración de la naturaleza. Según los resultados obtenidos, el número de niños que considera que ver la televisión o jugar en el ordenador es más importante que salvar el medio ambiente es diez veces superior – 40% frente al 4% respectivamente. Y a pesar de que el ritmo de crecimiento de las especies amenazadas es 1.000 veces superior al índice natural, solo el 9% manifiestan que cuidar a los animales es lo más importante.

Dentro del mismo marco de la conferencia, el vicepresidente Senior de Relaciones Institucionales y Comunicación de Airbus, Rainer Ohler, señaló que “el Bio-índice de Airbus muestra que queda mucho por hacer respecto a la educación de las futuras generaciones para fomentar el respeto por la naturaleza. Como dijo Albert Einstein, “observa la naturaleza y entenderás todo mucho mejor” – por eso la biodiversidad es tan importante para los ingenieros de Airbus. Para Airbus, la preservación de la naturaleza significa preservar una fuente vital de futura innovación”.

Otros datos del informe de Airbus indican que el 45% de los jóvenes creen en el mito de que cortando una lombriz por la mitad salen dos lombrices; el 18% cree que los castaños de indias crecen cerca de los caballos; y uno de cada 10 cree que los osos polares son de Polonia. Además, el 25% no sabe qué significa el calentamiento global y el 10% cree que es consecuencia del acercamiento de la tierra al sol.

El Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, secretario ejecutivo de la CBD, añadió: “Quiero expresar mi gratitud a Airbus por su apoyo. Esta encuesta pone de manifiesto los desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos para fomentar en los niños y jóvenes de hoy – ciudadanos del mañana – el respeto por la naturaleza. Estamos muy contentos de ofrecer estos resultados de los más de 10.000 jóvenes que han participado en la encuesta en la COP10, donde la voz de niños y jóvenes es escuchada”.


‘Bio-Index’ research presented at International Youth Conference
Blagnac, 26 octubre 2010

One in seven young people worldwide do not know what ‘endangered species’ implies, according to research presented today at the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP10) in Japan.

The finding comes in a report commissioned by Airbus. The aircraft manufacturer has been working with the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) since 2008, using its global reach to back the CBD’s Green Wave and raise awareness of the importance of the rich variety of all life on earth.

The international study exploring knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the natural world, surveyed over 10,000 young people aged 5-18. It finds 10 times more children ranked watching TV or playing computer games ‘most important’ compared to those who chose saving the environment (40% and 4% respectively). And whilst species extinction rates are estimated to be up to 1,000 times the natural rate, just 9% put looking after animals first.

Speaking on the sidelines of the event, Airbus SVP Public Affairs and Communications, Dr. Rainer Ohler, said: “The Airbus Bio-Index shows there’s more to do in educating tomorrow’s generation about the need to nurture the world around them. As Albert Einstein said ‘Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better” – that’s why biodiversity is so important to Airbus engineers. Airbus sees preserving biodiversity as a means of preserving a vital source of future innovation.”

Some more facts from the Airbus report include: 45% of young people believe the myth that cutting an earthworm in half results in two live earthworms; 18% think horse chestnut tress grow near horses; and one in 10 assume Polar Bears come from Poland. Of more concern, 25% do not know what global warming is; 10% think it is caused by the earth getting closer to the sun.

Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the CBD, added: “I would like to convey my gratitude to Airbus for its support. This survey shows the challenges we face in reconnecting the children and youth of today – the citizens of tomorrow – with nature. We are pleased to bring the findings to over 10,000 participants at COP10 where the voice of children from this event will be heard.”


lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Giant UAV Demo Planned in ’11

The U.S. Army is planning a large-scale demonstration in fall 2011 to showcase its UAVs and their ability to talk to each other and share data. The Manned Unmanned Systems Integration Concept (MUSIC) is scheduled for next September at Dugway Proving Ground in Utah. The demo will feature most of the Army’s UAVs, including Shadows, Hunters, Grey Eagles, Ravens, Micro Air Vehicles, and Pumas.

They will fly with a common set of communication devices, including the tactical common data link and the digital data link, said Tim Owings, deputy project manager for Army unmanned aircraft systems.

“It’s the showcase of all the investment and work the Army has put in to interoperability for the last several years,”

EADS North America’s Armed Aerial Scout 72X team prepares for first flight of the initial Technical Demonstration Aircraft

EADS North America announced today at the Association of the U.S. Army annual convention that its Armed Aerial Scout 72X (AAS-72X) industry team is preparing for the first flight of one of three company-funded Technical Demonstration Aircraft (TDA).

The EADS North America-led industry team, comprised of Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT), Eurocopter and American Eurocopter, is developing three AAS-72X aircraft to demonstrate the total capability of the aircraft with a fully-integrated Mission Equipment Package (MEP). The initial flight of the first demonstrator aircraft is scheduled to occur in December.

“First flight is a key milestone that moves us down the technical path to demonstrating the capabilities of the aircraft and reflects our commitment to our Army customer and this important warfighting requirement,” said Sean O’Keefe, CEO of EADS North America.

In July 2009, the AAS-72X industry team conducted a series of successful high/hot test flights that achieved all test objectives including flight endurance with a 2,300-pound simulated MEP.

Since that time other advancements on the program include the development of the MEP Systems Integration Laboratory at Lockheed Martin’s Orlando, Fla. facility.

”Lockheed Martin is making significant progress in the maturation of the AAS-72X state-of-the-art MEP,” said Bob Gunning, Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control vice president of Fire Control programs. “We are leveraging our expertise from other combat-proven rotary- and fixed-wing programs to develop the lowest risk MEP. The first flight in December marks a significant milestone in our path towards flying a production prototype.”

