sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2009

Pratt & Whitney Begins Testing of Advanced Core for PurePower(R) Engine Family


December 21, 2009

LONGUEUIL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - Dec. 21, 2009) -

Editors Note: Two photos for this release are available via Marketwire's website.

Pratt & Whitney has launched testing of a full-scale PurePower engine core, marking a major milestone in the development of the new generation of jet engines. The engine core - which consists of an ultra-efficient high pressure compressor, a low-emissions combustor, and an all new high pressure turbine - was designed jointly by Pratt & Whitney and MTU Aero Engines. The PurePower family of engines is designed to power the next generation of passenger aircraft, including large business jets, regional aircraft and the next generation of narrow-body jets. Pratt & Whitney is a United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX) company.

"The PurePower family of engines shares a common, advanced core across the PW800 and PW1000G Geared Turbofan engine models," said Bob Saia, vice president, Next Generation Product Family, Pratt & Whitney. "The PurePower engine core testing - combined with hundreds of hours of ground and flight testing accumulated on the PW1000G Geared Turbofan demonstrator engine - advances the maturity of this technology and brings us significantly closer to final validation and certification."

The engine core testing includes more than 1,200 individual measurements and leverages state of the art testing technologies, allowing Pratt & Whitney engineers to perform a broad scope of tests beyond what is normally possible at this stage of development. The core program aims to evaluate engine performance, operability and structural design characteristics of these key modules.

"This successful first run of the PurePower engine core marks a major step toward bringing an all-new, next generation engine to market," said Dan Breitman, vice president, PW800 Programs, Pratt & Whitney Canada. "The PurePower family of engines will deliver double-digit reductions in fuel burn, environmental emissions and engine noise making these products the most environmentally responsible in their class. The goal of this core testing is to validate the engine's design and confirm our efficiency targets."

The PW1000G Geared Turbofan engine has been selected as exclusive power for the Mitsubishi Regional Jet scheduled to enter service in 2014 and the Bombardier CSeries aircraft scheduled to enter service in 2013. After announcing the launch of these two new aircraft programs, Mitsubishi and Bombardier each have announced the receipt of a number of orders for these new models of aircraft. The PW1000G was also recently selected to power the proposed new Irkut MC-21 narrow-body jet scheduled to enter service in 2016. The PurePower PW800 engine is targeted to power the next generation of large business jets.

Pratt & Whitney is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines, space propulsion systems and industrial gas turbines. United Technologies, based in Hartford, Conn., is a diversified company providing high technology products and services to the global aerospace and building industries.

This release includes "forward-looking statements" concerning new products and anticipated future revenues. These matters are subject to risks and uncertainties and aircraft certification requirements under applicable regulations. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in forward looking statements include the health of the global economy, strength of end market demand in the commercial aerospace industry and financial condition of airlines; challenges in the design, development, production and support of advanced technologies and new products and services; and delays and disruption in delivery of materials and services from suppliers. For information identifying other important economic, political, regulatory, technological, competitive and other uncertainties, see UTC's 10-K and 10-Q Reports submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including the information under the headings "Business," "Risk Factors," "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and "Cautionary Note Concerning Factors that May Affect Future Results," as well as the information included in UTC's Current Reports on Form 8-K.

Ariane achievements highlighted in new films


To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the first Ariane launch, ESA, Arianespace and CNES, the French space agency, are showing two films on a large outdoor screen in the centre of Paris highlighting the successes of the rocket family.

These achievements underline Europe's exceptional capabilities supported by a common space ambition. The videos will soon be shown in a host of other European locations that are part of the Community of Ariane Cities (CVA), including Barcelona, Bremen, Lampoldshausen, Liège and Madrid. ESA is making the videos available online to ensure that all Europeans have a chance to view the history of the European space programme.

CVA is an association that assists the economic, cultural and educational development of the cities and citizens who contribute to European space activities. Major space industries are also members of the CVA, and ESA is an honorary member.

