jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

Airbus reveals A400M's debut flight test plan


Airbus Military has revealed its long-term flight-test programme for
the A400M transport, with its first example expected to launch the
schedule with a 3h debut flight late next week.

Aircraft MSN001 has already completed several medium-speed taxi trials
to above 80kt (148km/h), and should make high-speed runs this weekend,
says Eric Isorce, head of the A400M integrated flight-test operations
team. The work will culminate in a rejected take-off run at about

Japan seeks a Substitute for F-22


December 3, 2009: Japan has grounded all of its F-15J fighters until
it can figure out what exactly caused one of its F-15s to shed several
parts during a recent air show. Seven pieces fell off the aircraft as
it made a sharp turn..

This sort of thing makes Japan even more eager to find a modern
fighter to replace its 118 F-4 and 202 F-15 aircraft. With China and
Russia putting more new fighters into service, Japan sees a threat.
Japan has made several efforts to buy the U.S. F-22, without success.

Cessna Delivers 300th Citation X

"The Citation X continues to be a popular aircraft all over the world, including Europe. The exceptional speed, reliability, and cabin comfort offered by the Citation X have contributed to its great success," said Trevor Esling, Cessna's vice president, International Sales.

The Citation X is the world's fastest non-military aircraft with a top speed of .92 Mach, just under the speed of sound. Since launch, Cessna has delivered more than 45 Citation Xs to the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East, and Africa).

Presagis enhances and streamlines modeling and simulation workflow

The WWDB from Presagis is a synthetic global database based on the Common Database (CDB) standard that allows developers to seamlessly add and refine geographic zones of anywhere in the world using commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) software. With the Utilities Manager, users can easily manage multiple software applications and databases, helping to streamline the process of creating and running complex distributed simulations. These new tools follow other major product releases from the company, including STAGE 6.0, Vega Prime 3.0, Terra Vista 6.0, and Creator 4.0. All of these releases support the Aeria vision and feature deep cross-product interoperability

Alas Rojas: la aviación bolchevique en blanco y negro

  • El gobierno de Lenin encargó el libro para mostrar el potencial de su aviación
  • Ródchenko puso su impronta vanguardista en las fotos de esta recopilación
  • 'Soviet Aviation' muestra 262 imágenes de aviones y pilotos soviéticos
  • Los autores presentaron el libro en la Feria de Nueva York de 1939
  • El estado ruso pidió que los artistas renunciaran a los derechos intelectuales

Navegacion aérea

El Cielo Único europeo, prioridad de la presidencia española de la UE

Fomento e Industria firman un acuerdo de navegación aérea

Boeing unveils new display for flight simulation

ORLANDO, Fla., 2 Dec. 2009 Boeing released a new simulation display
for flight training called the Constant Resolution Visual System
(CRVS) today at the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and
Education Conference (I/ITSEC) in Orlando, Fla.

787 first flight targets 14 December

787 first flight targets 14 December

After two long years, first flight countdown begins again for 787
However, Boeing is actively preparing ZA001 for its first flight, which could come as early as December 14, according to several program sources. The new date accelerates the internal schedule for first flight by about eight days, reflecting the program's rising confidence.

En español solo encontramos...
Realizará Boeing primer vuelo de avión 787