As a highly capable helicopter for the Armed Aerial Scout mission, the AAS-72X combines twin-engine safety, high and hot operating performance and a large cabin for true multi-role capability. The AAS-72X is derived from the same family of aircraft as the UH-72A Lakota Light Utility Helicopter, offering a low-risk evolution of the U.S. Army’s newest rotary-wing aircraft, which is widely considered one of the most successful acquisition programs in the service’s history.

Production of the AAS-72X would take place at the Columbus, Miss. helicopter center of excellence operated by EADS North America’s subsidiary American Eurocopter, where the UH-72A currently is assembled for the U.S. Army. EADS North America has delivered 138 UH-72As on time and within budget, including five to the U.S. Navy.

For additional information about EADS North America’s AAS-72X, visit the website at:

About Lockheed Martin
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security company that employs about 133,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation’s 2009 sales from continuing operations were $44.0 billion.

About American Eurocopter
American Eurocopter is a helicopter manufacturer that produces, markets, sells and supports the broadest range of civil and para-public helicopters offered by any manufacturer in the United States. The company is a subsidiary of EADS North America Holdings, the North American operations of EADS, a global leader in aerospace, defense and related services, and is an affiliate of Eurocopter, the largest helicopter manufacturer in the world. American Eurocopter’s product line represents the most cost-effective, technologically-advanced helicopters, ranging from light single to heavy twin, serving all markets and missions. Company headquarters and main facilities are located in Grand Prairie, Texas, with a large manufacturing and production facility in Columbus, Miss., that produces the UH-72A for the U.S. Army’s Light Utility Helicopter program.

About EADS North America
EADS North America is the North American operation of EADS, a global leader in aerospace, defense and related services. As a leader in all sectors of defense and homeland security, EADS North America and its parent company, EADS, contribute over $11 billion to the U.S. economy annually and support more than 200,000 American jobs through its network of suppliers and services. Operating in 17 states, EADS North America offers a broad array of advanced solutions to its customers in the commercial, homeland security, aerospace and defense markets.

About EADS
EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defense and related services. In 2009, the Group - comprising Airbus, Astrium, Cassidian and Eurocopter – generated revenues of € 42.8 billion and employed a workforce of more than 119,000.


AV’s Global Observer Stratospheric Hydrogen Powered Unmanned Aircraft System Completes Initial Flight Testing

AeroVironment’s Global Observer Stratospheric Unmanned Aircraft System Completes Initial Flight Testing

Demonstration Program Proceeding Toward Hydrogen-Fueled Flight Test Phase

WASHINGTON, at AUSA, Oct. 25, 2010 -- AeroVironment, Inc. (AV) (NASDAQ:AVAV) today announced that the first aircraft developed under the Global Observer™ Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) program has successfully completed initial flight testing consisting of multiple low-altitude flights at Edwards Air Force Base (EAFB) in California. This initial flight test phase of the demonstration program employed batteries to power the hybrid-electric aircraft and to approximate full aircraft weight and center of gravity for flight control, performance and responsiveness evaluation.

The program team has installed and is currently ground testing the aircraft’s innovative, hydrogen-fueled generator and liquid hydrogen fuel tanks which will power it through stratospheric, extreme endurance flights during the joint operational utility assessment phase of the program.

“These successful flights validated Global Observer’s airworthiness, and represent critical milestones as the team proceeds toward demonstrating stratospheric, extreme endurance operations,” said Tim Conver, AV’s president and chief executive officer. “The liquid-hydrogen fueled flight test series will be historic for AV and the JCTD team as Global Observer moves closer to demonstrating mission-readiness and supporting our troops whenever and wherever needed.”

The initial test flights took place during the months of August and September and have succeeded in achieving the primary objectives of the low altitude flight test program. The primary objectives for initial flight testing were to test guidance, manual and autonomous controls, navigation, structural performance, thrust levels and handling in various winds and turbulence conditions.

AV also has successfully operated Global Observer’s hydrogen-fueled generator for more than 1,500 hours in a specialized environmental chamber, including an uninterrupted 7-day mission cycle. The chamber subjects the generator to the range of temperatures, pressures and air densities that the aircraft will experience during the climb, loiter and descent stages of high altitude missions. Successful wing load tests performed in August validated the Global Observer wing at its load limit.

AV is developing the Global Observer unmanned aircraft system (UAS) to be the first to provide robust, cost-effective and persistent communications and surveillance over any location. Six U.S. government agencies have provided funding for the JCTD program.

Global Observer is designed to address an urgent national security need for a persistent stratospheric platform and to offer a means to satisfy numerous high value civil and commercial applications. The system is intended to provide mission capabilities that include robust observation over areas with little or no existing coverage, persistent communications relay, the ability to relocate the system as required by theater commanders, dedicated communications support to other UAS and tactical on-station weather monitoring and data support. Because of its extreme endurance the Global Observer system can be based out-of-theater, reducing costs, supply chain requirements and potential risk to operational personnel.

About Global Observer
With 20 years of experience developing stratospheric, long-endurance unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), AV is developing Global Observer to operate as a “stratospheric geosynchronous satellite system” with regional coverage and minimal signal delay. Two Global Observer aircraft, each flying for up to a week at a time, will alternate coverage over any area on the earth, providing a seamless, persistent platform for high value missions such as communications relay, remote sensing, long-term surveillance and border patrol. Offering greater flexibility than a satellite and significantly longer duration than conventional manned and unmanned aircraft, Global Observer is designed to provide critical new capabilities in a reliable and more affordable manner, all while consuming no fossil fuels and emitting no carbon emissions.

