martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

Software prevents fatal crashes, scientists say

Every year, one or two pilots die because they couldn't get their bearings in time. Now, scientists for the Air Force and Lockheed Martin Corp. think they can virtually eliminate those fatal accidents with onboard computer software that takes control of the Fighting Falcon when it goes into a deadly dive.
"We looked at past accidents and this would have prevented 98 percent of them," said Don Swihart, program manager of the Fighter Risk Reduction Program at the Air Force Research Lab.

Concesión de Ayudas reembonsables para Airbus (desarrollo del 350)

Real Decreto 1666/2009, de 6 de noviembre, por el que se regula la concesión directa de anticipos reembolsables a la filial española de Airbus SAS denominada Airbus Operations S.L para su participación en el programa de desarrollo de la nueva familia de aviones Airbus A350 XWB.

España califica las ayudas a Airbus de inversión de Estado

Low Passes Cost his Pilot License

After making several low passes over the Santa Monica Pier in November
of 2008, pilot David G. Riggs lost his flying priveleges and still
faces criminal misdemeanor charges for what turned out to be a
publicity stunt for an as-yet-unreleased movie. While Riggs had a
court date set for Monday, the incident has prompted the FAA in the
region to take a closer look at the private ownership of military
aircraft certified in the "Experimental" category.

Nano Tubes News

Making Carbon Nanotubes into Long Fibers
Researchers have taken a step towards making carbon nanotubes into
transmission wires.

Producing carbon nanotubes on an industrial scale

Carbon nanotubes promise to revolutionize everything from medicine to electronics and power generation. Unfortunately nanotubes are notoriously hard to work with and chemists worldwide have struggled for years to even make them. Now researchers have unveiled a method for the industrial-scale processing of pure carbon nanotube fibers that builds upon the tried-and-true processes that chemical firms have used for decades to produce plastics.

VIDEO "Andalusia Takes Off": la industria aeronáutica auxiliar de Andalucía en Internet‏

Andalusia Takes Off from Oscar Romero V. on Vimeo.