lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009
La Escuela de Ingeniería Aeronáutica y del Espacio busca su logotipo
Aeronáuticos. La nueva escuela, busca su logo.
Concurso abierto a Alumnos, PDI y PAS de ambas Escuelas y a Ingenieros
Aeronáuticos e Ingenieros Técnicos Aeronáuticos titulados por la UPM
Bases Del Concurso
Eurocopter lightning test results verify finite element analysis
Lightning strike tests at Eurocopter's Donauwörth facility have
verified finite element analysis accuracy for carbonfibre structure
current flow simulation, according to a European research consortium.
Plan Garoña y las empresas mirandesas
La oferta de Industria de 25 millones en ayudas y préstamos para el
entorno de la central nuclear ha despertado interés en al menos 6
iniciativas de Miranda y una de Briviesca
En general, las iniciativas surgen principalmente por parte de
empresas mirandesas -6 en total hasta la fecha- que desean o bien
desarrollar destacados proyectos de ampliación de sus instalaciones
(caso de Grupo Aciturri Aeronáutica y el CTME) o bien iniciar nuevas
actividades empresariales.
Ucrania y Rusia crearán una empresa mixta de navegación por satélite
"Hemos logrado un sustancial avance en la negociación de este proyecto en los últimos seis meses. Ya concluyó felizmente la etapa de coordinaciones por parte de Ucrania, y toca a su fin la correspondiente a Rusia·", agregó Zínchenko.
ICAO adopts framework document on alternative fuels
ICAO conference in Rio de Janeiro last week adopted a "Global Framework on Aviation and Alternative Fuels" endorsing the use of sustainable alternative fuels for aviation, "particularly the use of drop-in fuels in the short to mid-term." The "dynamic Web-based document" will be located on the ICAO website and "will serve as a global platform for the sharing of information, best practices and future initiatives by ICAO member states and the air transport industry."
This initiative is part of a declaration and related recommendations adopted by the conference, to be brought to the climate change talks scheduled in Copenhagen next month. The Declaration will subsequently be presented to the Organization's triennial Assembly in the fall of 2010.
Closing Remarks by the Director, Air Transport Bureau, International Civil Aviation Organization ( I C A O )
Solar Impulse takes to the runway
Gizmag has followed closely the progress of Solar Impulse from back when it was just a dream through to it latest developments, which now include it's recent runway test.
"The runway tests are necessary and involve a certain amount of risk for the landing gear. The chances of damaging the plane are greatest during low-speed ground maneuvers. The faster the plane goes the more lift it gets from its wings, meaning that there is less load on the wheels", explained André Borschberg, co-founder and CEO of Solar Impulse.
Harvesting energy from vehicle air flow using piezoelectrics
Previously, we've looked at technology to generate electricity from
roads embedded with piezoelectric crystals that produce electricity
when squeezed. Now a group of researchers is looking to shift the
technology from the road to the vehicles themselves and use
piezoelectrics placed on the vehicles to convert their kinetic energy
into electricity.
[...] These piezoelectric devices might be mounted on the roof or tail
of a car or on an airplane fuselage where they would vibrate inside a
flow, producing an output voltage.
Aena acoge en Barcelona el ACI-Airport Exchange 2009
Durante estos tres días, Aena será la anfitriona de un encuentro que
reunirá a más de 1.500 expertos relacionados con el sector del
transporte aéreo de Europa. En estas jornadas, los mayores expertos
del sector aeroportuario se reunirán en el Centre de Convencions
Internacional de Barcelona (CCIB) para debatir aspectos como la
seguridad aérea, operaciones aeroportuarias, desarrollo aeroportuario
y relaciones con los proveedores, tecnologías de la información,
handling y medioambiente. Se realizarán siete conferencias con más de
150 ponentes, además de dos actos sociales patrocinados por Aena.