Each aircraft in a Global Observer system is designed to fly at an altitude of between 55,000 and 65,000 feet for 5 to 7 days. In addition to flying above weather and above other conventional airplanes, operation in this altitude range means that sensor payloads on the aircraft will be able to view a circular area on the surface of the earth up to 600 miles in diameter, equivalent to more than 280,000 square miles of coverage. Equipped with payloads that are readily available today, two Global Observer aircraft would alternate coverage over any location on the globe, making this the first solution to provide customers with practical, seamless coverage, wherever and whenever required.

# # #

About AeroVironment, Inc. (AV)
AV is a technology company that designs, develops, produces and supports an advanced portfolio of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and efficient electric energy systems. Agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense and allied military services use the company’s battery-powered, hand-launched UAS to provide situational awareness to tactical operating units through real-time, airborne reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition. AV’s electric transportation solutions include electric vehicle (EV) home charging, public charging and fast charging systems for consumers, automakers, utilities and government agencies, power cycling and test systems for EV developers and industrial electric vehicle charging systems for commercial fleets.

Press Release

Gamesa implantará en el Reino Unido su centro mundial de 'offshore', con una inversión de 150 millones

el plan industrial de su actividad eólica marina, que el fabricante de aerogeneradores plantea acometer a partir de 2011 en el Reino Unido, consta de la instalación de un centro de tecnología 'offshore' y la construcción de un centro de producción de palas.

Asimismo, Gamesa desarrollará sus operaciones logísticas portuarias 'offshore' desde diferentes puertos del Reino Unido, alrededor de los cuales situará también sus servicios de operación y mantenimiento de aerogeneradores.

La línea de helicópteros de Eurocopter destacará en el salón y conferencia Euronaval 2010

Marignane, Francia, 25 de octubre de 2010

La amplia gama de helicópteros navales y marinos de Eurocopter destacará en el salón y conferencia Euronaval 2010. En ella se incluirá un helicóptero NH90
de NHIndustries para las fragatas de la OTAN completamente equipado, un modelo que hoy día pone en servicio un grupo cada vez mayor de operadores

La participación de Eurocopter en este acontecimiento bienal, celebrado esta vez del 25 al 29 de octubre en Le Bourget, en las cercanías de París, resaltará la
experiencia de décadas que el Grupo posee en el sector de helicópteros navales. De sus conocimientos resulta una gama de productos adecuada para satisfacer requisitos operacionales que abarcan desde el combate antisubmarino y contra buques de superficie, hasta misiones de evolución, tales como la lucha contra la piratería y el contrabando y el apoyo de fuerzas especiales.

En la presentación estática de Euronaval se exhibe el helicóptero NH90 NFH, fabricado por la empresa conjunta NHIndustries, formada por Eurocopter,
AgustaWestland y Fokker. Junto con el NFH se muestran también el sonar Flash de Thales, el moderno torpedo ligero MU90 de Eurotorp, el misil antibuque Marte MK2 S de MBDA, además de el "arpón", la parrilla de cubierta y el equipo Samahe de aseguramiento.

Las primeras entregas de NH90 NFH se efectuaron en 2010 a Francia y los Países Bajos. Italia y Noruega recibirán sus primeros NH90 NFH a finales de este año y después seguirá Bélgica, en 2011.

"Al estar dotado con los más modernos censores y de armamento, el NH90 NFH ofrece una flexibilidad sin igual para hacer realidad el concepto de fragata polivalente con "un buque-un helicóptero", según dice el vicepresidente de programas gubernamentales de Eurocopter, Dominique Maudet. "El programa del NH90 supone el más grande desarrollo de helicóptero llevado a cabo en Europa y sus capacidades navales cubren la gama completa de operaciones, desde el reconocimiento, la identificación y el seguimiento para disuasión, ataque, rescate y transporte".

En el pabellón interior de Euronaval, Eurocopter exhibe maquetas a escala de sus otros helicópteros navales y marítimos, incluyendo el AS565 MB Panther, el AS365 N3 Dauphin y el EC645. El Panther es la versión militar del helicóptero biturbina Dauphin de Eurocopter, un aparato polivalente, de peso medio, concebido a la medida de todo un abanico de misiones, que comprende desde el combate contra submarinos y buques de superficie, la búsqueda y el salvamento, la vigilancia y patrulla de control en Zona Económica Exclusiva (ZEE), hasta operacionesantiterrorismo, auxilio en accidentes y evacuación sanitaria, pasando por el transporte de tropas y de carga. El EC645 de Eurocopter es una variante armada del helicóptero bimotor EC145, adecuada en el entorno marino para vigilancia de la ZEE, misiones policiales armadas en el mar, lucha contra el terrorismo, operaciones de búsqueda y salvamento, así como para evacuación de personas y transporte de carga.

Aunque no esté presente en Euronaval, el helicóptero EC225/725 puede cumplir un gran número de operaciones marítimas todo tiempo, como es el caso actualmente de la Marina francesa.


Seis compañías privadas compiten por el relevo del transbordador espacial

"El objetivo de la NASA, de acuerdo con la nueva ley firmada por el
presidente Obama, es delegar cada vez más las actividades operativas
en la órbita terrestre en las compañías privadas", aseguró Garver. "La
NASA va a concentrar a partir de ahora sus esfuerzos en la misión
tripulada a un asteroide y eventualmente a Marte, al tiempo que abre
la espita a la nueva era de los vuelos comerciales en el espacio".

Los proyectos

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

FAA Goes Back To Ten-Mile Separation Rule For 747-8

The FAA has gone back to its original rule setting the following distance behind the new, larger 747-8 at ten miles, after announcing the rule and then retracting it about three weeks ago.

