jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

Se implantan el CDA (Continuous Descent approach) para ahorrar combustible.

El decano del Colegio Oficial de Pilotos de Aviación Civil (Copac),
Luis Lacasa, explica que con este sistema de descenso continuo "a unos
180 kilómetros de distancia el piloto pone los motores al ralentí y
desciende como planeando. A unos 11 kilómetros de la pista empezaría a
meter potencia para realizar el aterrizaje normal".

Más info sobre el CDA:
Continuous Descent Approach Brochure 335KB



Reducen el precio del Puente Aéreo para competir con el AVE


Viernes 13-11-2009

Madrid.- La compañía aérea española Iberia ha reducido sus precios en el Puente Aéreo en un 35% al sacar una nueva tarifa de 129 euros por trayecto, comprando ida y vuelta.


Chineese fifth generation fighter

China expects fifth generation fighter in 10 years


Chengdu Aircraft, the country's leading fighter manufacturer, is developing the fighter with Shenyang Aircraft, Ho Weirong, deputy commander of the Chinese air force said during a television interview with state-owned CCTV.

Is this China's 5th Generation Fighter?


Zhuhai, Nov.05 (China Defense Mashup Report by Johnathan Weng) — Today one image, which printed on a demonstration plate in 2008 Zhuhai Airshow, attracts attentions from professional visitors, just because this picture maybe unleash some informations of PLA Air Force's next generation fighter.

Images from here

According to the report from Jane's, development of the subsystems, including the engine and weapon suite for the next generation fighter, has been under way for some time. A photograph of a wind tunnel model published with the article showed a twin-engine aircraft with twin vertical tail fins. The article text mentioned that the aircraft would carry its weapons internally like the F-22 Raptor. New Scientist called attention to the angular, faceted features of the design, comparing them to the F-117 Nighthawk. Jane's also linked the programme with China's development of an engine with thrust vectoring capability.

UAVS contra los Piratas

El ejército de Estados Unidos desplegó sus aviones teledirigidos MQ-9
Reaper para controlar el océano Índico con su sistema de visión
infrarroja total, informa la BBC.
El hecho de que haya ocurrido ya un ataque en un lugar más alejado de
la costa demuestra que la piratería se debe combatir en un área mucho
más amplia. El martes, un barco petrolero fue atacado a unas 1.000
millas náuticas (1.850 kilómetros) de la costa de Somalia.

Ya recomendamos un artículo similar, en inglés, aquí

Vietnam Airlines in discussions to acquire A380s


Reports from Asia, citing an executive from Airbus parent company
EADS, indicate that Vietnam Airlines is seeking four of the type.

Video-game-based cultural training simulations shave lives


November 12, 2009: The U.S. Army is expanding its library of
video-game-based cultural training simulations to include areas where
U.S. troops are not fighting, and never expect to be fighting.

Boeing completes first round of 747-8F gauntlet tests


Gauntlet testing places the aircraft in a closed loop simulation that
"fools" the aircraft systems into thinking they are flying. The
factory gauntlet also represents the first major test of all of the
aircraft systems as they operate in unison.

Boeing, Falck Schmidt Explore Fuel Cell, Composite Applications


Companies Sign A Memorandum Of Understanding For Cooperation

Boeing and Odense-based Falck Schmidt Defence Systems A/S announced
Tuesday that Boeing Research & Technology will assess Falck Schmidt
fuel cell products for potential use in Boeing renewable-energy power
systems for military platforms.

The announcement followed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding
between the two companies that also points to potential opportunities
for the use of Falck Schmidt composite components and materials in
Boeing Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) rotorcraft programs.

Las Fuerzas Aéreas Peruanas desarrollan su UAV


Según informa el diario 'La República', se trata del Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) o Vehículo no Tripulado de unos 58 kilos. Como su propio nombre lo indica, no requiere de un piloto para poder despegar, volar y aterrizar.

La NASA reproduce en el laboratorio un componente clave para la vida


Se trata del uracilo, un componente clave en nuestro material hereditario, que puede encontrarse en cualquier criatura viva en el planeta. El descubrimiento puede ayudar a los astrobiólogos a comprender cómo se originó o de dónde llegó la primera esencia animada que colonizó nuestra pequeña bola azul.

Conferencia: La Cohetería en la República Argentina

Para nuestros lectores Argentinos que tengan a mano el Museo Nacional de la Aeronáutica


Pakistan Buying Chinese J-10 Fighters

Defense Industry Daily


Pakistan and China have been cooperating for a number of years on the JF-17/ FC-1 Thunder, a low-medium performance, low-cost aircraft that has attracted interest and orders from a number of 3rd World air forces. In November 2009, a long-rumored deal was announced for China's Jian-10/ FC-20 4+ generation fighter, whose overall performance compares well with the F-16C/D Block 52 aircraft that Pakistan has ordered from the United States.
The J-10 has been reported as a derivative of the 1980s Israeli Lavi project

Strategy Page

November 12, 2009: China has agreed to sell Pakistan it's domestically designed J-10 fighter. China and Pakistan have also jointly developed the JF-17, and Pakistan is buying up to 300 of these. The J-10 is, on paper, superior to the JF-17. Pakistan would like to buy up to a hundred J-10s, but that will depend on whether the cash will be available. The first 36 J-10s bought will cost close to $39 million each (with spare parts and maintenance support.)