miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009

Shanghái albergará la planta de ensamblaje del C-919, el "jumbo" chino

Shanghái albergará la planta de ensamblaje del C-919, el "jumbo" chino

La Corporación de Aeronaves Comerciales de China (COMAC, en sus siglas
en inglés) firmó un acuerdo con el gobierno del Nuevo Distrito de
Pudong, la zona económica especial de Shanghái, para instalar allí el
centro de ensamblaje de la aeronave comercial C-919, el futuro "jumbo"

Pudong gets C919 final assembly line
Construction of the Pudong base will start by year-end, and it targets
to manufacture 20 homegrown C919 jets and 50 ARJ 21-series planes
annually by 2016, the company said.

Russia completes Algerian Sukhoi deliveries


Russia has completed the delivery of 28 Su-30MKA Flanker-C multi-role
fighters to Algeria.

The French ADIT research agency says the IRKUT Corporation at Irkutsk
manufacturer has built a total of 28 Su-30MKA fighters for Algeria
under a $2.5 billion contract signed in 2006.

A330MRTT transfiere combustible a dos C-15 (EF/A-18) Españoles


El A-330 MRTT de MTAD, ahora Airbus Military, ha superado otro hito en la base aérea de Getafe, repostando simultáneamente dos cazas C-15 del Ejército del Aire de España.

MINT flights demonstrate fuel savings of 165 kg - leading to more than 500 kg reduction in CO2 emissions per landing


Novair Airbus A321 demonstration flights into Stockholm Arlanda Airport reveal positive results from MINT Project.

25  November  2009

The MINT project sees the last in a series of 10 demonstration flights with a Novair Airbus A321 aircraft dedicated to investigate how modern aircraft are able to support performance based operations, leading to significant reductions in emissions and noise impact, also importantly improving the predictability in the air transport system.

Based on the experiences and results from flights flown during the summer into Stockholm Arlanda Airport, the MINT project (Minimum CO2 in Terminal Manoeuvring Area) demonstrates today the procedure during a flight dedicated to stakeholders and media. Representatives from the EU Transport Council will be on board, as well as, among others: CANSO, airline operators, and Airbus Head of ATM, Senior Vice President Eric Stefanello.

Cobham Helicopter Stability, Autopilot System Receives First FAA Certification


Cobham's HeliSAS two-axis helicopter stability and autopilot system has received its first Supplemental Type Certification (STC) from the FAA for use in a Robinson model R44 aircraft. Working with Hoh Aeronautics, Inc. of Lomita, California, Cobham is in the process of achieving HeliSAS certification for use on the Bell 206, Bell 407, Eurocopter AS350, and U.S. Navy's Bell-made TH-57 helicopters.

Nuevas formas de navegacion aerea para ahorrar combustible

OACI-Impulsando la Eficiencia 



The objective of the Journal is to provide a concise account of the activities of the International Civil Aviation Organization and to feature additional information of interest to Contracting States and the international aeronautical world.

Hand-over ceremony of 200th Eurofighter production aircraft to customers at EADS Defence & Security's Military Aviation Centre Manching


A military ceremony set the scene for the hand-over of the 200th Eurofighter production aircraft from EADS Defence & Security (DS) to the operator, the German Air Force. The event, which summarized all deliveries from the four international final assembly facilities, took place this Tuesday at the Military Aviation Centre of DS' business unit Military Air System (MAS) and gathered both the industrial as well as the military Eurofighter community. In his opening speech Bernhard Gerwert, CEO of MAS and chairman of the supervisory board of the Eurofighter GmbH, welcomed particularily the managing director of the international customer management organisation NETMA, Lieutenant General Antonino Altorio and his deputy Werner Sabarz, Lieutenant General Peter Schelzig, Commanding Officer Air Force Command, German Air Force, and Enzo Casolini, CEO of the industrial management organisation Eurofighter GmbH.

Piloto suizo intentará unir en vuelo en un ala a reacción África y Europa


El piloto suizo Yves Rossy intentará el miércoles volar desde África hasta Europa, entre Tánger (norte de Marruecos) y Atlanterra (sur de España), utilizando alas equipadas con reactores y su cuerpo como fuselaje, anunció el martes su equipo técnico.

China Promises New, Advanced Fighter


China has the resources and technology--some of it obtained quasi-legally and illegally--to build a fifth-generation fighter, say U.S. Air Force and intelligence officials. But Beijing's aerospace industry may be missing key skills needed for it to match the performance of advanced, Western-built combat aircraft.

Related / Relacionado

76ª Sesión del Foro Aeroespacial de Andalucía: 'El Ejército del Aire: Presente y Futuro Aeroespacial'


mar 1 de dic 7:30pm – 9pm

Salón de Grados (planta alta, ala sur), ESI, Camino de los Descubrimientos, S/N

Ponente: D. Antonio Valderrábano López,
General de División
y Director de Enseñanza del Mando de Personal del Ejército del Aire.

Asistencia libre.