1. Purpose of This Notice. This notice provides interim air traffic procedures applicable to B748
operations. The procedures specified in this notice supplement existing guidance contained in Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) Order JO 7110.65, Air Traffic Control.
2. Audience. This notice applies to the following Air Traffic Organization (ATO) service units:
En Route and Oceanic, Terminal, and System Operations.
3. Where Can I Find This Notice? This notice is available on the MyFAA employee Web site at and on the air traffic publications Web site at
4. Explanation of Policy Change. The procedures in this notice establish interim wake turbulence
separation criteria for the B748 aircraft.
5. Procedures. Standard air traffic control procedures contained in FAA Order JO 7110.65 and
facility letters of agreement must be applied in support of the B748 with the following
1. Separate aircraft operating directly behind or directly behind and less than 1,000 feet below or
following an aircraft conducting an instrument approach by:
parallel runways less than 2,500 feet apart as a single runway because of the possible effects of wake
(a) Heavy behind B748 – 10 miles.
(b) Large behind B748 – 10 miles.
(c) Small behind B748 – 10 miles.
(d) When applying wake turbulence separation criteria for terminal operations that are defined in
minutes, add 1 additional minute.
2. Visual separation rules specified in FAA Order JO 7110.65, Chapter 7, Section 2, Visual
Separation, must not be applied with respect to B748 aircraft.
1. Small/large/heavy behind a B748 – 5 miles.
2. Small/large/heavy behind a B748 being handed off/transferred to terminal facilities – 10 miles
when the trailing aircraft crosses the terminal/en route airspace boundary.

3. Visual separation rules specified in FAA Order JO 7110.65, Chapter 7, section 2, Visual
Separation, must not be applied with respect to B748 aircraft.
6. Distribution. This notice is distributed to the following ATO service units: Terminal, En Route
and Oceanic, and System Operations; the ATO Office of Safety; Office of the Service Center;
the Air Traffic Safety Oversight Service; the William J. Hughes Technical Center; and the
Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center.
7. Background. The FAA has not yet issued final standards for this aircraft. Pending the issuance of
such standards, the ATO will continue to issue interim guidance to support the operation of the B748
aircraft in U.S. controlled airspace.
8. Safety Management System. The analyses of computational models suggest that the B748 wake
vortices are similar to those generated by the B744. The separation standards and procedures contained
in this notice are conservative. Flight test data is currently being collected for the B748. Final guidance
will be issued once the flight test data have been evaluated.


Enders (Airbus) dice que la disputa con Boeing ante la OMC es "absurda"

En declaraciones realizadas en el diario 'Financial Times', Enders destacó que mientras ambas compañías discuten ante la OMC por unas ayudas estatales que las dos han recibido, los únicos ganadores serán sus rivales de países emergentes como China y Rusia.

En un ejercicio de sinceridad, Enders reconoció que la OMC seis años después de que comenzara esta batalla, como era de esperar, encontró que ambas empresas "son culpables".

Boeing 787 Suffers Engine Surge During Flight Tests; Deliveries May Slip Again

Boeing and Rolls-Royce are investigating the causes of a Trent 1000 engine surge that has grounded flight tests of the first Boeing 787 at Roswell, N.M.

Boeing also is assessing whether the latest engine incident may cause further slips in the hard-pressed 787 delivery schedule. The failure occurred on Sept. 10 during ground tests of the first 787, ZA001, which was at Roswell for Block 1 rejected takeoff work, plus brake demonstration certification and stability and control tests. The aircraft, which has been based at Edwards AFB, Calif., for most of August for runway performance work, was on its second visit to Roswell, having earlier been there for wet runway testing.

Read Full Text

Que vienen los Indios

En India existen unos 400 centros educativos científicos, de los que salen cada año 200.000 ingenieros y 300.000 matemáticos, físicos y químicos. No es de sorprender que semejante producción de jóvenes preparados sea una fuente primaria de exportación: el 12% de los científicos que trabajan en Estados Unidos, y el 32% de los matemáticos de la NASA, son Indios.

US airborne laser /ABL) fails 2nd shootdown test in row

A converted Boeing Co (BA.N) 747 equipped with a powerful laser failed to shoot down a mock enemy ballistic missile, the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency said on Thursday, the system's second botched flight test in a row.

Preliminary indications are that the so-called Airborne Laser Test Bed tracked the target's exhaust plume but did not hand off to a second, "active tracking" system as a prelude to firing the high-powered chemical laser, said Richard Lehner, an MDA spokesman.

"The transition didn't happen," he said. "Therefore, the high-energy lasing did not occur."

Full Text:

Boeing Statement Regarding USDA-FAA Partnership on Aviation Biofuels

CHICAGO, Oct. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) Vice President, Environment and Aviation Policy, Billy M Glover, issued the following statement in the wake of today's announcement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Federal Aviation Administration that the two agencies have agreed to work together to bring sustainable biofuels into production for the aviation industry.

"Today's announcement is welcome news for the commercial aviation industry, which sees sustainable biofuels as a key element of its plan to lower its carbon emissions. Through test flights with a number of our customers, we have proven that fuels made from plant matter and algae can power jet aircraft safely and efficiently, and we look forward in the months ahead to the approval of these fuels for commercial use. The challenge then will be to prime the production pump, and bring biofuels to an attractive price point for airlines. Boeing is currently working with the USDA and the Air Transport Association on the Farm-to-Fly initiative, which seeks to encourage the production of sustainable aviation biofuels through U.S. agricultural policy. The USDA-FAA partnership will further help in that regard. We applaud their efforts and look forward to working with them to commercialize biofuels that can help the aviation industry meet its aggressive carbon reduction goals."

Further information about sustainable biofuels for aviation can be found at


viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

Oto Melara desarrolla un uav lanzado desde el cañón de ánima lisa de 120mm de un tanque

el Horus, fabricado con fibra de carbono, mide 98 centímetros de largo y 34,6 de altura, tiene un peso máximo de despegue de 1,3 kilogramos, lleva alas plegables y puede volar a velocidades de entre 21,6 y 108 kilómetros por hora, manteniéndose operativo en vuelo durante media hora.