Ariane has launched some of ESA's most important missions of the past 30 years, including Giotto, XMM-Newton, Artemis, Envisat, Rosetta and ATV Jules Verne.  

F-22s Complete First Middle East Deployment


Fifth-Generation Fighters, Crews Part Of A Multinational Exercise

Airmen completed the first deployment of F-22 Raptors to the Middle
East in mid-December. The fifth-generation fighters and their crews
were in the area as part of a multinational exercise where pilots from
a variety of nations train together in fighting a large-scale air war.

Intento de ataque terrorista en un vuelo entre Amsterdam y Detroit


Autoridades investigan y aumentan la seguridad en aeropuertos este
sábado, después de que el viernes un nigeriano que podría tener
vínculos con Al Qaeda tratara de hacer estallar un explosivo en un
avión estadounidense que volaba entre Amsterdam y Detroit (norte de

El agresor fue identificado como Abdul Faruk Abdulmutallab, un
nigeriano de 23 años que según medios locales dijo al FBI tener
vínculos con Al Qaeda. Abdulmutallab fue detenido cuando el Airbus
A330 de la compañía Northwest Airlines aterrizó en Detroit con sus 278

Una persona que se identificó como miembro de Al Qaeda trató ayer de explotar un avión de Northwest con 278 pasajeros a bordo en Detroit


Fuentes de la lucha antiterrorista han confirmado que el presunto
responsable de la detonación, un pasajero de 23 años de nacionalidad
nigeriana, se ha identificado como miembro de Al Qaeda y ha
manifestado su intención de cometer un atentado en EE.UU. en el
momento de ser detenido.

5º aniversario patrulla ASPA


Con motivo del 5º aniversario de la Patrulla Aspa se celebraron unas
jornadas conmemorativas en la Base Aérea de Armilla. Se tuvo el honor
de contar con antiguos miembros así como antiguos jefes del Ala 78
partícipes del origen y evolución de nuestra patrulla.

Estas jornadas comenzaron el viernes 18 de diciembre con la recepción
de autoridades y antiguos miembros, concluyendo ese día con una cena
de confraternización de antiguos y actuales componentes.

Los eventos continuaron al día siguiente con una jornada de puertas
abiertas para familiares de la unidad. Se proyecto en el Salón de
Actos un documental acerca de los orígenes y evolución de la Patrulla
Aspa. Éste fue seguido de un concierto de la agrupación musical "Villa
de Otura".

Durante toda la mañana, el personal asistente pudo disfrutar de
atracciones infantiles en el hangar de mantenimiento.

A las 12:00 horas la meteorología dio un respiro permitiendo que la
Patrulla deleitara con una magnifica exhibición donde el "solo"
estrenó el sistema de humos instalado recientemente en la Maestranza
Aérea de Madrid (MAESMA). Esta fue acompañada por otra exhibición de
la Patrulla Aspa Radio Control (RC), donde por primera vez en esta
unidad vimos volar a la maqueta del EC-120.

A continuación los componentes de la Patrulla Aspa firmaron poster al
personal asistente, regalando a los niños presentes camisetas
conmemorativas del 5º aniversario.

Además hubo exposición estática de un HE-24 y de dos HE-25 en el
hangar de mantenimiento, donde el personal asistente pudo conocer de
cerca el material con el que operamos y compartir en cierto modo las
sensaciones que experimentamos al volar con ellos. Al mismo tiempo la
Patrulla Aspa RC dispuso de simuladores de vuelo de helicópteros de
radiocontrol donde pudimos apreciar la dificultad que tiene y por lo
tanto el mérito de esta Patrulla hermana.

Las jornadas concluyeron con un ágape ofrecido en el comedor de la
base para todo el personal.

Estas jornadas sirvieron para conmemorar una fecha tan especial como
el 5º aniversario de la querida Patrulla Aspa y al mismo tiempo poner
de manifiesto el lado humano de todos sus componentes.