New manufacturing method gives shape to carbon nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes, despite all the technological advances they're making possible, look pretty boring. When viewed though a microscope, they are, essentially, just straight tubes. Now scientists from the University of Michigan have used a process called "capillary forming" to create nanotubes that resemble twisting spires, concentric rings, and bending petals. It's not about aesthetics though, giving nanotubes complex 3D shapes is seen as an important breakthrough in the development of microdevices and nanomaterials.

Imagining a Day When Airliners Are Flown Solo

It once took a cockpit crew of three to fly an airliner: captain, first officer and flight engineer. Today, it's two, the captain and first officer. But on-board computers have made flying commercial jets relatively easy—so easy there's talk of a day when airliners could be flown solo.

Aircraft manufacturer Embraer, a major supplier of 40- and 100-seat jets to U.S. airlines, says it wants its planes capable of single-pilot flight within 10 to 15 years. And avionics group Thales says it is working on a next-generation cockpit that would enable single-pilot operations with a backup for incapacitation.

"It's something that would be potentially feasible," said Kevin Hiatt, a former international chief pilot for Delta Air Lines who is now executive vice president of the Flight Safety Foundation.

Read Full text in Wall street journal

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Lockheed Martin Submits Proposal for Cargo UAS Services Request

Washington, DC, October 21st, 2011 -- Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] and Kaman Aerospace Corporation, a subsidiary of Kaman Corporation [NASDAQ GS: KAMN] have formally offered the K-MAX® unmanned helicopter in response to a U.S. Naval Air Systems Command request for a cargo unmanned aircraft system.

Earlier this year, the unmanned K-MAX system successfully demonstrated its ability to resupply troops in a simulated environment similar to forward operating bases in Afghanistan. Under a contract with the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory, Lockheed Martin and Kaman successfully flew the unmanned K-MAX at Dugway Proving Ground in Utah, meeting or exceeding the requirements that were set.

“The aircraft offers significantly reduced operational and logistics costs compared to transporting cargo by convoy or manned helicopter,” said Dan Spoor, Lockheed Martin Aviation Systems vice president. “We’ve paired Lockheed Martin’s mission management system with the proven rugged K-MAX airframe to give Marines the lift and reliability they need in theater. More importantly, it keeps them out of harm’s way.”

During the Dugway flights, the unmanned K-MAX demonstrated its ability to hover at 12,000 feet with a 1,500-pound sling load, deliver 3,000 pounds of cargo well within the six-hour required timeframe in two 150 nm round-trip flights, fly remotely controlled, perform a precision load delivery by a ground-based operator in either day or night conditions and upload a new mission plan to the aircraft’s mission management system during flight.

The team also showcased the unmanned K-MAX helicopter’s four-hook carousel, which enables multi-load deliveries in a single flight. The aircraft flew to three pre-programmed delivery coordinates loaded up with 3,450 pounds of cargo, and released a sling load autonomously at each location. At the Marine’s request, the fourth load delivery was performed under manual control by the ground operator.

This demonstrated capability exceeds all of the performance requirements detailed in the request. Lockheed Martin has teamed with Kaman to offer a proven solution.

Kaman has also performed a cargo airdrop demonstration in partnership with the U.S. Army’s Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center this past April.

“Airdropping cargo as an option to placing a sling load on the ground can enhance an unmanned aircraft’s survivability while delivering critical supplies in combat environments,” said Terry Fogarty, Kaman Unmanned Systems general manager.

The manned version of the K-MAX has accumulated more than 255,000 flight hours in the commercial logging and firefighting industry. Recently, the aircraft moved 2.5 million pounds of boulders in just over 40 hours at 10,000 feet altitude. Kaman designed the K-MAX helicopter to deliver sling loads up to 6,000 pounds at sea level, and 4,300 pounds at 15,000 feet. Lockheed Martin’s mission management and control systems give the K-MAX helicopter unparalleled flight autonomy in remote environments and over large distances. The team has flown the K-MAX nearly 400 hours in unmanned mode since joining forces in 2007.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security company that employs about 133,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation’s 2009 sales from continuing operations were $44.0 billion.

Kaman Helicopters is a division of Kaman Aerospace Corporation, a subsidiary of Kaman Corporation (NASDAQ-GS: KAMN). Founded in 1945 by aviation pioneer Charles H. Kaman, and headquartered in Bloomfield, Connecticut conducts business in the aerospace and industrial distribution markets. The company produces and/or markets widely used proprietary aircraft bearings and components; complex metallic and composite aerostructures for commercial, military and general aviation fixed and rotary wing aircraft; safing and arming solutions for missile and bomb systems for the U.S. and allied militaries; subcontract helicopter work; and support for the company’s SH-2G Super Seasprite maritime helicopters and K-MAX medium-to-heavy lift helicopters. The company is also a leading distributor of industrial parts, and operates more than 200 customer service centers and five distribution centers across North America

Press Release

Boeing Co. said it favors an all-new 737 single-aisle jet over an upgrade of the existing version and is studying whether to add more seats to help reduce carbon emissions per passenger

“Our job is to improve the operating efficiency,” Jim Albaugh, chief executive officer of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, said yesterday after the company reported earnings. “Re- engining is one way to do it, but quite frankly the business case for re-engining is not as compelling as we’d like to see.”

Boeing and European rival Airbus SAS are weighing the merits of an upgrade for their best-selling planes after pushing back plans to develop new models, saying engine technologies aren’t ripe. Boeing will decide by early next year and Airbus has promised a decision within two months.

Space Station Partners Release International Docking Standard

WASHINGTON -- The International Space Station Multilateral Coordination Board (MCB) has approved a docking system standard. The international standard will provide guidelines for a common interface to link future spacecraft ranging from crewed to autonomous vehicles and from low-Earth orbit to deep-space exploration missions. The interface definition document is available at:

The MCB consists of senior representatives from NASA, the Russian Federal Space Agency; the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology assisted by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency; the European Space Agency; and the Canadian Space Agency. The MCB is the space station's senior level management board. It coordinates the orbiting laboratory's operations and activities among the partners.

"The goal was to identify the requirements to create a standard interface to enable two different spacecraft to dock in space during future missions and operations," said Bill Gerstenmaier, MCB chair and associate administrator for the Space Operations Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "This standard will ease the development process for emerging international cooperative space missions and enable the possibility of international crew rescue missions."

This standardization effort will ensure interface commonality without dictating any particular design behind the standard interface. The document contains the information necessary to describe physical features and design loads of a standard docking interface.

The technical teams from the five space station partner agencies will continue to work on additional refinements and revisions to the initial standard.

NASA Press Release

Cessna & Bye Energy to Promote Cessna 172 Electric Propulsion System at NBAA 2010

DENVER, Colorado – October 18, 2010 - Bye Energy, Inc. and Cessna Aircraft Company, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, will promote their collaborative effort to develop an electric propulsion system for a Cessna 172 Skyhawk during the annual meeting and convention for the National Business Aviation Association taking place Oct. 19-21, in Atlanta.

Bye Energy is developing electric and electric-hybrid propulsion systems for light general aviation aircraft, announcing The Green Flight Project ( earlier this year. The company is planning to fly an electric-powered Cessna 172 Skyhawk proof of concept in the first quarter 2011.

George Bye, CEO of Bye Energy, said process and development for first flight of the electric Cessna 172 are well underway. "This is an ambitious effort, but we are continuing to uncover additional efficiencies with electric-powered flight," he said. "We are grateful to Cessna for its continued collaboration and support."

Cessna Chairman, President and CEO Jack J. Pelton said: "Bye Energy's progress toward first flight of the electric Cessna 172 demonstrator is encouraging news for the future of mainstream general aviation."

Bye and Charlie Johnson, COO of Bye Energy and former president of Cessna, will be at the Cessna booth #B2943 inside the convention center during NBAA 2010 on Wednesday, Oct. 20, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. to answer media questions and provide additional technical information about The Green Flight Project.

For more information about NBAA 2010, go to

About Bye Energy
Formed in 2008, Bye Energy is developing an electric and electric-hybrid propulsion system for light general aviation aircraft, announcing “The Green Flight Project” ( earlier this year. The company is also collaborating with Cessna Aircraft Company, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, to design and develop and electric propulsion system for a Cessna 172 proof of concept aircraft. Bye Energy is headquartered on Centennial Airport in Englewood, Colo., and also has offices in Scottsdale, Ariz., and Albuquerque, N.M. For more information, go to

About Beyond the Edge
Beyond The Edge believes that the solutions to many global problems are already within reach, but they are buried in labs and libraries, in struggling start-ups and brilliant minds. The initiative is dedicated to finding those cutting-edge ideas and technologies, and providing the business, technical, and legal expertise to bring them to market. For more information, go to

Press Release

Rusia lanzará satélite lunar en 2013

Rusia planea lanzar un satélite lunar en 2013 como preparativo para el establecimiento de una presencia permanente rusa allí, informó el 18 la prensa rusa.

Rusia también planea dos expediciones lunares, dijo Victor Khartov, nuevo jefe de la compañía aerospacial rusa NPO Lavochkin.

Eurocopter inaugurates its Eurocopter India subsidiary / Eurocopter inaugura la filial Eurocopter India

Eurocopter inaugurates its Eurocopter India subsidiary to further develop commercial, support and industrial relations in the country

Eurocopter today inaugurated its new Indian subsidiary, which has been given the goals of expanding the world’s largest helicopter manufacturer’s commercial presence in this highly-promising marketplace, reinforcing its support and services network throughout the country, and further developing the company’s four-decade relationship with Indian industry.
New Delhi, 20 octubre 2010

Eurocopter India Pvt. Ltd. is the 25th subsidiary established worldwide by Eurocopter and the 10th in Asia – underscoring the group’s commitment of being close to its customers and contributing to the helicopter sector’s evolution in key markets.

The new subsidiary is headquartered in New Delhi and has an existing facility in Bangalore for the management of industrial activity. An engineering centre will be created in Bangalore next year, along with the opening of a new commercial office in Mumbai. Eurocopter India’s current headcount of 30 employees is expected to grow significantly during the coming years as the company evolves its commercial, industrial and services/support presence in the country.

“The Indian helicopter industry has great potential for expansion, given the country’s expanding economy, its size and challenging terrain, as well as the industrial potential,” said Eurocopter India CEO Marie-Agnès Veve. “Eurocopter is the world’s first major helicopter manufacturer to establish a subsidiary in India, which underscores our objective of being a key player in this very important marketplace.”

Eurocopter currently has 23 civil and government customers currently operating its helicopter products in India, with these rotary-wing aircraft performing duties that range from the support of offshore oil and gas drilling to VIP, corporate and passenger transportation. In addition to reinforcing these current markets, Eurocopter also is working with Indian institutions, companies and associations to develop new markets such as law enforcement, helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS), disaster management and utility.

Eurocopter’s growing product line is well suited for the full spectrum of operations in India. Its AS365 Dauphin is the country’s preferred helicopter for off-shore, para-public and government transport; while the EC135, EC145 and AS350 Ecureuil family are perfectly tailored to India’s emergency medical services and law enforcement duties. The AS350 and EC130 meet Indian operational needs in passenger transport, VIP service and tourism. Eurocopter’s EC225 Super Puma responds to India’s deepwater offshore mission requirements and for search & rescue operations, which will be reinforced with the company’s new EC175 – which has the range and payload capabilities required in India’s west and east coast basins.

“The Indian helicopter sector has been growing at an annual rate of 20 percent, and our ambition is to become this country’s no. 1 supplier for the civilian, government and para-public markets – which is the case for Eurocopter in the rest of the world,” explained Joseph Saporito, Eurocopter’s Executive Vice President - Commercial Helicopters. “The Eurocopter India subsidiary is part of our company’s continuing investment in staff, resources and services to achieve this objective.”

Eurocopter India also will address current and future operators’ needs for maintenance and support by offering responsive, cost-effective solutions for spares management, technical documentation and training. A country-wide MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul) network will be developed by the subsidiary, building on Eurocopter’s existing local assets and partnerships within India. This includes its agreements with Pawan Hans Helicopter Ltd. – the world’s largest civil operator of AS365 Dauphins – for an in-country MRO operation to service this twin-engine helicopter type, along with the installation of an AS365 full-flight simulator for flight crew training.

Another priority for the new Eurocopter India subsidiary is the expansion of the company’s industrial cooperation, building on the 40-year relationship with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) – which has produced 600 of the company’s Lama and Alouette III helicopters under license. Today, HAL is manufacturing some 100 shipsets of airframe components per year for the AS550/AS350 helicopters, and is part of the Eurocopter global supply chain. HAL will continue to work with Eurocopter as a major industrial partner.

Eurocopter’s existing office in Bangalore will be expanded under the management of Eurocopter India to define additional manufacturing opportunities in the country. In addition, a Eurocopter engineering centre will be created in Bangalore to support the company’s design, development and industrial activities.

Eurocopter India also has set the goal of applying Eurocopter’s culture of excellence in assisting the country’s civil aviation authorities and operators to further evolve and mature the helicopter sector – with the focus on safety and infrastructure. This will build on Eurocopter’s demonstrated track record in other countries, where it has successfully established a presence and worked cooperatively with helicopter operators and governments.

Eurocopter inaugura la filial Eurocopter India para continuar el desarrollo comercial, el apoyo y las relaciones industriales mantenidas en ese país

Eurocopter ha inaugurado hoy su nueva filial en la India con el objetivo de aumentar la presencia comercial del mayor fabricante de helicópteros del mundo en un mercado altamente prometedor, para lo que refuerza su red de apoyo y servicios y prosigue el fomento de unas relaciones de cuatro décadas con la industria de la India.
Nueva Delhi, 20 octubre 2010

Eurocopter India Pvt. Ltd. es la vigésimo quinta filial establecida a escala mundial por Eurocopter y la décima de Asia. El Grupo subraya así su compromiso de acercarse a sus clientes y de contribuir a la evolución del sector del helicóptero en mercados clave.

La nueva filial tiene su sede principal en Nueva Delhi, además de dependencias en Bangalore, para gestionar sus actividades industriales. En esta última ciudad se establecerá el año próximo un centro de ingeniería, así como una oficina comercial en Mumbai. Se espera que la actual plantilla de Eurocopter India – unas 30 personas – aumente de forma significativa en los próximos años al tiempo que evoluciona la presencia comercial, industrial, de servicios y de apoyo en el país.

“La industria india del helicóptero posee un gran potencial de expansión, considerando el crecimiento económico, las dimensiones y retos que presenta, además de su potencial industrial”, dijo la delegada general de Eurocopter India, Marie-Agnès Veve. “Eurocopter es el primer gran fabricante mundial de helicópteros que funda una filial en la India. Ello muestra nuestro objetivo de ser un actor clave en este mercado tan importante”.

En la actualidad, 23 clientes civiles y gubernamentales del país operan helicópteros de Eurocopter, que prestan servicio en sectores comprendidos entre el apoyo de prospecciones petrolíferas y de gas “offshore” hasta el transporte VIP, corporativo y de pasajeros. Por añadidura, para mayor fortalecimiento de los mercados actuales, Eurocopter colabora con instituciones, compañías y asociaciones de la India con ánimo de desarrollar nuevos mercados, por ejemplo, en los sectores de cumplimiento de la ley, servicios de socorro sanitario (HEMS, por sus siglas en inglés), gestión de ayuda en caso de catástrofe y utilitarios.

La cada vez más larga línea de productos de Eurocopter se adapta perfectamente al abanico completo de operaciones de la India. Su Dauphin AS365 es el helicóptero preferido allí para el transporte “offshore”, parapúblico y gubernamental. El EC135, el EC145 y la familia Ecureuil AS350 se adaptan perfectamente a los requerimientos de la India para servicios de socorro sanitario y de cumplimiento de la ley. El AS350 y el EC130 satisfacen las necesidades operacionales del país en cuanto a transporte de pasajeros, de VIP y de turismo. El EC225 Super Puma de Eurocopter, que cumple con los requisitos impuestos en la India a las misiones en alta mar, lejos de la costa, y a las operaciones de búsqueda y salvamento, se verá reforzado por el nuevo helicóptero EC175 de la empresa, que ofrece el alcance y la capacidad de carga útil exigidas en las cuencas occidental y oriental del país.

“El sector del helicóptero de la India viene experimentando un crecimiento anual del 20 por ciento; y nosotros abrigamos la ambición de convertirnos en primer proveedor del mercado de helicópteros civiles, gubernamentales y parapúblicos, como Eurocopter lo es en el resto del mundo”, dijo Joseph Saporito, vicepresidente ejecutivo de Helicópteros Comerciales de Eurocopter. “La filial Eurocopter India está incluida en las continuas inversiones que nuestra empresa efectúa en personal, recursos y servicios destinados a lograr ese objetivo”.

Además, Eurocopter India satisfará las necesidades actuales y futuras de los operadores en cuestión de mantenimiento y apoyo, ofreciendo soluciones adecuadas y a un precio competitivo para gestión de repuestos, documentación técnica y formación de personal. Establecerá así en todo el país una red de mantenimiento, reparaciones e inspecciones mayores (MRO, por sus siglas en inglés) sobre la base de las instalaciones locales de Eurocopter y de las asociaciones con empresas indias ya existentes. Esto incluye acuerdos con Pawan Hans Helicopter Ltd., – el mayor operador mundial del Dauphin AS365 – para trabajos MRO en el país, destinados a este tipo de helicópteros biturbina, además de la instalación de un simulador “full-flight” de AS365 para formación de tripulantes.

Otra prioridad de la nueva filial Eurocopter India es la expansión de la cooperación industrial, basada en 40 años de relaciones con Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), fabricante bajo licencia de 600 helicópteros Lama y Alouette III. En la actualidad, HAL fabrica al año cerca de un centenar de conjuntos de componentes de los helicópteros AS550/AS350 y es parte de la cadena de abastecimiento global de Eurocopter. HAL continuará colaborando con Eurocopter en calidad de importante socio industrial.

La oficina de Eurocopter ya existente en Bangalore se ampliará bajo la gestión de Eurocopter India para determinar oportunidades adicionales de fabricación en el país. Por otro lado, también en Bangalore se creará un centro de ingeniería, encargado de apoyar las actividades de diseño, desarrollo e industriales de la empresa.

Asimismo, Eurocopter India se ha fijado el objetivo de aplicar la cultura de excelencia propia de Eurocopter y prestará asistencia a las autoridades de aviación civil y a los operadores del país para que el sector del helicóptero evolucione y madure, con la seguridad y la infraestructura en el centro de atención. Todo ello se fundamenta en el probado registro de Eurocopter en otros países, donde se ha asentado con éxito y colaborado positivamente con operadores de helicópteros y gobiernos.

Sikorsky unveils S-97 for high-speed scout and attack helo. Sikorsky Commits to Build X2 TechnologyTM Prototypes to Advance Military Rotary Wing Operations

West Palm Beach, Florida - Sikorsky Aircraft will design, build and fly two prototype light tactical helicopters as the follow-on advancement to the X2 TechnologyTM demonstrator aircraft that unofficially shattered the helicopter world speed record here in September with a flight speed of 250 knots (287 mph). The decision to continue development of the next-generation rotary wing technology will enable Sikorsky and select suppliers to offer the high speed X2 prototype vehicles for flight test and evaluation by U.S. armed forces. Sikorsky Aircraft is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX).

“Having proved the X2 Technology design to ourselves, we have full confidence we can now mature the technology for the U.S. Army’s light armed reconnaissance helicopter size,” said Sikorsky President Jeffrey Pino. “Self funding the design of a brand new light tactical helicopter – the Sikorsky S-97 – and manufacturing two prototypes we have designated as the Raider™ X2 helicopter will help military aviation evaluate the viability of a fast and maneuverable next generation rotorcraft for a variety of combat missions.”

In March 2010, Sikorsky submitted an X2 aircraft design to the Army’s Armed Aerial Scout (AAS) program in response to a request for information. The AAS program is currently conducting an analysis of alternatives for the Army’s next armed reconnaissance helicopter. Like the X2 Technology demonstrator that broke the helicopter speed record, the X2 Raider prototypes will feature twin coaxial counter-rotating main rotors (in place of one main rotor and a tail rotor) and a pusher propeller.

For the armed reconnaissance mission, the X2 Raider helicopter will have space aft of the two-pilot cockpit for armament and auxiliary fuel. In an assault configuration, the cabin affords space to accommodate up to six troops.

In addition to flying at nearly twice the speed of a conventional helicopter, the X2 Raider prototype aircraft will incorporate other key performance parameters critical to combat operations — increased maneuverability, greater endurance, and the ability to operate at high altitudes.

Compared to other light military helicopters, the X2 Raider prototypes are expected to significantly reduce turning radius and acoustic noise signature, while significantly increasing the aircraft’s payload, flight endurance and hot and high hover capability.

“These attributes will enable the X2 Raider aircraft to meet or exceed the potential U.S. Army requirements for its next armed reconnaissance helicopter,” said Doug Shidler, Sikorsky’s Light Tactical Helicopter director. “If selected by the Army, the X2 Raider aircraft design will enable high performance flight operations in high altitude regions that currently pose challenges to today’s light military helicopters.”

Sikorsky will conduct its X2 Raider aircraft development program utilizing military standards. The company expects to conduct its first major program milestone — a preliminary design review — in 2011. First flight, projected in four years, could depend in part on the pace of development and customer need.

Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., based in Stratford, Conn., is a world leader in helicopter design, manufacture and service. United Technologies Corp., based in Hartford, Conn., provides a broad range of high technology products and support services to the aerospace and building systems industries.

This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning potential production and sale of helicopters. Actual results may differ materially from those projected as a result of certain risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to changes in government procurement priorities and practices, budget plans or availability of funding or in the number of aircraft to be built; challenges in the design, development, production and support of advanced technologies; as well as other risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to those detailed from time to time in United Technologies Corporation’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings.


Video showing the new 'chopper' Fuel capacity pivotal in tanker bid: experts

Fuel capacity will be a major factor in deciding the outcome of the Air Force’s $35 billion KC-X tanker competition, which will likely be the Air Force’s last tanker buy for decades, according to an influential analyst and a former Air Force three-star general.

When looked at through this prism, “some differences” between Boeing’s updated KC-767-based offering and EADS’ larger Airbus A330-based offering could “really jump out” depending on the scenarios Air Force KC-X evaluators look at, Grant added.